1,385 research outputs found

    Índices de sustitución en cirugía mayor ambulatoria: medir, contar y comparar

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    ResumenObjetivoComparar los índices de sustitución de la actividad realizada por cirugía mayor ambulatoria en el Hospital Vall d’Hebron con aquellos índices obtenidos por el conjunto de hospitales públicos de Catalunya, los cuales constituyen la Xarxa Hospitalaria d’Utilització Pública (XHUP).MétodosSe calculan los índices de sustitución del 65% de los Grupos Relacionados en el Diagnóstico (GRD) susceptibles de cirugía sin ingreso del Hospital Vall d’Hebron y los de la XHUP para después poder calcular y comparar las medias de los dos grupos. Para ello se utilizan las bases de datos del CMBDH de los años 1998 y 1999.ResultadosLas medias de los índices de sustitución son de un 48,88% para el Hospital Vall d’Hebron y de un 35,14% para los hospitales de la XHUP. Esta diferencia es estadísticamente significativa (p < 0,0001) calculada con un nivel de significación de un 5%. También se observa que los DRG con índices de sustitución más elevados son coincidentes en los dos grupos y son los siguientes: 039, 229, 364, 262, 062, 362 y 342.ConclusionesConsiderando las actuales técnicas de benchmarking en el ámbito sanitario, este trabajo demuestra que los índices de sustitución son una herramienta válida a utilizar para comparar hospitales, especialmente en el caso que se pudiera trabajar con bases de datos robustas.SummaryObjectiveCompare the substitution indexes of the ambulatory surgery activity done in the Vall d’Hebron Hospital with those indexes obtained from the all public hospitals of Catalonia which constitute the Public Hospital Net.MethodsThere have been calculated the substitution indexes of the 65% of DRGs which are treated with ambulatory surgery at the Vall d’Hebron Hospital and in the global of public hospital net in Catalonia. For this pourpose, it has been used the MBDS of the years 1998 and 1999. The means of the substitution indexes have been compared with a Z test.ResultsThe means of the substitution indexes are of a 48.88% for the Vall d’Hebron Hospital and of a 35.14% for the whole public hospitals. The difference is statically significant (p < 0.0001). Moreover, the highest substitution indexes are the same for both groups and are the follow: 039, 229,364, 262, 062, 362 y 342.ConclusionsTaking into account the present techniques of benchmarking in the health care field, this work shows that the substitution indexes are a valid tool that can be used to compare hospitals, specially in the case that it could be possible to work with robust data bases

    erbB-2 antisense oligonucleotides inhibit the proliferation of breast carcinoma cells with erbB-2 oncogene amplification.

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    Amplification and overexpression of the erbB-2 oncogene is an unfavourable prognostic marker in human breast cancer and occurs in approximately 25% of breast carcinomas. We used erbB-2 antisense oligonucleotides to inhibit the proliferation of human breast cancer cell lines. erbB-2 antisense oligonucleotides (20 microM) inhibited the growth and DNA synthesis of breast cancer cell lines with an amplified erbB-2 gene by up to 60%. Control complementary sense oligonucleotides did not inhibit cellular proliferation at the same concentration but showed inhibitory effects at higher concentrations. There was no specific effect of erbB-2 antisense oligonucleotides on breast cancer cell lines that had no amplification of erbB-2. erbB-2 antisense oligonucleotides reduced erbB-2 protein levels, measured by immunohistochemistry, in a dose-dependent manner. erbB-2 sense oligonucleotides did not decrease the levels of erbB-2 protein. These data indicate that erbB-2 antisense oligonucleotides induce a specific inhibition of erbB-2 protein expression and that erbB-2 gene overexpression is important for the proliferation of the breast cancer cells that have been selected for erbB-2 amplification

    Probabilistic Guarded P Systems, A New Formal Modelling Framework

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    Multienvironment P systems constitute a general, formal framework for modelling the dynamics of population biology, which consists of two main approaches: stochastic and probabilistic. The framework has been successfully used to model biologic systems at both micro (e.g. bacteria colony) and macro (e.g. real ecosystems) levels, respectively. In this paper, we extend the general framework in order to include a new case study related to P. Oleracea species. The extension is made by a new variant within the probabilistic approach, called Probabilistic Guarded P systems (in short, PGP systems). We provide a formal definition, a simulation algorithm to capture the dynamics, and a survey of the associated software.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad TIN2012- 37434Junta de Andalucía P08-TIC-0420

    (p)ppGpp and CodY promote Enterococcus faecalis virulence in a murine model of catheter-associated urinary tract infection

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    ABSTRACT In Firmicutes, the nutrient-sensing regulators (p)ppGpp, the effector molecule of the stringent response, and CodY work in tandem to maintain bacterial fitness during infection. Here, we tested (p)ppGpp and codY mutant strains of Enterococcus faecalis in a catheter-associated urinary tract infection (CAUTI) mouse model and used global transcriptional analysis to investigate the relationship of (p)ppGpp and CodY. The absence of (p)ppGpp or single inactivation of codY led to lower bacterial loads in catheterized bladders and diminished biofilm formation on fibrinogen-coated surfaces under in vitro and in vivo conditions. Single inactivation of the bifunctional (p)ppGpp synthetase/hydrolase rel did not affect virulence, supporting previous evidence that the association of (p)ppGpp with enterococcal virulence is not dependent on the activation of the stringent response. Inactivation of codY in the (p)ppGpp0 strain restored E. faecalis virulence in the CAUTI model as well as the ability to form biofilms in vitro. Transcriptome analysis revealed that inactivation of codY restores, for the most part, the dysregulated metabolism of (p)ppGpp0 cells. While a clear linkage between (p)ppGpp and CodY with expression of virulence factors could not be established, targeted transcriptional analysis indicates that a possible association between (p)ppGpp and c-di-AMP signaling pathways in response to the conditions found in the bladder may play a role in enterococcal CAUTI. Collectively, data from this study identify the (p)ppGpp-CodY network as an important contributor to enterococcal virulence in catheterized mouse bladder and support that basal (p)ppGpp pools and CodY promote virulence through maintenance of a balanced metabolism under adverse conditions. IMPORTANCE Catheter-associated urinary tract infections (CAUTIs) are one of the most frequent types of infection found in the hospital setting that can develop into serious and potentially fatal bloodstream infections. One of the infectious agents that frequently causes complicated CAUTI is the bacterium Enterococcus faecalis, a leading cause of hospital-acquired infections that are often difficult to treat due to the exceptional multidrug resistance of some isolates. Understanding the mechanisms by which E. faecalis causes CAUTI will aid in the discovery of new druggable targets to treat these infections. In this study, we report the importance of two nutrient-sensing bacterial regulators, named (p)ppGpp and CodY, for the ability of E. faecalis to infect the catheterized bladder of mice

    Moving in unison after perceptual interruption

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    Humans interact in groups through various perception and action channels. The continuity of interaction despite a transient loss of perceptual contact often exists and contributes to goal achievement. Here, we study the dynamics of this continuity, in two experiments involving groups of participants (N= 7) synchronizing their movements in space and in time. We show that behavioural unison can be maintained after perceptual contact has been lost, for about 7s. Agent similarity and spatial configuration in the group modulated synchronization performance, differently so when perceptual interaction was present or when it was memorized. Modelling these data through a network of oscillators enabled us to clarify the double origin of this memory effect, of individual and social nature. These results shed new light into why humans continue to move in unison after perceptual interruption, and are consequential for a wide variety of applications at work, in art and in sport

    RAEGE: An Atlantic Network of Geodynamical Fundamental Stations

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    Project RAEGE (Red Atlantica de Estaciones Geodinamicas y Espaciales) intends to set up a Spanish-Portuguese network of four Geodetic Fundamental Stations in Yebes (1), Canary Islands (1), and A cores Islands (2), as part of the developments needed for the IVS VLBI2010 scenario. It is envisaged that each Geodetic Fundamental Station will be equipped with one radio telescope of VLBI2010 specifications (at least 12-m diameter, fast slewing speed, but also able to operate up to 40 GHz), one gravimeter, one permanent GNSS station, and, at least at the Yebes site, one SLR facility. The National Geographical Institute of Spain (IGN) has experience in VLBI, having been a member of the European VLBI Network since 1993 and being one of the founding institutions of the Joint Institute for VLBI in Europe (JIVE), and it has been participating in geodetic VLBI campaigns with the 14-m radio telescope in Yebes since 1995. A new 40-m radio telescope has been built and was recently put into operation. It regularly participates in IVS sessions. There is infrastructure available for the new stations at Yebes and the Canary Islands. An agreement between IGN, the Portuguese Geographical Institute (IGP), and the Regional Government of the A cores ensures that the RAEGE project can become a reality by 2013

    Natural hybridization between pen shell species: Pinna rudis and the critically endangered Pinna nobilis may explain parasite resistance in P. nobilis

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    Recently, Pinna nobilis pen shells population in Mediterranean Sea has plummeted due to a Mass Mortality Event caused by an haplosporidian parasite. In consequence, this bivalve species has been included in the IUCN Red List as “Critically Endangered”. In the current scenario, several works are in progress to protect P. nobilis from extinction, being identification of hybrids (P. nobilis x P. rudis) among survivors extremely important for the conservation of the species. Morphological characteristics and molecular analyses were used to identify putative hybrids. A total of 10 individuals of each species (P. nobilis and P. rudis) and 3 doubtful individuals were considered in this study. The putative hybrids showed shell morphology and mantle coloration intermingled exhibiting both P. nobilis and P. rudis traits. Moreover, the analyses of 1150 bp of the 28S gene showed 9 diagnostic sites between P. rudis and P. nobilis, whereas hybrids showed both parental diagnostic alleles at the diagnostic loci. Regarding the multilocus genotypes from the 8 microsatellite markers, the segregation of two Pinna species was clearly detected on the PCoA plot and the 3 hybrids showed intermediate positions. This is the first study evidencing the existence of hybrids P. nobilis x P. rudis, providing molecular methodology for a proper identification of new hybrids. Further studies testing systematically all parasite-resisting isolated P. nobilis should be undertaken to determine if the resistance is resulting from introgression of P. rudis into P. nobilis genome and identifying aspects related to resistance.En prens

    Membrane Computing as a Modelling Tool: Looking Back and Forward from Sevilla

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    This paper is a tribute to Prof. Mario de Jesús Pérez- Jiménez. An overview of modelling applications in membrane computing has been compiled, trying to narrate it from a historical perspective and including numerous bibliographical references. Since being exhaustive was obviously out of scope, this quick tour on almost two decades of applications is biased, paying special attention to the contributions in which Prof. Pérez-Jiménez and members of his research group were involved.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad TIN2017-89842-