28 research outputs found

    Optimization of Neuro-Fuzzy System Using Genetic Algorithm for Chromosome Classification

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    Neuro-fuzzy system has been shown to provide a good performance on chromosome classification but does not offer a simple method to obtain the accurate parameter values required to yield the best recognition rate. This paper presents a neuro-fuzzy system where its parameters can be automatically adjusted using genetic algorithms. The approach combines the advantages of fuzzy logic theory, neural networks, and genetic algorithms. The structure consists of a four layer feed-forward neural network that uses a GBell membership function as the output function. The proposed methodology has been applied and tested on banded chromosome classification from the Copenhagen Chromosome Database. Simulation result showed that the proposed neuro-fuzzy system optimized by genetic algorithms offers advantages in setting the parameter values, improves the recognition rate significantly and decreases the training/testing time which makes genetic neuro-fuzzy system suitable for chromosome classification

    Pengaruh Aktivasi Kimia dan Penambahan Semen Portland Putih pada Zeolit Alam sebagai Adsorben Emisi Gas Buang Kendaraan Bermotor

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    Penyumbang polusi udara berupa gas CO,CO2 dan hidrokarbon paling besar ditimbulkan oleh emisi gas buang kendaraan bermotor. Tujuan penelitian ini memanfaatkan zeolit alam sebagai adsorben untuk mengurangi emisi gas CO, CO2 dan hidrokarbon dari kendaraan bermotor. Penelitian ini menggunakan zeolit alam tanpa perlakuan aktivasi dan zeolit alam perlakuan aktivasi kimia dan fisik. Perlakuan aktivasi menggunakan HCl 0,4M dan kalsinasi suhu 500oC. Adsorben zeolit alam dengan semen portland putih dibuat dengan komposisi perbandingan (100:0 dan 87,5:12,5). Hasil penelitian uji daya serap gas menggunakan stargas D 898 OTC menunjukkan kemampuan daya serap zeolit alam aktivasi terhadap gas hidrokarbon dan karbondioksida lebih tinggi daripada zeolit alam tanpa aktivasi. Tetapi kemampuan daya serap zeolit alam aktivasi terhadap gas karbonmonoksida lebih rendah daripada zeolit alam tanpa aktivasi. Penambahan semen portland putih pada adsorben menyebabkan penurunan daya serap gas tetapi meningkatkan kekuatan tekan adsorben. Kesetimbangan daya serap gas hidrokarbon, gas karbondioksida dan gas karbonmonoksida berturut-turut pada zeolit alam tanpa aktivasi mempunyai efisiensi sebesar 37,83%, 39,95% dan 45,53%, sedangkan pada zeolit alam aktivasi sebesar 43,7%, 46,58% dan 43,64%

    Implementasi Pengenalan Karakter Seseorang Berdasarkan Pola Tulisan Tangan

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    Pada penelitian ini, pengujian pengenalan karakter sesorang berdasarkan tulisan tangan ditinjau dari margin, garis dasar tulisan, ukuran tulisan dan spasi antar kata Berdasarkan pengujian yang telah dilakukan antara software dan referensi grafologi diperoleh kesamaan pada garis dasar 80,65%, ukuran tulisan 83,87%, dan spasi antar kata 96,77%. Sedangkan pada margin diperoleh kesamaan hanya 48,39%.Kata Kunci— analisis tulisan tangan, grafologi, garis dasar tulisan tangan, margin tulisan tangan, spasi antar kata, ukuran tulisan tanga

    The prevalence of Japanese-B-Encephalitis in different species in Indonesi

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    Japanese-B-Encephalitis (JE) is a zoonotic disease which is characterized by encephalitis, caused by JE virus. The situation of this disease has not been known in both animals and human in Indonesia. This paper reports serological finding using competitive - ELISA to evaluate 953 serum samples, comprised of chicken, ducks, cattle, goats, horses, dogs, pigs and human from different areas in Indonesia. The antibody against JE virus was detected in animals and human sera, with prevalence varied among species and location. Cattle showed the highest prevalence of reactor (51 %) while pigs, dogs and horses had the lowest reactor (11%,12% and ]4%). The highest prevalence of reactor in cattle was found in North Sumatera (86%) and the lowest was found in West Java (23%). In goat, the highest prevalence of reactor was found in West Kalimantan (59%) and the lowest was detected in South Sulawesi (14%). Antibody against JE virus was also detected in chicken with the highest prevalence in North Sumatera and West Kalimantan (44%) and the lowest was in South Sulawesi (36%). The highest percentage of reactor in pigs was detected in South Sulawesi (50%) and the lowest was detected in West Kalimantan (2%). In human, the highest prevalence of reactor was found in West Kalimantan (30%) and the lowest was fowld in Irian Jaya. This result provide more information for further research, therefor the JE cases in Indonesia and its social, economic and psychological impacts can be anticipated as earlyas possible.   Key words: Japanese-B-Encephalitis, antibody, animals, human, ELIS


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    Melon seed is one of agriculture seed product, it is have the high economic cost. Now, the phenomenon in the villager community is they was drainage the agriculture seed by sunrise energy by spread it in yard or in the rack for drying. This method have any weakness, beside depend for the weather it can made the seed be easy to contaminated, have a difficult control, need a large place and this method also need along time to do. Drainage is the method to out or disappear a part of water from the materials with dryer media, till the Equilibrium Moisture Content (EMC) with normal atmosphere condition or the equilibrium moisture which equal with water activity can be safe from the microbiology, enzyme, and chemical damage. The purpose of Fluidized Bed Dryer (FBD) drainage is for dry the agriculture seed to get the equal equilibrium moisture with a short time drainage process. Fluidized Bed Dryer (FBD) is a dryer with fluidization principle. The principle of this drainage machine is blow up the warm air by the blower pass trough the tract above of dryer vessel who pierce material spread out area in order that this materials can be move and have a fluid characteristic. A wet melon seed with 46,21 % of equilibrium moisture and 75 ºC of temperature can get 3,80 % of equilibrium moisture, by Fluidized Bed Dryer (FBD) drainage in 75 minutes of optimum time. At the time in 65ºC of temperature and 90 minutes of optimum time can get 5,18 % of equilibrium moisture. And for 55 ºC of temperature and 120 minutes of optimum time we can get 3,65 % of equilibrium moisture. From the experiment, for 80 gram seed with 43,05 % of equilibrium moisture, 75 minutes of optimum drainage time, in 75 ºC of temperature we can get 3,80 % of equilibrium moisture. And to get a good seed for growth its need at about 11-14 %

    Klasifikasi Stroke Berdasarkan Kelainan Patologis Dengan Learning Vector Quantization

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    Dampak yang ditimbulkan stroke diantaranya kelumpuhan sebagian atau keseluruhan organ tubuh sampai kematian. Tingginya angka kematian akibat stroke disebabkan karena penanganan yang lambat. Diagnosis stroke harus dilakukan dengan cepat dan tepat agar segera mengetahui tipe klasifikasi patologinya termasuk dalam stroke infark atau hemorrhagic guna pemberian tindakan medis dan obat yang tepat pula. Prosedur wajib atau Gold Standart Procedure untuk klasifikasi stroke menggunakan Computed Tomograph Scan atau Magnetic Resonance Imaging, permasalahannya di Indonesia terkendala biaya yang mahal dan tidak semua rumah sakit memilikinya. Jika prosedur standar tidak dapat dilakukan maka diagnosis stroke dapat dilakukan melalui analisis terhadap data klinis pasien. Data klinis terdiri dari 32 fitur berisi tentang hasil pemeriksaan fisik, gejala yang dirasakan pasien, riwayat penyakit dan pemeriksaan laboratorium darah. Dalam penelitian ini diusulkan sebuah klasifikasi stroke secara komputerisasi menggunakan metode Learning Vector Quantization yang merupakan pengembangan dari Kohonen Self-Organizing Map, bersifat supervised dan competitive learning, struktur jaringannya single layer-net. Hasil dari penelitian ini tingkat akurasinya mencapai 96%. Uji diagnosis ditunjukkan dengan nilai Area Under Curve (AUC) sebesar 0,952 yang tergolong dalam kategori excellent.Kata Kunci— Klasifikasi, Stroke, Learning Vector Quantization

    Local Duck Fanning At Paddy Three Times Planting Areas ("IP Padi 300")

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    Most of duck husbandry in Indonesia is still run traditionally, herded in rice field or in the swampy area. This kind of husbandry seemed to be much preferred by farmers as they thought it was a simple and did not need high skill and high capital "IP padi 300" was a term of rice planting system tree times instead of twice in a year. This kind of changing might have significantly affected duck faming. The objective of the study was to observe the interactively effect of "IP padi 300" to duck husbandry at the same area. Two locations were choosen (Subang, West Jawa and Pemalang, Central Java) with 5 farmers at each location to be involved in the study. As many as 1200 laying pullet ducks were distributed to 10 farmers at two locations. The farmers were suggested to raise laying ducks with their own systems (fully intensive, semi intensive and fully herded) and were observed for 6 months. Biota was observed on both field and in the crop of the laying ducks. There was an interactive effect of "IP padi 300" and the duck farming on the same area. The availability of feed was increased on the "IP padi 300", which gave benefit to duck farming especially fue herded system, not to go far from owner's home base. Whilst the benefit to "IP padi 300" was assumed to the reduction of pest and desease, which was frequently attacked the rice field. The production of egg from herded duck was very fluctuative due to the movement and feed availability in the rice field. Field biota in Subang and Pemalang was very much the same in profile, although "golden snail" was only found in Subang. Ducks' crop content seemed to be very much similar with the profile of field biota, although rice grain was the most in the crop. Thus, it was found that field biota was not reduced by "IP padi 300", in fact it was rather increased.   Key words: IP 300, herded ducks, duck farmin

    Recover from information system failure: An Indonesian case study

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    Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) sometimes acquire information systems that fail to meet their original aims and objectives. In these circumstances, the project sponsors are forced to decide whether they should abandon the system they have paid for or improvise by finding a way around the problem. This paper presents a case study with two Indonesian SMEs who had to deal with information systems failure within their organizations. Although within the information systems literature reports of these types of failure can be found but little is known about the aftermath of failure within SMEs. This case study presents the actions taken by two Indonesian SMEs who had to face with the failure of their web catalogue systems. The notion of IS failure used in this paper is a combination of "expectation failure" and "termination failure"