396 research outputs found

    Satire from a far-away land: Psychological distance and satirical news

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    Satirical news and its effects on outcomes such as appreciation and persuasion have gained considerable currency as a topic of research in mass communication studies. Through the framework of construal level theory, we investigated whether different levels of spatial distance influence these effects. In a between-subjects experiment, participants in the United Kingdom (UK; n = 282) and New Zealand (NZ; n = 370) read a satirical or non-satirical news text summarizing a study reporting on the negative impact of increased digital device screen time on young children. Depending on condition, the texts referred to entities and locations in either the participant’s own country (spatially close) or a foreign country (spatially distant). Results showed significant main effects of satirical news on audience perceptions, emotions, and attitudes. While there were no significant interactions between article type (satirical vs. regular news) and spatial distance (close vs. distant), our results indicated that satirical news was associated with higher perceptions of spatial distance for both the UK and NZ participants as well as higher perceptions of social distance for the NZ participants. Exploratory indirect-effects analyses found several indirect effects of satirical news through increased perceptions of spatial and social psychological distance on audience emotions, text perceptions, and attitudes. We take these results as initial evidence suggesting spatial and social distance are potential variables to consider in future investigations of satirical news

    Sharpest possible clustering bounds using robust random graph analysis

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    Complex network theory crucially depends on the assumptions made about the degree distribution, while fitting degree distributions to network data is challenging, in particular for scale-free networks with power-law degrees. We present a robust assessment of complex networks that does not depend on the entire degree distribution, but only on its mean, range and dispersion: summary statistics that are easy to obtain for most real-world networks. By solving several semi-infinite linear programs, we obtain tight (the sharpest possible) bounds for correlation and clustering measures, for all networks with degree distributions that share the same summary statistics. We identify various extremal random graphs that attain these tight bounds as the graphs with specific three-point degree distributions. We leverage the tight bounds to obtain robust laws that explain how degree-degree correlations and local clustering evolve as function of node degrees and network size. These robust laws indicate that power-law networks with diverging variance are among the most extreme networks in terms of correlation and clustering, building further theoretical foundation for widely reported scale-free network phenomena such as correlation and clustering decay

    Antecedents of renal disease in aboriginal children (ARDAC study)

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    The aim of this study was to identify implicit cognitive predictors of aggressive behavior. Specifically, the predictive value of an attentional bias for aggressive stimuli and automatic association of the self and aggression was examined for reactive and proactive aggressive behavior in a non-clinical sample (N = 90). An Emotional Stroop Task was used to measure an attentional bias. With an idiographic Single-Target Implicit Association Test, automatic associations were assessed between words referring to the self (e.g., the participants' name) and words referring to aggression (e.g., fighting). The Taylor Aggression Paradigm (TAP) was used to measure reactive and proactive aggressive behavior. Furthermore, self-reported aggressiveness was assessed with the Reactive Proactive Aggression Questionnaire (RPQ). Results showed that heightened attentional interference for aggressive words significantly predicted more reactive aggression, while lower attentional bias towards aggressive words predicted higher levels of proactive aggression. A stronger self-aggression association resulted in more proactive aggression, but not reactive aggression. Self-reports on aggression did not additionally predict behavioral aggression. This implies that the cognitive tests employed in our study have the potential to discriminate between reactive and proactive aggression

    Continuous admission to primary school and mental health problems

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    Background: Younger children in a school class have higher rates of mental health problems if admission to primary school occurs once a year. This study examines whether this relative age effect also occurs if children are admitted to school continuously throughout the year. Methods: We assessed mental health problems based on parent-reports (using the Child Behavior Checklist, CBCL) and on professional assessments, among two Dutch national samples of in total 12,221 children aged 5-15 years (response rate: 86.9%). Results: At ages 5-6, we found a higher occurrence of mental health problems in relatively young children, both for mean CBCL scores (p = 0.017) and for problems assessed by child health professionals (p <0.0001). At ages 7-15, differences by relative age did not reach statistical significance. Conclusion: Continuous admission to primary school does not prevent mental health problems among young children, but may do so at older ages. Its potential for the prevention of mental problems deserves further study

    Secondary traumatisation and emotional exhaustion in mental healthcare providers:The mediating role of social support

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    Background: Burnout, especially emotional exhaustion, is common among mental healthcare providers (MHP). It is caused by exposure to prolonged stress related job conditions, such as secondary traumatisation. Social support is a protective factor for developing emotional exhaustion. In addition, higher levels of social support are associated with lower levels of secondary traumatisation. However, it is unclear how social support and secondary traumatisation are related. Social support may be a protective factor for developing secondary traumatisation, as it is for emotional exhaustion. On the other hand, MHP who suffer more from secondary traumatisation might experience less social support, for example because they fear stigmatisation. This study examined whether social support mediates the relationship between secondary traumatisation and emotional exhaustion. Further, it is explored whether the relation between secondary traumatisation and social support is moderated by profession (physicians, psychologists and case managers). Method: In total, 593 MHP participated in this cross-sectional study. Participants completed a questionnaire including demographic characteristics, secondary traumatisation, emotional exhaustion, and social support. Results: It was shown that no MHP experience high levels of secondary traumatisation and relatively few experience high levels of emotional exhaustion, while they do experience much social support. Furthermore, as hypothesized, it was found that the relationship between secondary traumatisation and emotional exhaustion is partially mediated by social support. Finally, no moderation effect of profession was found. Conclusion: These results imply that MHP have access to social support and make use of it, preventing emotional exhaustion. Mental healthcare organisations should maintain these resources for social support to prevent emotional exhaustion. MHP who are less inclined to seek social support should receive extra attention, as should MHP who are more at risk of secondary traumatisation. Even though MHP experience the availability of social support, still 25% of the MHP do experience emotional exhaustion. Future research should examine which factors for this group contribute to the development of emotional exhaustion so that appropriate measures can be taken

    Metaphoric coherence: Distinguishing verbal metaphor from `anomaly\u27

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    Theories and computational models of metaphor comprehension generally circumvent the question of metaphor versus “anomaly” in favor of a treatment of metaphor versus literal language. Making the distinction between metaphoric and “anomalous” expressions is subject to wide variation in judgment, yet humans agree that some potentially metaphoric expressions are much more comprehensible than others. In the context of a program which interprets simple isolated sentences that are potential instances of cross‐modal and other verbal metaphor, I consider some possible coherence criteria which must be satisfied for an expression to be “conceivable” metaphorically. Metaphoric constraints on object nominals are represented as abstracted or extended along with the invariant structural components of the verb meaning in a metaphor. This approach distinguishes what is preserved in metaphoric extension from that which is “violated”, thus referring to both “similarity” and “dissimilarity” views of metaphor. The role and potential limits of represented abstracted properties and constraints is discussed as they relate to the recognition of incoherent semantic combinations and the rejection or adjustment of metaphoric interpretations

    Износ кругов из СТМ при зубошлифовании

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    The problems of increasing the efficiency of grinding highly precision gearwheels of the 3–4 degree of precision using superhard material tools are discussed. The efficiency of cubic boron nitride dish grinding wheels in various bonds has been studied. Recommendations how to use cubic boron nitride wheels in gear grinding are given

    Restoration of impaired intestinal barrier function by the hydrolysed casein diet contributes to the prevention of type 1 diabetes in the diabetes-prone BioBreeding rat

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    Aims/hypothesis Impaired intestinal barrier function is observed in type I diabetes patients and animal models of the disease. Exposure to diabetogenic antigens from the intestinal milieu due to a compromised intestinal barrier is considered essential for induction of the autoimmune process leading to type I diabetes. Since a hydrolysed casein (HC) diet prevents autoimmune diabetes onset in diabetes-prone (DP)-BioBreeding (BB) rats, we studied the role of the HC diet on intestinal barrier function and, therefore, prevention of autoimmune diabetes onset in this animal model. Methods DP-BB rats were fed the HC diet from weaning onwards and monitored for autoimmune diabetes development. Intestinal permeability was assessed in vivo by lactulose mannitol test and ex vivo by measuring trans-epithelial electrical resistance (TEER). Levels of serum zonulin, a physiological tight junction modulator, were measured by ELISA. heal mRNA expression of Myo9b, Cldn1, Cldn2 and Ocln (which encode the tight junction-related proteins myosin IXb, claudin-1, claudin-2 and occludin) and Il-10, Tgf-beta (also known as Il10 and Tgfb, respectively, which encode regulatory cytokines) was analysed by quantitative PCR. Results The HC diet reduced autoimmune diabetes by 50% in DP-BB rats. In DP-BB rats, prediabetic gut permeability negatively correlated with the moment of autoimmune diabetes onset. The improved intestinal barrier function that was induced by HC diet in DP-BB rats was visualised by decreasing lactulose:mannitol ratio, decreasing serum zonulin levels and increasing ileal TEER. The HC diet modified ileal mRNA expression of Myo9b, and Cldn1 and Cldn2, but left Ocln expression unaltered. Conclusions/interpretation Improved intestinal barrier function might be an important intermediate in the prevention of autoimmune diabetes by the HC diet in DP-BB rats. Effects on tight junctions, ileal cytokines and zonulin production might be important mechanisms for this effect