167 research outputs found

    Medical Tourism Abroad : A new challenge to Oman’s health system - Al Dakhilya region experience

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    Objectives: This study aimed to understand why people seek medical advice abroad given the trouble and expense this entails. The types of medical problems for which treatment abroad was sought, preferred destinations and satisfaction with the treatment were explored. A secondary aim was to give feedback to stakeholders in the health care system on how to handle this issue and meet the needs of the community. Methods: 45 patients who had recently travelled abroad for treatment were asked to complete a questionnaire or were interviewed by telephone. Results: 40 questionnaires were received. 68% of the respondents were male. Orthopaedic diseases were the most common conditions leading patients to seek treatment abroad. Thailand was the most popular destination followed by India (50% and 30% respectively). 85% of respondents went abroad for treatment only, 10% for treatment and tourism and 2.5% were healthy, but travelled abroad for a checkup. Interestingly, 15% of the participants went abroad without first seeking medical care locally. Out of those initially treated in Oman, 38.2% had no specific diagnosis and 38.2% had received treatment, but it was not effective. 73% of respondents obtained information on treatment abroad from a friend. The Internet and medical tourism offices were the least used sources of information. 15% of the patients experienced complications after their treatment abroad. Conclusion: Various facts about medical treatment abroad need to be disseminated to the public. This will necessitate greater effort in public health promotion and education. 

    Harmonics Temporal Profile in High-Voltage Networks: Case Study

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    This chapter presents a case study about harmonics measurements in high-voltage networks. Measurements were conducted at two locations in the main interconnected system (MIS) of Oman. Voltage and current THDs were recorded for a period of 1 week. The power quality analyzer was set to record required data for a period of 1 week, and the observation period for each recorded value is 10 minutes. At the first location, the grid station (132/33) is feeding industrial as well as other customers. The second grid station (220/132/33 kV) is dedicated to large industrial customers including arc furnaces and rolling mills. The power quality analyzer was installed at the 132 kV side of power transformers at both locations. Recorded data are analyzed, and temporal harmonics profiles are studied. A clear temporal variation of harmonics similar to that of aggregate load and local voltage profiles was observed at the grid station feeding mixed residential and industrial loads. However, this correlation between system load and harmonics profile diminishes at the grid station dedicated for heavy industrial loads

    Fruit softening: evidence for rhamnogalacturonan lyase action in vivo in ripe fruit cell walls

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    Background and aims The softening of ripening fruit involves partial depolymerisation of cell-wall pectin by three types of reaction: enzymic hydrolysis, enzymic elimination (lyase-catalysed) and non-enzymic oxidative scission. Two known lyase activities are pectate lyase and rhamnogalacturonan lyase (RGL), potentially causing mid-chain cleavage of homogalacturonan and rhamnogalacturonan-I (RG-I) domains of pectin respectively. However, the important biological question of whether RGL exhibits action in vivo had not been tested.Methods We developed a method for specifically and sensitively detecting in-vivo RGL products, based on Driselase digestion of cell walls and detection of a characteristic unsaturated ‘fingerprint’ product (tetrasaccharide) of RGL action. Key Results In model experiments, potato RG-I that had been partially cleaved in vitro by commercial RGL was digested by Driselase, releasing an unsaturated tetrasaccharide (‘UA-Rha-GalA-Rha’), taken as diagnostic of RGL action. This highly acidic fingerprint compound was separated from monosaccharides (galacturonate, galactose, rhamnose etc.) by electrophoresis at pH 2, then separated from UA–GalA (the fingerprint of pectate lyase action) by thin-layer chromatography (TLC). The ‘UA-Rha-GalA-Rha’ was confirmed as 4-deoxy--L-threo-hex-4-enopyranuronosyl-(12)-L-rhamnosyl-(14)-D-galacturonosyl-(12)-L-rhamnose by mass spectrometry and acid hydrolysis. Driselase digestion of cell walls from diverse ripe fruits [date, sea buckthorn, cranberry, yew (arils), mango, plum, blackberry, apple, pear and strawberry] yielded the same fingerprint compound, demonstrating that RGL had been acting in vivo in these fruits prior to harvest. The ‘fingerprint’ : (galacturonate + rhamnose) ratio in digests from ripe dates was approximately 1:72 (mol/mol), indicating that ~1.4% of the backbone RhaGalA bonds in endogenous RG-I had been cleaved by in-vivo RGL action. Conclusions The results provide the first demonstration that RGL, previously known from studies of fruit gene expression, proteomic studies and in-vitro enzyme activity, exhibits enzyme action in the walls of soft fruits and may thus be proposed to contribute to fruit softening. <br/

    A Massive Tuberculosis Abscess at the Erector Spinae Muscles and Subcutaneous Tissues in a Young Man

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    Tuberculosis (TB) is a chronic granulomatous infection which can present in an atypical form. Isolated muscle involvement is very rare. We report a 25-year-old man who presented with a massive cystic swelling on the right side of his back, extending from the lower thoracic to the gluteal region. He had a history of contact with a friend who was suspected of having TB. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) showed that the origin of the cyst was from the erector spinae muscles. The result of a fluid aspirate showed acid fast bacilli. The swelling disappeared after treatment with anti-tuberculous medications. Muscular involvement in TB is very rare. In our patient, the reports of an ultrasound and MRI confirmed isolated muscle and subcutaneous involvement without bony lesions. This case is reported to increase physician awareness regarding soft tissue TB. Although it is rare, similar cases may be seen in the future

    The association of Human Leukocyte Antigens Complex with Type 1 Diabetes in Omanis

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    Background: Identifying the human leukocyte antigens (HLA) high risk alleles, genotypes and haplotypes in different populations is beneficial for understanding their roles in type 1 diabetes (T1D) pathogenesis and intervention practices. Objective: The aim of this study was to identify T1D associated HLA gene alleles in the Omani population. Methods: Our case-control study included 73 diabetic seropositive children (mean age 9.08±3.27 years) and 110 healthy controls. HLA–A, -B, -C, -DRB1, and -DQB1 genes were genotyped using sequence specific primer polymerase chain reaction (SSP-PCR). Results: Two HLA class I alleles (B*08, B*58) and three class II alleles (DQB1*02, DRB1*03 and DRB1*04) were associated with T1D susceptibility, while one class I (B*51) and three class II (DQB1*05, DQB1*06, and DRB1*16) alleles were associated with T1D protection. HLA- DRB1*03 and DQB1*02 alleles showed the strongest risk association among all alleles. Six DRB1 residues (E9, S11, S13, Y30, V70 and K71) were significantly associated with T1D susceptibility. Heterozygous genotypes, HLA-DRB1*03/*04 and DQB1*02/*03 were significantly associated with T1D susceptibility (P=4.29E-07, OR=63.2 and P=0.02, OR=3.6, respectively). Furthermore, we detected a significant combined action of DRB1*03-DQB1*02 haplotype in T1D risk (P=1.76E-05, OR=15), and DRB1*16-DQB1*05 haplotype in protection (P=3.12E-2, OR=0.48). Conclusion: Known HLA class II gene alleles are associated with T1D in Omani children

    Improved mechanical strength, proton conductivity and power density in an ‘all-protonic’ ceramic fuel cell at intermediate temperature

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    The authors AA and NR would like to thank Universiti Brunei Darussalam for providing a UGS scholarship to perform this research. This work was supported by the UBD CRG project: UBD/OVACRI/CRGWG(006)/161201.Protonic ceramic fuel cells (PCFCs) have become the most efficient, clean and cost-effective electrochemical energy conversion devices in recent years. While significant progress has been made in developing proton conducting electrolyte materials, mechanical strength and durability still need to be improved for efficient applications. We report that adding 5 mol% Zn to the Y-doped barium cerate-zirconate perovskite electrolyte material can significantly improve the sintering properties, mechanical strength, durability and performance. Using same proton conducting material in anodes, electrolytes and cathodes to make a strong structural backbone shows clear advantages in mechanical strength over other arrangements with different materials. Rietveld analysis of the X-ray and neutron diffraction data of BaCe0.7Zr0.1Y0.15Zn0.05O3−δ (BCZYZn05) revealed a pure orthorhombic structure belonging to the Pbnm space group. Structural and electrochemical analyses indicate highly dense and high proton conductivity at intermediate temperature (400–700 °C). The anode-supported single cell, NiO-BCZYZn05|BCZYZn05|BSCF-BCZYZn05, demonstrates a peak power density of 872 mW cm−2 at 700 °C which is one of the highest power density in an all-protonic solid oxide fuel cell. This observation represents an important step towards commercially viable SOFC technology.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Decarbonize Russia — A Best–Worst Method Approach for Assessing the Renewable Energy Potentials, Opportunities and Challenges

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    Russia is known to be a country with enormous energy resources both renewables and non-renewables. Much of the country's effort towards energy generation has been on the development of the non-renewables over the years. This study examined the opportunities and challenges in Russia's Renewable energy (RE) sector. By coupling both interviews and literature reviews, a total of 8 main opportunities and 7 key challenges were identified and discussed. The Best–Worst-Method was used to assign weights to the various factors using inputs of 30 experienced experts in Russia's RE sector. According to the obtained results, the most significant opportunity that the country would have to take advantage of is the opportunity to export RE outside the shores of the country, it recorded 27.7 percent. This is followed by the country's target for the RE sector which scored 18%, hydrogen production and need to meet local energy requirements followed with 12% each. The greatest challenge which also serve as a hindrance to the development of RE in the country is the low attention given to clean technologies from government, it recorded a weight of 31.4%. This is followed by unequal playing field, and strict local content requirements which recorded 17.9% and 13.5%, respectively. The study ended with some strategic recommendations to authorities for the development of the sector. © 2021 The Authors

    Beyond Environmental Kuznets Curve and Policy Implications to Promote Sustainable Development in Mediterranean

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    In acknowledgment of the devastating consequences of environmental deterioration, the Mediterranean members are committed to adopt the 2015 treaty action plans of the Paris Climate Agreement (COP21) as carbon dioxide emission (CO2) are on the rise in the Mediterranean region, which seems to be a serious challenge to our world's environment. To this end, our study examined the impact of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) on environmental degradation for the Mediterranean members for the period between 1995 to 2016. However, variables such as, financial development, economic growth, renewable energy and fossil fuel were further examined by the use cross-sectional-Panel pooled Auto Regressive Distributed Lag methodology, Augmented Mean Group (AMG) and Dumitrescu and Hurlin panel causality test was used for causality analysis. The co-integration results from Westerlund (2007) shows a long-run equilibrium relationship between highlighted variables. The empirical result revealed a negative relation between FDI and CO2 indicating pollutant Hallo Hypothesis (PHH). Moreover, income and its square show an inverted U-Shaped curve indicating environmental Kuznets curve (EKC) hypothesis. Both financial development and renewable energy indicated an adverse association with CO2 emission whereas fossil fuel had a positive relationship with emissions. However, there was a feedback causality among income and carbon emission as well as financial development and carbon emission. Furthermore, we observe that FDI and carbon emission, renewable energy and carbon emission, as well as fossil fuel and carbon emission were found to have one-way causal relationship. Overall, the study suggests some policy prescriptions including the implementation of conservation initiatives and the establishment of clean energy regulation and strategies for the investigated bloc. © 2021 The Authors.The work of H. Haes Alhelou was supported in part by Science Foundation Ireland (SFI) under the SFI Strategic Partnership Programme Grant Number SFI/15/SPP/E3125 and additional funding provided by the UCD Energy Institute. The opinions, findings and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Science Foundation Ireland

    Postpartum depression in the Occupied Palestinian Territory:a longitudinal study in Bethlehem

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    BACKGROUND: Postpartum depression (PPD) affects women from different cultures around the world. No previous studies have investigated PPD among women in Palestine. Fertility rates in Palestine are among the highest in the world, hence even low rates of PPD could have considerable national impact. The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of, and risk factors for, PPD among Palestinian mothers. METHODS: 101 mothers were recruited during the registration of their child’s birth (within 1 week) at the Bethlehem branch of the Ministry of Interior. Participants were assessed via a face to face interview, and were followed up 1 week, 2 weeks, 6 weeks, 3 months, and 6 months later by telephone interview. Interviews included the Arabic Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale (EPDS), with PPD indicated by depressive symptoms (EPDS score ≥11) at ≥2 follow-up time points. Pearson’s correlation was calculated between repeated EPDS scores, and multivariable logistic regression was used to investigate risk factors for PPD. RESULTS: The prevalence of depressive symptoms was fairly constant (14–19%) over the follow-up period. Most depressive symptoms developed within 1 month of delivery; mothers with depressive symptoms at 3 months postpartum were highly likely to still have symptoms at 6 months. 27.7% (28/101) of women met our criteria for PPD. High parity (odds ratio (OR) 4.52 (95% CI 0.90, 22.8) parity 3+ versus primiparous), unplanned pregnancy (OR 2.44 (0.99, 6.01)) and sex of child not being the one desired (OR 5.07 (1.12, 22.9)) were associated with PPD, but these associations were attenuated in multivariable analysis. CONCLUSIONS: The prevalence of PPD in Palestine appears to be higher than in high income countries, but similar to the prevalence in other Middle Eastern countries. High parity and unplanned pregnancy were identified as risk factors for PPD, suggesting that fully meeting the need for family planning could reduce the incidence of PPD in the Palestinian population

    Molecular characterization of mutant TP53 acute myeloid leukemia and high-risk myelodysplastic syndrome

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    Substantial heterogeneity within mutant TP53 acute myeloid leukemia (AML) and myelodysplastic syndrome with excess of blast (MDS-EB) precludes the exact assessment of prognostic impact for individual patients. We performed in-depth clinical and molecular analysis of mutant TP53 AML and MDS-EB to dissect the molecular characteristics in detail and determine its impact on survival. We performed next-generation sequencing on 2200 AML/MDS-EB specimens and assessed the TP53 mutant allelic status (mono- or bi-allelic), the number of TP53 mutations, mutant TP53 clone size, concurrent mutations, cytogenetics, and mutant TP53 molecular minimal residual disease and studied the associations of these characteristics with overall survival. TP53 mutations were detected in 230 (10.5%) patients with AML/MDS-EB with a median variant allele frequency of 47%. Bi-allelic mutant TP53 status was observed in 174 (76%) patients. Multiple TP53 mutations were found in 49 (21%) patients. Concurrent mutations were detected in 113 (49%) patients. No significant difference in any of the aforementioned molecular characteristics of mutant TP53 was detected between AML and MDS-EB. Patients with mutant TP53 have a poor outcome (2-year overall survival, 12.8%); however, no survival difference between AML and MDS-EB was observed. Importantly, none of the molecular characteristics were significantly associated with survival in mutant TP53 AML/MDS-EB. In most patients, TP53 mutations remained detectable in complete remission by deep sequencing (73%). Detection of residual mutant TP53 was not associated with survival. Mutant TP53 AML and MDS-EB do not differ with respect to molecular characteristics and survival. Therefore, mutant TP53 AML/MDS-EB should be considered a distinct molecular disease entity