8,710 research outputs found

    Partnering with Medicaid to Advance and Sustain the Goals of the Child Welfare System

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    The purpose of this paper is to serve as a practical guide for child welfare directors who are looking to expand or sustain services for the children and families that they serve. This paper focuses on ways to partner with Medicaid to leverage opportunities to provide high quality services for children in child welfare who have behavioral health needs. It also includes information that will provide a foundational understanding of the behavioral health needs of children involved with the child welfare system, with an emphasis on describing child behavior through the lens of child development, adaptive functioning, and trauma; the services that can effectively address those behavioral and trauma related responses that can disrupt a child's skills and abilities; and, examples from states and counties who are providing these services and supports

    Exploring the Impact of Targeted Distribution of Free Bed Nets on Households Bed Net Ownership, Socio-Economic Disparities and Childhood Malaria Infection Rates: Analysis of National Malaria Survey Data from three Sub-Saharan Africa countries.

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    The last decade has witnessed increased funding for malaria control. Malaria experts have used the opportunity to advocate for rollout of such interventions as free bed nets. A free bed net distribution strategy is seen as the quickest way to improve coverage of effective malaria control tools especially among poorest communities. Evidence to support this claim is however, sparse. This study explored the effectiveness of targeted free bed net distribution strategy in achieving equity in terms of ownership and use of bed nets and also reduction of malaria prevalence among children under-five years of age. National malaria indicator survey (MIS) data from Angola, Tanzania and Uganda was used in the analysis. Hierarchical multilevel logistic regression models were used to analyse the relationship between variables of interest. Outcome variables were defined as: childhood test-confirmed malaria infections, household ownership of any mosquito net and children's use of any mosquito nets. Marginal effects of having free bed net distribution on households with different wealth status were calculated. Angolan children from wealthier households were 6.4 percentage points less likely to be parasitaemic than those in poorest households, whereas those from Tanzania and Uganda were less likely to test malaria positive by 7 and 11.6 percentage points respectively (p < 0.001). The study estimates and present results on the marginal effects based on the impact of free bed net distribution on children's malaria status given their socio-economic background. Poorest households were less likely to own a net by 21.4% in Tanzania, and 2.8% in Uganda, whereas both poorer and wealthier Angolan households almost achieved parity in bed net ownership (p < 0.001). Wealthier households had a higher margin of using nets than poorest people in both Tanzania and Uganda by 11.4% and 3.9% respectively. However, the poorest household in Angola had a 6.1% net use advantage over children in wealthier households (p < 0.001). This is the first study to use nationally representative data to explore inequalities in bed net ownership and related consequences on childhood malaria infection rates across different countries. While targeted distribution of free bed nets improved overall bed net ownership, it did not overcome ownership inequalities as measured by household socioeconomic status. Use of bed nets was disproportionately lower among poorest children, except for Angola where bed net use was higher among poorest households when compared to children in wealthier households. The study highlights the need for malaria control world governing bodies and policy makers to continue working on finding appropriate strategies to improve access to effective malaria control tools especially by the poorest who often times bears the brunt of malaria burden than their wealthier counterparts

    Pengaruh Media Regenerasi terhadap Pembentukan Tunas Aksiler dan Adventif pada Philodendron C.v. Moon Light

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    . Philodendron merupakan tanaman hias daun yang menarik dan banyak digemari oleh konsumen, tetapi pengembangan tanaman ini secara komersial masih dihadapkan pada masalah perbanyakan benih. Studi ini bertujuan mengetahui pengaruh beberapa media regenerasi terhadap induksi tunas aksiler dan adventif, penyiapan plantlet, dan aklimatisasinya. Penelitian dilakukan di Laboratorium Kultur Jaringan dan Rumah Kaca Balai Penelitian Tanaman Hias, Segunung dari bulan November 2004 hingga Mei 2005. Bahan tanaman adalah philodendron c.v. Moon Light. Sebagian percobaan disusun menggunakan rancangan acak lengkap dengan 4 ulangan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa media MR-2 yang mengandung 0,2 mg/l BAP + 0,01 mg/l NAA + 15 g/l sukrosa dan 15 g/l glukosa merupakan media regenerasi yang terbaik pada perbanyakan philodendron cv. Moon Light secara in vitro. Media ini mampu menginduksi penggandaan tunas aksiler dan tunas adventif terbaik dibanding media regenerasi yang lain dengan persentase regenerasi mencapai 90% untuk tunas aksiler dan 50% untuk tunas adventif. Produksi tunas mencapai 6,2 tunas per eksplan untuk tunas aksiler dan 3,1 tunas per eksplan untuk tunas adventif. Dengan mengganti agar Swallow dengan gelrite, media ini juga menjadi media terbaik untuk penyiapan plantlet untuk tujuan aklimatisasi, terutama pada tunas yang telah mengalami 4-5 subkultur. Plantlet yang dihasilkan juga mudah diaklimatisasi pada media arang sekam dengan keberhasilan mencapai 94%

    Mars rover sample return: An exobiology science scenario

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    A mission designed to collect and return samples from Mars will provide information regarding its composition, history, and evolution. At the same time, a sample return mission generates a technical challenge. Sophisticated, semi-autonomous, robotic spacecraft systems must be developed in order to carry out complex operations at the surface of a very distant planet. An interdisciplinary effort was conducted to consider how much a Mars mission can be realistically structured to maximize the planetary science return. The focus was to concentrate on a particular set of scientific objectives (exobiology), to determine the instrumentation and analyses required to search for biological signatures, and to evaluate what analyses and decision making can be effectively performed by the rover in order to minimize the overhead of constant communication between Mars and the Earth. Investigations were also begun in the area of machine vision to determine whether layered sedimentary structures can be recognized autonomously, and preliminary results are encouraging

    Using Multi-method Assessment to Evaluate a Media Enhanced Classroom

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    This paper looks at the process of assessment of a media-enhanced classroom experience. It utilizes an assessment model based on Rathbun and Goodrum (8) that suggests multi-methods of data collection. The use of triangulation (3) to answer a research question fits into the proposed multi-method design. The Living Textbook was developed to support a senior level management class in a Recreation and Park Administration program. The instructor identified four instructional goals of the multi-media program: Triangulation techniques included group observations, individual student observations, data based and open ended surveys, and debriefing of instructors. The results suggested that usability/accessibility were essential precursors to students developing receptivity to the multimedia program. When receptivity was achieved students valued the program as a contributor to their base of knowledge about the real work world. The use of student workbooks where opportunities for learning by doing occurred and in-class discussions in small groups were strongly linked to valuing the Living Textbook

    The Circumstellar Disk of the Butterfly Star in Taurus

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    We present a model of the circumstellar environment of the so-called ``Butterfly Star'' in Taurus (IRAS 04302+2247). The appearance of this young stellar object is dominated by a large circumstellar disk seen edge-on and the light scattering lobes above the disk. The model is based on multi-wavelength continuum observations: Millimeter maps and high-resolution near-infrared images obtained with HST/NICMOS. It was found that the disk and envelope parameters are comparable with those of the circumstellar environment of other young stellar objects. A main result is that the dust properties must be different in the circumstellar disk and in the envelope: While a grain size distribution with grain radii up to 100 micron is required to reproduce the millimeter observations of the disk, the envelope is dominated by smaller grains similar to those of the interstellar medium. Preprint with high figure quality available at: http://spider.ipac.caltech.edu/staff/swolf/homepage/public/preprints/i04302.psComment: 32 pages, 9 figure
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