1,286 research outputs found


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     Objectives: To study the correlation between Neural Response Telemetry (NRT) measurement level and behavioral (Threshold level and Comfort level) in pre lingual cochlear implant patients age between 2 -10 years old at one and three months post implant. Methods: A cross sectional study conducted at University Kebangsaan Malaysia Medical Center from September 2010 to January 2012. Total numbers of hundred patients were involved in this study.All recipients implanted with Nucleus 24 cochlear implant and had full insertion and normal activation of the electrode array. Comparison between intra-operative NRT measurement level and behavioral (T-level and C-level) in cochlear implant patients at one month and three months post implantation were obtained respectively. Results: This study showed the intra-operative NRT levels were seen to fall between the T and C levels in one and three months respectively. There was also a positive correlation between NRT value measurements and both T and C value measurements in both one and three months (p value 0.01). There is a fair strength of the linear relationship between NRT and behavioral level in both one and three month post implant as shown by the r value (0.4 at one month, 0.2 at three months) Conclusion: It is useful to use the NRT values to predict the behavioral T and C values in prelingual children and an additional tool for the mapping. Key words: Neural Response Telemetry (NRT); Threshold level; Comfort level; Nucleus 24 cochlear implant.

    Validating Continuum Lowering Models via Multi-Wavelength Measurements of Integrated X-ray Emission

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    X-ray emission spectroscopy is a well-established technique used to study continuum lowering in dense plasmas. It relies on accurate atomic physics models to robustly reproduce high-resolution emission spectra, and depends on our ability to identify spectroscopic signatures such as emission lines or ionization edges of individual charge states within the plasma. Here we describe a method that forgoes these requirements, enabling the validation of different continuum lowering models based solely on the total intensity of plasma emission in systems driven by narrow-bandwidth x-ray pulses across a range of wavelengths. The method is tested on published Al spectroscopy data and applied to the new case of solid-density partially-ionized Fe plasmas, where extracting ionization edges directly is precluded by the significant overlap of emission from a wide range of charge states


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    Tujuan dilakukannya penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui bagaimana Pengaturan Jaminan Fidusia di Indonesia dan bagaimana Hubungan Hukum Perusahaan Pembiayaan dalam Jaminan Fidusia. Dengan menggunakan metode penelitian yuridis normative disimpulkan: 1. Jaminan fidusia dengan objek utamanya ialah benda-benda bergerak tumbuh dan berkembang dalam sistem hukum di Indonesia bertolak dari ketentuan Gadai dalam KUH. Perdata, yang menentukan objek gadai harus berpindah dalam penguasaan kreditur. Konsekuensi hukum ketentuan ini menyebabkan pelaku usaha (pengusaha) di sektor rumah makan, atau perusahaan angkutan seperti mobil barang atau penumpang, akan kesulitan oleh karena objeknya harus berpindah ke tangan kreditur. Melalui yurisprudensi tanggal 18 Agustus 1932, putusan hakim membolehkan objek gadai tetap berada pada tangan debitur, dan dalam perkembangannya yurisprudensi tersebut menjadi Undang-Undang No. 42 Tahun 1999 tentang Jaminan Fidusia. 2. Perusahaan pembiayaan adalah perusahaan yang kegiatan usahanya hanya meliputi: Sewa Guna Usaha (Leasing), Anjak Piutang (Factoring), Usaha Kartu Kredit (Credit Card), dan Pembiayaan Konsumen (Consumer Finance), yang merupakan perusahaan yang menerapkan sistem Jaminan Fidusia dalam hubungan hukumnya dengan nasabah atau debiturnya, dan yang terjalin dalam bentuk perjanjian pembiayaan (kontrak pembiayaan). Sebagai hubungan hukum perjanjian, maka hak dan kewajiban para pihak dalam perjanjian tersebut penting sekali untuk diwujudkan dalam rangka mencapai kepentingan hukum bersama, perlindungan hukum, serta pada giliran akhirnya dalam mewujudkan kesadaran hukum dalam masyarakat. Kata kunci: Jaminan, fidusia, pembiayaa

    Pandangan Ekonomi Islam Tentang Investasi Murabahah Logam Mulia (Studi pada Cabang Pegadaian Syariah Istiqlal Manado)

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana pandangan ekonomi Islam tentang investasi murabahah logam mulia di Cabang Pegadaian Syariah Istiqlal Manado. Penulis menemukan bahwa peoses transaksi murabahah melalui logam mulia untuk investasi abadi (MULIA) pada Cabang Pegadaian Syariah Istiqlal Manado dimulai dari transaksi pemesanan, transaksi pembelian ke pemasok kemusian transaksi pembayaran dan pelunasan. Akad yang selama ini digunakan oleh Pegadaian Syariah terhadap barang jaminan (marhun) adalah wadiah al-amanah, sebab barang yang dijadikan agunan/jaminan disimpan rapi dan diperkenankan membuka segel bagi penerima titipan sampai pemberi titipan atau pemberi gadai (rahin) mengambilnya. Hal tersebut dilakukan untuk menjaga keamanan terhadap barang jaminan. Pandangan hokum ekonomi Islam terhadap investasi logam mulia pada Pegadaian Syariah Istiqlal Manado dibolehkan sebab sistem yang digunakan sama dengan sistem pegadaian yaitu melakukan kesepakatan atau akad dan tidak membebani kedua pihak dan melakukan kontrak yang sah tanpa ada paksaan dan penipuan. Persyaratan dan prosedur pemberian pinjaman atau pembiayaan telah ditentukan oleh pegadaian syariah berdasarkan kaidah-kaidah Hukum Islam: persyaratan sederhana, prosedur mudah, akad secara tertulis, pembiayaan/hutang dengan jaminan berang yang sudah dibeli, tidak dipungut bunga, keuntungan/margin dan isi perjanjian ditentukan oleh kedua belah pihak serta pembiayaan tidak mengandung gharar

    Tuna Fishery and Stock Assessment of Component Species off Chennai Coast

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    All India tuna production continued to increase with fluctuations from 848 t in 1951 to 64,006 t in 2006, with a peak production of 64,006 t in 2006. During 1985-2006 it varied from 27,148 t in 1985 to 64,006 t in 2006 with annual average landings of 39,937 t. Annual average tuna production by different maritime states was 17,041 t (42.7%) by Kerala, 5,615 t (14.1%) by Gujarat, 5,000 t (12.5%) by Tamilnadu, 2,741 t (6.9%) by Lakshadweep, 2,812 (7.0%) Karnataka, 2,716 t (6.8%) by Maharashtra, 2,009 t (5.9%) by Andhrapradesh, 1,095 t (2.7%) by Goa, 444 t (1.1%) by Andaman & Nicobar Islands, 262 t (0.7%) by Pondicherry, 134 t (0.3%) by Orissa, 68 t (0.2%) by West Bengal. Tamilnadu catch varied from 1,336 t in 1985 to 10,912 t in 2006 with an average of 5,000 t forming 1.4% of total marine fish production during 1985-2006. Species composition of all India tuna catch was Euthynnus affinis (51.2%), Katsuwonus pelamis (4.1%), Thunnus tonggol (10.4%), Auxis spp. (20.7%) and other tunnies (13.6%) and the species composition of Tamilnadu was E. affinis (59.7%), K. pelamis (11.5), Auxis spp. (12.5%), T. tonggol (5.5%) and other tunas (10.8%)

    Optimized bio-inspired kernels with twin support vector machine using low identity sequences to solve imbalance multiclass classification

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    The function of enzymes is performed differently depending on their bio-chemical mechanisms and important to the prediction of protein structure and function. In order to overcome the weaknesses of imbalance data distribution in subclasses prediction we proposed Bio-Twin Support Vector Machine (Bio–TWSVM). The TWSVM approach as also allow for kernel optimization where in this study we have introduced the bio-inspired kernels such as the Fisher, spectrum and mismatch kernels which at the same time incorporate the biological information regarding the protein evolution in the classification process

    Public Perception of Vocational Education

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    Public perception of vocational education aims to provide a research-based assessment of vocational education. The research method used is a quantitative approach with data collection techniques through questionnaires and literature study. The analytical method used is univariate analysis. The results showed that the perception of the community—in this case, the perception of parents/students of grade 3 SMAN 2 Cibinong—about vocational education is good. The perception of students of the vocational program (diploma) is good. And the perception of Human Resources Manager/Supervisor of the organizations where the Vocational UI Program students completed their apprenticeship is also good.     Keywords: vocational education, public perceptio

    Fishery, growth, yield per recruit and stock assessment of Sphyraena obtusata Cuvier off Tuticorin, Gulf of Mannar

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    Annual average catch of 612.2 t of barracudas were landed at the catch rate of 17.1 kg/unit which constituted 3.9% in the total catch landed by trawlers during 1987 - '89 at Tuticorin. Higher effort input during certain months did not coincide with better abundance of barracudas. Sphyraena obtusata Cuvier constituted on an average 69.6% of the total catch of barracudas. Based on the length-frequency data, the growth {^ameters have been estimated to be L 470.0 mm, K 1.0364/year and t^ -0.0098 ye. The natural mortality coefficient (M) is 1.591, the average annual total mortality coefficient (Z) is 2.8317 and the average exploitation rate (U) is 0.4123. The average standing stock is estimated to be 343.2 t and average annual stock 1,032.71. Yield per recruit studies indicate that S. obtusata is not exposed to higher fishing pressure as the average fishing mortality coefficient (F), 1.2407, for the prevailing age at first capture, 0.4709 ye is lower than the respective F,^which can yield the Y,^ in both the M/K ratios 1.0 and 1.535. There is scope for increasing the effort of trawl net with a view to increase the catch of this species at the prevailing conditions

    Sistem Informasi Inventaris Perlengkapan pada Kantor Bupati Dharmasraya dengan Menggunakan Bahasa Pemrograman Visual Basic 6.0 dan Database Mysql

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      Inventarisasi merupakan kegiatan untuk mencatat dan menyusun barang-barang atau bahan yang ada secara benar menurut ketentuan yang berlaku. Dan inventarisasi dilakukan dalam rangka penyempurnaan pengurusan dan pengawasan yang efektif terhadap barang-barang milik kantor. Berdasarkan penelitian yang dilakukan ditemukan beberapa masalah diantaranya pengolahan data masih bersifat manual dimana belum menggunakan database untuk penyimpanan data. Dalam pengolahan data inventaris perlengkapan Kantor Bupati Dharmasraya dibutuhkan banyak waktu dan tenaga karena data inventaris perlengkapan yang terdaftar dientrikan ke komputer menggunakan Microsoft Excel tanpa ada penggunaan database. Untuk meningkatkan pelayanan dan mengefektifkan sistem kontrol inventaris perlengkapan maka dikembangkanlah sistem pengolahan data inventaris perlengkapan yang masih bersifat manual menjadi sistem informasi inventaris perlengkapan Visual Basic.6.0 supaya informasi data inventaris perlengkapan dapat diakses oleh petugas dengan cepat dan sistem yang lebih efektif. Dengan dikembangkannya sistem informasi inventaris perlengkapan diharapkan dapat mengatasi permasalahan-permasalahan yang berkaitan dengan pengolahan data inventaris perlengkapan, serta memudahkan dalam melakukan pencarian data inventaris perlengkapa

    Peningkatan Efisiensi Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Surya Dengan Reflektor Parabola

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    This paper present the result of reserch on improving the solar power plant efficiency using two parabolic reflectors. The designed parabolic reflectors are asymmetrical concentrators placed on a horizontal surface so that radiation from each angle can be collected. Two monocrystalline solar modules, each with 0.639 m length and 0.294 m width are used, which can produce 20.124 W maximum power, 1.3 A short circuit current, and 21.2 V open circuit voltage on 1000 W/m2 solar irradiation and 25 °C temperature. The solar module itself has 10.71% efficiency which is used as the reference efficiency. A solar module with parabolic reflectors can produce 11.13% average efficiency or 1.039 times higher than the reference efficiency. The whole system with two solar modules and parabolic reflectors can produce 13.111 W maximum power and 11.92% highest efficiency or 1.113 times higher than the reference efficiency. Makalah ini merupakan hasil penelitian tentang peningkatan efisiensi pembangkit listrik tenaga surya dengan reflektor parabola. Reflektor parabola yang dirancang berupa konsentrator asimetris yang ditempatkan pada permukaan horizontal agar radiasi dari setiap sudut dapat dikumpulkan. Dua modul surya yang digunakan dari jenis monokristal masing-masing berukuran panjang 0,639 m dan lebar 0,294 m dapat menghasilkan daya maksimum 20,124 W, arus hubung singkat 1,3 A, dan tegangan terbuka 21,2 V pada iradiasi matahari 1000 W/m2 dan temperatur 25 °C. Modul surya sendiri memiliki efisiensi referensi sebesar 10,71 %. Satu modul surya dengan reflektor parabola dapat menghasilkan efisiensi rata-rata 11,13 % atau 1,039 kali lebih tinggi dibandingkan efisiensi referensi. Keseluruhan sistem pembangkit dengan dua modul surya dan reflektor parabola dapat menghasilkan daya maksimum 13,111 W dan efisiensi tertinggi sebesar 11,92 % atau 1,113 kali lebih tinggi dibandingkan efisiensi referensi