1,289 research outputs found

    Coronary artery bypass surgery and longitudinal evaluation of the autonomic cardiovascular function

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    INTRODUCTION: Imbalance in autonomic cardiovascular function increases the risk for sudden death in patients with coronary artery disease (CAD), but the time course of the impact of coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) on autonomic function has been little studied. Thus, the purpose of the present study was to determine the effects of the CABG on the cardiovascular autonomic function. METHODS: Patients undergoing CABG (n = 13) and two matched control groups (patients with CAD who refused surgical treatment [n = 9], and healthy volunteers [n = 9]) underwent a prospective longitudinal study consisting of autonomic evaluation before and after (3, 6, 15, 30, 60, and 90 days) surgery, including measurement of heart rate variability (HRV), respiratory sinus arrhythmia (RSA), and Valsalva maneuver. RESULTS: After CABG there was a decrease in, and a later recovery of, (1) the HRV in the time domain and in the frequency domain, (2) RSA, and (3) Valsalva maneuver. CONCLUSIONS: CABG caused an impairment, reversible after 60 days, of cardiovascular autonomic function, with a maximal decrease on about the sixth day after surgery

    Blood-Flow-Restriction-Training-Induced Hormonal Response is not Associated with Gains in Muscle Size and Strength

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    The aim of this study was to determine whether increases in post-exercise endocrine response to low-load resistance exercise with blood flow restriction and high-load resistance exercise would have association with increases in muscle size and strength after an 8-week training period. Twenty-nine untrained men were randomly allocated into three groups: low-load resistance exercise with (LL-BFR) or without blood flow restriction (LL), and high-load resistance exercise (HL). Participants from LL-BFR and LL groups performed leg extension exercise at 20% of one repetition maximum (1RM), four sets of 15 repetitions and the HL group performed four sets of eight repetitions at 80% 1RM. Before the first training session, growth hormone (GH), insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1), testosterone, cortisol, and lactate concentration were measured at rest and 15 min after the exercise. Quadriceps CSA and 1RM knee extension were assessed at baseline and after an 8-week training period. GH increased 15 min after exercise in the LL-BFR (p = 0.032) and HL (p \u3c 0.001) groups, with GH concentration in the HL group being higher than in the LL group (p = 0.010). There was a time effect for a decrease in testosterone (p = 0.042) and an increase in cortisol (p = 0.005), while IGF-1 remained unchanged (p = 0.346). Both muscle size and strength were increased after training in LL-BFR and HL groups, however, these changes were not associated with the acute post-exercise hormone levels (p \u3e 0.05). Our data suggest that other mechanisms than the acute post-exercise increase in systemic hormones induced by LL-BFR and HL produce changes in muscle size and strength

    Effects of different tooth bleaching systems on the roughness and superficial morphology of enamel and a restorative composite resin

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    Objetivo: Avaliar as alterações de rugosidade e morfologia superficial do esmalte e da resina composta após diferentes técnicas de clareamento dental. Material e método: incisivos bovinos íntegros foram selecionados, sendo que cavidades padronizadas foram confeccionadas na face vestibular, as quais foram restauradas com resina composta. Os dentes foram distribuídos em grupos, de acordo com o tratamento proposto: G1-clareamento com peróxido de carbamida (PC) 10%; G2 - clareamento com peróxido de hidrogênio (PH) a 38%; G3- clareamento com PH a 38% associado à foto-ativação com LED. Para G1, o agente clareador foi aplicado por 8 horas diárias durante 21 dias. Para\ud G2 e G3, foram realizadas 3 sessões de clareamento, caracterizadas por 3 aplicações do gel clareador por 15 minutos, com intervalos de 7 dias entre as sessões, sendo que em G3 o gel clareador foi ativado com LED (470nm) por 6 minutos. As superfícies do esmalte e da resina composta foram avaliadas antes e após o procedimento clareador através de um rugosímetro e de um microscópio de força atômica. Resultados: Os resultados demonstraram diferença significante da rugosidade do esmalte antes e após o clareamento apenas para G1, em relação ao controle (Wilcoxon, p<0,05). Para a resina composta, nenhum dos grupos apresentou diferença estatística em relação ao controle (Mann-Whitney, p>0,05). Conclusão: O aumento da rugosidade do esmalte aconteceu apenas quando o clareamento foi realizado através da aplicação de um gel com 10% de PC. Nenhum dos procedimentos clareadores avaliados nesta pesquisa interferiram na rugosidade e morfologia da resina composta.CNPq (135181/2010-0; 30129/2010-1

    Interobserver Variability in the Assessment of Fluorescence Angiography in the Colon

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    BACKGROUND: Fluorescence angiography in colorectal surgery is a technique that may lead to lower anastomotic leak rates. However, the interpretation of the fluorescent signal is not standardised and there is a paucity of data regarding interobserver agreement. The aim of this study is to assess interobserver variability in selection of the transection point during fluorescence angiography before anastomosis. METHODS: An online survey with still images of fluorescence angiography was distributed through colorectal surgery channels containing images from 13 patients where several areas for transection were displayed to be chosen by raters. Agreement was assessed overall and between pre-planned rater cohorts (experts vs non-experts; trainees vs consultants; colorectal specialists vs non colorectal specialists), using Fleiss' kappa statistic. RESULTS: 101 raters had complete image ratings. No significant difference was found between raters when choosing a point of optimal bowel transection based on fluorescence angiography still images. There was no difference between pre-planned cohorts analysed (experts vs non-experts; trainees vs consultants; colorectal specialists vs non colorectal specialists). Agreement between these cohorts was poor (<.26). CONCLUSION: Whilst there is no learning curve for the technical adoption of FA, understanding the fluorescent signal characteristics is key to successful use. We found significant variation exists in interpretation of static fluorescence angiography data. Further efforts should be employed to standardise fluorescence angiography assessment

    Cardiovascular responses to passive static flexibility exercises are influenced by the stretched muscle mass and the Valsalva maneuver

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    BACKGROUND: The respiratory pattern is often modified or even blocked during flexibility exercises, but little is known about the cardiovascular response to concomitant stretching and the Valsalva maneuver (VM) in healthy subjects. OBJECTIVES: This study evaluated the heart rate (HR), systolic blood pressure (SBP), and rate-pressure product (RPP) during and after large and small muscle group flexibility exercises performed simultaneously with the VM. METHODS: Asymptomatic volunteers (N = 22) with the following characteristics were recruited: age, 22 ± 3 years; weight, 73 ± 6 kg; height, 175 ± 5 cm; HR at rest, 66 ± 9 BPM; and SBP at rest, 113 ± 10 mmHg. They performed two exercises: four sets of passive static stretching for 30 s of the dorsi-flexion (DF) of the gastrocnemius and the hip flexion (HF) of the ischio-tibialis. The exercises were performed with (V+) or without (V-) the VM in a counterbalanced order. The SBP and HR were measured, and the RPP was calculated before the exercise session, at the end of each set, and during a 30-min post-exercise recovery period. RESULTS: The within-group comparisons showed that only the SBP and RPP increased throughout the sets (p<0.05), but no post-exercise hypotension was detected. The between-group comparisons showed that greater SBP increases were related to the VM and to a larger stretched muscle mass. Differences for a given set were identified for the HR (the HFV+ and HFV- values were higher than the DFV+ and DFV- values by approximately 12 BPM), SBP (the HFV+ value was higher than the DFV+ and DFV- values by approximately 12 to 15 mmHg), and RPP (the HFV+ value was higher than the HFV- value by approximately 2000 mmHGxBPM, and the HFV+ value was higher than the DFV+ and DFV- values by approximately 4000 mmHGxBPM). CONCLUSION: Both the stretched muscle mass and the VM influence acute cardiovascular responses to multiple-set passive stretching exercise sessions

    Effects of descending positive end-expiratory pressure on lung mechanics and aeration in healthy anaesthetized piglets

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    INTRODUCTION: Atelectasis and distal airway closure are common clinical entities of general anaesthesia. These two phenomena are expected to reduce the ventilation of dependent lung regions and represent major causes of arterial oxygenation impairment in anaesthetic conditions. The behaviour of the elastance of the respiratory system (E(rs)), as well as the lung aeration assessed by computed tomography (CT) scan, was evaluated during a descendent positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP) titration. This work sought to evaluate the potential usefulness of E(rs )monitoring to set the PEEP in order to prevent tidal recruitment and hyperinflation of healthy lungs under general anaesthesia. METHODS: PEEP titration (from 16 to 0 cmH(2)O, tidal volume of 8 ml/kg) was performed, and at each PEEP, CT scans were obtained during end-expiratory and end-inspiratory pauses in six healthy, anaesthetized and paralyzed piglets. The distribution of lung aeration was determined and the tidal re-aeration was calculated as the difference between end-expiratory and end-inspiratory poorly aerated and normally aerated areas. Similarly, tidal hyperinflation was obtained as the difference between end-inspiratory and end-expiratory hyperinflated areas. E(rs )was estimated from the equation of motion of the respiratory system during all PEEP titration with the least-squares method. RESULTS: Hyperinflated areas decreased from PEEP 16 to 0 cmH(2)O (ranges decreased from 24–62% to 1–7% at end-expiratory pauses and from 44–73% to 4–17% at end-inspiratory pauses) whereas normally aerated areas increased (from 30–66% to 72–83% at end-expiratory pauses and from 19–48% to 73–77% at end-inspiratory pauses). From 16 to 8 cmH(2)O, E(rs )decreased with a corresponding reduction in tidal hyperinflation. A flat minimum of E(rs )was observed from 8 to 4 cmH(2)O. For PEEP below 4 cmH(2)O, E(rs )increased in association with a rise in tidal re-aeration and a flat maximum of the normally aerated areas. CONCLUSION: In healthy piglets under a descending PEEP protocol, the PEEP at minimum E(rs )presented a compromise between maximizing normally aerated areas and minimizing tidal re-aeration and hyperinflation. High levels of PEEP, greater than 8 cmH(2)O, reduced tidal re-aeration but increased hyperinflation with a concomitant decrease in normally aerated areas

    Pathogenicity index, production of hemolysin and serogroup of samples of Escherichia coli isolated from commercial layng hens

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    Este estudo avaliou o índice de patogenicidade, a produção de hemolisina e a determinação de sorogrupos de cepas de Escherichia coli isoladas de fígado de aves de postura comercial com um dia de idade. Para este estudo, foram analisados 32 lotes, dos quais 15 foram positivos para o\ud isolamento de E. coli no fígado, totalizando vinte e quatro amostras. A patogenicidade dos isolados foi determinada por inoculação no saco aéreo de pintinhos e classificada como alta, intermediária, baixa ou não-patogênica. Os sorogrupos foram identificados utilizando um conjunto de antissoros anti-O (O1 a O180). A produção de hemolisina foi determinada por semeadura em ágar sangue de galinha (8%) e em placas de ágar sangue de carneiro (8%). Do total de amostras estudadas, 17 (70,83%) foram classificadas como não patogênica, 6 (25%) como de baixa patogenicidade e 1 (4,17%) de alta patogenicidade. Foram identificados 14 sorogrupos diferentes: O1, O2, O5, O8, O15, O18, O22, O36, O64, O70, O75, O115, O132, O141. Cinco cepas não tiveram o sorogrupo identificado. Com relação ao teste de produção de hemolisina, todas as cepas foram consideradas negativas, tanto para o teste realizado com ágar sangue de galinha quanto para o de carneiro. Os resultados obtidos neste estudo demonstram a importância de se identificar as cepas prevalentes de E. coli nas diferentes regiões produtoras, podendo ser utilizados em estudos epidemiológicos.This work evaluated the index of pathogenicity, the production of hemolysin and determination of serogroups in Escherichia coli strains isolated from liver of commercial laying hens with one day of age. Thirtytwo lots were analyzed, of which 15 were positive for the isolation of E. coli in the liver, for a total of 24 samples. The pathogenicity in one-day-old chicks was determined by inoculation in air sac and was classified as high, intermediate or low pathogenicity, or non-pathogenic. Serogroups were identified using a set of anti-O antisera (O1 to O180). The production of hemolysin was determined by plating on chicken blood agar (8%) and sheep blood agar (8%). Of the samples studied, 17 (70.83%) were classified as non-pathogenic, 6 (25%) as low pathogenicity and 1 (4.17%) as high pathogenicity. Fourteen different serogroups were identified: O1, O2, O5, O8, O15, O18, O22, O36, O64, O70, O75, O115, O132 and O141, while 5 samples were non-typable. Regarding the test for production of hemolysin, all strains were considered negative for both the test performed with chicken blood agar and that with sheep blood agar. The results of this study demonstrate the importance of identifying the prevalent strains of E. coli in different producing regions, as this information can be used in epidemiological studie


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    A alta ingestão de gordura trans está associada a várias doenças crônicas, como doenças cardiovasculares e câncer . A interesterificação de gorduras pode melhorar certas propriedades físico-químicas e nutracêuticas por modificação do seu perfil de triacilglicerol e conteúdo de gordura sólida. Usando como catalisadores, lipase específica sn - 1,3, os ácidos graxos originais na posição sn - 2, são mantidas com os benefícios nutricionais. A incorporação de óleo de canola permite aumentar a quantidade de ácido oleico, com benefícios nutricionais para o produto final. O objetivo, neste estudo, foi a produção de lipídios estruturados com estearina de palma, óleo de coco e óleo de oliva, a serem incorporados em margarinas, por interesterificação enzimática catalisada por lipases imobilizadas e química com metóxido de sódio. As gorduras foram misturadas em uma proporção de 45% de estearina de palma, 30% de óleo de coco e 25% de óleo de canola e submetidas à interesterificação enzimática utilizando contínua sn-1,3 lipase específica (Lipozyme® RM IM) a 65 °C e 32 horas. Após a reação, as propriedades físicas (perfil de ácidos graxos e consistência) dos produtos interesterificados e a mistura física foram determinadas. Gorduras trans-livres interesterificadas enzimaticamente e quimicamente foram usadas para produzir margarinas em uma planta piloto. As margarinas produzidas a partir de gorduras interesterificadas químicas e enzimáticas mostraram a melhor consistência do que a margarina obtida a partir da mistura de gorduras originais. Portanto, lipídios estruturados à base de estearina de palma, óleo de coco e óleo de canola foram adequados para a formulação de margarinas trans-livres com propriedades de textura desejáveis.Palavras-chave: Consistência. Lipase. Lipozime RM. Interesterificação enzimática contínua. Lipídios estruturados.Financiadores: FAPESP, CNPq, CAPES