98 research outputs found

    Supply of sulphur to S-deficient young barley seedlings restores their capability to cope with iron shortage

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    The effect of the S nutritional status on a plant's capability to cope with Fe shortage was studied in solution cultivation experiments in barley (Hordeum vulgare L. cv. Europa). Barley is a Strategy II plant and responds to Fe deficiency by secretion of chelating compounds, phytosiderophores (PS). All PS are derived from nicotianamine whose precursor is methionine. This suggests that a long-term supply of an inadequate amount of S could reduce a plant's capability to respond to Fe deficiency by limiting the rate of PS biosynthesis. The responses of barley (Hordeum vulgare L. cv. Europa) plants grown for 12 d on Fe-free nutrient solutions (NS) containing 0 or 1.2 mM SO42-, was examined after 24 h or 48 h from transfer to NS containing 1.2 mM SO42-. After the supply of S was restored to S-deprived plants, an increase in PS release in root exudates was evident after 24 h of growth in S-sufficient NS and the increment reached values up to 4-fold higher than the control 48 h after S resupply. When S was supplied to S-deficient plants, leaf ATPS (EC and OASTL (EC activities exhibited a progressive recovery. Furthermore, root HvST1 transcript abundance remained high for 48 h following S resupply and a significant increase in the level of root HvYS1 transcripts was also found after only 24 h of S resupply. Data support the idea that the extent to which the plant is able to cope with Fe starvation is strongly associated with its S nutritional status. In particular, our results are indicative that barley plants fully recover their capability to cope with Fe shortage after the supply of S is restored to S-deficient plants

    Response of barley plants to Fe deficiency and Cd contamination as affected by S starvation

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    Both Fe deficiency and Cd exposure induce rapid changes in the S nutritional requirement of plants. The aim of this work was to characterize the strategies adopted by plants to cope with both Fe deficiency (release of phytosiderophores) and Cd contamination [production of glutathione (GSH) and phytochelatins] when grown under conditions of limited S supply. Experiments were performed in hydroponics, using barley plants grown under S sufficiency (1.2mM sulphate) and S deficiency (0mM sulphate), with or without Fe III-EDTA at 0.08mM for 11d and subsequently exposed to 0.05mM Cd for 24h or 72h. In S-sufficient plants, Fe deficiency enhanced both root and shoot Cd concentrations and increased GSH and phytochelatin levels. In S-deficient plants, Fe starvation caused a slight increase in Cd concentration, but this change was accompanied neither by an increase in GSH nor by an accumulation of phytochelatins. Release of phytosiderophores, only detectable in Fe-deficient plants, was strongly decreased by S deficiency and further reduced after Cd treatment. In roots Cd exposure increased the expression of the high affinity sulphate transporter gene (HvST1) regardless of the S supply, and the expression of the Fe deficiency-responsive genes, HvYS1 and HvIDS2, irrespective of Fe supply. In conclusion, adequate S availability is necessary to cope with Fe deficiency and Cd toxicity in barley plants. Moreover, it appears that in Fe-deficient plants grown in the presence of Cd with limited S supply, sulphur may be preferentially employed in the pathway for biosynthesis of phytosiderophores, rather than for phytochelatin production

    Variação da temperatura de sementes de soja durante o armazenamento.

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    A temperatura Ă© importante para a conservação de sementes armazenadas, pois Ă© um dos principais fatores condicionantes das reaçÔes bioquĂ­micas e do desenvolvimento de patĂłgenos. Uma prĂĄtica que vem sendo introduzida no processamento de sementes Ă© o resfriamento artificial imediatamente apĂłs o beneficiamento, visando reduzir a perda da qualidade das sementes durante o armazenamento. Portanto, objetivou-se avaliar a temperatura de sementes de soja resfriadas artificialmente, durante o armazenamento. O experimento foi conduzido na empresa Sementes Campo Verde Ltda, no municĂ­pio de Campo Verde, Mato Grosso (latitude de 15° 32? 48?? S, longitude de 55° 10? 08?? W e altitude de 736 metros). Dois lotes de sementes de cada um dos trĂȘs cultivares Monsoy 8757, TMG 115 RR e BRS Valiosa RR, um com sementes resfriadas e outro nĂŁo foram utilizados. Cada lote era formado por 360 sacos de 40 kg, em 30 camadas de 12 sacos, e as sementes armazenadas em armazĂ©m com temperatura mĂ©dia anual de 24,7 ÂșC e 60,6% de umidade relativa doN ar. As sementes foram resfriadas pelo processo dinĂąmico, apĂłs o beneficiamento, com refrigerador CoolSeed, modelo PCS 80, com quatro circuitos refrigeradores, totalizando potĂȘncia de 130 kW. O experimento foi instalado em abril de 2009 e cada lote tinha 12 unidades experimentais (sacos), em trĂȘs porçÔes do lote, basal, mediana e superior, de quatro sacos, distanciados por seis camadas de sacos entre si. A temperatura foi medida por saco, com uma termossonda digital, marca @GROS, a 30 cm e 60 cm de profundidade, na diagonal de cada saco, apĂłs: 0, 15, 30, 45, 60, 90, 120 e 150 dias. As temperaturas das massas de sementes de soja dos lotes resfriados ou nĂŁo foram semelhantes com 15 dias do resfriamento e entraram em equilĂ­brio tĂ©rmico com o ar do armazĂ©m

    Desempenho de cultivares de mamona em sistema ecológico de produção de sementes.

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