2,386 research outputs found

    Magnetic properties of the spin-1/2 XXZ model on the Shastry-Sutherland lattice: Effect of long-range interactions

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    We study magnetic properties of the S=1/2S=1/2 Ising-like XXZ model on the Shastry-Sutherland lattices with long-range interactions, using the quantum Monte Carlo method. This model shows magnetization plateau phases at one-half and one-third of the saturation magnetization when additional couplings are considered. We investigate the finite temperature transition to one-half and one-third plateau phases. The obtained results suggest that the former case is of the first order and the latter case is of the second order. We also find that the system undergoes two successive transitions with the 2D Ising model universality, although there is a single phase transition in the Ising limit case. Finally, we estimate the coupling ratio to explain the magnetization process observed in TmB4{\rm TmB_4}Comment: 5 pages, 6 figure

    Relating quarks and leptons without grand-unification

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    In combination with supersymmetry, flavor symmetry may relate quarks with leptons, even in the absence of a grand-unification group. We propose an SU(3)xSU(2)xU(1) model where both supersymmetry and the assumed A4 flavor symmetries are softly broken, reproducing well the observed fermion mass hierarchies and predicting: (i) a relation between down-type quarks and charged lepton masses, and (ii) a correlation between the Cabibbo angle in the quark sector, and the reactor angle characterizing CP violation in neutrino oscillations.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, version published in PR

    Tri-bimaximal Mixing and Cabibbo Angle in S4 Flavor Model with SUSY

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    We present a flavor model of quarks and leptons with the non-Abelian discrete symmetry S4S_4 in the framework of the SU(5) SUSY GUT. Three generations of 5ˉ\bar 5-plets in SU(5) are assigned to 3{\bf 3} of S4S_4 while the first and second generations of 10-plets in SU(5) are assigned to 2{\bf 2} of S4S_4, and the third generation of 10-plet is assigned to 1{\bf 1} of S4S_4. Right-handed neutrinos are also assigned to 2{\bf 2} for the first and second generations and 1{\bf 1}' for the third generation. We predict the Cabibbo angle as well as the tri-bimaximal mixing of neutrino flavors. We also predict the non-vanishing Ue3U_{e3} of the neutrino flavor mixing due to higher dimensional mass operators. Our predicted CKM mixing angles and the CP violation are consistent with experimental values. We also study SUSY breaking terms in the slepton sector. Our model leads to smaller values of flavor changing neutral currents than the present experimental bounds.Comment: 32 pages, 4 figures, some references are added, with minor modificatio

    Phases of a bilayer Fermi gas

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    We investigate a two-species Fermi gas in which one species is confined in two parallel layers and interacts with the other species in the three-dimensional space by a tunable short-range interaction. Based on the controlled weak coupling analysis and the exact three-body calculation, we show that the system has a rich phase diagram in the plane of the effective scattering length and the layer separation. Resulting phases include an interlayer s-wave pairing, an intralayer p-wave pairing, a dimer Bose-Einstein condensation, and a Fermi gas of stable Efimov-like trimers. Our system provides a widely applicable scheme to induce long-range interlayer correlations in ultracold atoms.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figures; (v2) stability of trimer is emphasized; (v3) published versio

    Schroedinger functional formalism with domain-wall fermion

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    Finite volume renormalization scheme is one of the most fascinating scheme for non-perturbative renormalization on lattice. By using the step scaling function one can follow running of renormalized quantities with reasonable cost. It has been established the Schroedinger functional is very convenient to define a field theory in a finite volume for the renormalization scheme. The Schroedinger functional, which is characterized by a Dirichlet boundary condition in temporal direction, is well defined and works well for the Yang-Mills theory and QCD with the Wilson fermion. However one easily runs into difficulties if one sets the same sort of the Dirichlet boundary condition for the overlap Dirac operator or the domain-wall fermion. In this paper we propose an orbifolding projection procedure to impose the Schroedinger functional Dirichlet boundary condition on the domain-wall fermion.Comment: 32 page

    One loop renormalization for the axial Ward-Takahashi identity in Domain-wall QCD

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    We calculate one-loop correction to the axial Ward-Takahashi identity given by Furman and Shamir in domain-wall QCD. It is shown perturbatively that the renormalized axial Ward-Takahashi identity is satisfied without fine tuning and the ``conserved'' axial current receives no renormalization, giving ZA=1Z_A=1. This fact will simplify the calculation of the pion decay constant in numerical simulations since the decay constant defined by this current needs no lattice renormalization factor.Comment: 16 pages, 3 axodraw.sty figure

    Critical property of spin-glass transition in a bond-disordered classical antiferromagnetic Heisenberg model with a biquadratic interaction

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    Motivated by puzzling spin-glass behaviors observed in many pyrochlore-based magnets, effects of magnetoelastic coupling to local lattice distortions were recently studied by the authors for a bond-disordered antiferromagnet on a pyrochlore lattice [Phys. Rev. Lett. 107, 047204 (2011)]. Here, we extend the analyses with focusing on the critical property of the spin-glass transition which occurs concomitantly with a nematic transition. Finite-size scaling analyses are performed up to a larger system size with 8192 spins to estimate the transition temperature and critical exponents. The exponents are compared with those in the absence of the magnetoelastic coupling and with those for the canonical spin-glass systems. We also discuss the temperature dependence of the specific heat in comparison with that in canonical spin-glass systems as well as an experimental result.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, proceedings for LT2

    Incommensurate--commensurate transitions in the mono-axial chiral helimagnet driven by the magnetic field

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    The zero temperature phase diagram of the mono-axial chiral helimagnet in the magnetic field plane formed by the components parallel and perpendicular to the helical axis is thoroughly analyzed. The nature of the transition to the commensurate state depends on the angle between the field and the helical axis. For field directions close to the directions parallel or perpendicular to the helical axis the transition is continuous, while for intermediate angles the transition is discontinuous and the incommensurate and commensurate states coexist on the transition line. The continuous and discontinuous transition lines are separated by two tricritical points with specific singular behaviour. The location of the continuous and discontinuous lines and of the tricritical points depend strongly on the easy-plane anisotropy, the effect of which is analyzed. For large anisotropy the conical approximation locates the transition line very accurately, although it does not predict the continuous transitions nor the tricitical behaviour. It is shown that for large anisotropy, as in CrNb3S6, the form of the transition line is universal, that is, independent of the sample, and obeys a simple equation. The position of the tricritical points, which is not universal, is theoretically estimated for a sample of CrNb3S6Comment: 10 pages, 9 figure