7 research outputs found

    Pathogen-Induced Proapoptotic Phenotype and High CD95 (Fas) Expression Accompany a Suboptimal CD8+ T-Cell Response: Reversal by Adenoviral Vaccine

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    MHC class Ia-restricted CD8+ T cells are important mediators of the adaptive immune response against infections caused by intracellular microorganisms. Whereas antigen-specific effector CD8+ T cells can clear infection caused by intracellular pathogens, in some circumstances, the immune response is suboptimal and the microorganisms survive, causing host death or chronic infection. Here, we explored the cellular and molecular mechanisms that could explain why CD8+ T cell-mediated immunity during infection with the human protozoan parasite Trypanosoma cruzi is not optimal. For that purpose, we compared the CD8+ T-cell mediated immune responses in mice infected with T. cruzi or vaccinated with a recombinant adenovirus expressing an immunodominant parasite antigen. Several functional and phenotypic characteristics of specific CD8+ T cells overlapped. Among few exceptions was an accelerated expansion of the immune response in adenoviral vaccinated mice when compared to infected ones. Also, there was an upregulated expression of the apoptotic-signaling receptor CD95 on the surface of specific T cells from infected mice, which was not observed in the case of adenoviral-vaccinated mice. Most importantly, adenoviral vaccine provided at the time of infection significantly reduced the upregulation of CD95 expression and the proapoptotic phenotype of pathogen-specific CD8+ cells expanded during infection. In parallel, infected adenovirus-vaccinated mice had a stronger CD8 T-cell mediated immune response and survived an otherwise lethal infection. We concluded that a suboptimal CD8+ T-cell response is associated with an upregulation of CD95 expression and a proapoptotic phenotype. Both can be blocked by adenoviral vaccination

    Evolution and expression of chimeric POTE–actin genes in the human genome

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    We previously described a primate-specific gene family, POTE, that is expressed in many cancers but in a limited number of normal organs. The 13 POTE genes are dispersed among eight different chromosomes and evolved by duplications and remodeling of the human genome from an ancestral gene, ANKRD26. Based on sequence similarity, the POTE gene family members can be divided into three groups. By genome database searches, we identified an actin retroposon insertion at the carboxyl terminus of one of the ancestral POTE paralogs. By Northern blot analysis, we identified the expected 7.5-kb POTE–actin chimeric transcript in a breast cancer cell line. The protein encoded by the POTE–actin transcript is predicted to be 120 kDa in size. Using anti-POTE mAbs that recognize the amino-terminal portion of the POTE protein, we detected the 120-kDa POTE–actin fusion protein in breast cancer cell lines known to express the fusion transcript. These data demonstrate that insertion of a retroposon produced an altered functional POTE gene. This example indicates that new functional human genes can evolve by insertion of retroposons