9 research outputs found


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    The explorations carried out by a collecting team over the territory of the northwestern Baikal region made it possible to study the diversity of crop wild relatives (CWR) in 37 natural habitats in Bayandayevsky, Kachugsky, Zhigalovsky, Kazachensky-Lensky, Olkhonsky and Ekhirit-Bulagatsky districts of Irkutsk Province and the North Baikal district of the Republic of Buryatia. As a result, the areas richest in CWR species diversity were identified. Herbarium specimens and 102 seed and layering samples of 56 species from 23 genera representing wild relatives of fodder, legume, fruit, cereal and fiber crops were collected, including endemics listed in the Red Data Books of the Russian Federation, Irkutsk Province and the Republic of Buryatia


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    Objective of research. As deer are kept year-round on pasture (in summer in tundra in the northern coast of the Russian arctic; in winter – in forest-tundra and northern taiga), biogeocenosis and natural focality of most parasitic and infectious diseases were formed over the years. That should be considered when developing methods for combating them, and to determine the optimal timing of mass treatment and prevention measures.Materials and methods. The question naturally arises, which living and nonliving components ensure pathogen survivability, contribute to the emergence and spread of infectious and invasive diseases. Each disease is characterized by specific factors requiring careful examination and generalization based on the study of clinical records and epizootic diseases in reindeer of the European North of Russia.Results and discussion. Dominant diseases of reindeer in the European region ofNorthern Russia, requiring greater attention of veterinary experts and against which it is necessary to conduct a regular complex of veterinary, prevention and treatment measures are: anthrax, edemagenosis, cephenomiosis, necrobacillosis, echinococcosis, cysticercosis, rabies, leptospirosis, number of helminthoses (strongylatosis, monieziasis, echinococcosis, cysticercosis, etc.). This is a brucellosis-free region, and for many tens years no outbreaks of FMD were reported.  The vast majority of the tundra is located in the permafrost zone; the area is dotted with numerous canals, lakes, rivers, streams, marshes, between which in summer on shallow layered soil, grow bushes of willow, dwarf birch, berries, grass and lichen, the main food of deer. The fauna of the tundra is rich and diverse. Here live wolves, foxes, bears, rodents (lemmings, mice), rabbits, birds (geese, ducks, partridges, gulls) and other animals. In summer, "clouds" of midges (mosquitoes, midges, horseflies, flies) are flying in the air. In the region, there are still places virtually untouched by man.  However, in recent years, intensive industrial development of the region began to carry out exploration and extraction of oil, gas and other minerals. Oil and gas pipelines, roads, power lines are built which certainly cannot affect negatively the extremely vulnerable nature of the North. For example, reindeer moss trampled or torn down by moving offroaders can be restored only after 7-10 years. Summer season in the North is a very short period, there are usually few warm and sunny days. These negative factors lead to reduced pastures and do not contribute to the growth of the deer population, their health status and fatness.Цель исследования. Поскольку олени содержатся на круглогодовом выпасе (летом в тундре прибрежных районов Северных морей, зимой в лесотундре и северо-таёжной зоне), существует сложившийся годами биогеоценоз и природная очаговость большинства паразитарных и инфекционных заболеваний, что необходимо учитывать при разработке методов борьбы с ними, и определить оптимальные сроки проведения массовых лечебно-профилактических мероприятий. Материалы и методы. Естественно возникает вопрос, какие живые и неживые компоненты природы обеспечивают сохранность возбудителя болезни, способствуют возникновению и распространению инфекционных и инвазионных заболеваний. Для каждой болезни факторы индивидуальны, требуют внимательного изучения и обобщения на основе изучения истории болезней и эпизоотий в оленеводстве Европейского Севера России, что и представлено в настоящей работе. Результаты и обсуждение. Доминирующими болезнями оленей в регионе Европейского Севера России, требующими повышенного внимания ветеринарных специалистов и против которых необходимо регулярно проводить комплекс ветеринарно-профилактических и лечебных мероприятий являются: сибирская язва, эдемагеноз, цефеномиоз, некробактериоз, эхинококкоз, цистицеркоз, бешенство и дикование, лептоспироз, ряд гельминтозов (стронгилятозы, мониезиоз, эхинококкоз, цистицеркоз и др.). Регион благополучен по бруцеллёзу и уже десятки лет не отмечалось вспышек ящура.  Подавляющая часть тундры находится в зоне вечной мерзлоты; местность испещрена многочисленными протоками, озёрами, реками, ручьями, болотами, между которыми, на оттаивающем в летний период неглубоком слое почвы, растут кустарники ивняка, карликовых берёз, ягодника, трава и ягель, основной корм оленей. Животный мир тундры богат и разнообразен. Здесь уживаются волки, песцы, медведи, многочисленные грызуны (лемминги, мыши), зайцы, птицы (гуси, утки, куропатки, чайки) и пр. живность. В летний период в воздухе летает буквально «тучами» гнус (комары, мошки, слепни, мухи). В регионе имеются ещё места, практически, не тронутые человеком, однако, в последние годы началось интенсивное промышленное освоение края в целях поиска и добычи нефти, газа, других полезных ископаемых.  Прокладываются и строятся нефте- и газопроводы, дороги, ЛЭП и пр., что, безусловно не может не отразиться негативно на чрезвычайно ранимой природе Севера. Например, вытоптанный или порушенный при движении вездеходов ягель может восстановиться лишь через 7-10 лет. Летний период на Севере кратковременный и, как правило, с малым числом тёплых, солнечных дней. Все эти негативные факторы ведут к сокращению площадей пастбищ и не способствуют росту поголовья оленей, состоянию их здоровья и упитанности


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    Objective of research. As deer are kept year-round on pasture (in summer in tundra in the northern coast of the Russian arctic; in winter – in forest-tundra and northern taiga), biogeocenosis and natural focality of most parasitic and infectious diseases were formed over the years. That should be considered when developing methods for combating them, and to determine the optimal timing of mass treatment and prevention measures.Materials and methods. The question naturally arises, which living and nonliving components ensure pathogen survivability, contribute to the emergence and spread of infectious and invasive diseases. Each disease is characterized by specific factors requiring careful examination and generalization based on the study of clinical records and epizootic diseases in reindeer of the European North of Russia.Results and discussion. Dominant diseases of reindeer in the European region ofNorthern Russia, requiring greater attention of veterinary experts and against which it is necessary to conduct a regular complex of veterinary, prevention and treatment measures are: anthrax, edemagenosis, cephenomiosis, necrobacillosis, echinococcosis, cysticercosis, rabies, leptospirosis, number of helminthoses (strongylatosis, monieziasis, echinococcosis, cysticercosis, etc.). This is a brucellosis-free region, and for many tens years no outbreaks of FMD were reported.  The vast majority of the tundra is located in the permafrost zone; the area is dotted with numerous canals, lakes, rivers, streams, marshes, between which in summer on shallow layered soil, grow bushes of willow, dwarf birch, berries, grass and lichen, the main food of deer. The fauna of the tundra is rich and diverse. Here live wolves, foxes, bears, rodents (lemmings, mice), rabbits, birds (geese, ducks, partridges, gulls) and other animals. In summer, "clouds" of midges (mosquitoes, midges, horseflies, flies) are flying in the air. In the region, there are still places virtually untouched by man.  However, in recent years, intensive industrial development of the region began to carry out exploration and extraction of oil, gas and other minerals. Oil and gas pipelines, roads, power lines are built which certainly cannot affect negatively the extremely vulnerable nature of the North. For example, reindeer moss trampled or torn down by moving offroaders can be restored only after 7-10 years. Summer season in the North is a very short period, there are usually few warm and sunny days. These negative factors lead to reduced pastures and do not contribute to the growth of the deer population, their health status and fatness


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    Приводятся новые сведения о распространении 9 аборигенных и 27 адвентивных видов растений в Иркутской области. Среди них 7 видов являются новыми для флоры Восточной Сибири, 7 – для флоры Иркутской области


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    Приводятся новые сведения о распространении 7 аборигенных и 17 адвентивных видов растений в Иркутской области и Республике Бурятия. Среди них 3 вида являются новыми для флоры Восточной Сибири, 1 – Байкальской Сибири, 11 –Республики Бурятии, 1 – Иркутской области

    New national and regional bryophyte records, 63

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    This is the first record of Campylopus subulatus for the Liguria Region. Campylopus subulatus was found on small serpentinite outcrops occupied by a discontinuous plant community, with a paucispecific contingent of phanerogams dominated by succulent chamaephytes and therophytes (referring to the Sedo-Scleranthetalia order) and a richer contingent of bryophytes including Racomitrium elongatum (Ehrh.) ex Frisvoll, Hypnum callichroum Brid., Ceratodon purpureus (Hedw.) Brid., Grimmia donniana Sm., Dicranum scoparium Hedw. and Bryum Hedw. spp. These outcrops occur in a marshy area, mainly characterised by mountain grasslands and beech forests growing under a sub-oceanic climate. The species was found on serpentinite outcrops within the Beigua Regional Natural Park, Taxiphyllum wissgrillii was found in a beech forest and in marshy mountain grassland. a serpentinite outcrop in a deciduous mesophilic forest dominated by beech (Fagus sylvatica L., referring to the Fagion silvaticae alliance), in the Beigua Regional Natural Park

    Recent literature on bryophytes — 121(3)

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