9 research outputs found

    Jenis-Jenis Belalang (Orthoptera: Ensifera Di Dusun III Desa Rambah Hilir Tengah Kecamatan Rambah Hilir Kabupaten Rokan Hulu

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    This study aims to determine the types of grasshoppers (Orthoptera: Ensifera) contained in the hamlet III village Rambah Hilir Tengah District of Rambah Hilir Rokan Hulu Regency. This study was conducted from September to December 2015 with a survey method to the study site directly. Grasshopper obtained was then identified by describing the types based reference source. Results of the study found a grasshopper with 2 families, 9 subfamily, 13 genera and 16 species. As for the types of grasshoppers that are Conocephalus maculatus, C. melaenus, Conocephalus sp, Elimaea sp, Euscyrtus concinnus, Hexacentrus unicolor, Itara sp, Loxoblemmus parabolicus, Mecopoda elongata, Nisitrus vittatus, Phaulula sp, sp Psyrana, Teleogryllus emma, Teleogryllus sp, Velarifictorus sp and Xabea sp

    The First Report of the Diversity of Ensifera (Insecta: Orthoptera) From Rokan Hulu District, Riau Province

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    The objective of this study was to determine the diversity of the suborder Ensifera in Dusun 3, Rambah Hilir Tengah, Rambah Hilir Sub-District, Rokan Hulu District, Riau Province, Indonesia. The study was conducted from September 2015 to January 2016 at six sampling locations by sweep net and hand picking at day and night hours. We recorded 17 species of the Ensifera belonging to 12 genera, 2 families, and 10 subfamilies. The diversity comprised of Conochepalus maculatus, Conochepalus melaenus, Conochepalus sp., Elbenia sp., Elimaea sp., Euscyrtus concinnus, Hexacentrus unicolor, Loxoblemus parabolicus, Mecopoda elongate, Mecopoda sp., Nisitrus vittatus, Orthelimaea sp., Podoscirtinae species 1 (unidentified), Teleogryllus emma, Teleogryllus sp., Trellius sp. and Xabea sp. The C. maculatus and E. concinnus were the predominant species in this study


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    Higiene dan sanitasi sangatlah penting, terutama di tempat-tempat umum yang melayani orang banyak, salah satunya Rumah Sakit (RS) upaya penyediaan pelayanan kesehatan ini pula dapat menjadi tempat penularan serta memungkinkan terjadinya pencemaran lingkungan serta gangguan kesehatan. Penanganan sanitasi yang kurang baik dapat menyebabkan terjadinya hal-hal yang merugikan seperti keracunan. Peranan pencucian peralatan makan secara baik dapat menghasilkan peralatan makanan yang bersih dan sehat. Tujuan dari penelitian ini yaitu untuk mengetahui gambaran hygiene sanitasi pengelolaan makanan dan angka kuman peralatan makan (piring) di RS Pancaran Kasih GMIM Kota Manado. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan yaitu penelitian deskriptif observasional. Subyek penelitian yaitu 6 buah piring yang diambil secara acak dari ruangan kelas I, II, dan III. Pemeriksaan hygiene sanitasi menggunakan lembar observasi. Aspek pengukuran memenuhi syarat jika nilai yang diperoleh >90% dari total penelitian. Pemeriksaan mikrobiologi usap alat makan yang dilakukan di laboratorium Badan Teknik Kesehatan Lingkungan Kota Manado semua sampel yang diambil tidak memenuhi syarat dengan persyaratan angka kuman >100 koloni/cm2(28.000-72.000 koloni/cm2). Hasil observasi hygiene sanitasi pengelolaan makanan dengan menggunakan lembar observasi mendapat skor 15 sehingga dinyatakan tidak memenuhi syarat. Perlu diadakannya pengawasan dan penyuluhan oleh instalasi gizi RS Umum Pancaran Kasih GMIM Kota manado tentang pentingnya hygiene sanitasi pengelolaan makanan dan pearalatan makan sehingga memenuhi syarat kesehatan. Kata Kunci: Higiene sanitasi, angka kuman, instalasi gizi, rumah sakit ABSTRACT Hygiene and sanitation are very important, especially in public places that serve many people, one of which is the hospital's efforts to provide health services can also be a place of transmission and enable environmental pollution and health problems. Handling poor sanitation can cause harmful things such as poisoning. The role of cleaning or washing equipment properly, will produce clean and healthy food processing equipment. The purpose of this study was to describe the hygiene sanitation of food management and the number of plate feeding germs in the Pancaran Kasih GMIM Hospital in Manado City. The type of research used is descriptive observational research. The population of this study was all food trays, samples in this study were 6 samples, taken from class I, II, III. Sanitation hygiene checks using observation sheets, measurement aspects meet the requirements if the value obtained> 90% of the total study with a score of> 16.2. Microbiological examination of cutlery made at the Manado City Environmental Engineering Agency laboratory, all samples taken did not meet the requirements with germ number requirements> 100 colonies / cm2. The results of observation of hygiene sanitation in food management using the observation sheet got a score of 15, said to be ineligible due to the score obtained <16.2. Examination of plate feeding germ number is done at 11.00-11.46 WITA and the total germ number obtained varies from 28,000-72,000 colonies / cm2. Need to hold supervision and counseling by nutrition installation of public hospitals Pancaran Kasih of Manado City GMIM about the importance of sanitation hygiene in food management and food equipment so that it meets health requirements. Keywords: Hygiene Sanitary, number of Microbes, diet instalation, hospita

    Analisis Higher Order Thinking Skill Mahasiswa Pendidikan Matematika Pada Materi Geometri

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    Kemampuan peserta didik yang perlu dikembangkan tidak hanya pada pengetahuan yang bersifat algoritmik, menerapkan konsep dasar dalam menyelesaikan permasalahan, menggunakan satu solusi, maupun mendeskripsikan konsep dasar, tetapi sudah mengarah pada aktivitas nonalgoritmik, bersifat kompleks, serta mempunyai banyak solusi. Untuk itu, maka perlu adanya eksplorasi terkait kemampuan berpikir tingkat tinggi, yang meliputi keterampilan berpikir dan keterampilan proses. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode eksploratif, menggunakan tes yang menguji kemampuan berpikir tingkat tinggi. Subjek penelitian ini adalah mahasiswa Pendidikan Matematika, Universitas Islam Sumatera Utara yang berjumlah 20 orang. Berdasarkan hasil eksplorasi diketahui bahwa pada aspek kemampuan berpikir kritis hanya 30% yang mampu mengintegrasikan strategi, pada aspek kemampuan berpikir kreatif hanya 10% yang mampu mengelaborasi konsep, dan pada aspek kemampuan pemecahan masalah hanya 30% yang mampu melihat kembali setiap tahapannya.Kelemahan mahasiswa dalam keterampilan proses terletak pada kesalahan dalam menggunakan konsep, kesalahan dalam menggunakan data, kesalahan dalam menggunakan algoritma perhitungan

    Pengaruh Contextual Teaching And Learning terhadap Kemampuan Komunikasi dan Disposisi Matematis Siswa SMA Negeri 04 Tebing Tinggi

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    This study aims to determine whether the CTL learning model is effective against students' mathematical communication disposition and abilities. This research is a quantitative study, the population is students of class X SMA 04 Tebing Tinggi in the academic year 2019/2020. Randomly selected two classes randomly selected namely class X MIA 2 as an experimental class using the CTL learning model and class X MIA 4 as a control class that uses a direct learning model. Data collection methods are the method of observation, tests, and disposition questionnaires. The analysis was performed using the Simple Linear Regression Test. The results of this study indicate that: (1) the influence of CTL on mathematical communication is 91.3%; (2) the effect of CTL on mathematical disposition was 52.7%; (3) communication skills in the control class are better than the experimental class; (4) the mathematical disposition of experimental class students is better than the control class; (5) mathematical disposition has a positive effect on the ability of mathematical communication in the experimental class

    Exploring the challenges of pepper smallholder farmers in Sarawak: a qualitative study

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    The pepper plant is considered a valuable and popular choice of crop in Malaysia despite market fluctuation affecting its prices and other constraints in the pepper industry. In addition, pepper plant is mainly grown in rural areas of Sarawak and the growers are mainly smallholders who face tough challenges in the industry. Thus, this research endeavours to explore the challenges faced by pepper growers in Sarawak as seen from their perspectives. Qualitative data with a phenomenological approach was conducted to allow an in-depth understanding of their challenges. Data analysis of six semi-structured interviews on the pepper growers was conducted at an agreeable place to the participants. A sampling method was done via snowball sampling. The findings indicated several main themes of the challenges. The emerging main themes revealed that the challenges were associated with a shortage of workers, climate, profits, government assistance, pest, and crop diseases. The result will provide useful information for the government authority, agricultural agencies, and help to formulate the action plan to enhance pepper cultivation

    Palm oil fresh fruit bunch ripeness grading identification using color features

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    This research investigates the ripeness grading identification of the palm oil FFB using colorfeatures that are color histogram, color moment and color correlogram. Palm is harvestedduring the optimum stage of its ripeness since it improves the FFB oil quality and quantity.Harvesting wrong bunches decreases the oil extraction rate of the palm. A preliminaryresearch on the palm oil FFB grading identification is conducted. Each ripeness stage has itsown unique color. A study on color features is investigated.A new dataset of images of FFB isconstructed. A comparative study between Support Vector Machine (SVM) and Naïve Bayesclassifiers has been performed using the values of color histogram, color moment and colorcorrelogram. The results of the experiments indicate that color moment with SVM produce ahigher palm oil FFB ripeness grading identification accuracy compared to color histogramand color correlogram.Keywords: color features, fresh fruit bunch (FFB), Naïve Bayes, ripeness stage, supportvector machine.

    Electric Wheelchair Controlled by Joystick and Android/iOS Smartphone

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    A wheelchair is used by people who are difficult to walk because of having physical problems, injuries, or disabilities. There are many options and different types of wheelchairs such as manual wheelchairs, electric wheelchairs, and scooters depending on the patient's financial ability, physical limits, and strength. Not all people with movement disabilities have enough strength especially elders. Moreover, there is no wheelchair controlled by smartphones currently available in the market and even custom-made electric wheelchairs are very expensive. Therefore, the main objective of this project is to provide a solution to this matter by modifying an existing manual wheelchair that would use smartphones (android/iOS) and joystick to control its movement. So, the rationale of this project is it can help patients with movement difficulty to move easily with significantly at a lower cost. Implementation of this project will be using System Development (SDLC) Life Cycle methodology that divide the complex task into several phases of development. This project will be divided into two parts, namely the implementation of hardware and software. The main hardware of this system consists of Arduino microcontrollers and motors that can be controlled using a smartphone via Bluetooth module and joystick. Ultrasonic sensors are located on the rear of this wheelchair to detect objects or obstacles and buzz the buzzer so that the person who uses it can be acknowledged when there are objects behind during reverse movement. The software part will consist of Arduino programming using Arduino Integrated Development Environment (IDE) software and mobile apps programming using Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) App Inventor software. In the end, the implementation of this project can be used in universities, companies, hospitals, and at home as well to facilitate someone's movement without having to rely too much on help from others. In conclusion, this project is expected can help the disability and elder to move freely and control the electric wheelchair by themselves independently