199 research outputs found

    Hot Isostatic Pressing Technology for Defence and Space Applications

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    Hot isostatic pressing (HIP) technology has been established for the development of AISI-304 stainless steel and nickel base superalloy Inconel 718 integral turbine rotors, for liquid propulsion engine of Prithvi missile, and cryoengine of geostationary satellite launch vehicle (GSLV), respectively. Before making the full size rotors, the structure – property relationships in hot isostatic pressed (HIPed) 304 stainless steel and superalloy 718 were established. The HIPed steel and superalloy have shown near 100 per cent theoretical density, homogeneous, and fine grained microstructure. Their mechanical properties were found to be in agreement with those specified for the integral turbine rotors and hence, development of full size near net shaped integral turbine rotors was undertaken. The HIPed steel rotors subjected to the static engine tests have shown a satisfactory performance, and therefore a large number of rotors could be produced to fulfill the requirement of target labs. The HIP technology for the integral turbine rotors was found to be cost effective (about 50 per cent) over the conventional fabrication method which involves forging, machining, and welding of blades to the disk. The processing, structure, and properties of the HIPed 304 stainless steel and superalloy 718 in relation to the performance of integral turbine rotors for missile and space vehicle applications are discussed in this paper.Defence Science Journal, 2012, 62(1), pp.73-80, DOI:http://dx.doi.org/10.14429/dsj.62.37

    Phenolics Quantification in some Genotypes of Capsicum annuum L

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    Total phenolic contents of fruits at three ripening stages (green, intermediate and red) from nine genotypes of Capsicum annuum L. were analyzed. Among the genotypes C. annuum var. Paprika (C.a.2) had highest amount of phenolic contents i.e., 188.0±0.44, 220.0±0.52 and 266.0±0.30mg/100gFW from green, intermediate and red ripening respectively. The study revealed that high content of phenolics were found in fruits at red ripening. The variability of phenolic contents in the genotypes suggests that these selected genotypes may be use full as parents in hybridization programs to produce fruits with good nutritional values.Key words: Chili pepper, Gallic acid, Phenolics, Ripening O. Aniel Kumar et al. Phenolics Quantification in some Genotypes of Capsicum annuum L.. J Phytol 2/6 (2010) 87-90

    Dynamic Behavior of Geogrid-Reinforced Soil

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    Geosynthetic materials particularly geogrids are widely used as reinforcement and is a proven technology for enhancing the performance of the foundation soil system under monotonic loadings. But the dynamic behavior of the reinforced foundation soil has not been well understood so far, and therefore dynamic loads (square wave pulse) of frequencies 0.2, 0.4 and 1 hertz under an amplitude of displacement of 2mm have been studied by carrying out dynamic plate loading tests on both unreinforced and the reinforced sandy beds. The size of the square plate is 150mm x 150mm x 30mm

    Controllability and Observability of Kronecker Product Sylvester System on Time Scales

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    The main objective in this paper is to present the necessary and sufficient conditions for complete controllability, complete observability associated with kronecker product Sylvester system on time scales.2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 93B05,93B07,49K15

    Ultrastructural and molecular characterization of altered plastids in nuclear gene controlled yellow stripe mutant of Pennisetum americanum

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    The ultrastructural and molecular biological studies were conducted to elucidate the changes in the nuclear gene controlled plastid alterations in yellow stripe mutant of Pennisetum americanum. The plastids in yellow tissue were bound by a double membrane envelope and no internal thylakoid membrane differentiation, whereas plastid development was normal in the green tissue. The nuclear gene apparently influences the individual plastids as evidenced by the presence of heteroplastidic cells. Ribosomal RNAs were extracted from green and yellow seedlings with homozygous recessive and heterozygous genotypes. Plastid specific 23S and 16S rRNAs were absent in the yellow seedlings irrespective of the genotype. The presence of disorganized lamellar membranes in the rRNA/ribosome deficient plastids indicate that they are synthesized outside the plastid compartment. Restriction endonuclease analysis revealed no detectable differences in fragmentation pattern of the plastid DNAs from green and reverted green seedlings. This is consistent with the suggestion that the nuclear gene is not inducing any change in the plastid genome size and in the restriction enzyme recognition sites

    Culture experiments on the edible oyster Crassostera madrasensis in the Bheemunipatnam backwater

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    Studies on the possibilities of culture of edible oyster Crassostrea madrasensis in the Bheemunipatnam backwater were conducted during 1977-79. Spat collection experiments using different types, of spat collectors showed that empty oyster shells and close meshed plastic baskets were most efficient. Setting of spat on the spat collectors kept near the bottom was more than on those kept suspended off bottom. Spat fall was observed throughout the year with peaks in March and October. The oyster attained a size of about 8 cm during the first year. Low salinity during monsoon months appeared to retard growt

    Pelagic fishery resources of Lawson’s bay, Waltair

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    At Lawson's B;y, the gears employed are shoreseines, boatseines, hooks and lines, surface g!llnets and bottom-set nylon nets. During the period 1970 to 1974, the estimated total annual landings by all gears were 654. 8, 62?.0', 577.<)8, 542.4 and 637.3 tonnes, respectively. The ca'iches by hooks and lines alone accounted for 50-60% of the tot.l landings during the period. Seasonal abundance of fish showed correlations with hydrological and planktological conditions and the food avalable in environment. Far pelagic fi&hes, high catch rates were obtained during Novem'ber to May and to a lesser extent during July-September. Prawns were caught in greater proportions by gillnets than by boat seines, the former being employed during May-September period. The adverse effects arising out of the introduction of bottom-set gillnets in the fishery are discussed

    Studies on some aspects of biology and transplantation of the clam Meretrix casta (Chemnitz) in the Bheemunipatnam backwaters

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    Studies on the growth of Meretrix casta (Chemintz) showed that the clams in the natural bed grew at the rate of 3.6-3.9 mm per month while the speciemens kept in the cages showed growth rates of 0.9 mm and 0.77 mm per month respectively for on bottom and off bottom culture. The equation for length weight relation was found .The spawning period of M. casta was found to be between April-May. Dispersal of clam seed in virgin areas did not yield fruitful results as there was heavy mortality due to floods

    Oligomerization, Conformational Stability and Thermal Unfolding of Harpin, HrpZPss and Its Hypersensitive Response-Inducing C-Terminal Fragment, C-214-HrpZPss.

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    HrpZ-a harpin from Pseudomonas syringae-is a highly thermostable protein that exhibits multifunctional abilities e.g., it elicits hypersensitive response (HR), enhances plant growth, acts as a virulence factor, and forms pores in plant plasma membranes as well as artificial membranes. However, the molecular mechanism of its biological activity and high thermal stability remained poorly understood. HR inducing abilities of non-overlapping short deletion mutants of harpins put further constraints on the ability to establish structure-activity relationships. We characterized HrpZPss from Pseudomonas syringae pv. syringae and its HR inducing C-terminal fragment with 214 amino acids (C-214-HrpZPss) using calorimetric, spectroscopic and microscopic approaches. Both C-214-HrpZPss and HrpZPss were found to form oligomers. We propose that leucine-zipper-like motifs may take part in the formation of oligomeric aggregates, and oligomerization could be related to HR elicitation. CD, DSC and fluorescence studies showed that the thermal unfolding of these proteins is complex and involves multiple steps. The comparable conformational stability at 25°C (∼10.0 kcal/mol) of HrpZPss and C-214-HrpZPss further suggest that their structures are flexible, and the flexibility allows them to adopt proper conformation for multifunctional abilities