399 research outputs found

    Hypernovae and light dark matter as possible Galactic positron sources

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    The electron-positron annihilation source in the Galactic center region has recently been observed with INTEGRAL/SPI, which shows that this 511 keV source is strong and its extension is consistent with the Galactic bulge geometry. The positron production rate, estimated to more than 1043^{43} per second, is very high and raises a challenging question about the nature of the Galactic positron source. Commonly considered astrophysical positron injectors, namely type Ia supernovae are rare events and fall short to explain the observed positron production rate. In this paper, we study the possibility of Galactic positron production by hypernovae events, exemplified by the recently observed SN2003dh/GRB030329, an asymmetric explosion of a Wolf-Rayet star associated with a gamma-ray burst. In these kinds of events, the ejected material becomes quickly transparent to positrons, which spread out in the interstellar medium. Non radioactive processes, such as decays of heavy dark matter particles (neutralinos) predicted by most extensions of the standard model of particle physics, could also produce positrons as byproducts. However they are expected to be accompanied by a large flux of high-energy gamma-rays, which were not observed by EGRET and ground based Tcherenkov experiments. In this context we explore the possibility of direct positron production by annihilation of light dark matter particles.Comment: 8 pages, 0 figures, 35th COSPAR, accepted in July 2005 by Elsevier Science for publication in "Advances in Space Research

    The spectral catalogue of INTEGRAL gamma-ray bursts: results of the joint IBIS/SPI spectral analysis

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    We present the updated INTEGRAL catalogue of gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) observed between December 2002 and February 2012. The catalogue contains the spectral parameters for 59 GRBs localized by the INTEGRAL Burst Alert System (IBAS). We used the data from the two main instruments on board the INTEGRAL satellite: the spectrometer SPI (SPectrometer on INTEGRAL) nominally covering the energy range 18 keV - 8 MeV, and the imager IBIS (the Imager on Board the INTEGRAL Satellite) operating in the range from 15 keV to 10 MeV. For the spectral analysis we applied a new data extraction technique, developed in order to explore the energy regions of highest sensitivity for both instruments, SPI and IBIS. It allowed us to perform analysis of the GRB spectra over a broad energy range and to determine the bursts' spectral peak energies. The spectral analysis was performed on the whole sample of GRBs triggered by IBAS, including all the events observed in period December 2002 - February 2012. The catalogue contains the trigger times, burst coordinates, positional errors, durations and peak fluxes for 28 unpublished GRBs observed between September 2008 and February 2012. The light curves in 20 - 200 keV energy band of these events were derived using IBIS data. We compare the prompt emission properties of the INTEGRAL GRB sample with the BATSE and Fermi samples.Comment: 16 pages, 40 figures, accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysic

    Integral and Light Dark Matter

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    The nature of Dark Matter remains one of the outstanding questions of modern astrophysics. The success of the Cold Dark Matter cosmological model argues strongly in favor of a major component of the dark matter being in the form of elementary particles, not yet discovered. Based on earlier theoretical considerations, a possible link between the recent SPI/INTEGRAL measurement of an intense and extended emission of 511 keV photons (positron annihilation) from the central Galaxy, and this mysterious component of the Universe, has been established advocating the existence of a light dark matter particle at variance with the neutralino, in general considered as very heavy. We show that it can explain the 511 keV emission mapped with SPI/INTEGRAL without overproducing undesirable signals like high energy gamma-rays arising from π\pi^\circ decays, and radio synchrotron photons emitted by high energy positrons circulating in magnetic fields. Combining the annihilation line constraint with the cosmological one (i.e. that the relic LDM energy density reaches about 23% of the density of the Universe), one can restrict the main properties of the light dark matter particle. Its mass should lie between 1 and 100 MeV, and the required annihilation cross section, velocity dependent, should be significantly larger than for weak interactions, and may be induced by the virtual production of a new light neutral spin 1 boson UU. On astrophysical grounds, the best target to validate the LDM proposal seems to be the observation by SPI/INTEGRAL and future gamma ray telescopes of the annihilation line from the Sagittarius dwarf galaxy and the Palomar-13 globular cluster, thought to be dominated by dark matter.Comment: 7 pages, 0 figures. To appear in the Proceedings of the 5th INTEGRAL Workshop: "The INTEGRAL Universe", February 16-20, 2004, Munich, German

    ORIGAMIX, a CdTe-based spectro-imager development for nuclear applications

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    The Astrophysics Division of CEA Saclay has a long history in the development of CdTe based pixelated detection planes for X and gamma-ray astronomy, with time-resolved imaging and spectrometric capabilities. The last generation, named Caliste HD, is an all-in-one modular instrument that fulfills requirements for space applications. Its full-custom front-end electronics is designed to work over a large energy range from 2 keV to 1 MeV with excellent spectroscopic performances, in particular between 10 and 100 keV (0.56 keV FWHM and 0.67 keV FWHM at 13.9 and 59.5 keV). In the frame of the ORIGAMIX project, a consortium based on research laboratories and industrials has been settled in order to develop a new generation of gamma camera. The aim is to develop a system based on the Caliste architecture for post-accidental interventions or homeland security, but integrating new properties (advanced spectrometry, hybrid working mode) and suitable for industry. A first prototype was designed and tested to acquire feedback for further developments. In this study, we particularly focused on spectrometric performances with high energies and high fluxes. Therefore, our device was exposed to energies up to 700 keV (133Ba, 137Cs) and we measured the evolution of energy resolution (0.96 keV at 80 keV, 2.18 keV at 356 keV, 3.33 keV at 662 keV). Detection efficiency decreases after 150 keV, as Compton effect becomes dominant. However, CALISTE is also designed to handle multiple events, enabling Compton scattering reconstruction, which can drastically improve detection efficiencies and dynamic range for higher energies up to 1408 keV (22Na, 60Co, 152Eu) within a 1-mm thick detector. In particular, such spectrometric performances obtained with 152Eu and 60Co were never measured before with this kind of detector.Comment: Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment. Available online 9 January 2015, ISSN 0168-9002 (http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0168900215000133). Keywords: CdTe; X-ray; Gamma-ray; Spectrometry; Charge-sharing; Astrophysics Instrumentation; Nuclear Instrumentation; Gamma-ray camera

    Continuum gamma-ray emission from light dark matter positrons and electrons

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    The annihilation of light dark matter was recently advocated as a possible explanation of the large positron injection rate at the Galactic center deduced from observations by the SPI spectrometer aboard INTEGRAL. The modelling of internal Bremsstrahlung and in-flight annihilation radiations associated to this process drastically reduced the mass range of this light dark matter particle. We estimate critically the various energy losses and radiations involved in the propagation of the positron before its annihilation --in- flight or at rest. Using a simple model with mono-energetic positrons injected and confined to the Galactic bulge, we compute energy losses and gamma-ray radiations caused by ionization, Bremsstrahlung interactions as well as in-flight and at rest annihilation and compare these predictions to the available observations, for various injection energies. Confronting the predictions with observations by the CGRO/EGRET, CGRO/COMPTEL, INTEGRAL/SPI and INTEGRAL/IBIS/ISGRI instruments, we deduce a mass upper bound of 3 to 7.5 MeV/c^2 for the hypothetical light dark matter particle. The most restrictive limit is in agreement with the value previously found by Beacom and Yuksel and was obtained under similar assumptions, while the 7.5 MeV/c^2 value corresponds to more conservative choices and to a partially ionized propagation medium. We stress how the limit depends on the degree of ionization of the propagation medium and how its precision could be improved by a better appraisal of data uncertainties.Comment: Revision of the section dedicated to the observational interpretation. 11 pages, 8 figures, 1 table. Accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    SVOM pointing strategy: how to optimize the redshift measurements?

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    The Sino-French SVOM mission (Space-based multi-band astronomical Variable Objects Monitor) has been designed to detect all known types of gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) and to provide fast and reliable GRB positions. In this study we present the SVOM pointing strategy which should ensure the largest number of localized bursts allowing a redshift measurement. The redshift measurement can only be performed by large telescopes located on Earth. The best scientific return will be achieved if we are able to combine constraints from both space segment (platform and payload) and ground telescopes (visibility).Comment: Proceedings of Gamma-Ray Bursts 2007 conference, Santa Fe, USA, 5-9 November 2007. Published in AIP conf. proc. 1000, 585-588 (2008

    Monte-Carlo simulations of the background of the coded-mask camera for X- and Gamma-rays on-board the Chinese-French GRB mission SVOM

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    For several decades now, wide-field coded mask cameras have been used with success to localise Gamma-ray bursts (GRBs). In these instruments, the event count rate is dominated by the photon background due to their large field of view and large effective area. It is therefore essential to estimate the instrument background expected in orbit during the early phases of the instrument design in order to optimise the scientific performances of the mission. We present here a detailed study of the instrument background and sensitivity of the coded-mask camera for X- and Gamma-rays (CXG) to be used in the detection and localisation of high-redshift GRBs on-board the international GRB mission SVOM. To compute the background spectrum, a Monte-Carlo approach was used to simulate the primary and secondary interactions between particles from the main components of the space environment that SVOM will encounter along its Low Earth Orbit (LEO) (with an altitude of 600 km and an inclination of ~ 30 deg) and the body of the CXG. We consider the detailed mass model of the CXG in its latest design. According to our results, i) the design of the passive shield of the camera ensures that in the 4-50 keV imaging band the cosmic X-Gamma-ray background is dominant whilst the internal background should start to become dominant above 70-90 keV; ii) the current camera design ensures that the CXG camera will be more sensitive to high-redshift GRBs than the Swift Burst Alert Telescope thanks to a low-energy threshold of 4 keV.Comment: 16 pages, 10 figures (1 colour), accepted for publication in Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research: Section

    The ECLAIRs micro-satellite mission for gamma-ray burst multi-wavelength observations

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    Gamma-ray bursts (GRB), at least those with a duration longer than a few seconds are the most energetic events in the Universe and occur at cosmological distances. The ECLAIRs micro-satellite, to be launched in 2009, will provide multi-wavelength observations of GRB, to study their astrophysics and to use them as cosmological probes. Furthermore in 2009 ECLAIRs is expected to be the only space borne instrument capable of providing a GRB trigger in near real-time with sufficient localization accuracy for GRB follow-up observations with the powerful ground based spectroscopic telescopes available by then. A "Phase A study" of the ECLAIRs project has recently been launched by the French Space Agency CNES, aiming at a detailed mission design and selection for flight in 2006. The ECLAIRs mission is based on a CNES micro-satellite of the "Myriade" family and dedicated ground-based optical telescopes. The satellite payload combines a 2 sr field-of-view coded aperture mask gamma-camera using 6400 CdTe pixels for GRB detection and localization with 10 arcmin precision in the 4 to 50 keV energy band, together with a soft X-ray camera for onboard position refinement to 1 arcmin. The ground-based optical robotic telescopes will detect the GRB prompt/early afterglow emission and localize the event to arcsec accuracy, for spectroscopic follow-up observations.Comment: 7 pages, 1 figure, proceedings of the conference "New Developments in Photodetection", Beaune (France), June 25005. Submitted to NIM-A (Elsevier Science