23 research outputs found

    Pembuatan Salep Anti Jerawat Dari Ekstrak Rimpang Temulawak (Curcuma Xanthorrhiza Roxb.)

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    Temulawak merupakan salah satu tanaman yang berkhasiat untuk mengobati jerawat. Salah satu faktor pemicu timbulnya jerawat adalah produksi minyak yang berlebih pada kulit wajah. Oleh karena itu dibutuhkan sediaan yang tidak mengandung bahan dasar yang berlemak yang bisa memicu produksi minyak berlebih pada wajah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membuat suatu sediaan salep anti jerawat dari ekstrak rimpang temulawak yang memenuhi syarat pengujian sediaan salep. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian deskriptif yang dilakukan di laboratorium. Sampel yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah rimpang temulawak. Rimpang temulawak dibuat menjadi ekstrak kental menggunakan metode maserasi. Hasil ekstrak kental yang diperoleh dibuat menjadi salep, dengan basis salep larut air yang terdiri dari 40% PEG 4000 dan 60% PEG 400 serta nipagin sebagai pengawet. Salep kemudian melewati beberapa uji diantaranya uji organoleptik, uji homogenitas, uji pH, uji daya sebar, uji kemampuan proteksi, uji daya serap, uji daya lekat dan uji ukuran partikel. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, ekstrak rimpang temulawak dapat dibuat menjadi sediaan salep yang memenuhi persyaratan pengujian sediaan salep

    Recent developments in the genetics of childhood epileptic encephalopathies: impact in clinical practice

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    Analisis Kandungan Karbon Monoksida (CO) pada Mesin Diesel dan Bensin

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    This research studies to know monoxide carbon content at gasoline engine and diesel with revolution of the same engine. Assaying is done by using exhaust emission of gas test device to know monoxide carbon content at diesel engine Yanmar L-40 and gasoline engine endure XL. From result of assaying indicates that ever greater of revolution hence carbon content increasingly increases. At gasoline engine and addition diesel of fuel does not influence increase of percentage of monoxide carbon but at increase of revolution of this engine has been formed monoxide carbon. This thing because of existence of domination Fuel in combustion chamber so that partly fuel is not combustible causes the forming of monoxide carbon at exhaust gas. ever greater of efficiency thermal hence monoxide carbon grade increasingly increases. Thereby Monoxide carbon yielded by Diesel Engine exhaust gas Yanmar L 40 slimmer while at gasoline engine Enduro XL carbon monoxide yielded quite a lot

    Thermomechanical properties of PMMA and modified SWCNT composites

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    P Kalakonda,1,2 S Banne3 1Department of Physics, Worcester Polytechnic Institute, Worcester, MA, USA; 2Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA, USA; 3School of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Innovative Drug Research Centre, Chongqing University, Chongqing, People’s Republic of China Abstract: It is well known that the addition of carbon nanotubes (CNTs) can strongly affect the thermomechanical and electrical properties of the polymer into which they are dispersed. The common solvent mixing dispersion method of functionalized CNTs and polymer composites can improve thermal, mechanical, and electrical properties. In this study, functionalized single-walled CNTs (COOH-SWCNTs) and poly(methyl methacrylate) were used to fabricate the polymer nanocomposites using a common solvent dispersion mixing method. The homogenous dispersion of COOH-SWCNTs in the composites resulted in improved thermomechanical properties of these composites; this was analyzed using scanning electron microscopy. Keywords: polymer nanocomposites, thermal-mechanical properties, functionalization, ­common solvent mixing&nbsp

    Pendidikan yang Misioner-Afirmatif: Sebuah Penelusuran Konsep dan Praksis Pendidikan Lembaga Penginjilan GZB di Toraja

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     Tulisan ini adalah upaya untuk memahami wawasan dan praksis pendidikan yang diterapkan oleh zending GZB di Toraja sebagai pintu masuk Pekabaran Injil. Pendidikan yang diterapakan bukan sekadar untuk mendapatkan/mengkonversi masyarakat Toraja untuk menjadi Kristen, tapi juga sebagai pola untuk menanamkan dan mengakarkan pengajaran iman Kristen bagi masyarakat Toraja. Sebuah wawasan pendidikan yang secara prinsip bermuatakan Injil dan sekaligus diikuti dengan pendasaran yang kuat.Kata kunci: Pendidikan, Toraja, Misioner, Afirmatif.

    Assessment of pollinators and pollination services

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    Assessing both pollinator declines and pollen deposition deficits, which may result in diminished seed and fruit sets, is one of the principal priorities identified by international pollination experts, and is therefore one of the elements in the IPI Plan of Action. Such an assessment is needed to provide a comprehensive analysis of the status and trends of pollinator diversity and distribution and to provide information useful for enhancing pollinator conservation and sustainable use. Assessing pollinator status and trends is complicated. Scientific data on the status of pollinators and the state of pollination services are inadequate. Observations suggest that a decline in pollinator abundance is occurring, but often these observations are considered anecdotal. Documenting a decline reliably can help identify specific areas of concern. Measurement and assessment of pollination services therefore need to be properly planned and designed to produce verifiable results

    Facile Synthesis of Silver Nanoparticles Using Green Tea Leaf Extract and Evolution of Antibacterial Activity

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    The scientific society is exploiting the use of nanoparticles in nano-medicine and biomedical applications. In the field of biomaterial and bio-nanotechnology, silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) are playing an important role due to their potential physical, chemical, and biological properties ranging in activities from antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal, and anticancer treatment. Green synthesis technology is one of the most cost-effective, eco-friendly, and biologically safe methods. Green tea leaf extract can reduce silver to AgNPs and enhance antibacterial activity. In this work, we demonstrate the antibacterial activity effect employing green synthesis of AgNPs with green tea leaf extract. The UV–Vis and FTIR results showed, confirming the formation of AgNPs and the presence of chemical groups enhancing the antibacterial activity of AgNPs. The synthesized AgNPs with green tea leaf extract were crystalline with a quasi-spherical shape with a diameter from 30 to 150 nm. The antibacterial activity of the AgNPs in three different concentrations showed that the 120 mg/ml sample possesses higher antibacterial activity (significantly high killing ability) against E. coli than chemically produced AgNPs. These results confirm a more significant antibacterial effect of the biogenic AgNPs with low cytotoxicity than the AgNPs produced chemically. These findings can be used to treat chronic infections, diseases, and other biomedical applications. Graphical Abstract: [Figure not available: see fulltext.]

    Genetic variants in ARHGEF6 cause congenital anomalies of the kidneys and urinary tract in humans, mice, and frogs

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    Background: About 40 disease genes have been described to date for isolated congenital anomalies of the kidneys and urinary tract (CAKUT), the most common cause of childhood chronic kidney disease. However, these genes account for only 20% of cases. ARHGEF6, a guanine nucleotide exchange factor that is implicated in such biologic processes as cell migration and focal adhesion, acts downstream of integrin linked kinase (ILK) and parvin proteins. A genetic variant of ILK that causes murine renal agenesis abrogates the interaction of ILK with a murine focal adhesion protein encoded by Parva, leading to CAKUT in mice with this variant. Methods: To identify novel genes that, when mutated, result in CAKUT, we performed exome sequencing in an international cohort of 1265 families with CAKUT. We also assessed the effects in vitro of wild-type and mutant ARHGEF6 proteins, as well as the effects of Arhgef6 deficiency in mouse and frog models. Results: We detected six different hemizygous variants in the gene ARHGEF6 (which is located on the X chromosome in humans) in eight individuals from six families with CAKUT. In kidney cells, overexpression of wild-type ARHGEF6—but not proband-derived mutant ARHGEF6— increased active levels of CDC42/RAC1, induced lamellipodia formation, and stimulated PARVAdependent cell spreading. ARHGEF6 mutant proteins showed loss of interaction with PARVA. Three-dimensional MDCK cell cultures expressing ARHGEF6 mutant proteins exhibited reduced lumen formation and polarity defects. Arhgef6 deficiency in mouse and frog models recapitulated features of human CAKUT. Conclusions: Deleterious variants in ARHGEF6 may cause dysregulation of integrin-parvinRAC1/CDC42 signaling, thereby leading to X-linked CAKUT