136 research outputs found

    Rail accessibility in Germany: Changing regional disparities between 1990 and 2020

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    Transport accessibility is an important location factor for households and firms. In the last few decades, technological and social developments have contributed to a reinvigorated role of passenger transport. However, rail accessibility is unevenly distributed in space. The introduction of high-speed rail has furthermore promoted a polarisation of accessibility between metropolises and peripheral areas in some European countries. In this article we analyse the development of rail accessibility at the regional level in Germany between 1990 and 2020 for 266 functional city-regions. Our results show two different facets: The number of regions that are directly connected to one another has decreased, but at the same time the spatial disparities of accessibility have decreased, albeit to a small extent. This development was strongest in East Germany after German reunification and thus largely a consequence of the renovation of the conventional rail infrastructure, not high-speed rail. Nevertheless, it can be concluded that the introduction of high-speed traffic in Germany did not lead to an increase in accessibility disparities. Instead, the accessibility effects of high-speed rail in Germany seem to break the traditional dichotomy between core and periphery.Verkehrliche Erreichbarkeit stellt einen wichtigen Standortfaktor für Haushalte und Unternehmen dar. In den letzten Jahrzehnten haben technologische und soziale Entwicklungen zu einer neuen Attraktivität des Schienenpersonenverkehrs beigetragen. Die Erreichbarkeit über den Schienenverkehr fällt jedoch räumlich sehr unterschiedlich aus. Die Einführung des Hochgeschwindigkeitsverkehrs hat zudem in einigen europäischen Ländern eine Polarisierung der Erreichbarkeit zwischen Metropolen und peripheren Räumen befördert. In diesem Beitrag analysieren wir die Entwicklung der Bahnerreichbarkeit auf regionaler Ebene in Deutschland zwischen 1990 und 2020 für 266 funktionale Stadtregionen. Unsere Ergebnisse zeigen zwei unterschiedliche Facetten: Die Zahl der direkt miteinander verbundenen Regionen hat sich verringert, aber zugleich zeigt sich für die Erreichbarkeit der Bevölkerung eine Abschwächung der räumlichen Disparitäten, wenn auch in geringem Maße. Diese Entwicklung war in Ostdeutschland nach der deutschen Wiedervereinigung am stärksten und damit weitgehend eine Folge der Sanierung der konventionellen Schieneninfrastruktur, nicht des Hochgeschwindigkeitsverkehrs. Dennoch kann der Schluss gezogen werden, dass seine Einführung in Deutschland nicht zur Erhöhung von Erreichbarkeitsdisparitäten geführt hat. Stattdessen scheinen die Erreichbarkeitswirkungen des Hochgeschwindigkeitsverkehrs in Deutschland die traditionelle Dichotomie zwischen Kern und Peripherie zu durchbrechen

    Implementing psychiatric day treatment for infants, toddlers, preschoolers and their families: a study from a clinical and organizational perspective

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    Background: An increasing number of empirical studies indicate that infants, toddlers and preschoolers may suffer from non-transient mental illnesses featuring developmental psychopathology. A few innovative child psychiatric approaches have been developed to treat infants, toddlers and preschoolers and their families, but have not yet been conceptually presented and discussed in the framework of different healthcare systems. The organizational and clinical experience gained while developing specific approaches may be important across disciplines and guide future developments in psychiatric treatment of infants, toddlers, preschoolers and their families. Results: This article introduces the Preschool Family Day Hospital for Infants, Toddlers and Preschoolers and their Families at Münster University Hospital, Germany. This hospital is unique in the German healthcare system with regard to its social-service institution division of labor. Specifically, it uses an intermittent treatment approach and an integrated interactional family psychiatric approach to treat children and their parents as separate patients. This multidisciplinary, developmentally and family-oriented approach includes components of group treatments with children and separate treatments with parents. Specific techniques include video-assisted treatments of the parent–child interaction, psychiatric and psychotherapeutic treatments for parents, and conjoint family therapies that include both parents and siblings. Conclusions: The Family Day Hospital for infants, toddlers and preschoolers and their families offers innovative family-oriented treatments for those who suffer from a wide range of severe child psychiatric disorders that cannot be sufficiently treated in outpatient settings. Treatment is based on the need for family-oriented approaches to the early psychiatric treatment of infants, toddlers and preschoolers. Family day hospitals are an innovative approach to preschool child psychiatry that requires further evaluation.<br

    On multiobjective selection for multimodal optimization

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    Multiobjective selection operators are a popular and straightforward tool for preserving diversity in evolutionary optimization algorithms. One application area where diversity is essential is multimodal optimization with its goal of finding a diverse set of either globally or locally optimal solutions of a single-objective problem. We therefore investigate multiobjective selection methods that identify good quality and diverse solutions from a larger set of candidates. Simultaneously, unary quality indicators from multiobjective optimization also turn out to be useful for multimodal optimization. We focus on experimentally detecting the best selection operators and indicators in two different contexts, namely a one-time subset selection and an iterative application in optimization. Experimental results indicate that certain design decisions generally have advantageous tendencies regarding run time and quality. One such positive example is using a concept of nearest better neighbors instead of the common nearest-neighbor distances.FWN – Publicaties zonder aanstelling Universiteit Leide
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