1,657 research outputs found

    Identifying hotspots of chimpanzee group activity from transect surveys in Taï National Park, Côte d'Ivoire

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    Locating activity hotspots - areas of higher density, more intense use, or distinct social units - is a prerequisite for answering many questions in animal ecology. However, for many species, carrying out such research from direct observations in tropical habitat is time-consuming and unrealistic for non-habituated animals. This study aimed to locate chimpanzee home ranges from transect nest counts. For validation purposes, 233 line transects were sampled within the home ranges of four habituated social groups of chimpanzees in Taï National Park, Côte d'Ivoire. In total, 373 km of transects were surveyed over 188 days and 683 nests of chimpanzee were recorded. First, we characterized heterogeneity of nest distribution patterns, including variation in density and group size within the area. Second, we used scan statistics, a likelihood-based cluster technique to locate chimpanzee social groups and compared them with the known home range boundaries. Chimpanzee nest distribution was characterized by a positive density and group-size gradient away from the range periphery. Furthermore, nest distribution clusters corresponding to the four groups could be successfully identified, although additional clusters for, for example, low-density areas between social groups seem to be an unavoidable by-product. The approach taken can be extended to a wide spectrum of data stemming from direct observations, camera traps, acoustic or genetic sampling to derive information about structure and patchiness of wild animal population

    SPG10 is a rare cause of spastic paraplegia in European families

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    Background: SPG10 is an autosomal dominant form of hereditary spastic paraplegia (HSP), which is caused by mutations in the neural kinesin heavy chain KIF5A gene, the neuronal motor of fast anterograde axonal transport. Only four mutations have been identified to date.Objective: To determine the frequency of SPG10 in European families with HSP and to specify the SPG10 phenotype.Patients and methods: 80 index patients from families with autosomal dominant HSP were investigated for SPG10 mutations by direct sequencing of the KIF5A motor domain. Additionally, the whole gene was sequenced in 20 of these families.Results: Three novel KIF5A mutations were detected in German families, including one missense mutation (c.759G>T, p.K253N), one in frame deletion (c.768_770delCAA, p.N256del) and one splice site mutation (c.217G>A). Onset of gait disturbance varied from infancy to 30 years of age. All patients presented clinically with pure HSP, but a subclinical sensory--motor neuropathy was detected by neurophysiology studies.Conclusions: SPG10 accounts for approximately 3% of European autosomal dominant HSP families. All mutations affect the motor domain of kinesin and thus most likely impair axonal transport. Clinically, SPG10 is characterised by spastic paraplegia with mostly subclinical peripheral neuropathy

    Optimizing passive acoustic sampling of bats in forests

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    Passive acoustic methods are increasingly used in biodiversity research and monitoring programs because they are cost-effective and permit the collection of large datasets. However, the accuracy of the results depends on the bioacoustic characteristics of the focal taxa and their habitat use. In particular, this applies to bats which exhibit distinct activity patterns in three-dimensionally structured habitats such as forests. We assessed the performance of 21 acoustic sampling schemes with three temporal sampling patterns and seven sampling designs. Acoustic sampling was performed in 32 forest plots, each containing three microhabitats: forest ground, canopy, and forest gap. We compared bat activity, species richness, and sampling effort using species accumulation curves fitted with the clench equation. In addition, we estimated the sampling costs to undertake the best sampling schemes. We recorded a total of 145,433 echolocation call sequences of 16 bat species. Our results indicated that to generate the best outcome, it was necessary to sample all three microhabitats of a given forest location simultaneously throughout the entire night. Sampling only the forest gaps and the forest ground simultaneously was the second best choice and proved to be a viable alternative when the number of available detectors is limited. When assessing bat species richness at the 1-km(2) scale, the implementation of these sampling schemes at three to four forest locations yielded highest labor cost-benefit ratios but increasing equipment costs. Our study illustrates that multiple passive acoustic sampling schemes require testing based on the target taxa and habitat complexity and should be performed with reference to cost-benefit ratios. Choosing a standardized and replicated sampling scheme is particularly important to optimize the level of precision in inventories, especially when rare or elusive species are expected

    The eclipsing post-common envelope binary CSS21055: a white dwarf with a probable brown-dwarf companion

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    We report photometric observations of the eclipsing close binary CSS21055 (SDSS J141126+200911) that strongly suggest that the companion to the carbon-oxygen white dwarf is a brown dwarf with a mass between 0.030 and 0.074 Msun. The measured orbital period is 121.73min and the totality of the eclipse lasts 125s. If confirmed, CSS21055 would be the first detached eclipsing WD+BD binary. Spectroscopy in the eclipse could provide information about the companion's evolutionary state and atmospheric structure.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figure

    Bubble propagation in a helicoidal molecular chain

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    We study the propagation of very large amplitude localized excitations in a model of DNA that takes explicitly into account the helicoidal structure. These excitations represent the ``transcription bubble'', where the hydrogen bonds between complementary bases are disrupted, allowing access to the genetic code. We propose these kind of excitations in alternative to kinks and breathers. The model has been introduced by Barbi et al. [Phys. Lett. A 253, 358 (1999)], and up to now it has been used to study on the one hand low amplitude breather solutions, and on the other hand the DNA melting transition. We extend the model to include the case of heterogeneous chains, in order to get closer to a description of real DNA; in fact, the Morse potential representing the interaction between complementary bases has two possible depths, one for A-T and one for G-C base pairs. We first compute the equilibrium configurations of a chain with a degree of uncoiling, and we find that a static bubble is among them; then we show, by molecular dynamics simulations, that these bubbles, once generated, can move along the chain. We find that also in the most unfavourable case, that of a heterogeneous DNA in the presence of thermal noise, the excitation can travel for well more 1000 base pairs.Comment: 25 pages, 7 figures. Submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Muscle glycogen recovery after exercise measured by13C-magnetic resonance spectroscopy in humans: effect of nutritional solutions

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    The rate of glycogen resynthesis in human skeletal muscle after glycogen-depleting exercise is known to depend on carbohydrate intake and is reported to reach a platean after an adequate amount of carbohydrate (CHO) consumption. Efforts to maximize the rate of glycogen storage by changing the type and form of CHO, as well as by adding proteins or lipids have yielded inconsistent results. The objective of this study was to assess whether isocaloric addition of proteins and arginine to a CHO diet in the first 4 h after an endurance exercise would increase the rate of glycogen synthesis. The CHO solution, given twice at a 2 h interval according to earlier optimized protocols, contained 1.7 g CHO kgbody weight. The effects of this solution were compared to those of an isocaloric solution containing 1.2 g CHO/kgbody weight plus 0.5 g protein/kgbody weight (including 5 g arginine). Glycogen was measured in quadriceps muscle in vivo with natural abundance13C-magnetic resonance spectroscopy before exercise and twice after exercise, before and at the end of a 4-h period following the intake of one of the solutions. Eight subjects took part in a randomized cross-over trial separated by at least 1 week. Glycogen synthesis was found to be significantly increased with both regimes compared to a zero-caloric placebo diet, but no significant difference in glycogen resynthesis was found between the CHO-only diet and the one supplemented by proteins and arginine. It is estimated that significance would have been reached for an increase of 34%, while the effectively measured synthesis rates only differed by 5

    Travel linearity and speed of human foragers and chimpanzees during their daily search for food in tropical rainforests

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    To understand the evolutionary roots of human spatial cognition, researchers have compared spatial abilities of humans and one of our closest living relatives, the chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes). However, how humans and chimpanzees compare in solving spatial tasks during real-world foraging is unclear to date, as measuring such spatial abilities in natural habitats is challenging. Here we compared spatial movement patterns of the Mbendjele BaYaka people and the Taï chimpanzees during their daily search for food in rainforests. We measured linearity and speed during off-trail travels toward out-of-sight locations as proxies for spatial knowledge. We found similarly high levels of linearity in individuals of Mbendjele foragers and Taï chimpanzees. However, human foragers and chimpanzees clearly differed in their reactions to group size and familiarity with the foraging areas. Mbendjele foragers increased travel linearity with increasing familiarity and group size, without obvious changes in speed. This pattern was reversed in Taï chimpanzees. We suggest that these differences between Mbendjele foragers and Taï chimpanzees reflect their different ranging styles, such as life-time range size and trail use. This result highlights the impact of socio-ecological settings on comparing spatial movement patterns. Our study provides a first step toward comparing long-range spatial movement patterns of two closely-related species in their natural environments

    Forest chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes verus) remember the location of numerous fruit trees

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    It is assumed that spatial memory contributes crucially to animal cognition since animals’ habitats entail a large number of dispersed and unpredictable food sources. Spatial memory has been investigated under controlled conditions, with different species showing and different conditions leading to varying performance levels. However, the number of food sources investigated is very low compared to what exists under natural conditions, where food resources are so abundant that it is difficult to precisely identify what is available. By using a detailed botanical map containing over 12,499 trees known to be used by the Taï chimpanzees, we created virtual maps of all productive fruit trees to simulate potential strategies used by wild chimpanzees to reach resources without spatial memory. First, we simulated different assumptions concerning the chimpanzees’ preference for a particular tree species, and, second, we varied the detection field to control for the possible use of smell to detect fruiting trees. For all these assumptions, we compared simulated distance travelled, frequencies of trees visited, and revisit rates with what we actually observed in wild chimpanzees. Our results show that chimpanzees visit rare tree species more frequently, travel shorter distances to reach them, and revisit the same trees more often than if they had no spatial memory. In addition, we demonstrate that chimpanzees travel longer distances to reach resources where they will eat for longer periods of time, and revisit resources more frequently where they ate for a long period of time during their first visit. Therefore, this study shows that forest chimpanzees possess a precise spatial memory which allows them to remember the location of numerous resources and use this information to select the most attractive resources