27,949 research outputs found

    RF analysis methodology for Si and SiGe FETs based on transient Monte Carlo simulation

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    A comprehensive analysis methodology allowing investigation of the RF performance of Si and strained Si:SiGe MOSFETs is presented. It is based on transient ensemble Monte Carlo simulation which correctly describes device transport, and employs a finite element solver to account for complex device geometries. Transfer characteristics and figures of merit for a number of existing and proposed RF MOSFETs are discussed

    Monte Carlo investigation of optimal device architectures for SiGe FETs

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    Strained silicon channel FETs grown on virtual SiGe substrates show clear potential for RF applications, in a material system compatible with silicon VLSI. However, the optimisation of practical RF devices requires some care. 0.1-0.12 Ī¼m gate length designs are investigated using Monte Carlo techniques. Although structures based on III-V experience show fT values of up to 94 GHz, more realistic designs are shown to be limited by parallel conduction and ill constrained effective channel lengths. Aggressively scaled SiGe devices, following state-of-the-art CMOS technologies, show fT values of up to 80 GHz

    Strain engineered In<sub>x</sub>Ga<sub>1-x</sub>As channel pHEMTs on virtual substrates: a simulation study

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    The impact of In&lt;sub&gt;x&lt;/sub&gt;Al&lt;sub&gt;1-x&lt;/sub&gt;As strain control buffers on the performance of low In content InGaAs channel pseudomorphic high electron mobility transistor p(HEMT) is investigated. It is shown that relaxed and tensile strained channel devices outperform the conventional compressively strained channel devices. It is argued that strain engineering in GaAs based devices makes it possible to realise RF characteristics comparable to InP based pHEMTs while obtaining improved breakdown characteristics

    RF performance of strained Si MODFETs and MOSFETs on "virtual" SiGe substrates: A Monte Carlo study

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    Forbidden Ca 2 in the sun unmasked by way of Venus

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    Eleven high-dispersion spectra of Venus, taken with blue Doppler shifts have permitted the unmasking of the 7323.88A forbidden line of Ca II from terrestrial absorption. An equivalent width is obtained of 7.4 + or - 0.4mA for this line in integrated sunlight. Our value of W sub lambda is smaller than previous values and much more accurate. The HSRA solar model gives a solar calcium abundance of A sub Ca = 6.21

    Kinematic rate control of simulated robot hand at or near wrist singularity

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    A robot hand should obey movement commands from an operator on a computer program as closely as possible. However, when two of the three rotational axes of the robot wrist are colinear, the wrist loses a degree of freedom, and the usual resolved rate equations (used to move the hand in response to an operator's inputs) are indeterminant. Furthermore, rate limiting occurs in close vicinity to this singularity. An analysis shows that rate limiting occurs not only in the vicinity of this singularity but also substantially away from it, even when the operator commands rotational rates of the robot hand that are only a small percentage of the operational joint rate limits. Therefore, joint angle rates are scaled when they exceed operational limits in a real time simulation of a robot arm. Simulation results show that a small dead band avoids the wrist singularity in the resolved rate equations but can introduce a high frequency oscillation close to the singularity. However, when a coordinated wrist movement is used in conjunction with the resolved rate equations, the high frequency oscillation disappears

    G-189A analytical simulation of the integrated waste management-water system using radioisotopes for thermal energy

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    An analytical simulation of the RITE-Integrated Waste Management and Water Recovery System using radioisotopes for thermal energy was prepared for the NASA-Manned Space Flight Center (MSFC). The RITE system is the most advanced concept water-waste management system currently under development and has undergone extended duration testing. It has the capability of disposing of nearly all spacecraft wastes including feces and trash and of recovering water from usual waste water sources: urine, condensate, wash water, etc. All of the process heat normally used in the system is produced from low penalty radioisotope heat sources. The analytical simulation was developed with the G189A computer program. The objective of the simulation was to obtain an analytical simulation which can be used to (1) evaluate the current RITE system steady state and transient performance during normal operating conditions, and also during off normal operating conditions including failure modes; and (2) evaluate the effects of variations in component design parameters and vehicle interface parameters on system performance

    Glassy dynamics in granular compaction

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    Two models are presented to study the influence of slow dynamics on granular compaction. It is found in both cases that high values of packing fraction are achieved only by the slow relaxation of cooperative structures. Ongoing work to study the full implications of these results is discussed.Comment: 12 pages, 9 figures; accepted in J. Phys: Condensed Matter, proceedings of the Trieste workshop on 'Unifying concepts in glass physics

    Photometry, spectrophotometry and polarimetry of comet P/Encke during fall of 1979

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    Broadband S-20, B and V magnitudes of P/Encke were obtained with the digital area photometer, using an Image Dissector Scanner (IDS) detector on the 2.7 m telescope at McDonald Observatory during August 1979. The notation V(S-20) is used for S-20 magnitudes transformed to V magnitudes. The variation in the V(S20) magnitudes (26, 5 minute integrations) on the best photometric night (21 August) was small and random indicating either a lack of rotational albedo variations or, more likely, a masking of the nucleus by the outburst activity. A spectrum covering the region from 3630 to 4900 A at a resolution of 5 A was obtained on 27 August with the IDS spectrograph. The spectrum was featureless, showing no emission at the CN or CO+ wavelengths
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