10,209 research outputs found

    Rare Hadronic and Radiative Penguin B Decays at BaBar

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    We report recent results in the study of rare hadronic and radiative penguin decays of B mesons. These results are based on a sample of 23 million B B-bar pairs collected by the BaBar Collaboration at the SLAC PEP-II e+e- B Factory.Comment: 7 pages, 2 figures; Contributed to the Proceedings of the 5th KEK Topical Conference: Frontiers In Flavor Physics (KEKTC5), 20-22 Nov 2001, Tsukuba, Ibaraki, Japa

    Large Direct CP Violation in B^0 -> pi^+ pi^- and an Enhanced Branching Ratio for B^0 -> pi^0 pi^0

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    Recent measurements of B^0 -> pi pi decays reveal two features that are in conflict with conventional calculations: the channel B^0 (Bbar^0) -> pi^+ pi^- shows a large direct CP-violating asymmetry, and the channel B^0 (B^0) -> pi^0 pi^0 has an unexpectedly high branching ratio. We show that both features can be understood in terms of strong-interaction mixing of pi pi and D Dbar channels in the isospin-zero state, an effect that is important because of the large experimentally observed ratio Gamma(B^0 / Bbar^0 -> D^+ D^-) / Gamma (B^0 / Bbar^0 -> pi^+ pi^-) approx. 50. Our dynamical model correlates the branching ratios and the CP-violating parameters C and S, for the decays B^0 (Bbar^0) -> pi^+ pi^-, B^0 (Bbar^0) -> pi^0 pi^0, B^0 (Bbar^0) -> D^+ D^- and B^0 (Bbar^0) -> D^0 Dbar^0.Comment: 10 pages, 2 figures, 1 table; v2: Misprint corrected in Eq. (12), second line: -a_m replaced by +a_m. To appear in Phys. Lett.

    Radiative and Semileptonic B Decays Involving Higher K-Resonances in the Final States

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    We study the radiative and semileptonic B decays involving a spin-JJ resonant KJ()K_J^{(*)} with parity (1)J(-1)^J for KJK_J^* and (1)J+1(-1)^{J+1} for KJK_J in the final state. Using the large energy effective theory (LEET) techniques, we formulate BKJ()B \to K_J^{(*)} transition form factors in the large recoil region in terms of two independent LEET functions ζKJ()\zeta_\perp^{K_J^{(*)}} and ζKJ()\zeta_\parallel^{K_J^{(*)}}, the values of which at zero momentum transfer are estimated in the BSW model. According to the QCD counting rules, ζ,KJ()\zeta_{\perp,\parallel}^{K_J^{(*)}} exhibit a dipole dependence in q2q^2. We predict the decay rates for BKJ()γB \to K_J^{(*)} \gamma, BKJ()+B \to K_J^{(*)} \ell^+ \ell^- and BKJ()ννˉB \to K_J^{(*)}\nu \bar{\nu}. The branching fractions for these decays with higher KK-resonances in the final state are suppressed due to the smaller phase spaces and the smaller values of ζ,KJ()\zeta^{K_J^{(*)}}_{\perp,\parallel}. Furthermore, if the spin of KJ()K_J^{(*)} becomes larger, the branching fractions will be further suppressed due to the smaller Clebsch-Gordan coefficients defined by the polarization tensors of the KJ()K_J^{(*)}. We also calculate the forward backward asymmetry of the BKJ()+B \to K_J^{(*)} \ell^+ \ell^- decay, for which the zero is highly insensitive to the KK-resonances in the LEET parametrization.Comment: 27 pages, 4 figures, 7 tables;contents and figures corrected, title and references revise

    Understanding the newly observed Y(4008) by Belle

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    Very recently a new enhancement around 4.05 GeV was observed by Belle experiment. In this short note, we discuss some possible assignments for this enhancement, i.e. ψ(3S)\psi(3S) and DDˉD^*\bar{D}^* molecular state. In these two assignments, Y(4008) can decay into J/ψπ0π0J/\psi\pi^0\pi^0 with comparable branching ratio with that of Y(4008)J/ψπ+πY(4008)\to J/\psi\pi^+\pi^-. Thus one suggests high energy experimentalists to look for Y(4008) in J/ψπ0π0J/\psi\pi^0\pi^0 channel. Furthermore one proposes further experiments to search missing channel DDˉD\bar{D}, DDˉ+h.c.D\bar{D}^*+h.c. and especially χcJπ+ππ0\chi_{cJ}\pi^+\pi^-\pi^0 and ηcπ+ππ0\eta_c\pi^+\pi^-\pi^0, which will be helpful to distinguish ψ(3S)\psi(3S) and DDˉD^*\bar{D}^* molecular state assignments for this new enhancement.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures. Typos correcte

    Initial Conditions for Large Cosmological Simulations

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    This technical paper describes a software package that was designed to produce initial conditions for large cosmological simulations in the context of the Horizon collaboration. These tools generalize E. Bertschinger's Grafic1 software to distributed parallel architectures and offer a flexible alternative to the Grafic2 software for ``zoom'' initial conditions, at the price of large cumulated cpu and memory usage. The codes have been validated up to resolutions of 4096^3 and were used to generate the initial conditions of large hydrodynamical and dark matter simulations. They also provide means to generate constrained realisations for the purpose of generating initial conditions compatible with, e.g. the local group, or the SDSS catalog.Comment: 12 pages, 11 figures, submitted to ApJ

    The Universal Aspect Ratio of Vortices in Rotating Stratifi?ed Flows: Experiments and Observations

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    We validate a new law for the aspect ratio α=H/L\alpha = H/L of vortices in a rotating, stratified flow, where HH and LL are the vertical half-height and horizontal length scale of the vortices. The aspect ratio depends not only on the Coriolis parameter f and buoyancy (or Brunt-Vaisala) frequency Nˉ\bar{N} of the background flow, but also on the buoyancy frequency NcN_c within the vortex and on the Rossby number RoRo of the vortex such that α=f[Ro(1+Ro)/(Nc2Nˉ2)]\alpha = f \sqrt{[Ro (1 + Ro)/(N_c^2- \bar{N}^2)]}. This law for α\alpha is obeyed precisely by the exact equilibrium solution of the inviscid Boussinesq equations that we show to be a useful model of our laboratory vortices. The law is valid for both cyclones and anticyclones. Our anticyclones are generated by injecting fluid into a rotating tank filled with linearly-stratified salt water. The vortices are far from the top and bottom boundaries of the tank, so there is no Ekman circulation. In one set of experiments, the vortices viscously decay, but as they do, they continue to obey our law for α\alpha, which decreases over time. In a second set of experiments, the vortices are sustained by a slow continuous injection after they form, so they evolve more slowly and have larger |Ro|, but they also obey our law for α\alpha. The law for α\alpha is not only validated by our experiments, but is also shown to be consistent with observations of the aspect ratios of Atlantic meddies and Jupiter's Great Red Spot and Oval BA. The relationship for α\alpha is derived and examined numerically in a companion paper by Hassanzadeh et al. (2012).Comment: Submitted to the Journal of Fluid Mechanics. Also see the companion paper by Hassanzadeh et al. "The Universal Aspect Ratio of Vortices in Rotating Stratifi?ed Flows: Theory and Simulation" 201

    Measurement of beta in B decays to charm and charmonium in BABAR

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    In this article we will review recent BABAR measurements of Unitarity Triangle angle beta in B meson decays to charm and charmonium.Comment: 3 pages, 1 postscript figues, contributed to the Proceedings of EPS-HEP200

    QCD Approach to B->D \pi Decays and CP Violation

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    The branching ratios and CP violations of the BDπB\to D\pi decays, including both the color-allowed and the color-suppressed modes, are investigated in detail within QCD framework by considering all diagrams which lead to three effective currents of two quarks. An intrinsic mass scale as a dynamical gluon mass is introduced to treat the infrared divergence caused by the soft collinear approximation in the endpoint regions, and the Cutkosky rule is adopted to deal with a physical-region singularity of the on mass-shell quark propagators. When the dynamical gluon mass μg\mu_g is regarded as a universal scale, it is extracted to be around μg=440\mu_g = 440 MeV from one of the well-measured BDπB\to D\pi decay modes. The resulting predictions for all branching ratios are in agreement with the current experimental measurements. As these decays have no penguin contributions, there are no direct CPCP asymmetries. Due to interference between the Cabibbo-suppressed and the Cabibbo-favored amplitudes, mixing-induced CP violations are predicted in the BD±πB\to D^{\pm}\pi^{\mp} decays to be consistent with the experimental data at 1-σ\sigma level. More precise measurements will be helpful to extract weak angle 2β+γ2\beta+\gamma.Comment: 21pages,5 figures,3 tables, typos corrected and numerical result for one of decay channels is improve