17 research outputs found

    The Strategy to improve the Quality of Cashew Commodities

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    One of the production centers of cashew nut is East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) province, during the period of 2011-2015 cashew nut production in this area continues to increase every year. Alor District is one of the cashew-producing regions in the province with total production reaching 2,000 tons. However, the resulting quality of production is considered poor. This research aims to formulate strategies to improve the quality of cashew nuts in alor district. This research was conducted in Pantar Tengah subdistric and West Pantar Subdistrict which can represent and describe the distribution of cashew nut production in Alor District in May to March 2017. Data analysis method used is SWOT to know the internal and external conditions which will then be used as a basis for designing work strategies and programs. The results showed that the main priority strategy for the development of cashew nut quality in Alor district is by forming a group of joint enterprises in the form of cooperatives owned by farmers

    Analysis Of Comparison The Composite Stock Price Index Before And After Increasing The Investment Grade At Indonesia Stock Exchange

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    AbstractCapital markets are economic entities that have a large influence on economic growth. The capital market is one of the containers of transactions in carrying out economic functions for a country. The growing capital market has caused investors to focus on investing in the Indonesian capital market, especially in the business community. The term investment grade refers to a rating that refers to government or corporate debt, has a low ralative ratio of default or default so that it has a sustainable level of trust in the long term he increase in Indonesia's Investment Grade rating is expected to have a positive impact on the Composite Stock Price Index on the Indonesia Stock Exchange which will attract investors to transact in the Indonesian capital market. Based on the results of the research and discussion that has been carried out in the previous chapter, it can be concluded that there are significant differences in the Composite Stock Price Index 30 days before and 30 days after the Investment Grade rating rises on the Indonesia Stock Exchange. Keywords: Composite Stock Price Index, Investment Grad

    Ohmic heating of strawberry products : electrical conductivity measurements and ascorbic acid degradation kinetics

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    The effects of field strength and multiple thermal treatments on electrical conductivity of strawberry products were investigated. Electrical conductivity increased with temperature for all the products and conditions tested following linear relations. Electrical conductivity was found to depend on the strawberry-based product. An increase of electrical conductivity with field strength was obvious for two strawberry pulps and strawberry filling but not for strawberry topping or strawberry-apple sauce. Thermal treatments caused visible changes (a decrease) in electrical conductivity values of both strawberry pulps tested, but the use of a conventional or ohmic pre-treatment induces a different behavior of the pulps’ conductivity values. Ascorbic acid degradation followed first order kinetics for both conventional and ohmic heating treatments and the kinetic constants obtained were in the range of the values reported in the literature for other food systems. The presence of an electric field does not affect ascorbic acid degradation.(undefined

    The Chemical Contents of the Starch of Palado Seed (Aglaia sp) with Pregelatinization, Cross-linking, and Acetylation Modifications

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    Indonesia has a great potential of raw materials for the production of starches. One of which is palado seed that has a fairly-high carbohydrate content which is potential to be developed into starches. The utilization of the native starch is still very limited due to lack of physical and chemical properties for widely use. It is related to the low level of retrogradation, stability and resilience of the pasta. This is the reason in conducting starch modification in order to obtain suitable properties for a particular application. The starch modification methods used in this study are pregelatinization, cross-linking, and acetylation. The purpose of this research is to study the effect of modification method on the chemical contents of the modified starch of palado seed. The research was conducted in three stages; the first stage is making the starch, the second stage is starch modification and the third stage is the proximate analysis, as well as the chemical properties of the starch of palado seed. The results showed the proximate analysis of the modified starch of palado seeds on the water content ranged from 10,1

    Characteristics of pH, Total Acid, Total Soluble Solid on Tomato Juice by Ohmic Heating Technology

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    Tomatoes (Solanum lycopersicum L.) are important vegetables all over the world and are consumed in both fresh and processed form. Tomatoes as food can be processed into tomato juice by using Ohmic heating technology. The ohmic heating technology in food processing is essentially a process in which liquid food, solids, or mixtures between the mare simultaneously heated by passing an electric current through it. Foods passed by an electric current give a response in the form of heat generation internally on foodstuffs due to the electrical resistance. This study aims to determine changes in pH, total acid, total soluble solids in tomato juice which heated at 70°C, 90°C and 110°C and duration time of heating; 15minutes, 30minutes and 45 minutes. The results showed that the temperature and duration of ohmic heating significantly affect the change of pH value and total tomato juice. The total acid value decreases as well as the lower the pH by the longer the heating. While total soluble solids are increasing by the higher temperature and heating time

    Pengembangan Prosedur Operasional Baku Proses Produksi Jagung Marning

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    Produk yang diteliti adalah prosedur operasional baku untuk produksi jagung marning dan analisis ekonomi dari keripik jagung ketan. Saat ini, IKM Makmur Bersama tidak memiliki SOP yang merupakan hambatan bagi keberlanjutan produksi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan Prosedur Operasional Baku (POB) untuk proses produksi jagung marning dan untuk menganalisis kelayakan industri keripik jagung ketan dalam hal aspek tekno ekonomi. Metode pengumpulan data adalah deskriptif kuantitatif dan studi kepustakaan. Data digunakan untuk memformulasikan POB dan menganalisis aspek tekno ekonomi untuk produk keripik jagung ketan. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa ketersediaan POB untuk produksi jagung marning penting untuk keamanan produk dan keberlanjutannya. Untuk itu, penelitian ini telah memformulasikan POB yang dapat digunakan sebagai panduan dalam proses produksi. Hasil analisis ekonomi pada kelayakan keripik jagung ketan menunjukkan bahwa produk ini layak secara ekonomi

    The influence of field strength, sugar and solid content on electric conductivity of strawberry products

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    The effects of field strength, soluble solids (from 14 to 59.5 ºBrix) and particle size (using two size distributions) on electrical conductivity were investigated. Electrical conductivity increased with temperature for all the products and conditions tested following linear or quadratic relations. Electrical conductivity was found to vary greatly between strawberry-based products. An increase of electrical conductivity with field strength was obvious for fresh strawberries and strawberry jelly but not for strawberry pulp, probably due to the presence of texturizing agents. This parameter decreases with the increase of solids and sugar content. For some of the formulations tested (solid content over 20% w/w and over 40 ºBrix) a different design of ohmic heater may be necessary because of the low values of electrical conductivity

    Ohmic heating and moderate electric field (MEF) processing

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    Ohmic heating was revived in the 1980s, because it showed promise in particulate sterilization. Although that dream has not yet been fully realized, a number of advances have been made regarding fundamental understanding of the process. This has included fundamental fluid mechanics and heat transfer phenomena, microbial death kinetics, and the monitoring of temperatures, microbiological, and chemical changes within solids