177 research outputs found

    The Secured Content-based Image Retrieval in Cloud Computing

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    Content-based image retrieval (CBIR) applications have been quickly evolved alongside the expansion in the amount, accessibility and significance of images in our day by day life. In any case, the wide organization of CBIR scheme has been restricted by its the serious calculation and capacity necessity. In this paper, we propose a protection safeguarding content-based image retrieval scheme, which permits the information proprietor to redistribute the image database and CBIR administration to the cloud, without uncovering the genuine content of the database to the cloud server. Neighborhood highlights are used to speak to the images, and earth mover's separation (EMD) is utilized to assess the closeness of images. The EMD calculation is basically a straight programming (LP) issue. The proposed scheme changes the EMD issue so that the cloud server can illuminate it without learning the delicate data. Likewise, nearby touchy hash (LSH) is used to improve the pursuit productivity. The security investigation and trials show the security and efficiency of the proposed scheme

    PALSSE: A program to delineate linear secondary structural elements from protein structures

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    BACKGROUND: The majority of residues in protein structures are involved in the formation of α-helices and β-strands. These distinctive secondary structure patterns can be used to represent a protein for visual inspection and in vector-based protein structure comparison. Success of such structural comparison methods depends crucially on the accurate identification and delineation of secondary structure elements. RESULTS: We have developed a method PALSSE (Predictive Assignment of Linear Secondary Structure Elements) that delineates secondary structure elements (SSEs) from protein C(α )coordinates and specifically addresses the requirements of vector-based protein similarity searches. Our program identifies two types of secondary structures: helix and β-strand, typically those that can be well approximated by vectors. In contrast to traditional secondary structure algorithms, which identify a secondary structure state for every residue in a protein chain, our program attributes residues to linear SSEs. Consecutive elements may overlap, thus allowing residues located at the overlapping region to have more than one secondary structure type. CONCLUSION: PALSSE is predictive in nature and can assign about 80% of the protein chain to SSEs as compared to 53% by DSSP and 57% by P-SEA. Such a generous assignment ensures almost every residue is part of an element and is used in structural comparisons. Our results are in agreement with human judgment and DSSP. The method is robust to coordinate errors and can be used to define SSEs even in poorly refined and low-resolution structures. The program and results are available at

    A tale of two ferredoxins: sequence similarity and structural differences

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    BACKGROUND: Sequence similarity between proteins is usually considered a reliable indicator of homology. Pyruvate-ferredoxin oxidoreductase and quinol-fumarate reductase contain ferredoxin domains that bind [Fe-S] clusters and are involved in electron transport. Profile-based methods for sequence comparison, such as PSI-BLAST and HMMer, suggest statistically significant similarity between these domains. RESULTS: The sequence similarity between these ferredoxin domains resides in the area of the [Fe-S] cluster-binding sites. Although overall folds of these ferredoxins bear no obvious similarity, the regions of sequence similarity display a remarkable local structural similarity. These short regions with pronounced sequence motifs are incorporated in completely different structural environments. In pyruvate-ferredoxin oxidoreductase (bacterial ferredoxin), the hydrophobic core of the domain is completed by two β-hairpins, whereas in quinol-fumarate reductase (α-helical ferredoxin), the cluster-binding motifs are part of a larger all-α-helical globin-like fold core. CONCLUSION: Functionally meaningful sequence similarity may sometimes be reflected only in local structural similarity, but not in global fold similarity. If detected and used naively, such similarities may lead to incorrect fold predictions

    In-laboratory breast specimen radiography reduces tissue block utilization and improves turnaround time of pathologic examination

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    BACKGROUND: This study was performed to determine whether in-laboratory specimen radiography reduces turnaround time or block utilization in surgical pathology. METHODS: Specimens processed during a 48-day trial of an in-lab cabinet radiography device (Faxitron) were compared to a control group of specimens imaged in the mammography suite during a prior 1-year period, and to a second group of specimens not undergoing imaging of any type. RESULTS: Cases imaged in the mammography suite had longer turnaround time than cases not requiring imaging (by 1.15 days for core biopsies, and 1.73 days for mastectomies; p \u3c 0.0001). In contrast, cases imaged in-lab had turnaround time that was no longer than unimaged cases (p \u3e 0.05 for core biopsies, lumpectomies and mastectomies). Mastectomies imaged in-lab required submission of fewer blocks than controls not undergoing any imaging (mean reduction of 10.6 blocks). CONCLUSIONS: Availability of in-lab radiography resulted in clinically meaningful improvements in turnaround time and economically meaningful reductions in block utilization


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    Osteochondral defects are common injuries among the young population. Athletes are more prone to these injuries given the amount the stress and strain they put on their lower limbs. The viscoelastic nature of cartilage, which allows load bearing, is disrupted. Early recognition and treatment is needed to prevent Early Osteoarthritis. We are presenting one such case, where a 25 year old male patient with Grade 4 OCD was treated with Autologous osteochondral graft taken from the Non weight bearing part of the femur

    SCOPmap: Automated assignment of protein structures to evolutionary superfamilies

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    BACKGROUND: Inference of remote homology between proteins is very challenging and remains a prerogative of an expert. Thus a significant drawback to the use of evolutionary-based protein structure classifications is the difficulty in assigning new proteins to unique positions in the classification scheme with automatic methods. To address this issue, we have developed an algorithm to map protein domains to an existing structural classification scheme and have applied it to the SCOP database. RESULTS: The general strategy employed by this algorithm is to combine the results of several existing sequence and structure comparison tools applied to a query protein of known structure in order to find the homologs already classified in SCOP database and thus determine classification assignments. The algorithm is able to map domains within newly solved structures to the appropriate SCOP superfamily level with ~95% accuracy. Examples of correctly mapped remote homologs are discussed. The algorithm is also capable of identifying potential evolutionary relationships not specified in the SCOP database, thus helping to make it better. The strategy of the mapping algorithm is not limited to SCOP and can be applied to any other evolutionary-based classification scheme as well. SCOPmap is available for download. CONCLUSION: The SCOPmap program is useful for assigning domains in newly solved structures to appropriate superfamilies and for identifying evolutionary links between different superfamilies


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    Osteochondral defects are common injuries among the young population. Athletes are more prone to these injuries given the amount the stress and strain they put on their lower limbs. The viscoelastic nature of cartilage, which allows load bearing, is disrupted. Early recognition and treatment is needed to prevent Early Osteoarthritis. We are presenting one such case, where a 25 year old male patient with Grade 4 OCD was treated with Autologous osteochondral graft taken from the Non weight bearing part of the femur

    TOPSAN: a collaborative annotation environment for structural genomics

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Many protein structures determined in high-throughput structural genomics centers, despite their significant novelty and importance, are available only as PDB depositions and are not accompanied by a peer-reviewed manuscript. Because of this they are not accessible by the standard tools of literature searches, remaining underutilized by the broad biological community.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>To address this issue we have developed TOPSAN, The Open Protein Structure Annotation Network, a web-based platform that combines the openness of the wiki model with the quality control of scientific communication. TOPSAN enables research collaborations and scientific dialogue among globally distributed participants, the results of which are reviewed by experts and eventually validated by peer review. The immediate goal of TOPSAN is to harness the combined experience, knowledge, and data from such collaborations in order to enhance the impact of the astonishing number and diversity of structures being determined by structural genomics centers and high-throughput structural biology.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>TOPSAN combines features of automated annotation databases and formal, peer-reviewed scientific research literature, providing an ideal vehicle to bridge a gap between rapidly accumulating data from high-throughput technologies and a much slower pace for its analysis and integration with other, relevant research.</p


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    Internet technology has prompted significant changes in many aspects of human life and society as well as in shopping culture. An important phenomenon, surrounding the human life as a continuum, is shopping through the Internet or e-commerce. Shopping through the Internet has interconnections with many disciplines such as law, economics, psychology, and marketing. Many academicians, researching in various disciplines, studied this issue, which is a dynamic field of study. However, the case is this, we can say that the studies about the reasons for shopping through Internet by the consumers are very new and few in number. Shopping through the Internet involves social, technological, economical, behavioural, and educational dimensions. There are many prior factors behind shopping through the Internet by the consumers. This study presents a theoretical explanation for online consumer behaviour