31 research outputs found

    Comparative functional genomics approach for the annotation of proteins in Unclassified Halophilic archaeon DL31

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    The structure, function and sub-cellular location prediction for the unknown proteins from Unclassified Halophilic archaeon DL31 were carried out for characterization of the proteins in their respective families. The 991 genes for hypothetical proteins in Halophilic archaeon DL31 chromosome were predicted by the application of computational methods and Bioinformatics web tools. The structure predictions for 206 unknown proteins were possible whereas functions were predicted in 825 protein sequences. The function prediction for the proteins were done by using Bioinformatics web tools like CDD-BLAST, INTERPROSCAN and PFAM by searching protein databases for the presence of conserved domains. The Sub-cellular location predictions were done for all the unknown proteins by using CELLO v 2.5 server. While tertiary structures were constructed using PS2 Server- Protein Structure Prediction server. This study revealed structural, functional and Sub-cellular localization of unknown proteins in Unclassified Halophilic archaeon DL31chromosome

    Optimal Customer Targeting for Sustainable Demand Response in Smart Grids1

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    AbstractDemand Response (DR) is a widely used technique to minimize the peak to average consumption ratio during high demand periods. We consider the DR problem of achieving a given curtailment target for a set of consumers equipped with a set of discrete curtailment strategies over a given duration. An effective DR scheduling algorithm should minimize the curtailment error - the difference between the targeted and achieved curtailment values - to minimize costs to the utility provider and maintain system reliability. The availability of smart meters with fine-grained customer control capability can be leveraged to offer customers a dynamic range of curtailment strategies that are feasible for small durations within the overall DR event. Both the availability and achievable curtailment values of these strategies can vary dynamically through the DR event and thus the problem of achieving a target curtailment over the entire DR interval can be modeled as a dynamic strategy selection problem over multiple discrete sub-intervals. We argue that DR curtailment error minimizing algorithms should not be oblivious to customer curtailment behavior during sub-intervals as (expensive) demand peaks can be concentrated in a few sub-intervals while consumption is heavily curtailed during others in order to achieve the given target, which makes such solutions expensive for the utility. Thus in this paper, we formally develop the notion of Sustainable DR (SDR) as a solution that attempts to distribute the curtailment evenly across sub-intervals in the DR event. We formulate the SDR problem as an Integer Linear Program and provide a very fast -factor approximation algorithm. We then propose a Polynomial Time Approximation Scheme (PTAS) for approximating the SDR curtailment error to within an arbitrarily small factor of the optimal. We then develop a novel ILP formulation that solves the SDR problem while explicitly accounting for customer strategy switching overhead as a constraint. We perform experiments using real data acquired from the University of Southern Californias smart grid and show that our sustainable DR model achieves results with a very low absolute error of 0.001-0.05 kWh range

    Bacteriophages as a model for studying carbon regulation in aquatic system

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    The interconversion of carbon in organic, inorganic and refractory carbon is still beyond the grasp of present environmentalists. The bacteria and their phages being the most abundant constituents of the aquatic environment, represents an ideal model for studing carbon regulation in aquatic system. The refractory dissolved organic carbon (DOC) a recently coined terminology from the microbe-driven conversion of bioavailable organic carbon into difficult-to-digest refractory DOC by microbial carbon pump (MCP) is suggested to have potential to revolutionize our view of carbon sequestration. It is estimated that about 95% of organic carbon is in the form of refractory DOC which is the largest pool of organic matter in the ocean. The refractory DOC is supposed to be the major factor in the global carbon cycle whose source is not yet well understood. A key element of the carbon cycle is the microbial conversion of dissolved organic carbon into inedible forms. The time studies of phagehost interaction under control conditions reveals their impact on the total carbon content of the source and their interconversion among organic, inorganic and other forms of carbon with respect to control source. The TOC- analysis statistics stipulate increase in inorganic carbon content by 15-25 percent in the sample with phage as compared to sample without phage. The results signify 60-70 fold increase in inorganic carbon content in sample with phage, whereas,50-55 fold in the case of sample without phages as compared with control. This increase in inorganic carbon content may be due to lysis of the host cell releasing its cellular constituents and utilization of carbon constituent for phage assembly and development. It also provesthe role of phages in regulating the carbon flow in the aquatic systems like oceans where their concentration outnumbered other species

    20-ps resolution Clock Distribution Network for a fast-timing single photon detector

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    The time resolution of active pixel sensors whose timestamp mechanism is based on Time-to-Digital Converters is critically linked to the accuracy in the distribution of the master clock signal that latches the timestamp values across the detector. The Clock Distribution Network that delivers the master clock signal must compensate process-voltage-temperature variations to reduce static time errors (skew), and minimize the power supply bounce to prevent dynamic time errors (jitter). To achieve sub-100ps time resolution within pixel detectors and thus enable a step forward in multiple imaging applications, the network latencies must be adjusted in steps well below that value. Power consumption must be kept as low as possible. In this work, a self-regulated Clock Distribution Network that fulfills these requirements is presented for the FastICpix single photon detector ¿ aiming at a 65nm process. A 40 MHz master clock is distributed to 64x64 pixels over an area of 2.4x2.4 cm2 using digital Delay-Locked Loops, achieving clock leaf skew below 20 ps with a power consumption of 26 mW. Guidelines are provided to adapt the system to arbitrary chip area and pixel pitch values, yielding a versatile design with very fine time resolution

    A High Dynamic Range ASIC for Time of Flight PET with monolithic crystals

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    The HRFlexToT is a 16-channel ASIC for SiPM anode readout designed for Positron Emission Tomography (PET) applications that features high dynamic range (>8 bits), low input impedance, common cathode connection, high speed and low power (~3.5 mW/ch). The ASIC has been manufactured using XFAB 0.18 mm CMOS technology. The main characteristics of the HRFlexToT, compared to its predecessor, are a new energy measurement readout providing a linear Time Over Threshold (ToT) with an extended dynamic range, lower power consumption and better timing response. Initial measurements show a linearity error below 3%. Single Photon Time Resolution (SPTR) measurements performed using a Hamamatsu MPPC S13360-3050CS (3x3 mm2 pixel, 50 umm cell) shows 30% improvement with respect to the previous version of the ASIC, setting this specification in the order of 141 ps FWHM and reducing 3 times power consumption. It is important to highlight that an SPTR of 141 ps FWHM is, according to the best of our knowledge, the best resolution achieved so far for this sensor. Coincidence Time Resolution (CTR) measurements are expected to be performed during 2018


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    The Rubik’s Cube is a 3-D mechanical puzzleoriginally called the“Magic Cube”.Invited in 1974 by Erno Rubik. He is a Hungarian inventor, architect and professor of architecture. Rubik cube is mind game. This game is very interesting and smartness game,this game is won the German game of the year.This game’s aim is all the same colors are in one said then the game is complete