24 research outputs found

    Administrative Accountability of Development Planning Deliberation (Musrenbang) Implementation in Bone Regency

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    The objective of this research is to determine the administrative accountability in implementing development planning deliberation (Musrenbang) in Bone Regency. This research employed descriptive qualitative approach. The data collection techniques were library research, documentation review, field research, and online data exploration. The analysis technique was an interactive model through the data collection, data condensation, data display, and verification (conclusion) stages. The results exposed that the administrative accountability of the development planning deliberation in Bone Regency was carried out very well in terms of the planning aspect by conducting initial socialization before the Musrenbang, and constructing communication with stakeholders who have interest in formulating the preparations up to the needs that will be prepared at the Musrenbang. The organizing aspect was carried out by the Agency for Regional Development (Bappeda) which organizes the entire society to be able to participate in the Musrenbang. For this aspect of mobilizing / directing was by providing opportunities for the society to participate in Musrenbang and in the implementation of ongoing Musrenbang activities, Bappeda also directs each sub-district and society to provide all contribution on the design of development programs which needed by Bone regency, and for the aspect of supervision with the monitoring by Bappeda starting from the preparation, socialization, to the results stage of the Musrenbang. Keywords: Accountability, Administrative, Musrenban

    Model of Policy Collaboration in the Field of Health Reviewed From the Perspective of Learning Policies in South Sulawesi

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    Development in the health sector is part of national policy development so development must be a priority to ensure a healthy community life. The purpose of this study is to find out whether there is government collaboration in the health sector and whether there is learning from the health policy program in South Sulawesi. The design of this study uses a descriptive qualitative research design with the ssumption that policy learning involves a complex mix of facts and values that are difficult to measure empirically. The results of the study showed that the South Sulawesi provincial government had collaborated with various cross-sectoral organizations such as collaboration with Regency / City government, JICA international organizations, and cooperation with various social organizations. Another result is that policy learning has a significant role in developing health development in the province of South Sulawesi. Keywords: Policy collaboration, Policy learning, Health Secto

    The Influence Of Double Branding Strategy On Consumer Appeal Of Bulog Public Corporation Regional Division Of Sulselbar In Makassar City

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    The aims of this research are (1) To know the overview of the double branding strategy of Bulog public corporation regional division of Sulselbar in Makassar city. (2) To know the influence factors of consumer attractiveness to KITA's products at Bulog of Sulselbar in Makassar city. (3) To know the influence of the double branding strategy model to consumer attractiveness at Bulog of Sulselbar in Makassar city. The type of this research is a simple regression analysis with a quantitative approach. To achieve the above aims using data collection techniques through observation, questionnaires, and documentation and analyzed using statistical formulas. The results showed that the double branding strategy had an effect on consumer attractiveness. with a correlation coefficient value of 0.775 and a coefficient of determination of 60.1 percent. Key words: Double Branding (X) and Attractiveness (Y

    The Influence Of Kaizen Culture On Employee Performance

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     This study aims to determine how the influence of kaizen culture on employee performance at PT. Bank Mandiri (Persero) Tbk. Branch Kartini Makassar City. This study uses quantitative research methods. Data collection techniques used are through observation and questionnaires. The sample used in this study is the entire population, namely 35 respondents. The data obtained from the research results were processed using the SPSS 25 application which consists of validity and reliability tests, descriptive data analysis techniques and inferential statistical analysis. The results obtained indicate that the indicators for each variable used, where the kaizen culture variable shows that the indicators used in this study are in the very good category and the indicators on the employee performance variable show the very good category. Based on the results of inferential statistical analysis, Pearson correlation was obtained of 0.722, which means that there is a strong/high relationship between the two variables. So it can be concluded that there is a significant influence between kaizen culture on employee performance at PT. Bank Mandiri (Persero) Tbk. Branch Kartini Makassar City

    Assessing the Motivation of Civil Servant in Providing Public Services in Higher Education

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    Abstract. This study aims to examine how the motivation of academic services for educators and education personnel in higher education. The findings of this study are expected to become recommendations in developing programs or forms of evaluation aimed at improving the performance and motivation of academic services for teaching staff and teaching staff in tertiary institutions. This research is a survey research which aims to determine the general description of the motivation for academic services for teaching staff and teaching staff at state universities. Based on the research findings obtained, it can be concluded that from the 4 dimensions of motivation for public services, the first dimension, namely the interest in making public policy, is the dimension least owned or implemented by the research respondents. While the other three dimensions can be said to be in the high category in the sense that the respondents already have and have implemented these three dimensions in the delivery of public services. Based on these data, it can be concluded that the lack of motivation for academic services by the state civil servants tends to be due to their lack of interest in public policy making. Keywords: Public Service, Public Service Motivation, Civil Servant, Academic Affairs Public Servic

    Development of Smart Character Education Through Learning "Higt-Touch And Higt-Tech" (School Studies in Makassar City)

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    The dynamics of student character formation through learning that is how the contents of learning, activities of educating, teaching, training, and guiding. From the perspective of the content of learning the success of a learning process is seen from the formation of character. The learning that has taken place in educational institutions in the city of Makassar has so far emphasized self-actualization. Indicators of success can be seen from individual excellence to beat competitors. This is the reference in this study that education is so important for intelligent character in learning. The purpose of this study was to determine (1) the application of intelligent character learning through learning "Higt�Touch and Higt-Tech" in Makassar City, (2) the problem of learning smart character through learning "Higt-Touch and Higt-Tech" in the City Makassar. This type of research is a type of qualitative research with a phenomenological approach. The type of data in this study consists of primary and secondary data, with data collection techniques namely interview, documentation and observation techniques. The data analysis technique used is descriptive qualitative technique. The results of this study indicate that (1) the application of intelligent character learning through learning "Higt-Touch and Higt-Tech" in Makassar can be known with three parameters: learning that is able to increase competence in the form of understanding (knowledge), skills, and the values of Pancasila as the nation's character. (2) the problems of intelligent character learning through learning "Higt-Touch and Higt-Tech" in Makassar City are: students are not comfortable and lack enthusiasm to be and learn in the school environment, learning is felt as a difficult activity, the practice of violence and punishment, learning management, schools allow for discrimination, and lack of closeness between students and educators


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    Abstrak: Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk memperoleh deskripsi tentang penerapan pendekatan pendidikan matematika realistik yang dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa pada materi transformasi di kelas IXA SMPN 1 Tanantovea. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian tindakan kelas (PTK). Rancangan penelitian mengacu pada desain Kemmis dan Mc. Taggart yang terdiri dari empat komponen, yaitu: (1) perencanaan, (2) pelaksanaan  tindakan, (3) observasi dan (4) refleksi. Penelitian ini dilakukan dalam dua siklus. Subjek penelitian ini adalah seluruh siswa kelas IXA SMPN 1 Tanantovea yang berjumlah 22 orang siswa dan dipilih tiga siswa sebagai informan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa melalui penerapan pendekatan pendidikan matematika realistik, hasil belajar siswa meningkat dengan mengikuti langkah-langkah sebagai berikut: (1) memahami masalah kontekstual, guru menyajikan masalah kontekstual dalam LKS dan siswa berdiskusi dalam kelompoknya untuk memahami masalah yang diberikan oleh guru, (2) menyelesaikan masalah, setiap kelompok bekerja sama dalam menyelesaikan masalah mengikuti langkah-langkah pengerjaan di LKS dan membuat kesimpulan jawaban dari setiap masalah yang diberikan, (3) membandingkan dan mendiskusikan jawaban, masing-masing perwakilan kelompok secara bergiliran mempresentasikan jawaban dari masalah yang ditentukan oleh guru dan anggota kelompok lainnya membandingkan jawaban yang mereka peroleh dengan jawaban yang dipresentasikan oleh kelompok penyaji, dan (4) menyimpulkan, siswa menyimpulkan materi yang telah dipelajari dibawah bimbingan oleh guru.Kata Kunci: Pendekatan Pendidikan Matematika Realistik, Hasil Belajar, Transformasi

    Peran Pemerintah dalam Mendorong Kualitas Pelayanan Pendidikan di Indonesia

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    This research discusses the crucial role of the government in advancing the quality of education services as the background for the need for quality education for the progress of a nation. The purpose of this research is to investigate the role of the government in the context of education, including financing, regulation, curriculum, teacher training, and supervision in Indonesia. In this research method, we analyze education policies implemented by the government and gather data from various sources, including surveys, interviews, and related literature. The results of this research highlight the importance of adequate budget allocation, effective regulation, relevant curriculum, sustainable teacher training, and strict supervision as key factors in improving the quality of education services. This research provides valuable insights into how the government can play a role in optimizing the education system for a brighter future