363 research outputs found

    Effect of pre harvest application of boron and zinc on post harvest quality and vaselife of carnation

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    The study was conducted to determine the effect of pre harvest spray of micronutrients like boron, zinc and its combination on post harvest quality and vase life of carnation. Post harvest quality of flowers like flower stalk length (65.61 cm) was maximum in the plant treated with zinc (0.3 per cent), and calyx splitting (3.12 per cent) was minimum in the plants treated with boron (0.1 per cent). Flower diameter (6.64 cm) was highest with boron (0.1 per cent) + zinc (0.3 per cent) treatment. Plants without micronutrient treatment produced poor quality flowers. Regarding vase life studies maximum water uptake and minimum transpiration loss from first day to sixteenth day was resulted in the flowers which are obtained from the plant treated with boron (0.1 per cent). The maximum fresh weight of the flower was noticed in combination of boron (0.1 per cent) + zinc (0.3 per cent) from first to sixteenth day. The foliar spray of boron (0.1 per cent) recorded maximum vase life (11.05 days). So the good quality of flowers can be improved by the foliar spray of zinc, calyx splitting can be controlled by boron foliar spray and vase life of the flower can be maintained by foliar spray of boron. It is confirmed that the foliar application of micronutrient is very much helpful for the improvement of post harvest quality and vase life of carnation

    Novel framework using dynamic passphrase towards secure and energy-efficient communication in MANET

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    At Mobile Adhoc Network (MANET) has been long-researched topic in adhoc network owing to the associated advantages in its cost-effective application as well as consistent loophopes owing to its inherent charecteristics. This manuscript draws a relationship between the energy factor and security factor which has not been emphasized in any existing studies much. Review of existing security approaches shows that they are highly attack specific, uses complex encryption, and overlooks the involvement of energy factor in it. Therefore, the proposed system introduces a novel mechanism where security tokens and passphrases are utilized in order to offer better security. The proposed system also introduces the usage of an agent node which communications with mobile nodes using group-based communication system thereby ensuring reduced computational effort of mobile nodes towards establishing secured communication. The outcome shows proposed system offers better outcome in contrast to existing system

    Trust correlation of mobile agent nodes with a regular node in a Adhoc network using decision-making strategy

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    A mobile agent offers discrete advantage both in facilitating better transmission as well as controlling the traffic load in Mobile Adhoc Network (MANET). Hence, such forms of network offers maximized dependencies on mobile agents in terms of its trust worthiness. At present, there are various work being carried out towards resisting security breach in MANET; however approaches using mobile agent based mechanism is few to found. Therefore, the proposed system introduces a novel mathematical model where an extensive decision making system has been constructed for identifying the malicious intention of mobile agents in case they go rogues. By adopting multi-tier communication policy and fairness concept, the proposed system offers the capability to resist any form of malicious activity of mobile agent without even presence of any apriori information of adversary. The outcome shows proposed system outshines existing security scheme in MANET

    Investigations on the rôle of organic matter in plant nutrition. Part IX. Oxidation of organic matter in the soil and plant assimilation

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    1. The organic carbon contents of a number of tropical soils (from India, Burma and Ceylon) were determined. It was found that most of them-including some which are reputed to be fertile-are poor in that constituent as compared with the soils of temperate regions. 2. When a manure is applied to a soil (under tropical conditions), the increased benefit to the crop is more due to the decomposition of the added material than to greater availability of the original organic matter of the soil. The carbon content is not a correct measure of the possible availability of a manure. Addition of minerals may increase or depress the beneficial effects that may be derived through application of organic manures. 3. Treatment with minute quantities of chemical oxidisers such as permanganate, hydrogen peroxide or ferric oxide helps to increase the availability of the organic matter of the soil. In the case of barley, the effect is best seen if the seeds are sown shortly after the treatment. In the course of three weeks, the dry weights of seedlings are increased by over 50 per cent. 4. It has been shown that plants receiving a useful supply of farmyard manure (10 tons) can grow, at any rate in the early stages, independent of atmospheric carbon dioxide. The dry weights of seedlings receiving CO2-free air were of the same order as those receiving ordinary air. 5. The significance of the foregoing and other observations has been discussed

    Does forest type classification reflect spatial dynamics of vegetation? An analysis using GIS techniques

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    The existing methods of classification of forest vegetation rely more on the structure and composition of tree vegetation with little information derived from other layers. We suggest that any classificatory process of forest vegetation should consider the spatial dynamics of all the three layers namely, tree, shrub and herb. In this paper we have attempted to offer an objective method of classifying the vegetation at all the three layers utilizing GIS and multivariate statistical tools. Unlike the existing techniques, our method views the forest as a continuously changing mosaic of vegetation and not as an assemblage of discrete patches. Our study suggests that understanding the spatial dynamics of vegetation at one layer may not reflect that at others. Further, as an alternate to the existing methods, we also develop a continuum map of biodiversity of the forest that offers. the conservation value of each patch, an element that IS not conveyed in the existing classificatory processes

    Irrigational impact of distillery Spentwash on the Germination and growth of Jatropha (Jatropha Curcas)and Sunflower (Helianthus Annuus) Oil Seed Plants

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    Germination of Jatropha (Jatropha curcas) and Sunflower (helianthus annuus) seeds was made by irrigated with distillery spentwash of different concentration. The spentwash i.e. primary treated spentwash [PTSW] 1:1, 1:2 and 1:3 spentwash were analyzed for their plant nutrients such nitrogen, phosphorous, potassium and physical &chemical characteristics. Experimental soil was tested for its physico-chemical parameters. Jatropha and Sunflower seeds were sowed in the prepared land and irrigated with raw water (RW), 1:1, 1:2 and 1:3 spent wash. The nature of germination and growth of seed was studied, It was found that, the germination as well as growth was good(100%) in 1:3 SW irrigation, while very poor in 1:1 SW(25%),moderate in 1:2 SW(80%) and 95% in RW irrigation

    Investigations on the rôle of organic matter in plant nutrition Part VI. Effect of injecting Minute quantities of certain forms of organic matter on plant growth and reproduction

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    (1) Injection of minute quantities of certain organic extracts into mature sunflower plants led to not only better growth but also greatly increased flowering and seeding. The best results were obtained in the case of plants receiving extract of yeast or farmyard manure: the total yield of flower and seed was nearly tripled and the ratio of seed to the rest of the plant nearly doubled as compared with the untreated (control) plants. Dried blood was comparatively ineffective. Injection into tender plants did not lead to any significant improvement in yield. (2) Comparative trials with inorganic salts which were fed directly to pot-or plot-cultured French beans or barley did not lead to any marked improvement, more satisfactory results being obtained by applying the same salts (though in larger quantities) to the soil. In the latter case, the beneficial effects could be traced to increased assimilation and better general development rather than to any alteration in the ratio of seed (pod or grain) to the rest of the plant. (3) The practical significance of the above and other observations has been discussed

    Zika virus infection induces endoplasmic reticulum stress and apoptosis in placental trophoblasts

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    Zika virus (ZIKV) infection to a pregnant woman can be vertically transmitted to the fetus via the placenta leading to Congenital Zika syndrome. This is characterized by microcephaly, retinal defects, and intrauterine growth retardation. ZIKV induces placental trophoblast apoptosis leading to severe abnormalities in the growth and development of the fetus. However, the molecular mechanism behind ZIKV-induced apoptosis in placental trophoblasts remains unclear. We hypothesize that ZIKV infection induces endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress in the trophoblasts, and sustained ER stress results in apoptosis. HTR-8 (HTR-8/SVneo), a human normal immortalized trophoblast cell and human choriocarcinoma-derived cell lines (JEG-3 and JAR) were infected with ZIKV. Biochemical and structural markers of apoptosis like caspase 3/7 activity and percent apoptotic nuclear morphological changes, respectively were assessed. ZIKV infection in placental trophoblasts showed an increase in the levels of CHOP mRNA and protein expression, which is an inducer of apoptosis. Next, we also observed increased levels of ER stress markers such as phosphorylated forms of inositol-requiring transmembrane kinase/endoribonuclease 1α (P-IRE1α), and its downstream target, the spliced form of XBP1 mRNA, phosphorylated eukaryotic initiation factor 2α (P-eIF2α), and activation of cJun N-terminal Kinase (JNK) and p38 mitogen activated protein kinase (MAPK) after 16–24 h of ZIKV infection in trophoblasts. Inhibition of JNK or pan-caspases using small molecule inhibitors significantly prevented ZIKV-induced apoptosis in trophoblasts. Further, JNK inhibition also reduced XBP1 mRNA splicing and viral E protein staining in ZIKV infected cells. In conclusion, the mechanism of ZIKV-induced placental trophoblast apoptosis involves the activation of ER stress and JNK activation, and the inhibition of JNK dramatically prevents ZIKV-induced trophoblast apoptosis

    Preliminary Studies on Immune Response and Viral Pathogenesis of Zika Virus in Rhesus Macaques

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    Zika Virus (ZIKV) is primarily transmitted through mosquito bites. It can also be transmitted during sexual intercourse and in utero from mother to fetus. To gain preliminary insight into ZIKV pathology and immune responses on route of transmission, rhesus macaques (RMs) were inoculated with ZIKV (PRVABC59) via intravaginal (IVAG) (n = 3) or subcutaneous (sub Q) (n = 2) routes. Systemic ZIKV infection was observed in all RMs, regardless of the route of inoculation. After 9 days postinfection (dpi), ZIKV was not detected in the plasma of IVAG- and sub-Q-inoculated RMs. Importantly, RMs harbored ZIKV up to 60 dpi in various anatomical locations. Of note, ZIKV was also present in several regions of the brain, including the caudate nucleus, parietal lobe, cortex, and amygdala. These observations appear to indicate that ZIKV infection may be systemic and persistent regardless of route of inoculation. In addition, we observed changes in key immune cell populations in response to ZIKV infection. Importantly, IVAG ZIKV infection of RMs is associated with increased depletion of CD11C hi myeloid cells, reduced PD-1 expression in NK cells, and elevated frequencies of Ki67⁺ CD8⁺ central memory cells as compared to sub Q ZIKV-infected RMs. These results need to interpreted with caution due to the small number of animals utilized in this study. Future studies involving large groups of animals that have been inoculated through both routes of transmission are needed to confirm our findings

    Novi pristup spektrofotometrijskom određivanju metronidazola i tinidazola koristeći p-dimetilaminobenzaldehid

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    A new approach to the spectrophotometric determination of metronidazole (MZ) and tinidazole (TZ) has been developed. The procedure involves coupling of diazotized nitroimidazoles with p-dimethylaminobenzaldehyde (DMAB) to form a greenish-yellow solution. Optimal temperature and time for diazotization were 0 oC (iced) and 3 minutes and 30 oC and 2 minutes for coupling was, respectively, for both MZ and TZ. Coloured adducts of MZ and TZ showed peaks at 406 nm and 404 nm, respectively, which were selected as analytical wavelengths. The reaction with p-DMAB occurred in a 1:1 mole ratio. Beer’s law was obeyed within the 4.8–76.8 µg mL1 concentration range with low limits of detection. The azo adducts were stable for over a week. Molar absorptivities were 1.10 x 103 (MZ) and 1.30 x 103 L mol1 cm1 (TZ). Overall recoveries of MZ and TZ from quality control samples were 103.2 ± 1.3 and 101.9 ± 1.3 % over three days. There was no interference from commonly utilized tablet excipients. No significant difference was obtained between the results of the new method and the BP titrimetric procedures. The azo approach using the p-dimethylaminobenzaldehyde procedure described in this paper is simple, fast, accurate and precise. It is the first application of DMAB as a coupling component in the diazo coupling reaction.U radu je opisan novi način spektrofotometrijskog određivanja metronidazola (MZ) i tinidazola (TZ). Postupak uključuje reakciju diazotiranog nitroimidazola s p-dimetilaminobenzaldehidom (DMAB), pri čemu nastaje zelenkasto-žuta otopina. Optimalna temperatura i vrijeme za diazotaciju su 0 oC (ledena kupelj) i 3 minute, a za reakciju kondenzacije 30 oC i 2 minute. Obojeni adukti imaju maksimum apsorpcije pri 406, odnosno 404 nm pa su te valne duljine izabrane za analitički postupak. Reakcija s p-DMAB zbiva se u množinskom omjeru 1:1. Reakcija slijedi Beerov zakon u koncentracijskom rasponu 4,8–76,8 µg mL1 s niskim granicama detekcije. Azo adukti su stabilni preko tjedan dana. Molarna apsorptivnost bila je 1,10 × 103 (MZ), odnosno 1,30 × 103 L mol1 cm1 (TZ). Ukupni povrat MZ i TZ iz kontrolnih uzoraka bio je 103,2 ± 1,3, odnosno 101,9 ± 1,3 % tijekom tri dana. Nije zamijećena nikakva interferencija uobičajenih pomoćnih tvari koje se koriste za tabletiranje. Ne postoji značajna razlika između rezultata dobivenih novom metodom i rezultata dobivenih BP titrimetrijskim postupkom. Metoda određivanja opisana u ovom radu je jednostavna, brza, pogodna, točna i precizna i po prvi puta uključuje DMAB u reakciji diazo kopulacije