15 research outputs found

    Features of enterprise risk management associated with operational risks

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    Purpose of the work: within the framework of the concept of corporate risk management Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) to study the basic types of risks, assess their role in the modern economy, analyze external and internal operational risks and propose approaches to their quantitative assessment. As a research methodology, it is proposed to use the developed tools of mathematical and numerical modeling, which allows one to obtain, in the key of interest to the decision maker, qualitative and quantitative characteristics of the dynamics of business processes. The operational and economic risks (as very often occurring in the activities of subjects of economic relations) and directly affecting their economic and information security are considered in sufficient detail. It is noted that the risks associated with disruption of business continuity (which enterprises face in their activities) can be included in various classification systems of risks, grouped according to various criteria. The need to identify the mismatch between the design and actual metrics of the organizational structure (establishment of its structure and operating schemes based on the needs of the enterprise/organization) is indicated for solving the optimization problem

    Базы данных коллекций биологического материала: организация сопроводительной информации

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    The review discusses problem of organization and storage of associated information for biological collection. Basic principles of database structure development are presented. Databases for biological collections and biobanks in Russiaand other countries are reviewed. Structure of database of Biobank of Institute of Medical Genetics SB RAMS is described.Данный обзор посвящен проблеме организации и хранения сопроводительной информации для биологических коллекций. Рассмотрены основные принципы разработки структуры баз данных для этих целей. Проведен обзор баз данных биологических коллекций и биобанков в России и мире. Представлена структура базы данных биобанка НИИ медицинской генетики СО РАМН (г. Томск)

    Экзогенные и эндогенные факторы в формировании хронической обструктивной болезни легких

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    To determine the role of exogenic and endogenic factors in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) forming 100 patients (50 patients are control group) were examined by means of clinical and genealogical researches, including family tree composition with analisis of 3—4 generations, genotyping on the most wide-spread α1-proteinase inhibitor (α1-PI) gene alleles (M, S, Z), definition of the α1-PI level in the serum. The role of exogenic factors (smoking, pollutants) have been confirmed in COPD forming, while primery α1-PI deficiency have been revealed only in 6% COPD patients. Therefore, further investigations of other genetic alleles in COPD patients are necessary.Для определения роли эндогенных и экзогенных факторов в формировании хронической обструктивной болезни легких (ХОБЛ) у 100 пациентов (50 — группа сравнения) проведено клинико-генеалогическое обследование, включающее составление родословных с анализом 3—4 поколений, генотипирование на наиболее распространенные аллели гена α1-протеиназного ингибитора (α1-ПИ) (M, S, Z), определение уровня α1-ПИ в сыворотке крови. В формировании ХОБЛ подтверждена роль экзогенных факторов (курение, поллютанты), в то время как первичный дефицит α1-ПИ имел место только у 6% больных ХОБЛ. Таким образом, необходимо дальнейшее изучение других генетических локусов у больных ХОБЛ

    Ассоциация полиморфизма Thr12Ser гена митохондриального фактора транскрипции А TFAM с ишемической болезнью сердца

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    In this study we genotyped polymorphism Thr12Ser (rs1937) in TFAM gene in two groups: patients with coronary artery disease and control group (people from Tomsk population). For genotyping was used restriction fragment length polymorphism. We have found significant higher genotype CC frequency in men with coronary artery disease — 4.52% compared with control men — 0.45% (χ2 = 6.315; р = 0.043; OR = 10.45). Thus genotype CC is associated with coronary artery disease in men fromTomsk population.Проанализировано распределение генотипов и аллелей полиморфного варианта Thr12Ser (rs1937) гена TFAM в выборке лиц, больных ишемической болезнью сердца, и в популяционной выборке жителей г. Томска. Для проведения генотипирования использовали полиморфизм длин рестрикционных фрагментов. Выявлена статистически значимо более высокая частота генотипа СС у мужчин, больных ишемической болезнью сердца, — 4,52% по сравнению с популяционной выборкой мужчин — 0,45% (χ2 = 6,315; р = 0,043; OR = 10,45). Таким образом, генотип СС ассоциирован с ишемической болезнью сердца у мужчин в популяции г. Томска

    Databases of biological collection: organization of associated information

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    The review discusses problem of organization and storage of associated information for biological collection. Basic principles of database structure development are presented. Databases for biological collections and biobanks in Russiaand other countries are reviewed. Structure of database of Biobank of Institute of Medical Genetics SB RAMS is described

    Association of Thr12Ser polymorphism in mitochondrial transcription factor A TFAM gene with coronary artery disease

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    In this study we genotyped polymorphism Thr12Ser (rs1937) in TFAM gene in two groups: patients with coronary artery disease and control group (people from Tomsk population). For genotyping was used restriction fragment length polymorphism. We have found significant higher genotype CC frequency in men with coronary artery disease — 4.52% compared with control men — 0.45% (χ2 = 6.315; р = 0.043; OR = 10.45). Thus genotype CC is associated with coronary artery disease in men fromTomsk population

    N–C–Ar–He Isotopic Systematics of Quenched Tholeiitic Glasses from the Bouvet Triple Junction Area

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    The paper presents pioneering data on the isotopic composition and elemental ratios of nitrogen, carbon (carbon dioxide), helium, and argon in the fluid phase of quenched tholeiitic glasses from different segments of the Bouvet Triple Junction area (BTJ). The data reflect a complicated geodynamic and tectonic history of the area evolution and indicate that the variations in the elemental ratios of the volatile components of the fluid–gas phase were controlled by a number of various factors: elemental fractionation during melt degassing, mixing of gases from different sources, postmagmatic diffusion-controlled helium loss. The nitrogen–argon and noble gas isotope systematics suggest a significant contribution of the atmospheric component to the mantle source of fluids for the samples from the Spiess Ridge and the segment of the Southwest Indian Ridge (SWIR) and a smaller contribution for the Mid-Atlantic Ridge (MAR) samples. For the Spiess Ridge and SWIR, the most probable contaminating agent was water fluid with dissolved gases of atmospheric composition. This fluid may have been brought to the mantle with ancient crustal rocks involved in magma generation. These crustal rocks may represent small fragments of the Gondwana continent with which sedimentary organic matter could be brought into the magma source

    Noble Gases, Nitrogen and Carbon Isotopic Compositions of the Ghubara Meteorite, Revealed by Stepwise Combustion and Crushing Methods

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    The Ghubara meteorite contains abundant trapped gases in voids of highly retentive phases that can be released by stepwise crushing and thermal degassing. Their composition is dominated by the solar wind component and by radiogenic argon. We favor a scenario in which a large impact event on L-chondrite asteroid 470 Ma ago caused release, mobilization, fractionation and redistribution of accumulated gases on the Ghubara parent body. The Ghubara breccia was formed at that event and occluded trapped gases into the voids. The uncommonly high 20Ne/36Ar ratios of the analysed samples compared to the solar composition is considered to be due to trapping of gases released from surrounding rocks that lost light noble gases preferentially over the heavy ones. The 4He/20Ne and 4He/36Ar ratios, being as usually lower than in solar wind, gradually increase during stepped crushing, indicating non equilibrium distribution of the gases between the voids of different sizes that can be caused by the dynamics of the shock metamorphism process. The neon isotopic composition released by stepwise crushing and combustion is a mixture of two components: solar dominating trapped and cosmogenic Ne. The former component is mainly degassed in the initial crushing steps opening the large inclusions/voids, while the relative contribution of the latter, likely released from galactic cosmic ray produced tracks, increases with progressive crushing. During stepwise combustion the same trend in the release of the Ne components with increasing temperature is observed. The nitrogen and carbon abundances as well as their isotopic compositions in Ghubara are usual for ordinary chondrites. Most of nitrogen is chemically bounded and associated with carbon. The delivery time of Ghubara from the parent body asteroid to the Earth calculated from its exposure age is 9–28 Ma