220 research outputs found

    Application Of Fuzzy Mathematics Methods To Processing Geometric Parameters Of Degradation Of Building Structures

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    The aim of research is formalization of the expert experience, which is used in processing geometric parameters of building structure degradation, using fuzzy mathematics. Materials that are used to specify fuzzy models are contained in expert assessments and scientific and technical reports on the technical condition of buildings. The information contained in the reports and assessments is presented in text form and is accompanied by a large number of photographs and diagrams. Model specification methods, based on the analysis of such information on the technical state of structures with damages and defects of various types, primarily lead to difficulties associated with the presentation of knowledge and require the formalization of expert knowledge and experience in the form of fuzzy rules. Approbation and adaptation of the rules is carried out in the process of further research taking into account the influence of random loads and fields. The scientific novelty of the work is expanding of the knowledge base due to the geometric parameters of structural degradation, on the basis of which a fuzzy conclusion about their technical state in the systems of fuzzy product rules at different stages of the object's life cycle is realized. The results of the work are presented in the form of a formalized description of the geometric parameters of degradation. The knowledge presented in the work is intended for the development of technical documentation that is used at the pre-project stage of building reconstruction, but the gained experience is the source of information on the basis of which a constructive solution is selected in the design process of analogical objects. In addition, the knowledge gained from the analysis of expert assessments of the state of various designs is necessary for development of automated expert evaluation processing systems. The use of such evaluation systems will significantly reduce the risks of the human factor associated with the errors in the specification of models for predicting the processes of structural failure at various stages of ensuring the reliability and safety of buildings

    Introduction Of Clusterization Principles In The Solution Of Problems Of Energy Efficiency And Ecological Safety Of The Existent Building Fund

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    The aim of the work is to introduce clusterization principles in the solution of problems of energy efficiency and ecological safety of the existent building fund. The material of the research is the process of modeling of energetically effective architecture-building clusters. In this sense it is topical and expedient to elaborate technologies and schemes, able to support making decisions as to the formation of energetically effective architecture-building clusters. The main attention is paid to the solution of infrastructure problems of energy saving of the architecture-building branch, connected with the absence of universal models, distinct algorithms of the formation of energy efficiency clusters and reliable instruments of their activity optimization. But realization of advantages of energy efficiency clusters is possible only at introducing effective mechanisms of the formation of a structure, able to provide a result, optimal by an energy efficiency criterion. The work offers a scheme of the formation process of such structure. The synthesis of models of energetically effective architecture-building clusters is based on principles of the systemic construction of geometric models and provides the imitative modeling of different development scenarios of synthesized clusters. At this stage of the research a function of making decisions as to the real cluster formation is left for experts. But an algorithm of the synthesis of models provides the formation of a knowledge base that will be in further a base of an “internal model” of the intellectual system of supporting decisions making, elaborated for modeling cluster structures. The scientific novelty of the work is in the elaboration of theoretical bases of the technology of coordinating the structure with object properties

    Phase-amplitude retrieval:SHG FROG vs. SPIDER

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    Phase-amplitude retrieval:SHG FROG vs. SPIDER

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    Frequency resolved optical gating (FROG) and spectral phase interferometry for direct electric-field reconstruction (SPIDER) are nowadays leading techniques that provide access to phase-amplitude pulse retrieval. Each of these techniques has a number of outstanding features that establish the method applicability under certain experimental conditions. For instance, FROG is perfectly suited for pulse characterization precisely at the position of the sample in most spectroscopic applications because it utilizes similar excited-probe geometry. On the other hand, SPIDER has the advantage of real-time pulse measurement at high repetition rates. While in an ideal case both methods allow the precise amplitude-phase reconstruction of an ultrashort pulse, in practice specific experimental conditions such as phase-matching, detector noise etc. affect the reconstruction quality. For instance, experimental comparison of the techniques in the case characterization of a single pulse has shown some discrepancies in the retrieved parameters. We present a comparative study of SPIDER and second-harmonic generation (SHG) FROG techniques. Two main sources of errors are analyzed: the limited phase matching bandwidth of the nonlinear medium and the detector noise. We show that under similar experimental conditions SPIDER performs somewhat better than SHG FROG

    Low temperature mixed spin state of Co3+ in LaCoO3 evidenced from Jahn-Teller lattice distortions

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    One- and multi-phonon excitations of the single crystalline LaCoO3 were studied using Raman spectroscopy in the temperature region of 5 K - 300 K. First-order Raman spectra show a larger number of phonon modes than allowed for the rhombohedral structure. Additional phonon modes are interpreted in terms of activated modes due to lattice distortions, arising from the Jahn-Teller (JT) activity of the intermediate-spin (IS) state of Co3+ ions. In particular, the 608-cm-1 stretching-type mode shows anomalous behavior in peak energy and scattering intensity as a function of temperature. The anomalous temperature dependence of the second-order phonon excitations spectra is in accordance with the Franck-Condon mechanism that is characteristic for a JT orbital order.Comment: 11 pages, 9 figures, to be published in J. Low. Temp. Physic