166 research outputs found

    Relationship of Prestrengthening Exercise before Tournament for the Performance of Female Wheel Chair Basketball Players in Free Throw

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    INTRODUCTION: Cross-sectional studies have reported that a majority of long-term wheelchair users experience upper extremity pain. Overuse and repetitive stress often result in degenerative soft tissue changes it been observed that 18% of active persons and 45% of inactive persons with long-term paraplegia also showed degenerative changes in the shoulder joint on radiographs. Other researchers have reported that wheelchair users often show chronic degenerative injuries to soft tissues, including impingement syndromes, rotator cuff tears, sprains, strains, and avascular necrosis AIM OF THE STUDY: To find out the effect of Strength Training, reducing the pain & performance of Upper limb for Wheelchair Basketball Players. Thus it provides a model for the technique of skill for analyzing the performance of the players. Which will be helpful in preparing how effectively the free throw and shooting and set shot has made. OBJECTIVE: To determine in performing the shooting the ball with the help of upper extremities of female wheelchair basket ball players. METHODOLOGY: Study design: Comparitive study. Study setting: The study was done in 15 wheel chair players in Chennai Source of data: Data was collected from 15 private players in Chennai. All subjects were assessed and selected based upon who fulfilled the inclusion criteria. The purpose of the study was explained to all subjects and consent from each subject was taken. The subjects were randomly assigned into the either Pre Strengthening Training (Group A) and Simple Training (Group B). Sample size: 15 subjects Inclusion Criteria: Impaired muscle power, Impaired passive range of movement, Hypertonia, Limb deficiency, Ataxia, Leg length difference, Short stature. Exclusion Criteria: Foot ulcers, Vision impairment. DATA ANALYSIS AND INTERPRETATION: This deals with the analysis of data collected from the subjects under study. The primary concern of the present study was to find out significance relationship between the selected pre strengthening exercise and the performance of the subjects in the free throw and shooting the ball analyzing among the female wheelchair from Chennai team. To facilitate the study, 15 shoulder pain female wheelchair basketball players were randomly selected for the purpose of this study. Their age was between 24 to 28 years. RESULTS: After give 6 weeks Pre – Strengthening Shoulder Exercise, it’s been proved that the players where playing their game without the pain on their shoulder while passing, shooting , free throws. In table 1 & graph 1, the pre test values were compared with post test values of Free throw, Long Pass, Dribbling of group A players after Pre – Strengthening exercise. According to this table p value is less than .05 which shows that there is a significant difference in tournament in group A who underwent Pre – strengthening training. In table 2 & graph 2, the pre test values were compared with post test values of Free throw, Long Pass, Dribbling of group B players trained on ground. According to this table p - value is more than .05 which shows that there is a no significant difference in shoulder pain in group B who underwent basic training in ground. Thus player in Group A where able to perform better than the Players in Group B after the 6 – weeks Pre – Strengthening exercise Program. CONCLUSION: The results obtained from this study shows significant difference for players trained under pre – strengthening program before the tournament .The mean difference for free throw, long pass , dribbling showed significant increase in the group – A compared with group - B. From the above result it can be concluded that six weeks pre - strenthening training is more effective in improving the performance in the tournament the Female wheelchair basketball players. Hence it can be recommended that 6 weeks pre – strengthening training is more effective, useful & performance oriented rather than the usual training program

    Synthesis and Computational Investigations of Ruthenium(II) Complexes Containing Hydrazine Schiff Base Ligands

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    Three new heteroleptic ruthenium(II) complexes containing hydrazine schiff base as ligands were synthesized and characterized by using elemental analysis, FT-IR, 1H, 13C NMR, and mass spectroscopic techniques. FT-IR study showed that the substituted phenylhydrazine ligands behave as a monoanionic bidentate O and N donors (L) coordinate to ruthenium via the deprotonated phenolic oxygen and the azomethine nitrogen. They possess excellent thermal stabilities, evident from the thermal decomposition temperatures. Absorption, emission and electrochemical measurements were carried out and the structures of the synthesized complex were optimized using density functional theory (DFT). The molecular geometry, the highest occupied molecular orbital (HOMO), the lowest unoccupied molecular orbital (LUMO) energies, Mulliken atomic charges and molecular electrostatic potential (MEP) of the molecules are determined using B3LYP method and standard 6-311++G (d, p) basis set

    Treatment of Tannery Effluents- A Comparative Study Between Mesoporous Carbon And Carbon/Silica as Adsorbents

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    Source: ICHE Conference Archive - https://mdi-de.baw.de/icheArchiv

    Data Placement in Object Storage Based Multiple Containers in Cloud Environment

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    Cloud computing is an Internet based processing where virtual shared servers give programming and different resources. Cloud storage is only capacity of information on outsider cloud servers. The benefits are boundless capacity, backup and recovery. The bad marks are specialized issues, cost and absence of backing in security. In This paper, we made to build an application for cloud security in IBM bluemix cloud to partition the data and storing them into multiple containers of object storage. Object storage is a resource which is used in IBM bluemix cloud to store a data. Hence the data is retrieve when needed by merging it. An proposed efficient data placement algorithm is used. This will consider how to place the files efficiently to the containers in object storage. Beside, the files will merge when client needs it back. So some additional algorithms is also used for partitioning and merging of files. Our goal is to achieve good security for cloud storage system, through proposed algorithm by using multiple containers of object storage in cloud

    Detection of Features to Track Objects and Segmentation Using GrabCut for Application in Marker-less Augmented Reality

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    AbstractAugmented Reality applications have hovered itself over various platforms such as desktop and most recently to handheld devices such as mobile phones and tablets. Augmented Reality (AR) systems have mostly been limited to Head Worn Displays with start-ups such as Magic Leap and Occulus Rift making tremendous advancement in such AR and VR research applications facing a stiff competition with Software giant Microsoft which has recently introduced Holo Lens. AR refers to the augmentation or the conglomeration of virtual objects in the real world scenario which has a distinct but close resemblance to Virtual Reality (VR) systems which are computer simulated environments which render physical presence in imaginary world. Developers and hackers round the globe have directed their research interests in the development of AR and VR based applications especially in the domain of advertisement and gaming. Many open source libraries, SDKs and proprietary software are available worldwide for developers to make such systems. This paper describes an algorithm for an AR prototype which uses a marker less approach to track and segment out real world objects and then overlay the same on another real world scene. The algorithm was tested on Desktop. The results are comparable with other existing algorithms and outperform some of them in terms of robustness, speed, and accuracy, precision and timing analysis

    A Finite Element Approach to Bending, Contact and Fatigue Stress Distribution in Helical Gear Systems

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    AbstractIn the face of extensive research into the theoretical basis and performance characteristics of helical gear design, a complete mathematical description of the relationship between the design parameters and the performance matrices is still to be clearly understood because of the great complexity in their interrelationship. The objective of this work is to conduct a comparative study on helical gear design and its performance based on various performance metrics through finite element as well as analytical approaches. The theoretical analysis for a single helical gear system based on American Gear Manufacturing Association (AGMA) standards has been assessed in Matlab. The effect of major performance metrics of different helical gear tooth systems such as single, herringbone and crossed helical gear are studied through finite element approach (FEA) in ANSYS and compared with theoretical analysis of helical gear pair. Structural, contact and fatigue analysis are also performed in order to investigate the performance metrics of different helical gear systems. The benefit of such a comparison is quickly estimating the stress distribution for a new design variant without carrying out complex theoretical analysis as well as the FEA analysis gives less scope for manual errors while calculating complex formulas related to theoretical analysis of gears. It will significantly reduce processing time as well as enhanced flexibility in the design performance

    A study of serum psedocholinesterase levels following diazinon poisoning in relation to liver function-prognostic and therapeutic value

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    Background: To study serum pseudo-cholinesterase (PChE) levels as an index of liver injury in individuals with diazinon poisoning with or without alcoholism. It gives the knowledge of the therapeutic efficacy and severity of liver dysfunction.Methods: Blood samples were taken from normal male adults as control and PChE is estimated. Blood samples were taken from diazinon poisoning patients from local hospitals on the 1st day and on 5th day for pseudocholinesterase estimation. Another group of blood samples were taken on the 1st day and on the 5th day from diazinon poisoning patients with history of alcoholism serum PChE is estimated.Results: Serum PChE was estimated among the normal healthy male adults as the normal value of enzyme for the various levels for comparison. Among 30 normal adults, the control value of PChE ranged between 125 and 321 µmol/ml with 212 as the mean. Following the treatment with atropine, PAM and blood transfusion, blood samples were estimated by 5th day among patients with diazinon. Their mean value was found to be 200 µmol/ml. Among individuals with alcohol and diazinon poisoning, following the treatment, the serum PChE levels were raised comparatively on 1st day. The value is 100 µmol/ml.Conclusions: In diazinon poisoning without alcoholism, the prognostic and therapeutic efficacy of the drugs is better unlike in alcoholics. Hence a scope of necessitating the hepatoprotective measures is of consideration in the organophosphorous poisoning cases

    Genetics of Starch Content and its Correlations with Agro-morphological Traits in Sorghum

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    Sorghum can be an alternative to corn for industrial uses, especially in drought prone areas of the world. Sorghum cultivars with high potential of grain and starch yields are needed to continuously meet the industrial demands. We have studied the genetics of grain yield and starch content of sorghum to decide the breeding procedure to develop suitable cultivars for starch industry. The genetic material from 8 × 8 diallel (28 F1 and 8 parents) was grown in a randomized complete block design, with three replications at Directorate of Sorghum Research, Hyderabad, India. Observations were recorded on seven agro-morphological and two grain quality traits including grain yield and starch content. Correlation studies revealed that the grain hardness was negatively correlated to starch and positively correlated to grain yield, panicle weight and days to flowering. Variance due to specific combining ability effects was greater in magnitude for both starch content and grain yield. Bi-parental crossing in F2 will help in getting pure lines with high starch content and high grain yield. The parents chosen for breeding program need to be good combiners for starch and grain yields to obtain superior hybrid. One MS line, 422B was a good combiner for grain yield, high starch content and 100 grain weight, and had good per se performance

    Proton coupled electron transfer reaction of phenols with excited state ruthenium(II) - polypyridyl complexes

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    The reaction of phenols with the excited state, *[Ru(bpy)3]2+ (E0 = 0.76V) and *[Ru(H2dcbpy)3]2+, (dcbpy = 4,4'-dicarboxy-2,2'-bipyridine) (E0 = 1.55 V vs. SCE) complexes in CH3CN has been studied by luminescence quenching technique and the quenching is dynamic. The formation of phenoxyl radical as a transient is confirmed by its characteristic absorption at 400 nm. The kq value is highly sensitive to the change of pH of the medium and ΔG0 of the reaction. Based on the treatment of kq data in terms of energetics of the reaction and pH of the medium, proton coupled electron transfer (PCET) mechanism has been proposed for the reaction

    Comparative evaluation of H1 receptor blocking activity and safety of newer H1antagonist mizolastine with loratadine and placebo: a randomized double blind three way crossover study

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    Background: Histamine is a naturally occurring body constituent synthesized from L-histidine by histidine decarboxylase enzyme that is expressed throughout the body including central nervous system neurons, gastric mucosa, mast cells and basophils. The objective of this study was to compare the pharmacological activity and safety of 10 mg mizolastine, 10 mg loratadine and placebo in healthy human volunteers.Methods: After randomly allocating the 3 drugs, a battery of psychometric tests was done. Histamine prick test for wheal and flare reaction, VAS for sedation and itch followed by salivary flow test were done. Vitals were recorded. The subjects were randomized to receive either of the treatment in a cross-over manner with washout period of 7 days. The wheal and flare areas were recorded before and after 1,2,4,8, and 24 hours.Results: Mean inhibition on histamine induced wheal and flare response with mizolastine was highly significant as compared to placebo from 1 hour onwards (p<0.001) with maximum inhibition of 98.1±1.8% at 4 hours and of 85.1±24.8percent at 8 hours, for wheal and flare, respectively. The mean inhibition on histamine induced response with loratadine was significant from 2 hours (p<0.05) for wheal area and 1 hour onwards up to 24 hours (P<0.01) for flare area with the maximum inhibition of 56.2±31.6 percent and 60.1±14.2percent at 8hours, respectively. Mean inhibition on histamine induced itch with mizolastine was also significant from 4 hours onwards and persisted up to 24 hours (p<0.05) with maximum inhibition of 58.6±54.2% at 8 hours for the itch response, unlike loratidine. There was no significant change in mean effect on sedation assessed on a VAS of 0-100 mm. There was no significant change in psychomotor functions, salivary flow or vital parameters. All were well tolerated.Conclusions: Mizolastine has good antihistaminic activity than loratadine. Neither drug causes any psychomotor impairment or has anti-cholinergic action
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