587 research outputs found

    Variations of the Lifshitz-van der Waals force between metals immersed in liquids

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    We present a theoretical calculation of the Lifshitz-van der Waals force between two metallic slabs embedded in a fluid, taking into account the change of the Drude parameters of the metals when in contact with liquids of different index of refraction. For the three liquids considered in this work, water, CCl3FCCl_3F and CBr3F CBr_3F the change in the Drude parameters of the metal imply a difference of up to 15% in the determination of the force at short separations. These variations in the force is bigger for liquids with a higher index of refraction.Comment: 2 figures, 1 tabl

    The Abrikosov vortex structure revealed through near-field radiative heat exchange

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    One of the signatures of superconductivity is the formation of the Abrikosov vortex lattice in type-II superconductors in the presence of an external magnetic field. Here, we study the near-field radiative heat transfer between a spherical nanoparticle and a nearby planar substrate, both made of optimally-doped YBa2_2Cu3_3O7δ_{7-\delta}. We show that the heat flux displays a periodic spatial pattern congruent with the material optical response modulated by the Abrikosov lattice. Our results enrich the toolbox of methods available to study non-conventional superconductivity.Comment: 3 figures, Supplementary material availabl

    Frequency-dependent Drude damping in Casimir force calculations

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    The Casimir force is calculated between Au thin films that are described by a Drude model with a frequency dependent damping function. The model parameters are obtained from available experimental data for Au thin films. Two cases are considered; annealed and nonannealed films that have a different damping function. Compared with the calculations using a Drude model with a constant damping parameter, we observe changes in the Casimir force of a few percent. This behavior is only observed in films of no more than 300 A˚\AA thick.Comment: Proceedings of the meeting "60 years of Casimir effect", Brasilia, 200

    Sources of parthenocarpy for Zucchini breeding: relationship with ethylene production and sensitivity

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    Parthenocarpy is becoming an essential trait for off-season greenhouse production of Zucchini squash. Given that winter conditions promote a reduction in the number of male flowers and in the activity of pollinators, the application of synthetic auxins is currently the most widespread method to induce fruit set. We have evaluated the parthenocarpic tendency of 48 long-fruited accessions of Cucurbita pepo spp. pepo, from morphotypes Zucchini, Vegetable marrow and Cocozelle, including 45 traditional cultivars and 3 commercial hybrids, with the goal of identifying new sources of parthenocarpy for breeding programs. After the first screening, 20 selected accessions were evaluated for the growth rate of unpollinated fruit. Twelve of the selected accessions identified as either strongly parthenocarpic or non-parthenocarpic, were compared for fruit rate growth, ethylene production and ethylene sensitivity. Apart from the three control hybrids, the fastest parthenocarpic fruit growth was observed in 'CpCAL112', 'CM-37', 'E-27', 'PI261610', and 'V-185'. The source of the parthenocarpy of some of these accessions differs from that of the hybrids as it was not associated with the conversion of female into bisexual flowers or with the so-called "fruits with attached flowers" syndrome, which is an undesirable trait in current parthenocarpic hybrids. The alternative sources of parthenocarpy may be of great importance in current Zucchini breeding programs. We also demonstrate that the parthenocarpy of these accessions is associated with downregulation of ethylene production in unpollinated fruits during the first days post anthesis (DPA). In non-parthenocarpic accessions, unpollinated fruits boosted ethylene production at 3 DPA, concomitantly with fruit abortion and senescence, while in parthenocarpic accessions, fruits produced little ethylene at 3 DPA. Therefore, ethylene production in ovaries/fruits at 3 DPA can be used as a marker to identify and select parthenocarpy in Zucchini squash. However, in the cultivars tested here, ethylene production and sensitivity in vegetative organs and in male flowers earlier than 3 PDA do not appear well associated with parthenocarpy.Martinez, C.; Manzano, S.; Megias, Z.; Garrido, D.; Picó Sirvent, MB.; Jamilena, M. (2014). Sources of parthenocarpy for Zucchini breeding: relationship with ethylene production and sensitivity. Euphytica. 200(3):349-362. doi:10.1007/s10681-014-1155-83493622003Byers R, Baker L, Dilley D, Sell H (1972) Chemical induction of perfect flowers on a gynoecious line of muskmelon, Cucumis melo L. HortSci 9:321–331Carbonell-Bejerano P, Urbez C, Granell A, Carbonell J, Perez-Amador MA (2011) Ethylene is involved in pistil fate by modulating the onset of ovule senescence and the GA-mediated fruit set in Arabidopsis. BMC Plant Biol 11:84de Jong M, Mariani C, Vriezen WH (2009) The role of auxin and gibberellin in tomato fruit set. J Exp Bot 60:1523–1532de Menezes CB, Maluf WR, De Azevedo SM, Faria MV, Nascimento IR, Nogueira DW, Gomes LAA, Bearzoti E (2005) Inheritance of parthenocarpy in summer squash (Cucurbita pepo L.). Genet Mol Res 4:39–46de Ponti OMB, Garretsen F (1976) Inheritance of parthenocarpy in pickling cucumbers (Cucumis sativus L.) and linkage with other characters. Euphytica 25:633–642Decker DS (1988) Origin(s), evolution, and systematics of Cucurbita pepo (Cucurbitaceae). Econ Bot 42:4–15den Nijs APM, Balder J (1983) Growth of parthenocarpic and seed-bearing fruits of zucchini squash. Cucurbit Genet Coop Rep 6:84–85den Nijs APM, van Zanten N (1982) Parthenocarpic fruit set in glasshouse grown zucchini squash. Cucurbit Genet Coop Rep 5:44–45Durham G (1925) Has parthenogenesis been confused with hermaphroditism in Cucurbita? Am Nat 59:283–294Ferriol M, Picó B, Nuez F (2003) Genetic diversity of a germplasm collection of Cucurbita pepo using SRAP and AFLP markers. Theor Appl Genet 107:271–282Formisano G, Roig C, Esteras C, Ercolano MR, Nuez F, Monforte AJ, Picó MB (2012) Genetic diversity of Spanish Cucurbita pepo landraces: an unexploited resource for summer squash breeding. Genet Resour Crop Evol 59:1169–1184Globerson D (1971) Effects of pollination on set and growth of summer squash (Cucumis pepo) in Israel. Expt Agr 7:183–188Gómez P, Peñaranda A, Garrido D, Jamilena M (2004) Evaluation of flower abscission and sex expression in different cultivars of zucchini squash (Cucurbita pepo). In: Lebeda A, Paris H (eds) Progress in Cucurbit genetics and breeding research. Eucarpia-Cucurbitaceae 2004. Palacký University, Olomouc, pp 347–352Jobst J, King K, Hemleben V (1998) Molecular evolution of the internal transcribed spacers (ITS1 and ITS2) and phylogenetic relationships among species of the family Cucurbitaceae. Mol Phylogenet Evol 9:204–219Katzir N, Tadmor Y, Tzuri G, Leshzeshen E, Mozes-Daube N, Danin-Poleg Y, Paris HS (2000) Further ISSR and preliminary SSR analysis of relationships among accessions of Cucurbita pepo. Acta Hortic 510:433–439Loy JB (2012) Breeding squash and pumpkins. In: Wang Y, Behera T, Kole C (eds) Genetics, genomics and breeding of cucurbits. Hew Hampshire, Science Publisher, Enfield, pp 93–139Manzano S, Martínez C, Domínguez V, Avalos E, Garrido D, Gómez P, Jamilena M (2010) A major gene conferring reduced ethylene sensitivity and maleness in Cucurbita pepo. J Plant Growth Regul 29:73–80Manzano S, Martínez C, Megías Z, Gómez P, Garrido D, Jamilena M (2011) The role of ethylene and brassinosteroids in the control of sex expression and flower development in Cucurbita pepo. Plant Growth Regul 65:213–221Manzano S, Martínez C, Megías Z, Garrido D, Jamilena M (2013) Involvement of ethylene biosynthesis and signalling in the transition from male to female flowering in the monoecious Cucurbita pepo. J Plant Growth Regul 1–10Martínez C, Manzano S, Kraaman P, Jamilena M (2008) Producción de etileno: un marcador temprano para seleccionar ginoecia en melón. Actas Hortic 51:197–198Martínez C, Manzano S, Megías Z, Garrido D, Picó B, Jamilena M (2013) Involvement of ethylene biosynthesis and signalling in fruit set and early fruit development in zucchini squash (Cucurbita pepo L.). BMC Plant Biol 13:139Martínez C, Manzano S, Megías Z, Barrera A, Boualem A, Garrido D, Bendahmane A, Jamilena M (2014) Molecular and functional characterization of CpACS27A gene reveals its involvement in monoecy instability and other associated traits in squash (Cucurbita pepo L.). Planta 1–15Nee M (1990) The domestication of Cucurbita (Cucurbitaceae). Econ Bot 44:56–68Nepi M, Pacini E (1993) Pollination, pollen viability and pistil receptivity in Cucurbita pepo. Ann Bot 72:527–536Nitsch J, Kurtz E, Liverman J, Went F (1952) The development of sex expression in cucurbit flowers. Am J Bot 39:32–43Om Y, Hong K (1989) Evaluation of parthenocarpic fruit set in zucchini squash. Res Rpt Rural Dev Adm (Suweon) 31:30–33Orzáez D, Granell A (1997) DNA fragmentation is regulated by ethylene during carpel senescence in Pisum sativum. Plant J 11:137–144Owens K, Peterson C, Tolla G (1980) Production of hermaphrodite flowers on gynoecious muskmelon by silver nitrate and aminoethoxyvinylglycine. HortSci 15:654–655Ozga JA, Reinecke DM (2003) Hormonal interactions in fruit development. J Plant Growth Regul 22:73–81Paris HS (1986) A proposed subspecific classification for Cucurbita pepo. Phytologia 61:133–138Paris HS (2001) History of the cultivar-groups of Cucurbita pepo. In: Janick J (ed) Horticultural reviews, vol 25. Wiley, New York, pp 71–170Pascual L, Blanca JM, Cãizares J, Nuez F (2009) Transcriptomic analysis of tomato carpel development reveals alterations in ethylene and gibberellin synthesis during pat3/pat4 parthenocarpic fruit set. BMC Plant Biol 9:67Payán M, Peñaranda A, Rosales R, Garrido D, Gómez P, Jamilena M (2006) Ethylene mediates the induction of fruits with attached flower in Zucchini squash. In: Holmes GJ (ed) Proceedings of Cucurbitaceae 2006. 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    Neocosmospora keratoplastica, a relevant human fusarial pathogen is found to be associated with wilt and root rot of Muskmelon and Watermelon crops in Spain: epidemiological and molecular evidences

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    [EN] Some taxa of the Fusarium solani species complex (FSSC) have been associated with clinical infections in humans and plant diseases. Among the several fusaria that cause relevant mycoses in cucurbits in Spain, Neocosmospora keratoplastica is described for the first time as responsible for wilt and root rot in both watermelon and melon crops in producing areas of Valencia and Alicante provinces. Due to the ecological and systematic complexity of the group, with described clinical forms and plant pathogens practically indistinguishable from each other, both pathological evidences (including artificial inoculation bioassays) and molecular methods (multilocus phylogeny based on ITS, TEF-1 alpha, and RPB2 regions) are provided to confirm this finding, since the presence of this soil-borne pathogen could have been probably underestimated in cucurbits-producing areas of Spain.This work was supported by the by the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovacion y Universidades grants AGL2017-85563-C2 (1-R and 2-R) (cofunded with FEDER funds) and by the PROMETEO project 2017/078 (to promote excellence groups) by the Conselleria d'Educacio, Investigacio, Cultura i Esports (Generalitat Valenciana).González, V.; García-Martínez, S.; Flores-León, A.; Ruiz, JJ.; Picó Sirvent, MB.; Garcés-Claver, A. (2020). Neocosmospora keratoplastica, a relevant human fusarial pathogen is found to be associated with wilt and root rot of Muskmelon and Watermelon crops in Spain: epidemiological and molecular evidences. European Journal of Plant Pathology. 156(4):1189-1196. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10658-020-01931-z118911961564Cabral, C. S., Melo, M. P., Fonseca, M. E. N., Boiteux, L. S., & Reis, A. (2016). A root rot of chickpea caused by isolates of the Fusarium solani species complex in Brazil. Plant Disease, 100, 2171. https://doi.org/10.1094/PDIS-05-15-0571-PDN.Chehri, K., Salleh, B., & Zakaria, L. (2015). Morphological and phylogenetic analysis of Fusarium solani species complex in Malaysia. Microbial Ecology, 69, 457–471.Chitrampalan, P., & Nelson Jr., B. (2015). Multilocus phylogeny reveals an association of agriculturally important Fusarium solani species complex (FSSC) 11, and clinically important FSSC 5 and FSSC 3 + 4 with soybean roots in the north central United States. Antonie Van Leeuwenhoek, 109, 335–347. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10482-015-0636-7.Coleman, J. J. (2016). The Fusarium solani species complex: ubiquitous pathogens of agricultural inportance. Molecular Plant Pathology, 17, 146–158.Crespo, M., Lawrence, D. P., Nouri, M. T., Doll, D. A., & Trouillas, F. P. (2019). Characterization of Fusarium and Neocosmospora species associated with crown rot and stem canker of pistachio rootstocks in California. Plant Disease, 103, 1931–1939.González, V., Armengol, J., & Garcés-Claver, A. (2018). First report of Fusarium petroliphilum causing fruit root of Butternut Squash in Spain. Plant Disease, 102, 1662.Martyn, R. D. (1996). Fusarium wilts. In T. A. Zitter, D. L. Hopkins, & C. E. Thomas (Eds.), Compendium of cucurbit diseases (pp. 11–16). St. Paul: APS Press.Martyn, R. D. (2014). Fusarium wilt of watermelon: 120 years of research. Horticultural Reviews, 42, 349–442.Mehl, H. L., & Epstein, L. (2007). Fusarium solani species complex isolates conspecific with Fusarium solani f. sp. cucurbitae race 2 from naturally infected human and plant tissue and environmental sources are equally virulent on plants, grow at 37° C and are interfertile. Environmental Microbiology, 9, 2189–2199.O’Donnell, K. (2000). Molecular phylogeny of the Nectria haematococca–Fusarium solani species complex. Mycologia, 92, 919–938.O’Donnell, K., Kistler, H. C., Cigelnik, E., & Ploetz, R. C. (1998). Multiple evolutionary origins of the fungus causing Panama disease of banana: concordant evidence from nuclear and mitochondrial gene genealogies. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 95, 2044–2049.O’Donnell, K., Sutton, D. A., Fothergill, A., McCarthy, D., Rinaldi, M. G., Brandt, M. E., et al. (2008). Molecular phylogenetic diversity, multilocus haplotype nomenclature, and in vitro antifungal resistance within the Fusarium solani species complex. 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Removing chaos from confusion: assigning names to common human and animal pathogens in Neocosmospora. Persoonia, 41, 109–129.Sandoval-Denis, M., Lombard, L., & Crous, P. W. (2019). Back to the roots: a reappraisal of Neocosmospora. Persoonia, 43, 90–185.Sarmiento-Ramírez, J. M., Abella-Pérez, E., Phillott, A. D., Sim, J., van West, P., Martín, M. P., Marco, A., & Diéguez-Uribeondo, J. (2014). Global distribution of two fungal pathogens threatening endangered sea turtles. PLoS ONE, 9, e85853. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0085853.Shaffer, J. P., U’Ren, J. M., Gallery, R. E., Baltrus, D. A., & Arnold, A. E. (2017). An endohyphal bacterium (Chitinophaga, bacteroidetes) alters carbon source use by Fusarium keratoplasticum (F. solani species complex, Nectriaceae). Frontiers in Microbiology, 8, 350.Short, D. P. G., O'Donnell, K., Thrane, U., Nielsen, K. F., Zhang, N., Juba, J. H., & Geiser, D. M. (2013). 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    Guiding signs in metabolic disease diagnosis

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    Los errores innatos del metabolismo son un grupo de enfermedades genéticas con sintomatología muy inespecífica y por tanto difícil diagnóstico si no existe una sospecha clínica elevada. Sin embargo existen algunos datos de la exploración física y de las pruebas complementarias que pueden enfocar el proceso diagnóstico hacia la solicitud de pruebas específicas que lo confirmen. El caso que presentamos trata de destacar algunos de estos datos que pueden hacer sospechar la existencia de un defecto congénito de la glucosilación de proteínas, trastorno infrecuente pero con algunas formas tratables, por lo que su sospecha y diagnóstico precoz es de vital importanciaInborn errors of metabolism are a group of genetic diseases with non specific symptoms and therefore difficult to diagnose without high clinical suspicion. However there are some physical examination data and laboratory tests that can focus the diagnostic process to the implementation of specific tests to confirm them. The case exposed highlights some of these data that can make us suspect the existence of a congenital defect of glycosylation of proteins, rare disorder but with some treatable variations, that make their suspicion and early diagnosis of great importanc

    High-multipolar effects on the Casimir force: the non-retarded limit

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    We calculate exactly the Casimir force or dispersive force, in the non-retarded limit, between a spherical nanoparticle and a substrate beyond the London's or dipolar approximation. We find that the force is a non-monotonic function of the distance between the sphere and the substrate, such that, it is enhanced by several orders of magnitude as the sphere approaches the substrate. Our results do not agree with previous predictions like the Proximity theorem approach.Comment: 7 pages including 2 figures. Submitted to Europjysics Letter

    Spectral representation of the Casimir Force Between a Sphere and a Substrate

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    We calculate the Casimir force in the non-retarded limit between a spherical nanoparticle and a substrate, and we found that high-multipolar contributions are very important when the sphere is very close to the substrate. We show that the highly inhomegenous electromagnetic field induced by the presence of the substrate, can enhance the Casimir force by orders of magnitude, compared with the classical dipolar approximation.Comment: 5 page + 4 figures. Submitted to Phys. Rev. Let

    Re-evaluation of the role of Indian germplasm as center of melon diversification based on genotyping-by-sequencing analysis

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    [EN] BackgroundThe importance of Indian germplasm as origin and primary center of diversity of cultivated melon is widely accepted. Genetic diversity of several collections from Indian has been studied previously, although an integrated analysis of these collections in a global diversity perspective has not been possible. In this study, a sample of Indian collections together with a selection of world-wide cultivars to analyze the genetic diversity structure based on Genotype by Sequence data.ResultsA set of 6158 informative Single Nucleotide Polymorphism (SNP) in 175 melon accessions was generated. Melon germplasm could be classified into six major groups, in concordance with horticultural groups. Indian group was in the center of the diversity plot, with the highest genetic diversity. No strict genetic differentiation between wild and cultivated accessions was appreciated in this group. Genomic regions likely involved in the process of diversification were also found. Interestingly, some SNPs differentiating inodorus and cantalupensis groups are linked to Quantitiative Trait Loci involved in ripening behavior (a major characteristic that differentiate those groups). Linkage disequilibrium was found to be low (17kb), with more rapid decay in euchromatic (8kb) than heterochromatic (30kb) regions, demonstrating that recombination events do occur within heterochromatn, although at lower frequency than in euchromatin. Concomitantly, haplotype blocks were relatively small (59kb). Some of those haplotype blocks were found fixed in different melon groups, being therefore candidate regions that are involved in the diversification of melon cultivars.ConclusionsThe results support the hypothesis that India is the primary center of diversity of melon, Occidental and Far-East cultivars have been developed by divergent selection. Indian germplasm is genetically distinct from African germplasm, supporting independent domestication events. The current set of traditional Indian accessions may be considered as a population rather than a standard collection of fixed landraces with high intercrossing between cultivated and wild melons.This work was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO)-FEDER grant AGL2015-64625-C2-R to AJM (project conception, experiments, data acquisition and analysis, manuscript writing, publication costs), AGL2017-85563-C2-1-R and the PROMETEO/2017/078 grant funded by Generalitat Valenciana (Conselleria d'Educacio, Investigacio, Cultura i Esport) to BP (project conception, provide samples and manuscript drafting). AD was supported by a Jae-Doc contract from CSIC (experiments and manuscript drafting).Gonzalo, M.; Díaz Bermúdez, A.; Dhillon, NPS.; Reddy, UK.; Picó Sirvent, MB.; Monforte Gilabert, AJ. (2019). Re-evaluation of the role of Indian germplasm as center of melon diversification based on genotyping-by-sequencing analysis. 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