873 research outputs found

    Health behaviour counselling in primary care : general practitioner : reported rate and confidence

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    Aims: The study aimed to identify variables associated with General Practitioners’ (GPs’) self-reported rate of health behaviour change counselling and confidence in counselling abilities. Methodology: This study was a repeat of a similar study carried out at the Mayo Clinic in 2007. The same tool and methodology were used with the permission of the authors. Variables measured by the questionnaire included: participants’ characteristics, physical activity, smoking status, healthy eating behaviour, self-reported rate of counselling behaviour, extent of training in counselling, perceived importance of counselling, confidence for health behaviour change counselling. A comparative analysis of the results was made.peer-reviewe

    Design and development of a reduced form-factor high accuracy three-axis teslameter

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    Acknowledgments: The authors would like to thank Reuben Debono for his useful guidance and help in the PCB assembly of the instruments at the Electronic Systems Lab at the Faculty of Engineering at University of Malta. The authors would like to thank R. Ganter, project leader of the Athos undulator beamline and H-H. Braun, SwissFEL machine director, for their constant support throughout the entire project. The authors would like to thank Sasa Spasic and his team at Sentronis facilities for their fruitful discussions and their guidance during testing.A novel three-axis teslameter and other similar machines have been designed and developed for SwissFEL at the Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI). The developed instrument will be used for high fidelity characterisation and optimisation of the undulators for the ATHOS soft X-ray beamline. The teslameter incorporates analogue signal conditioning for the three-axes interface to a SENIS Hall probe, an interface to a Heidenhain linear absolute encoder and an on-board high-resolution 24-bit analogue-to-digital conversion. This is in contrast to the old instrumentation setup used, which only comprises the analogue circuitry with digitization being done externally to the instrument. The new instrument fits in a volumetric space of 150 mm × 50 mm × 45 mm, being very compact in size and also compatible with the in-vacuum undulators. This paper describes the design and the development of the different components of the teslameter. Performance results are presented that demonstrate offset fluctuation and drift (0.1–10 Hz) with a standard deviation of 0.78 µT and a broadband noise (10–500 Hz) of 2.05 µT with an acquisition frequency of 2 kHz.peer-reviewe

    Calibration and characterization of a reduced form-factor high accuracy three-axis teslameter

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    A new reduced form-factor three axes digital teslameter, based on the spinning current technique, has been developed. This instrument will be used to characterize the SwissFEL insertion devices at the Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI) for the ATHOS soft X-ray beamline. A detailed and standardized calibration procedure is critical to optimize the performance of this precision instrument. This paper presents the measurement techniques used for the corrective improvements implemented through non-linearity, temperature offset, temperature sensitivity compensation of the Hall probe and electronics temperature compensation. A detailed quantitative analysis of the reduction in errors on the application of each step of the calibration is presented. The percentage peak error reduction attained through calibration of the instrument for reference fields in the range of ±2 T is registered to drop from 1.94% down to 0.02%.peer-reviewe

    The Dependence of the Field Decay on the Powering History of the LHC Superconducting Dipole Magnets

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    The decay of the allowed multipoles in the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) dipoles is expected to perturb the beam stability during the particle injection. The decay amplitude is largely affected by the powering history of the magnet and is particularly dependent on the pre-cycle flat-top current and duration as well as the pre-injection preparation duration. With possible prospects of having different genres of cycles during the LHC operation, the powering history effect must be taken into account in the Field Description Model for the LHC and must hence be corrected during machine operation. This paper presents the results of the modelling of this phenomenon

    Revised submission for MOF 2.0 query / views / transformations RFP.

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    This submission presents the QVT-Partners proposal for the MOF 2.0 QVT standard. The proposal consists of a number of key ingredients which we briefly discuss in this section. -Specification and implementation: A common scenario in the development of any artifact is to first create a specification of the form and behaviour of the the artifact, and then realise an implementation which satisfies the specification. The specification is characterised by a lack of implementation details, but having a close correspondence to the requirements; conversely an implementation may lack close correspondence to the requirements. This submission maintains this important distinction. Relations provide a specification oriented view of the relationship between models and are specified in a language that can be easily understood. They say what it means to translate between several models but without saying precisely how the translation is achieved. Those details are realised by mappings which characterise the means by which models are translated. It should be noted though, that while the mappings language is rich enough to provide an implementation of relations it also manages to maintain a requirements oriented focus. This may give rise to a scenario where developers prefer to omit relations and directly define mappings. -Scalability and reuse: Decomposition is a key approach to managing complexity. This submission provides a number of composition mechanisms whereby relations and mappings can be composed to form more complex specifications. These mechanisms also aid reuse since mappings and relations can be treated as reusable components which are composed for specific contexts. -Usability: Diagrammatic notations have been important to the success of many OMG standards. This proposal presents a diagrammatic notation which is an extension of collaboration object diagrams and is therefore familiar to many end users. A criticism often levelled at diagrammatic notations is their scalability. This submission also presents a textual syntax, constructs of the diagrammatic notations are closely aligned with its textual counterpart. Considering the domains of relations and mappings at the generic type level is often too limiting. Instead it often is specific-types of things that are of interest. This submission uses patterns to describe the domains of both relations and mappings. Patterns are a means of succinctly describing specific-types of model elements and enable domains of interest to be rapidly stated with ease. -Semantic soundness: By definition a standard should give rise to consistency across differing implementations. It is important that an end user can get the same results on two different implementations. For this reason, this submission goes to some effort to ensure that all the constructs have a well-defined semantic basis. This is achieved by treating the submission in two parts. The infrastructure part has a small number of constructs which can be easily and consistently understood from informal descriptions (although a mathematical semantics is given in Appendix B for the sake of completeness and rigour). The superstructure part uses the infrastructure as its semantic basis and defines the syntax that the end user deals with. The relationship between the superstructure and the infrastructure is expressed as a translation

    The Field Description Model for the LHC Quadrupole Superconducting Magnets

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    The LHC control system requires an accurate forecast of the magnetic field and the multipole field errors to reduce the burden on the beam-based feed-back. The Field Description for the LHC (FIDEL) is the core of this forecast system and is based on the identification and physical decomposition of the effects that contribute to the total field in the magnet apertures. The effects are quantified using the data obtained from series magnetic measurements at CERN and they are consequently modelled empirically or theoretically depending on the complexity of the physical phenomena. This paper presents a description of the methodology used to model the field of the LHC magnets particularly focusing on the results obtained for the LHC main quadrupoles (MQ) and insertion region wide aperture quadrupoles (MQY)

    A Pattern Based Approach to Defining the Dynamic Infrastructure of UML 2.0

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    The 2U Consortium has recently submitted a proposal for the definition of the UML 2.0 infrastructure. This uses an innovative technique of rapidly “stamping out” the definition using a small number of patterns commonly found in software architecture. The patterns, their instantiation, and any further language details are described using precise class diagrams and OCL, this enables the definition to be easily understood. The main focus of the 2U approach is on the static part of the definition. A further concern when modelling software, using languages such as the UML, is describing the dynamic behaviour of the system over time. The contribution of this paper is to provide a template that can be used to “stamp out” the dynamic part of the UML 2.0 infrastructure. We argue for the suitability of the dynamic template because it makes little commitment to concrete abstractions and can, therefore, be used to support a broad spectrum of behavioural languages

    A pattern based approach to defining translations between languages.

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    The 2U Consortium have recently submitted a proposal for the definition of the UML 2.0 infrastructure. This uses a innovative technique of rapidly “stamping out” the definition using a small number of patterns commonly found in software architecture. The contribution of this paper is to introduce the idea of reusability of mappings between languages and defining some of the reusable mapping templates. This paper also illustrates how these templates can be used to stamp out mapping between languages by stamping out a mapping between UML and Java
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