173 research outputs found

    Maternal Health Situation in India: A Case Study

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    Maternal Health Services are one of the basic health services to be provided by nay government health system as pregnant women are one of the most vulnerable victims of dysfunctional health system, India, in spite of rapid economic progress is still farm away from the goal of lowering maternal mortality to less than 100 per 100,000 live births. It still accounts for 25.7% maternal deaths. The maternal mortality in India varies across the states. Geographical vastness and socio-cultural diversity make implementation of health sector reforms a difficult task. The chapter analyses the trends in maternal mortality and various maternal health programs implemented over the years including the maternal health care delivery system at various levels including the recent innovative strategies. It also identifies the reasons for limited success in maternal health and suggests measures to improve the current maternal health situation. It recommends improvement in maternal death reporting, evidence based, focused, long term strategy along with effective monitoring of implementation for improving Maternal Health situation. It also stress the need for regulation of private sector and proper Public Private Partnership (PPP) policy together with a strong political will for improving Maternal Health.


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    Generalized Estimating Equation (GEE) deals with such data that do not have normal distribution in case of repeated experiment and has better properties as compared to rANOVA. With the objective to describe the use of GEE in pharmacological study this endeavour started. GEE described hereby using rat data. Four correlation structured were taken in GEE. It was found Independent/Exchangeable structure best suited with data. The model fit on data was assessed graphically as well. The trend line of repeated data for all cases (rats) were fallen in 95 % bound of predicted model. The model gave the average weight of rat 226.51 gram with start of experiment and it increases 8.67gram per week after feeding high fat diet

    Resilience of refugees displaced in the developing world: a qualitative analysis of strengths and struggles of urban refugees in Nepal

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    BACKGROUND: Mental health and psychosocial wellbeing are key concerns in displaced populations. Despite urban refugees constituting more than half of the world's refugees, minimal attention has been paid to their psychosocial wellbeing. The purpose of this study was to assess coping behaviour and aspects of resilience amongst refugees in Kathmandu, Nepal. METHODS: This study examined the experiences of 16 Pakistani and 8 Somali urban refugees in Kathmandu, Nepal through in-depth individual interviews, focus groups, and Photovoice methodology. Such qualitative approaches enabled us to broadly discuss themes such as personal experiences of being a refugee in Kathmandu, perceived causes of psychosocial distress, and strategies and resources for coping. Thematic network analysis was used in this study to systematically interpret and code the data. RESULTS: Our findings highlight that urban refugees' active coping efforts, notwithstanding significant adversity and resulting distress, are most frequently through primary relationships. Informed by Axel Honneth's theory on the struggle for recognition, findings suggest that coping is a function beyond the individual and involves the ability to negotiate recognition. This negotiation involves not only primary relationships, but also the legal order and other social networks such as family and friends. Honneth's work was used because of its emphasis on the importance of legal recognition and larger structural factors in facilitating daily coping. CONCLUSIONS: Understanding how urban refugees cope by negotiating access to various forms of recognition in the absence of legal-recognition will enable organisations working with them to leverage such strengths and develop relevant programmes. In particular, building on these existing resources will lead to culturally compelling and sustainable care for these populations

    RNA Oxidation Adducts 8-OHG and 8-OHA Change with Aβ42 Levels in Late-Stage Alzheimer's Disease

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    While research supports amyloid-β (Aβ) as the etiologic agent of Alzheimer's disease (AD), the mechanism of action remains unclear. Evidence indicates that adducts of RNA caused by oxidation also represent an early phenomenon in AD. It is currently unknown what type of influence these two observations have on each other, if any. We quantified five RNA adducts by gas chromatography/mass spectroscopy across five brain regions from AD cases and age-matched controls. We then used a reductive directed analysis to compare the RNA adducts to common indices of AD neuropathology and various pools of Aβ. Using data from four disease-affected brain regions (Brodmann's Area 9, hippocampus, inferior parietal lobule, and the superior and middle temporal gyri), we found that the RNA adduct 8-hydroxyguanine (8-OHG) decreased, while 8-hydroxyadenine (8-OHA) increased in AD. The cerebellum, which is generally spared in AD, did not show disease related changes, and no RNA adducts correlated with the number of plaques or tangles. Multiple regression analysis revealed that SDS-soluble Aβ42 was the best predictor of changes in 8-OHG, while formic acid-soluble Aβ42 was the best predictor of changes in 8-OHA. This study indicates that although there is a connection between AD related neuropathology and RNA oxidation, this relationship is not straightforward