691 research outputs found

    Minisuperspace limit of the AdS3 WZNW model

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    We derive the three-point function of the AdS3 WZNW model in the minisuperspace limit by Wick rotation from the H3+ model. The result is expressed in terms of Clebsch-Gordan coefficients of the Lie algebra sl(2,R). We also introduce a covariant basis of functions on AdS3, which can be interpreted as bulk-boundary propagators.Comment: 19 pages, v2: added section 2.4 about the completeness of bases of function

    Boundary three-point function on AdS2 D-branes

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    Using the H3+-Liouville relation, I explicitly compute the boundary three-point function on AdS2 D-branes in H3+, and check that it exhibits the expected symmetry properties and has the correct geometrical limit. I then find a simple relation between this boundary three-point function and certain fusing matrix elements, which suggests a formal correspondence between the AdS2 D-branes and discrete representations of the symmetry group. Concluding speculations deal with the fuzzy geometry of AdS2 D-branes, strings in the Minkowskian AdS3, and the hypothetical existence of new D-branes in H3+.Comment: 27 pages, v2: significant clarifications added in sections 4.3 and

    Alloys in catalysis: phase separation and surface segregation phenomena in response to the reactive environment

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    Alloys play a crucial role in several heterogeneous catalytic processes, and their applications are expected to rise rapidly. This is essentially related to the vast number of configurations and type of surface sites that multi-component materials can afford. It is well established that the chemical composition at the surface of an alloy usually differs from that in the bulk. This phenomenon, referred to as surface segregation, is largely controlled by the surface free energy. However, surface energy alone cannot safely predict the active surface state of a solid catalyst, since the contribution of other parameters such as size and support effects, as well as influence of the adsorbates, play a major role. This can lead to numerous surface configurations as for example over the length of a catalytic reactor, as the chemical potential of the gas phase changes continuously over the catalyst bed and hence different reactions may prevail at different catalyst bed segments. Thanks to the rapid improvement of the analytical surface science characterization techniques and theoretical methodologies, the potential effects induced by alloyed catalysts are better understood. For catalysis, the relevance of measurements performed on well-defined surfaces under idealized ultrahigh vacuum conditions has been questioned and studies in environments that closely resemble conditions of working alloy catalysts are needed. In this review we focus on experimental and theoretical studies related to in situ (operando) observations of surface segregation and phase separation phenomena taking place on the outermost surface layers of alloy catalysts. The combination of first principles theoretical treatment and in situ observation opens up new perspectives of designing alloy catalysts with tailored properties

    Analytic Continuation of Liouville Theory

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    Correlation functions in Liouville theory are meromorphic functions of the Liouville momenta, as is shown explicitly by the DOZZ formula for the three-point function on the sphere. In a certain physical region, where a real classical solution exists, the semiclassical limit of the DOZZ formula is known to agree with what one would expect from the action of the classical solution. In this paper, we ask what happens outside of this physical region. Perhaps surprisingly we find that, while in some range of the Liouville momenta the semiclassical limit is associated to complex saddle points, in general Liouville's equations do not have enough complex-valued solutions to account for the semiclassical behavior. For a full picture, we either must include "solutions" of Liouville's equations in which the Liouville field is multivalued (as well as being complex-valued), or else we can reformulate Liouville theory as a Chern-Simons theory in three dimensions, in which the requisite solutions exist in a more conventional sense. We also study the case of "timelike" Liouville theory, where we show that a proposal of Al. B. Zamolodchikov for the exact three-point function on the sphere can be computed by the original Liouville path integral evaluated on a new integration cycle.Comment: 86 pages plus appendices, 9 figures, minor typos fixed, references added, more discussion of the literature adde

    Loop and surface operators in N=2 gauge theory and Liouville modular geometry

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    Recently, a duality between Liouville theory and four dimensional N=2 gauge theory has been uncovered by some of the authors. We consider the role of extended objects in gauge theory, surface operators and line operators, under this correspondence. We map such objects to specific operators in Liouville theory. We employ this connection to compute the expectation value of general supersymmetric 't Hooft-Wilson line operators in a variety of N=2 gauge theories.Comment: 60 pages, 11 figures; v3: further minor corrections, published versio

    On AGT description of N=2 SCFT with N_f=4

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    We consider Alday-Gaiotto-Tachikawa (AGT) realization of the Nekrasov partition function of N=2 SCFT. We focus our attention on the SU(2) theory with N_f=4 flavor symmetry, whose partition function, according to AGT, is given by the Liouville four-point function on the sphere. The gauge theory with N_f=4 is known to exhibit SO(8) symmetry. We explain how the Weyl symmetry transformations of SO(8) flavor symmetry are realized in the Liouville theory picture. This is associated to functional properties of the Liouville four-point function that are a priori unexpected. In turn, this can be thought of as a non-trivial consistency check of AGT conjecture. We also make some comments on elementary surface operators and WZW theory.Comment: 18 pages. v2, a misinterpretation in the gauge theory side has been corrected; title and introduction were changed accordingl

    A family of solvable non-rational conformal field theories

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    We find non-rational conformal field theories in two dimensions, which are solvable due to their correlators being related to correlators of Liouville theory. Their symmetry algebra consists of the dimension-two stress-energy tensor, and two dimension-one fields. The theories come in a family with two parameters: the central charge c and a complex number m. The special case m=0 corresponds to Liouville theory (plus two free bosons), and m=1 corresponds to the H3+ model. In the case m=2 we show that the correlators obey third-order differential equations, which are associated to a subsingular vector of the symmetry algebra.Comment: 14 pages, v2: role of subsingular vectors clarifie

    Liouville Correlation Functions from Four-dimensional Gauge Theories

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    We conjecture an expression for the Liouville theory conformal blocks and correlation functions on a Riemann surface of genus g and n punctures as the Nekrasov partition function of a certain class of N=2 SCFTs recently defined by one of the authors. We conduct extensive tests of the conjecture at genus 0,1.Comment: 32 pages, 8 figures; v2: minor corrections, published versio

    AGT on the S-duality Wall

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    Three-dimensional gauge theory T[G] arises on a domain wall between four-dimensional N=4 SYM theories with the gauge groups G and its S-dual G^L. We argue that the N=2^* mass deformation of the bulk theory induces a mass-deformation of the theory T[G] on the wall. The partition functions of the theory T[SU(2)] and its mass-deformation on the three-sphere are shown to coincide with the transformation coefficient of Liouville one-point conformal block on torus under the S-duality.Comment: 14 pages, 3 figures. v2: Revised the analysis in sections 3.3 and 4. Notes and references added. Version to appear in JHE

    Braiding and fusion properties of the Neveu-Schwarz super-conformal blocks

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    We construct, generalizing appropriately the method applied by J. Teschner in the case of the Virasoro conformal blocks, the braiding and fusion matrices of the Neveu-Schwarz super-conformal blocks. Their properties allow for an explicit verification of the bootstrap equation in the NS sector of the N=1 supersymmetric Liouville field theory.Comment: 41 pages, 3 eps figure