306 research outputs found


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    In my thesis, I present three projects on which I have worked during my Ph.D. studies. All of them focus on software protection in the Java environment with static and dynamic techniques for control-flow and data-dependency analysis. More specifically, the first two works are dedicated to the problem of deserialization of untrusted data in Java. In the first, I present a defense system that was designed for protecting the Java Virtual Machine, along with the results that were obtained. In the second, I present a recent research project that aims at automatic generation of deserialization attacks, to help identifying them and increasing protection. The last discussed work concerns another branch of software protection: the authentication on short-distance channels (or the lack thereof) in Android APKs. In said work, I present a tool that was built for automatically identifying the presence of high-level authentication in Android apps. I thoroughly discuss experiments, limitations and future work for all three projects, concluding with general principles that bring these works together, and can be applied when facing related security issues in high-level software protection

    Prevention of neurological injuries during mandibular third molar surgery: technical notes

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    Surgery to the mandibular third molar is common, and injuries to the inferior alveolar nerve and the lingual nerve are well-recognized complications of this procedure. The aim of these technical notes is to describe operative measures for reducing neurological complications during mandibular third molar surgery. The following procedure should be used to prevent damage to the inferior alveolar nerve: a well-designed mucoperiosteal flap, to obtain appropriate access to the surgical area; a conservative ostectomy on the distal and distal-lingual side; tooth sectioning, to facilitate its removal by decreasing the retention zones; tooth dislocation in the path of withdrawal imposed by the curvature of the root apex; and careful socket debridement, when the roots of the extracted tooth are in intimate contact with the mandibular canal. To prevent injury to the lingual nerve, it is important (I) to assess the integrity of the mandibular inner cortex and exclude the presence of fenestration, which could cause the dislocation of the tooth or its fragment into the sublingual or submandibular space; (II) to avoid inappropriate or excessive dislocation proceedings, in order to prevent lingual cortex fracture; (III) to perform horizontal mesial-distal crown sectioning of the lingually inclined tooth; (IV) to protect the lingual flap with a retractor showing the cortical ridge; and (V) to pass the suture not too apically and from the inner side in a buccal-lingual direction in the retromolar are

    Detecting (Absent) App-to-app authentication on cross-device short-distance channels

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    Short-distance or near-field communication is increasingly used by mobile apps for interacting or exchanging data in a cross-device fashion. In this paper, we identify a security issue, namely cross-device app-to-app communication hijacking (or CATCH), that affect Android apps using short-distance channels (e.g., Bluetooth and Wi-Fi-Direct). This issue causes unauthenticated or malicious app-to-app interactions even when the underlying communication channels are authenticated and secured. In addition to discovering the security issue, we design an algorithm based on data-flow analysis for detecting the presence of CATCH in Android apps. Our algorithm checks if a given app contains an app-to-app authentication scheme, necessary for preventing CATCH. We perform experiments on a set of Android apps and show the CATCH problem is always present on the whole analyzed applications set. We also discuss the impact of the problem in real scenarios by presenting two real case studies. At the end of the paper we reported limitations of our model along with future improvements

    Grain size reduction strategies on Eurofer

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    One of the options currently taken into account for the realization of the first DEMO reactor is the "water-cooled blanket". This option implies a minimum irradiation temperature for the blanket material in the range of 280–350 °C. In addition to the DBTT (Ductile to Brittle Transition Temperature) shift due to the DPA (displacement per atom) damage under irradiation, also the issue of the increased embrittlement due to He production must be taken into account. This issue appears even more detrimental and less manageable because the DBBT shift due to the Helium production does not saturate with the dose, as it results from previous works reported in literature. The experimental results and the difference in behaviour between ODS (Oxide Dispersion Strengthened Steels) RAFM (Reduced Activation Ferritic Martensitic) and other FM (Ferritic Martensitic) alloys (EM10, P91) showed that it is possible to improve the resistance to He embrittlement by both intra-granular precipitation of Y-Ti oxides and by decreasing the grain size at the same time. Nevertheless, anyway, the multiplication of the grain boundaries increases the dilution of He on grain surface, delaying the formation of He bubbles on grain boundaries and, therefore, the susceptibility to the He embrittlement. Several grain size reduction strategies have then been investigated on EUROFER both at the austenitization stage, on the PAGS (Prior Austenite Grain Size), and at the tempering stage, on the tempered martensite. The microstructural observations have been carried out by means of SEM (Scanning Electron Microscopy). Also the effect of grain size reduction on the toughness of the material will be taken into account; The DBTTs resulting from impact tests on KLST specimens will be shown. The outcomes of the microstructural observations, as well as the preliminary mechanical characterization (impact tests) will be discussed in this paper. Keywords: EUROFER 97, RAFM steels, Microstructure, Multiple normalization, Asymmetric rolling, Recrystallization, KLS

    Erratum to: Molecular modelling study of 2-phenylethynyladenosine (PEAdo) derivatives as highly selective A3 adenosine receptor ligands

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    A series of 2-phenylethynyladenosine (PEAdo) derivatives substituted in the N6- and 4′position was synthesised and the new derivatives were tested at the four human adenosine receptors stably transfected into Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells, using radioligand binding studies (A1, A2A, A3) or adenylyl cyclase activity assay (A2B). Binding studies showed that the presence of a phenyl ethynyl group in the 2 position of adenosine favoured the interaction with A3 receptors, resulting in compounds endowed with high affinity and selectivity for the A3 subtype. Additional substitution of the N6- and 4′position increases both A3 affinity and selectivity. The results showed that the new compounds have a good affinity for the A3 receptor and in particular, the N6-methoxy-2-phenylethynyl-5′N-methylcarboxamidoadenosine, with a Ki at A3 of 1.9 nM and a selectivity A1/A3 and A2A/A3 of 4,800- and 8,600-fold, respectively. Therefore, it is one of the most potent and selective agonists at the human A3 adenosine receptor subtype reported so far. Furthermore, functional assays of inhibition of 10 μM forskolin-stimulated cAMP production via the adenosine A3 receptor revealed that the new trisubstituted adenosine derivatives behave as full agonist of this receptor subtype. Docking analysis of these compounds was performed at a homology model of the human A3 receptor based on the bovine rhodopsin crystal structure as template, and the results are in accordance with the biological data

    2- and 8-alkynyl-9-ethyladenines: Synthesis and biological activity at human and rat adenosine receptors

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    The synthesis of a series of 9-ethyladenine derivatives bearing alkynyl chains in 2- or 8-position was undertaken, based on the observation that replacement of the sugar moiety in adenosine derivatives with alkyl groups led to adenosine receptor antagonists. All the synthesized compounds were tested for their affinity at human and rat A1, A2A, and A3 adenosine receptors in binding assays; the activity at the human A2B receptor was determined in adenylyl cyclase experiments. Biological data showed that the 2-alkynyl derivatives possess good affinity and are slightly selective for the human A2A receptor. The same compounds tested on the rat A1 and A2A subtypes showed in general lower affinity for both receptors. On the other hand, the affinity of the 8-alkynyl derivatives at the human A1, A2A, and A2B receptors proved to be lower than that of the corresponding 2-alkynyl derivatives. On the contrary, the affinity of the same compounds for the human A3 receptor was improved, resulting in A3 selectivity. As in the case of the 2-alkynyl-substituted compounds, the 8-alkynyl derivatives showed decreased affinity for rat receptors. However, it is worthwhile to note that the 8-phenylethynyl-9-ethyladenine was the most active compound of the two series (Ki in the nanomolar range) at both the human and rat A3 subtype. Docking experiments of the 2- and 8-phenylethynyl-9-ethyladenines, at a rhodopsin-based homology model, gave a rational explanation of the preference of the human A3 receptor for the 8-substituted compound

    Child healthcare services offered by the Vatican City State in its national territory and in extra-territorial neighboring Italian areas

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    Pediatric healthcare activity related to the Vatican City State is carried out at secondary and tertiary levels in the two main pediatric territorial and extra-territorial medical centers, which are administered by the Vatican: the Bambino Gesu Pediatric Hospital and the Mother and Child pediatric Department of the Casa Sollievo della Sofferenza Medical Center. Both centers are recognized by the Italian State and internationally with the formal legal status of Scientific Institutes for Clinical Research. The relations established between the Holy See, in the person of the Secretary of State, the Board of Directors, the President of the Board, and the Board of Auditors regulate the management of the two medical centers. The child healthcare and research activity of the two Vatican State administered medical centers is described in this article

    Influence of endodontic treatment on systemic oxidative stress

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    Introduction: An increased production of oxidizing species related to reactive oral diseases, such as chronic apical periodontitis, could have systemic implications such as an increase in cardiovascular morbidity. Based on this consideration, we conducted a prospective study to assess whether subjects affected by chronic periodontitis presented with higher values of oxidative stress than reference values before endodontic treatment, and whether endodontic treatment can reduce the oxidative imbalance and bring it back to normal in these subjects. Materials and methods: The authors recruited 2 groups of patients from private studies and dental clinics: these patients were recruited randomly. The oxidative balance in both patients with chronic apical periodontitis (CAP) and healthy control patients was determined by measuring the oxidant status, using an identification of the reactive oxygen metabolites (d-ROMs) test, while the antioxidant status in these patients was determined using a biological antioxidant potential (BAP) test. Both these tests were carried on plasma samples taken from enrolled patients. Values were measured both before the endodontic treatment of the patients with chronic apical periodontitis, and 30 and 90 days after treatment, and compared to those obtained from healthy control patients. Results: It was found that, on recruitment, the patients with chronic apical periodontitis exhibited significantly higher levels of oxidative stress than control patients, as determined by the d-ROMs and BAP tests. Furthermore, the d-ROMs test values were shown to decrease and the BAP test values to increase over time in patients with chronic apical periodontitis following endodontic therapy. As the levels of oxidative stress in these patients tended to reduce and return to normal by 90 days following treatment. Conclusions: This study has demonstrated a positive association between chronic apical periodontitis and oxidative stress. Subjects affected by chronic apical periodontitis are exposed to a condition of oxidative stress, which is extremely dangerous to general health. Moreover, one can infer from these findings that through proper endodontic therapy, a good oxidative balance can be restored, thereby avoiding the risk of contracting the abovementioned diseases. © Ivyspring International Publisher

    Radioterapia intraoperatoria nei tumori maligni avanzati estesi all’orecchio medio: valutazione da uno studio retrospettivo

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    Obiettivo dello studio è stato quello di valutare la sicurezza, l’efficacia e i risultati funzionali della radioterapia intraoperatoria (IORT) seguita dalla radioterapia a intensità modulata (IMRT) nel trattamento di tumori maligni avanzati estesi all’orecchio medio. Sono stati inclusi nello studio in modo retrospettivo 13 pazienti consecutive affetti da tumore dell’orecchio esterno esteso all’orecchio medio. Il follow-up è stato in media di 33 mesi (range 6-133). Cinque pazienti (38%) erano di stadio III e 8 pazienti (62%) erano di stadio IV secondo la classificazione dell’Università di Pittsburgh. Una petrosectomia laterale (LTBR) è stata eseguita in tutti i pazienti, la LTBR è stata associata a parotidectomia in 5 (38%) casi e a svuotamento latero-cervicale associato a parotidectomia in 6 (46%) casi. In tutti i casi si è effettuata asportazione della malattia macroscopicamente evidente. Il trattamento chirurgico è stato completato da IORT (12 Gy) e IMRT (50Gy). Chemioterapia adiuvante è stata eseguita in 4 (30%) casi. Test audiometrici pre- e post-operatori sono stati eseguiti per valutare la perdita uditiva. Il tasso di controllo di malattia locale (LC) a 5 anni, di metastasi a distanza (DM) a 5 anni, la sopravvivenza libera da malattia (DFS) e la sopravvivenza globale (OS) a 5 anni sono state calcolate con il metodo di Kaplan-Meyer. Variazioni significative nella conduzione per via ossea sono state osservate dopo trattamento. Una necrosi parziale del lembo di ricostruzione è stata l’unica complicanza precoce osservata in 3(23%) casi, mentre una fistola meningea è stata osservata in un solo caso (7,6%) come complicanza tardiva. Il tasso di LC è stato del 68%. Il tasso di DM è stato del 90%. Il tasso di DFS è stato del 61%. Il tasso di OS è stato del 69%. La IORT seguita dalla IMRT nel trattamento dei tumori maligni avanzati dell’orecchio esterno e medio sembra essere sicuro. Nel nostro studio non sono riportati morti. La IORT può ridurre la dose di radioterapia postoperatoria a livello del tessuto residuo ottenendo la medesima dose a livello della sede del tumore. Non abbiamo osservato alcuna complicanza a livello dell’orecchio esterno residuo, mentre si è notato un peggioramento dell’udito anche a livello neurosensoriale. Sono necessari studi prospettici al fine di confermare quanto da noi osservato
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