2,098 research outputs found

    Cross-cultural Adaption and Psychometric Properties Testing of The Arabic Anterior Knee Pain Scale

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    Patellofemoral pain syndrome (PFP) is a common condition affecting the musculoskeletal system and has a tendency of becoming chronic and is problematic in the affected people. It is the commonest cause of anterior knee pain. In over 2/3 of the patients affected it has been successfully treated through the use of rehabilitation protocols which are designed in pain reduction and returning the functionality to an individual. Many cases of patellofemoral pain syndrome can be avoided only if a clinician can make a pre-diagnosis. Preparation Screening Evaluation testing done by a certified athletic trainer can also help in prevention of this syndrome. The purpose of this topic is to be able to review the anatomy of the knee, the risk factors predisposing to patellofemoral pain syndrome, soft tissue, arterial system, innervation of the patellofemoral joint and strategies for rehabilitation. This will enable reviewing the anatomy of the knee, relationships between arterial collateralization, nerve supply and alignment of soft tissues in explaining the mechanisms that lead to this syndrome. By doing so, it will help in the future whereby using different treatments that will be aiming at the non-soft tissue that cause patellofemoral pain syndrome

    UWB imaging for breast cancer detection using neural network.

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    This paper presents a simple feed-forward back-propagation Neural Network (NN) model to detect and locate early breast cancer/tumor efficiently through the investigation of Electromagnetic (EM) waves. A spherical tumor of radius 0.25 cm was created and placed at arbitrary locations in a breast model using an EM simulator. Directional antennas were used to transmit and receive Ultra-Wide Band (UWB) signals in 4 to 8 GHz frequency range. Small training and validation sets were constructed to train and test the NN. The received signals were fed into the trained NN model to find the presence and location of tumor. Very optimistic results (about 100% and 94.4% presence and location detection rate of tumor respectively) have been observed for early received signal components with the NN model. Hence, the proposed model is very potential for early tumor detection to save human lives in the future

    Contemporary Concepts of Neutrosophic Fuzzy Soft BCK-submodules

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    In this paper, we introduce the concept of neutrosophic fuzzy soft translations and neutrosophic fuzzy soft extensions of neutrosophic fuzzy soft BCK-submodules and discusse the relation between them. Also, we dene the notion of neutrosophic fuzzy soft multiplications of neutrosophic fuzzy soft BCK-submodules. Finally, we investigate some resultes

    Multicriteria Decision Making (MCDM) Methods for Ranking Estimation Techniques in Extreme Programming

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    It is essential to use multicriteria decision making (MCDM) methods to evaluate human judgments, for decision problems requiring the measuring of tangible and intangible criteria. Among the MCDM techniques, the analytic hierarchical process (AHP) and its extended version, the analytic network process (ANP) are the most powerful methodologies for ranking options and alternatives. They have been utilized by many scientists and researchers in numerous fields, especially for complex engineering problems. Both tools allow leaders to structure their issues numerically utilizing individual judgments. In this article, it is suggested that the MCDM can be useful in agile processes where complicated decisions happen routinely. This paper shows the ranking of the extreme programming (XP) estimation methods using AHP and ANP in educational and industrial environments

    Multimodal Deep Learning for Scientific Imaging Interpretation

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    In the domain of scientific imaging, interpreting visual data often demands an intricate combination of human expertise and deep comprehension of the subject materials. This study presents a novel methodology to linguistically emulate and subsequently evaluate human-like interactions with Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) images, specifically of glass materials. Leveraging a multimodal deep learning framework, our approach distills insights from both textual and visual data harvested from peer-reviewed articles, further augmented by the capabilities of GPT-4 for refined data synthesis and evaluation. Despite inherent challenges--such as nuanced interpretations and the limited availability of specialized datasets--our model (GlassLLaVA) excels in crafting accurate interpretations, identifying key features, and detecting defects in previously unseen SEM images. Moreover, we introduce versatile evaluation metrics, suitable for an array of scientific imaging applications, which allows for benchmarking against research-grounded answers. Benefiting from the robustness of contemporary Large Language Models, our model adeptly aligns with insights from research papers. This advancement not only underscores considerable progress in bridging the gap between human and machine interpretation in scientific imaging, but also hints at expansive avenues for future research and broader application

    Low temperature hydrogenation and hydrodeoxygenation of oxygen-substituted aromatics over Rh/silica: part 1 - phenol, anisole and 4-methoxyphenol

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    The hydrogenation and competitive hydrogenation of anisole, phenol and 4-methoxyphenol was studied in the liquid phase over a Rh/silica catalyst at 323 K and 3 barg hydrogen pressure. The rate of conversion of the reactants to products gave an order of anisole ≫ phenol > 4-methoxyphenol with hydrogenation and hydrodeoxygenation products being produced. Anisole, the most reactive substrate, was rapidly converted to methoxycyclohexane, cyclohexane, cyclohexanone and cyclohexanol, while phenol was hydrogenated to cyclohexanone, cyclohexanol and cyclohexane. In both cases cyclohexanol was produced as a secondary product from cyclohexanone hydrogenation. The yield of cyclohexane, the hydrodeoxygenation (HDO) product was > 20% from both reactants and was formed as a primary product from the aromatic species. Hydrogenation of 4-methoxyphenol was selective to 4-methoxycyclohexanone with no alcohol formation, while the hydrogenolysis products revealed that the catalyst was more active for demethoxylation than dehydroxylation. A comparative strength of adsorption was determined from competitive hydrogenation and gave an order of anisole > phenol > 4-methoxyphenol. Competitive, pair hydrogenation inhibited HDO and stopped cyclohexane from being produced from phenol and 4-methoxyphenol, although it was still produced from anisole. An increased rate of hydrogenation for 4-methoxyphenol was observed for competitive reactions with phenol and anisole but not when all three reactants were present. In contrast to the pair reactions, when all three reactants were present HDO occurred with all aromatics producing cyclohexane. Replacing hydrogen with deuterium revealed an inverse kinetic isotope effect for ring hydrogenation of 4-methoxyphenol but not phenol or anisole, which both had a positive KIE

    Impact of Knowledge and Attitude on Saudis’ Physical Activity Practice and Inactivity Barriers: A Questionnaire-based Study

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    BACKGROUND: Community participation in physical activity is considered a major public health preference of WHO. Saudi Arabia in the last decades faced many tremendous economic changes leading to adoption of western dietary habits associated with sedentary lifestyle. AIM: We aimed to study the relationship between both physical activity knowledge and attitude of community to the practice of individuals. METHODS: We used a questionnaire consists of a mixture of closed-ended questions. Participants were recruited through direct meetings in local markets, schools, and workplaces. Seven hundred and sixty six individuals agreed to participate. RESULTS: Overall correct answers to questions about importance of physical activity were 76.58%. The predominance of participants’ attitude was to establish public places for physical activity in each neighborhood (92.1%). Participants acknowledged that they exercise to improve their health (47.5%). Participants mainly perform light exercises (47.2%) on basis of 1–3 times weekly (48.9%). About 90.8% of participants admitted that they like to increase duration of their physical activity. CONCLUSIONS: Overall physical activity practice of participants’ needs encourage overcoming obstacles that prevent individuals from practicing especially lack of time

    Factors influencing the adoption of social media marketing in small and medium-sized enterprises during the COVID-19 pandemic in Saudi Arabia : a thesis presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master in Business Studies at Massey University, Auckland, New Zealand

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    The COVID-19 outbreak led to a global economic slowdown that affected many countries including Saudi Arabia where trade, investment, employment, and travel have all been impacted by the lockdown, especially on small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). The main purpose of the current study is to examine the factors that influence the adoption and use of social media marketing (SMM) in SMEs during the lockdown in Saudi Arabia. This study has used a combined developed model from the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) and Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT2) to examine whether SMEs in Saudi Arabia accept and use SMM effectively in the case such as COVID-19 pandemic, and to test its impact on improving the business performance through attracting new customers, sales, improved communication with customers, identifying customers' needs, and utilizing employees' creativity. This model succeeded to explain the Impact On Business (IOB) to a degree of 81%, since the coefficient of determination (R²) is 0.81. This study used a quantitative method by applying the Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) technique to validate the conceptual model. The data was collected by using an online questionnaire of 146 participants from small and medium-sized enterprises. The results highlight that perceived usefulness (PEU), low cost (LCOS), and compatibility (COM) had a significant positive impact on SMEs to adopt and use SMM. The facilitating conditions and perceived ease of use had a non-significant impact on the adoption and use of SMM by SMEs. This study also found that small enterprises have been affected by the factors more than medium-sized ones. Another finding is that enterprises that were forced to close were more significantly affected by the factors (Low Cost and Compatibility) than the non-closed ones during the first lockdown starting from March 2020. In the same context, Facilitating Conditions (FCO) was not significant as 63 % of the participated enterprises were closed during the lockdown and could not use their infrastructure

    Experimental Investigation on Heat Transfer in a Prismatic Modular Reactor under Cosine Heat Flux

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    The current study has investigated natural convection heat during pressurized conduction cooldown (PCC) accident scenario to understand the passive safety features of prismatic modular reactors (PMR) under different intensities of nonuniform center peaking step heat flux distributions (approximating cosine shape) using an advanced fast-response heat transfer technique. A scaled-down PMR module was designed and developed at Missouri S&T by the research team of the Multiphase Reactors Engineering and Applications Laboratory (mReal). The module consists of upper and lower plena connected by heated and cooled channels. Nonuniform heat flux distribution was applied to the heated channel under nonuniform heating center peaking step (approximating cosine shape), simulating nonuniform heat distribution within the core of PMR. Air was used as the coolant to study the effect of nonuniform heating under a range of heat flux intensity (four sets of nonuniform heat flux and one set of uniform heat flux were tested) at 413.7 kPa (60 psi). At an axial position of Z/L = 0.409 along the heated channel, the heat transfer coefficient is increased by 35% for nonunifor libJo2O18*m heat flux distributions of set 1 (0.25*2.579 kW.m-2+0.50*3.152 kW.m-2+0.25*2.579 kW.m-2) and set 2 (0.25*2.292 kW.m-2+0.50*2.865 kW.m-2+0.25*2.292 kW.m-2) with respect to the the uniform heat flux set 5(2.865 kW.m-2), and it is decreased by 56% for nonuniform heat flux distributions of set 3 (0.25*2.006 kW.m-2+0.50*2.579 kW.m-2+0.25*2.006 kW.m-2) and set 4 (0.25*1.719 kW.m-2+0.50*2.292 kW.m-2+0.25*1.719 kW.m-2) with respect to the uniform heat flux set (set 5). There is a significant reorder in the heat transfer coefficients distribution curves in descending order along the heated channel after the inflection point (after Z/L =0.773)