1,203 research outputs found

    On the Sample Information About Parameter and Prediction

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    The Bayesian measure of sample information about the parameter, known as Lindley's measure, is widely used in various problems such as developing prior distributions, models for the likelihood functions and optimal designs. The predictive information is defined similarly and used for model selection and optimal designs, though to a lesser extent. The parameter and predictive information measures are proper utility functions and have been also used in combination. Yet the relationship between the two measures and the effects of conditional dependence between the observable quantities on the Bayesian information measures remain unexplored. We address both issues. The relationship between the two information measures is explored through the information provided by the sample about the parameter and prediction jointly. The role of dependence is explored along with the interplay between the information measures, prior and sampling design. For the conditionally independent sequence of observable quantities, decompositions of the joint information characterize Lindley's measure as the sample information about the parameter and prediction jointly and the predictive information as part of it. For the conditionally dependent case, the joint information about parameter and prediction exceeds Lindley's measure by an amount due to the dependence. More specific results are shown for the normal linear models and a broad subfamily of the exponential family. Conditionally independent samples provide relatively little information for prediction, and the gap between the parameter and predictive information measures grows rapidly with the sample size.Comment: Published in at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/10-STS329 the Statistical Science (http://www.imstat.org/sts/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org

    Split histidine kinases enable ultrasensitivity and bistability in two-component signaling networks

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    Bacteria sense and respond to their environment through signaling cascades generally referred to as two-component signaling networks. These networks comprise histidine kinases and their cognate response regulators. Histidine kinases have a number of biochemical activities: ATP binding, autophosphorylation, the ability to act as a phosphodonor for their response regulators, and in many cases the ability to catalyze the hydrolytic dephosphorylation of their response regulator. Here, we explore the functional role of “split kinases” where the ATP binding and phosphotransfer activities of a conventional histidine kinase are split onto two distinct proteins that form a complex. We find that this unusual configuration can enable ultrasensitivity and bistability in the signal-response relationship of the resulting system. These dynamics are displayed under a wide parameter range but only when specific biochemical requirements are met. We experimentally show that one of these requirements, namely segregation of the phosphatase activity predominantly onto the free form of one of the proteins making up the split kinase, is met in Rhodobacter sphaeroides. These findings indicate split kinases as a bacterial alternative for enabling ultrasensitivity and bistability in signaling networks. Genomic analyses reveal that up 1.7% of all identified histidine kinases have the potential to be split and bifunctional

    Emergence and maintenance of functional modules in signaling pathways

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    Š 2007 Soyer; licensee BioMed Central Ltd. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.Background: While detection and analysis of functional modules in biological systems have received great attention in recent years, we still lack a complete understanding of how such modules emerge. One theory is that systems must encounter a varying selection (i.e. environment) in order for modularity to emerge. Here, we provide an alternative and simpler explanation using a realistic model of biological signaling pathways and simulating their evolution.Results: These evolutionary simulations start with a homogenous population of a minimal pathway containing two effectors coupled to two signals via a single receptor. This population is allowed to evolve under a constant selection pressure for mediating two separate responses. Results of these evolutionary simulations show that under such a selective pressure, mutational processes easily lead to the emergence of pathways with two separate sub-pathways (i.e. modules) each mediating a distinct response only to one of the signals. Such functional modules are maintained as long as mutations leading to new interactions among existing proteins in the pathway are rare.Conclusion: While supporting a neutralistic view for the emergence of modularity in biological systems, these findings highlight the relevant rate of different mutational processes and the distribution of functional pathways in the topology space as key factors for its maintenance

    Thermodynamic modelling of synthetic communities predicts minimum free energy requirements for sulfate reduction and methanogenesis

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    Microbial communities are complex dynamical systems harbouring many species interacting together to implement higher-level functions. Among these higher-level functions, conversion of organic matter into simpler building blocks by microbial communities underpins biogeochemical cycles and animal and plant nutrition, and is exploited in biotechnology. A prerequisite to predicting the dynamics and stability of community-mediated metabolic conversions is the development and calibration of appropriate mathematical models. Here, we present a generic, extendable thermodynamic model for community dynamics and calibrate a key parameter of this thermodynamic model, the minimum energy requirement associated with growth-supporting metabolic pathways, using experimental population dynamics data from synthetic communities composed of a sulfate reducer and two methanogens. Our findings show that accounting for thermodynamics is necessary in capturing the experimental population dynamics of these synthetic communities that feature relevant species using low energy growth pathways. Furthermore, they provide the first estimates for minimum energy requirements of methanogenesis (in the range of −30 kJ mol−1) and elaborate on previous estimates of lactate fermentation by sulfate reducers (in the range of −30 to −17 kJ mol−1 depending on the culture conditions). The open-source nature of the developed model and demonstration of its use for estimating a key thermodynamic parameter should facilitate further thermodynamic modelling of microbial communities

    Phosphorelays provide tunable signal processing capabilities for the cell

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    Achieving a complete understanding of cellular signal transduction requires deciphering the relation between structural and biochemical features of a signaling system and the shape of the signal-response relationship it embeds. Using explicit analytical expressions and numerical simulations, we present here this relation for four-layered phosphorelays, which are signaling systems that are ubiquitous in prokaryotes and also found in lower eukaryotes and plants. We derive an analytical expression that relates the shape of the signal-response relationship in a relay to the kinetic rates of forward, reverse phosphorylation and hydrolysis reactions. This reveals a set of mathematical conditions which, when satisfied, dictate the shape of the signal-response relationship. We find that a specific topology also observed in nature can satisfy these conditions in such a way to allow plasticity among hyperbolic and sigmoidal signal-response relationships. Particularly, the shape of the signal-response relationship of this relay topology can be tuned by altering kinetic rates and total protein levels at different parts of the relay. These findings provide an important step towards predicting response dynamics of phosphorelays, and the nature of subsequent physiological responses that they mediate, solely from topological features and few composite measurements; measuring the ratio of reverse and forward phosphorylation rate constants could be sufficient to determine the shape of the signal-response relationship the relay exhibits. Furthermore, they highlight the potential ways in which selective pressures on signal processing could have played a role in the evolution of the observed structural and biochemical characteristic in phosphorelays

    Duplicate retention in signalling proteins and constraints from network dynamics

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    Both single-gene and whole-genome duplications (WGD) are well documented in various organisms (Brenner et al., 1995; Zhang, 2003; Vogel & Chothia, 2006), and it is estimated that single-gene duplication

    Interrogating metabolism as an electron flow system

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    Metabolism is generally considered as a neatly organised system of modular pathways, shaped by evolution under selection for optimal cellular growth. This view falls short of explaining and predicting a number of key observations about the structure and dynamics of metabolism. We highlight these limitations of a pathway-centric view on metabolism and summarise studies suggesting how these could be overcome by viewing metabolism as a thermodynamically and kinetically constrained, dynamical flow system. Such a systems-level, first-principles based view of metabolism can open up new avenues of metabolic engineering and cures for metabolic diseases and allow better insights to a myriad of physiological processes that are ultimately linked to metabolism. Towards further developing this view, we call for a closer interaction among physical and biological disciplines and an increased use of electrochemical and biophysical approaches to interrogate cellular metabolism together with the microenvironment in which it exists

    Response dynamics of phosphorelays suggest their potential utility in cell signalling

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    Phosphorelays are extended two-component signalling systems found in diverse bacteria, lower eukaryotes and plants. Only few of these systems are characterized, and we still lack a full understanding of their signalling abilities. Here, we aim to achieve a global understanding of phosphorelay signalling and its dynamical properties. We develop a generic model, allowing us to systematically analyse response dynamics under different assumptions. Using this model, we find that the steady-state concentration of phosphorylated protein at the final layer of a phosphorelay is a linearly increasing, but eventually saturating function of the input. In contrast, the intermediate layers can display ultrasensitivity. We find that such ultrasensitivity is a direct result of the phosphorelay biochemistry; shuttling of a single phosphate group from the first to the last layer. The response dynamics of the phosphorelay results in tolerance of cross-talk, especially when it occurs as cross-deactivation. Further, it leads to a high signal-to-noise ratio for the final layer. We find that a relay length of four, which is most commonly observed, acts as a saturating point for these dynamic properties. These findings suggest that phosphorelays could act as a mechanism to reduce noise and effects of cross-talk on the final layer of the relay and enforce its input–response relation to be linear. In addition, our analysis suggests that middle layers of phosphorelays could embed thresholds. We discuss the consequence of these findings in relation to why cells might use phosphorelays along with enzymatic kinase cascades

    MetQy – an R package to query metabolic functions of genes and genomes

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    Summary: With the rapid accumulation of sequencing data from genomic and metagenomic studies, there is an acute need for better tools that facilitate their analyses against biological functions. To this end, we developed MetQy, an open–source R package designed for query–based analysis of functional units in [meta]genomes and/or sets of genes using the The Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes (KEGG). Furthermore, MetQy contains visualisation and analysis tools and facilitates KEGG’s flat file manipulation. Thus, MetQy enables better understanding of metabolic capabilities of known genomes or user–specified [meta]genomes by using the available information and can help guide studies in microbial ecology, metabolic engineering and synthetic biology. Availability and Implementation: The MetQy R package is freely available and can be downloaded from our group’s website (http://osslab.lifesci.warwick.ac.uk) or GitHub (https://github.com/OSS-Lab/MetQy)

    BioJazz : In silico evolution of cellular networks with unbounded complexity using rule-based modeling

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    Systems biologists aim to decipher the structure and dynamics of signaling and regulatory networks underpinning cellular responses; synthetic biologists can use this insight to alter existing networks or engineer de novo ones. Both tasks will benefit from an understanding of which structural and dynamic features of networks can emerge from evolutionary processes, through which intermediary steps these arise, and whether they embody general design principles. As natural evolution at the level of network dynamics is difficult to study, in silico evolution of network models can provide important insights. However, current tools used for in silico evolution of network dynamics are limited to ad hoc computer simulations and models. Here we introduce BioJazz, an extendable, user-friendly tool for simulating the evolution of dynamic biochemical networks. Unlike previous tools for in silico evolution, BioJazz allows for the evolution of cellular networks with unbounded complexity by combining rule-based modeling with an encoding of networks that is akin to a genome. We show that BioJazz can be used to implement biologically realistic selective pressures and allows exploration of the space of network architectures and dynamics that implement prescribed physiological functions. BioJazz is provided as an open-source tool to facilitate its further development and use. Source code and user manuals are available at: http://oss-lab.github.io/biojazz and http://osslab.lifesci.warwick.ac.uk/BioJazz.aspx
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