140 research outputs found

    Finite Size Effects and Cooperativity in a Model Diatomic Supercooled Liquid

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    We use large scale molecular dynamics simulations to investigate the relation between cooperativity and size e ects in a simple diatomic supercooled liquid. We nd that below a characteristic temperature the transport properties depend on the size of the simulation box. is e ect then increases upon decreasing the temperature. For the model molecules constituting our liquid, the smaller box corresponds to the larger di usion coe cient. us, the size e ects increase the di usion of the liquid with our molecules in opposition with previous results concerning silica and atomic so molecules. As a result, the temperature dependence of the di usion coe cient tends to an Arrhenius law for smaller boxes in our simulations. is result is in agreement with a cooperativity origin of non-Arrhenius behavior and size e ects in fragile supercooled liquids, as a small box cuto cooperative motions thus inducing a constant activation energy. To investigate that picture further we then study the size dependence of cooperative motions in our model liquid.

    Acute-on-chronic Liver Failure: MELD Score 30-day Mortality Predictability and Etiology in a Pakistani Population

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    Background: Cirrhosis is a pathological condition that ultimately leads to liver failure. Acute on chronic liver failure (ACLF) has a high short term mortality rate. Viral hepatitis is the most common cause of liver failure in our local population. We carried out this study to identity the 30-day mortality and etiology of patients presenting with ACLF using Model for End-Stage Liver Disease (MELD) score predictability. Methodology: This was a descriptive case series, conducted at Sheikh Zayed Hospital, Lahore, Pakistan from January 31, 2018 to July 30, 2018. One hundred and eighty five patients who met the inclusion criteria were enrolled using 95% confidence level and 4% margin of error. Data was entered and analyzed with SPSS version 23.0. Numerical variables including age was presented by Mean ± S.D. Categorical variables i.e. gender, etiology of acute-on-chronic liver failure and 30-day mortality were presented by frequency and percentage. Data was stratified for age, gender, duration of chronic liver disease and MELD grade to address the effect modifiers. Post-stratification chi-square test was calculated using 95% significance (p≤0.05). Results: Majority of the enrolled patients were male (74.6%) while only 25.4% of the patients were female. One hundred and thirty patients (70.3%) had underlying viral hepatitis while twelve patients (6.5%) and forty three patients (23.2%) presented with alcoholic liver disease and drug-induced ACLF, respectively. Eighty patients (43.2%) died within 30 days of admission.The 30-day mortality with respect to MELD grade was statistically significant (p<0.001) with the highest mortality noted in grade-IV and thirty five patients (43.8%) dying within 30 days of admission (p<0.001). Grade-II and III MELD scores also contributed to the 30-day mortality with twenty three patients (28.8%) and nineteen patients (23.8%) dying within 30 days of admission (p<0.001). Conclusion: MELD scores are able to accurately predict the short-term mortality in patients with ACLF and viral hepatitis was the most common etiology in our population. Early detection and use of appropriate prognostic models may alleviate mortality and morbidity in paitents with ACLF

    A conceptual study on hospital information system in public hospital of Bangladesh: Electronic medical record and clinical information system perspective

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    The empirical data is used in organizations all over the world which require the integration of some informational systems like Electronic Medical Record (EMR) and Clinical Information System (CIS); these concepts will discover with new form of Bangladeshi public hospital’s improvement in Information Technology (IT) sector. The objective of this conceptual paper is to review critically and identify the gaps in current literature aligning with Hospital Information System (HIS) and Electronic Medical Record (EMR), building relationship between EMR and CIS in terms of Bangladeshi public hospital; towards hospital’s effectiveness of service operator when public hospital plays an important role to keep the patients data. The proposed conceptual framework assists HIS providers to understand how EMR and CIS can contribute to improve the hospitals patient database. More over the paper presents an analysis in various aspects of EMR and CIS complying with a conceptual framework which can attract the researchers in Hospital information System field and public hospital management field for the better presences of information technology for the patients. Hospital Information System (HIS) is essential in hospitals especially which deals with high-quality healthcare treatments. HIS helps to improve patients care services. Thus, the Bangladesh Government has not introduced any kind of HIS for public hospitals of Bangladesh. Moreover, there is no study on HIS implementation in Bangladeshi public hospital


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    S. KADARSAN, E. PURWANINGSIH, S. HARTINI, I.BUDIARTI & A. SAIM 1986. The pattern of parasite infestation on rats at the Bogor Botanical Garden.Berita Biologi 3(4): 173 - 177. Three species of rats namely Rattus exulans, R. r. diardi and R. tiomanicus inhabiting the Bogor Botanical Garden were investigated with respect to their ectoand endoparasite fauna.All three species were infested with Laelaps nutalli, Echinolaelaps echidninus (Acarina); Hoplopleura pacifica and Polyplax reclinata (Anoplura); Xenopsylla cheopis (Siphoriaptera);Hydatigera taeniaefortnis and Viktorokara sp.(Helminth).Additional parasites were Poecilochinis sp., Polyplax spinulosa and Beaveria sp.,a new and yet to be described Troglotrematid Trematode found only R.tiomanicus.The rate of infestation is in part dependent on the age and sex of the host which is seemingly associated with the mobility and food searching capability of the host Time may play an additional role as well

    Isolation, identification, and antibiogram studies of Salmonella species and Escherichia coli from boiler meat in some selected areas of Bangladesh

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    Background: The present study was carried out for the isolation, identification of Salmonella and Escherichia coli from broiler meat samples (leg muscle, breast muscle and drumstick) which were collected from different upazilla markets of Mymensingh, Gazipur, and Sherpur districts during the period of January 2015 to May 2015.Methods: A total of 60 samples were subjected to bacterial isolation and identification by using cultural, biochemical, and polymerase chain reaction assays.Results: Using standard bacteriological techniques E. coli was isolated from 50 (83.33%) samples and Salmonella spp. from 18 (31.66%) samples. Furthermore, the isolates were subjected to antibiogram studies by disk diffusion method using eight commonly used antibiotics. Antibiogram studies revealed that gentamicin, ciprofloxacin, and norfloxacin were highly sensitive against all the isolated bacteria, whereas most of the isolates were resistant to amoxicillin, erythromycin, and tetracycline. Out of all the isolates, 5 isolates of E. coli and 3 isolates of Salmonella were found multidrug resistant.Conclusions: The study revealed the presence of multidrug resistant Salmonella and E. coli in broiler meat sold in live bird market of different upazilla

    Versatility of Mini-Implants in Orthodontics: A Review

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    ABSTRACT The use of miniscrew implants to obtain absolute anchorage has recently gained popularity in clinical orthodontics. The temporary uses of these implants and a simple insertion procedure have increased their popularity, establishing them as a necessary treatment option in complex cases that would have otherwise been impossible to treat. The aim of this review is to present and discuss the development, clinical use, sites of placement, insertion, loading and removal techniques of the mini-implants used for skeletal anchorage. Lastly, the advantagesand potential complications accompanying their use are presented