
Comparative functional genomics approach for the annotation of proteins in Unclassified Halophilic archaeon DL31


The structure, function and sub-cellular location prediction for the unknown proteins from Unclassified Halophilic archaeon DL31 were carried out for characterization of the proteins in their respective families. The 991 genes for hypothetical proteins in Halophilic archaeon DL31 chromosome were predicted by the application of computational methods and Bioinformatics web tools. The structure predictions for 206 unknown proteins were possible whereas functions were predicted in 825 protein sequences. The function prediction for the proteins were done by using Bioinformatics web tools like CDD-BLAST, INTERPROSCAN and PFAM by searching protein databases for the presence of conserved domains. The Sub-cellular location predictions were done for all the unknown proteins by using CELLO v 2.5 server. While tertiary structures were constructed using PS2 Server- Protein Structure Prediction server. This study revealed structural, functional and Sub-cellular localization of unknown proteins in Unclassified Halophilic archaeon DL31chromosome

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