147 research outputs found

    Mechanical Forces in the Skin : Roles in Tissue Architecture, Stability, and Function

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    Tissue shape emerges from the collective mechanical properties and behavior of individual cells and the ways by which they integrate into the surrounding tissue. Tissue architecture and its dynamic changes subsequently feed back to guide cell behavior. The skin is a dynamic, self-renewing barrier that is subjected to large-scale extrinsic mechanical forces throughout its lifetime. The ability to withstand this constant mechanical stress without compromising its integrity as a barrier requires compartment-specific structural specialization and the capability to sense and adapt to mechanical cues. This review discusses the unique mechanical properties of the skin and the importance of signals that arise from mechanical communication between cells and their environment.Peer reviewe

    Hydrostatic pressure prevents chondrocyte differentiation through heterochromatin remodeling

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    Articular cartilage protects and lubricates joints for smooth motion and transmission of loads. Owing to its high water content, chondrocytes within the cartilage are exposed to high levels of hydrostatic pressure, which has been shown to promote chondrocyte identity through unknown mechanisms. Here, we investigate the effects of hydrostatic pressure on chondrocyte state and behavior, and discover that application of hydrostatic pressure promotes chondrocyte quiescence and prevents maturation towards the hyperlrophic state. Mechanistically, hydrostatic pressure reduces the amount of trimethylated H3K9 (K3K9me3)-marked constitutive heterochromatin and concomitantly increases H3K27me3-marked facultative heterochromatin. Reduced levels of H3K9me3 attenuates expression of pre-hypertrophic genes, replication and transcription, thereby reducing replicative stress. Conversely, promoting replicative stress by inhibition of topoisomerase II decreases Sox9 expression, suggesting that it enhances chondrocyte maturation. Our results reveal how hydrostatic pressure triggers chromatin remodeling to impact cell fate and function. This article has an associated First Person interview with the first author of the paper.Peer reviewe

    N1-acetylspermidine is a determinant of hair follicle stem cell fate

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    Stem cell differentiation is accompanied by increased mRNA translation. The rate of protein biosynthesis is influenced by the polyamines putrescine, spermidine and spermine, which are essential for cell growth and stem cell maintenance. However, the role of polyamines as endogenous effectors of stem cell fate and whether they act through translational control remains obscure. Here, we investigate the function of polyamines in stem cell fate decisions using hair follicle stem cell (HFSC) organoids. Compared to progenitor cells, HFSCs showed lower translation rates, correlating with reduced polyamine levels. Surprisingly, overall polyamine depletion decreased translation but did not affect cell fate. In contrast, specific depletion of natural polyamines mediated by spermidine/spermine N1-acetyltransferase (SSAT; also known as SAT1) activation did not reduce translation but enhanced stemness. These results suggest a translation-independent role of polyamines in cell fate regulation. Indeed, we identified N1-acetylspermidine as a determinant of cell fate that acted through increasing self-renewal, and observed elevated N1-acetylspermidine levels upon depilation-mediated HFSC proliferation and differentiation in vivo. Overall, this study delineates the diverse routes of polyamine metabolism-mediated regulation of stem cell fate decisions. This article has an associated First Person interview with the first author of the paper.Peer reviewe

    Pain, psychological distress and health-related quality of life at baseline and 3 months after radical prostatectomy

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    BACKGROUND: Inadequate management of postoperative pain is common, and postoperative pain is a risk factor for prolonged pain. In addition to medical and technical factors, psychological factors may also influence the experience of postoperative pain. METHODS: Pain was measured postoperatively at 24, 48, and 72 hr in hospital and after 3 months at home in 140 patients undergoing radical prostatectomy (RP). Patients answered questionnaires about anxiety and depression (HAD scale) and health-related quality of life (SF-36) at baseline and 3 months after surgery. RESULTS: In the first 3 postoperative days, mild pain was reported by 45 patients (32%), moderate pain by 64 (45%), and severe pain by 31 (22%) on one or more days. High postoperative pain scores were correlated with length of hospital stay and with high pain scores at home. Forty patients (29%) reported moderate (n = 35) or severe (n = 5) pain after discharge from hospital. Patients who experienced anxiety and depression preoperatively had higher postoperative pain scores and remained anxious and depressed 3 months after surgery. The scores for the physical domains in the SF-36 were decreased, while the mental health scores were increased at 3 months. Anxiety and depression were negatively correlated with all domains of the SF-36. CONCLUSION: There is a need for nurses to be aware of the psychological status of RP patients and its impact upon patients' experience of postoperative pain and recovery. The ability to identify patients with psychological distress and to target interventions is an important goal for future research

    Women's entrepreneurship in Saudi Arabia:feminist solidarity and political activism in disguise?'

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    This paper is a longitudinal study that uses insights from postcolonial feminism to explore women’s entrepreneurship as a political form of feminist organising for social change in Saudi Arabia. Postcolonial feminist approaches challenge Western feminism, which can obscure the diversity of women’s lived experiences, agency and activism. Through Bayat’s (2013) theory of 'quiet encroachment', I identify the ways in which contemporary Western conceptualisations of feminist solidarity and social movements have dismissed ‘Other’ women’s ‘silent’, protracted and (dis)organised activism in parts of the Middle East. By exploring how Saudi women have utilised their entrepreneurial space as a legitimate platform for change, I aim to enrich understanding of women’s activism through everyday solidarity practices, which allow them to quietly encroach onto the previously forbidden political space. The findings exemplify how their activism ‘quietly’ developed over time through a three- step process - from the entrepreneur aiming to empower women within their organisation, to developing feminist consciousness within their entrepreneurial network, to becoming a ‘political activist’ lobbying for policy changes for women. These solidarity practices exemplify the West’s relationship with ‘the Other’, and reveal that feminist organising for social change must be explored within its own context in order to fully appreciate its global political potential

    Cumulative occupational lumbar load and lumbar disc disease – results of a German multi-center case-control study (EPILIFT)

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    Background The to date evidence for a dose-response relationship between physical workload and the development of lumbar disc diseases is limited. We therefore investigated the possible etiologic relevance of cumulative occupational lumbar load to lumbar disc diseases in a multi-center case-control study. Methods In four study regions in Germany (Frankfurt/Main, Freiburg, Halle/Saale, Regensburg), patients seeking medical care for pain associated with clinically and radiologically verified lumbar disc herniation (286 males, 278 females) or symptomatic lumbar disc narrowing (145 males, 206 females) were prospectively recruited. Population control subjects (453 males and 448 females) were drawn from the regional population registers. Cases and control subjects were between 25 and 70 years of age. In a structured personal interview, a complete occupational history was elicited to identify subjects with certain minimum workloads. On the basis of job task-specific supplementary surveys performed by technical experts, the situational lumbar load represented by the compressive force at the lumbosacral disc was determined via biomechanical model calculations for any working situation with object handling and load-intensive postures during the total working life. For this analysis, all manual handling of objects of about 5 kilograms or more and postures with trunk inclination of 20 degrees or more are included in the calculation of cumulative lumbar load. Confounder selection was based on biologic plausibility and on the change-in-estimate criterion. Odds ratios (OR) and 95% confidence intervals (CI) were calculated separately for men and women using unconditional logistic regression analysis, adjusted for age, region, and unemployment as major life event (in males) or psychosocial strain at work (in females), respectively. To further elucidate the contribution of past physical workload to the development of lumbar disc diseases, we performed lag-time analyses. Results We found a positive dose-response relationship between cumulative occupational lumbar load and lumbar disc herniation as well as lumbar disc narrowing among men and women. Even past lumbar load seems to contribute to the risk of lumbar disc disease. Conclusions According to our study, cumulative physical workload is related to lumbar disc diseases among men and women

    Facilitating Organisational Fluidity with Computational Social Matching

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    Striving to operate in increasingly dynamic environments, organisations can be seen as fluid and communicative entities where traditional boundaries fade away and collaborations emerge ad hoc. To enhance fluidity, we conceptualise computational social matching as a research area investigating how to digitally support the development of mutually suitable compositions of collaborative ties in organisations. In practice, it refers to the use of data analytics and digital methods to identify features of individuals and the structures of existing social networks and to offer automated recommendations for matching actors. In this chapter, we outline an interdisciplinary theoretical space that provides perspectives on how interaction can be practically enhanced by computational social matching, both on the societal and organisational levels. We derive and describe three strategies for professional social matching: social exploration, network theory-based recommendations, and machine learning-based recommendations.Striving to operate in increasingly dynamic environments, organisations can be seen as fluid and communicative entities where traditional boundaries fade away and collaborations emerge ad hoc. To enhance fluidity, we conceptualise computational social matching as a research area investigating how to digitally support the development of mutually suitable compositions of collaborative ties in organisations. In practice, it refers to the use of data analytics and digital methods to identify features of individuals and the structures of existing social networks and to offer automated recommendations for matching actors. In this chapter, we outline an interdisciplinary theoretical space that provides perspectives on how interaction can be practically enhanced by computational social matching, both on the societal and organisational levels. We derive and describe three strategies for professional social matching: social exploration, network theory-based recommendations, and machine learning-based recommendations.Peer reviewe

    Mechanochemical control of epidermal stem cell divisions by B-plexins

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    The precise spatiotemporal control of cell proliferation is key to the morphogenesis of epithelial tissues. Epithelial cell divisions lead to tissue crowding and local changes in force distribution, which in turn suppress the rate of cell divisions. However, the molecular mechanisms underlying this mechanical feedback are largely unclear. Here, we identify a critical requirement of B-plexin transmembrane receptors in the response to crowding-induced mechanical forces during embryonic skin development. Epidermal stem cells lacking B-plexins fail to sense mechanical compression, resulting in disinhibition of the transcriptional coactivator YAP, hyperproliferation, and tissue overgrowth. Mechanistically, we show that B-plexins mediate mechanoresponses to crowding through stabilization of adhesive cell junctions and lowering of cortical stiffness. Finally, we provide evidence that the B-plexin-dependent mechanochemical feedback is also pathophysiologically relevant to limit tumor growth in basal cell carcinoma, the most common type of skin cancer. Our data define a central role of B-plexins in mechanosensation to couple cell density and cell division in development and disease.Peer reviewe

    The CXC-Chemokine CXCL4 Interacts with Integrins Implicated in Angiogenesis

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    The human CXC-chemokine CXCL4 is a potent inhibitor of tumor-induced angiogenesis. Considering that CXCL4 is sequestered in platelet α-granules and released following platelet activation in the vicinity of vessel wall injury, we tested the hypothesis that CXCL4 might function as a ligand for integrins. Integrins are a family of adhesion receptors that play a crucial role in angiogenesis by regulating early angiogenic processes, such as endothelial cell adhesion and migration. Here, we show that CXCL4 interacts with αvβ3 on the surface of αvβ3-CHO. More importantly, human umbilical vein endothelial cells adhere to immobilized CXCL4 through αvβ3 integrin, and also through other integrins, such as αvβ5 and α5β1. We further demonstrate that CXCL4-integrin interaction is of functional significance in vitro, since immobilized CXCL4 supported endothelial cell spreading and migration in an integrin-dependent manner. Soluble CXCL4, in turn, inhibits integrin-dependent endothelial cell adhesion and migration. As a whole, our study identifies integrins as novel receptors for CXCL4 that may contribute to its antiangiogenic effect