18 research outputs found

    Evaluation of pathogenic isolates in Ethiopia for the control of chocolate spot in Faba bean

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    Faba bean (Vicia faba L.) is one of the earliest domesticated food legumes in Ethiopia and is now cultivated on large areas in many countries. Production of the crop is, however, constrained by several disease infections including fungal diseases. The objectives of this work was to find out natural prevalence of Bacillus isolates on faba bean leaves in Amhara Regional state of Ethiopia; and to identify potential biocontrol agents for the management of chocolate spot (Botrytis fabae). Thirty eight distinct groups of isolates of Bacillus species out ofa total 110 isolates obtained from 12 districts of north-west Ethiopia were found to occur on faba bean leaves. They differed in morphological and cultural characteristics. Thirty isolates of Bacillus spp. were tested for their effects on Botrytis fabae pathogen by dual culture technique on potato dextrose agar. Sixteen isolates produced 5 mm or higher inhibition zone and out of these isolate 43y and 56y were the most effective having inhibition zone of 8 and 7 mm, respectively. Isolates reduced the growth of the pathogen colony in dual culture by 23- 64%. The highest reduction was caused by isolate 115y (64%), followed by 114-3y (52%) and 29y and 67y (50% each). Isolates of Bacillus were placed on actively growing colonies of B. fabae and were found to cause lysis of B. fabae mycelium. Eleven isolates caused 8 mm or higher lytic area of mycelium. Maximum lysis of mycelium was caused by isolates 111-1y (16.8 mm) and 116y (11.3 mm), and they were confirmed from CABI Global Plant Clinic as Bacillus and not pathogenic to plants and animals. Further evaluation of promising antagonistic isolates by thedetached leaf technique showed that most of them reduced the disease development on leaves. However, the degree of disease reduction varied with cultivar. Isolates 108-2y, 20-2y, 47-2y and 36-1y proved most effective in retarding disease development on two susceptible and one tolerant cultivar and can be further explored for commercial use for management of chocolate spot disease of faba bean

    Bacteriological and physico-chemical quality of drinking water sources in a rural community of Ethiopia

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    Background: Accesses to safe water is a universal need however, many of the world’s population lack access to adequate and safe water. Consumption of water contaminated causes health risk to the public and the situation is serous in rural areas.Objectives: To assess the bacteriological and physico-chemical quality of drinking water sources in a rural community of Ethiopia.Methods: Water samples were collected from tap, open springs, open dug wells and protected springs for bacteriological analysis of total coliforms and thermotolerant coliforms. The turbidity, pH and temperature were measured immediately after collection.Results: Most drinking water sources were found to have coliform counts above the recommended national and international guidelines and had high sanitary risk scores. There was a statistically significant difference among water sources with respect to TC and TTC (p < 0.05) and there was a statistically significant positive correlation between coliform counts and sanitary risk scores (p < 0.01). Most water sources didn’t satisfy the turbidity values recommended by WHO.Conclusion: The water sources were heavily contaminated which suggested poor protection and sanitation practice in the water sources. Source protection strategies as well as monitoring are recommend for this community.Keywords: Coliforms; physico-chemical; rural community; water qualityAfrican Health Sciences 2013; 13(4): 1156- 116

    Potential antagonistic fungal species from Ethiopia for biological control of chocolate spot disease of faba bean

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    Chocolate spot disease ( Botrytis fabae Sard) is one of most yield limiting constraints of faba bean ( Vicia faba ). There is promise in using biological control agents to control chocolate spot diseases, nevertheless, this strategy has not been fully exploited. The objective of this study was to assess the prevalence of different antagonistic fungi on phyloplane of faba bean in Ethiopia and to evaluate their antagonistic potential against the pathogen. A total of 110 isolates of Trichoderma species were obtained from faba bean leaves from 12 districts, which were grouped into 18 distinct groups differing in colony and other characters. Similarly, 26 distinct isolates belonging to species of Penicillium , Aspergillus , Fusarium and Phioalophora were identified from leaves of faba bean. In vitro and in vivo studies revealed strong antagonistic potential of many isolates. Thirteen isolates of Trichoderma produced 4 mm or more inhibition zone and reduced growth of pathogen colony, when grown in dual culture with it. Antagonistic isolates caused lysis of pathogen mycelium more than 6 mm on agar plates. The antagonists significantly reduced pathogen growth in a range of 24.5 to 0.8 mm. The efficacy of the Trichoderma isolates ranged from 47.6 to 98% and that of the other fungal isolates ranged from 13.1 to 34.5%. On detached leaves, isolates 6-1T, 18-3T and 87T of T. ovalisporum and 52-BT, 108-1T and 108-4T of T. longibrachiatum were found to reduce development of chocolate spot on four genotypes of faba bean. The outcome indicates that biocontrol agents, particularly of species Trichoderma are prevalent on faba bean leaves and can be further explored and developed into effective mycofungicides for management of chocolate spot disease of faba bean.La maladie de t\ue2che du chocolat ( Botrytis fabae Sard) est une des contraintes limitatives du rendement du haricot faba ( Vicia faba ). L\u2019utilisation des agents biologiques de contr\uf4le serait promettant, par ailleurs, cette strat\ue9gie n\u2019a jamais \ue9t\ue9 amplement exploit\ue9e. L\u2019objectif de cette \ue9tude \ue9tait d\u2019\ue9valuer la pr\ue9valence de diff\ue9rents champignons anatagonistiques sur la phylloplane du haricot faba en Ethiopie et d\u2019\ue9valuer leur potentiel antagonistique contre le pathog\ue8ne. Un total de 110 isolats d\u2019esp\ue8ces de Trichoderma \ue9tait obtenu des feuilles du haricot faba dans 12 districts, et group\ue9es en 18 groupes diff\ue9rents en colonie et autres caract\ue8res. Similairement, 26 diff\ue9rents isolats appartenant aux esp\ue8ces de Penicillium , Aspergillus , Fusarium et Phioalophora \ue9taient identifi\ue9es des feuilles de haricot faba. Des \ue9tudes in vitro et in vivo ont r\ue9v\ue9l\ue9 un fort potentiel anatagonistique de beaucoup d\u2019isolats.Treize isolats de Trichoderma ont produit 4 mm ou plus de zones d\u2019inhiition et ont r\ue9duit la croissance de colonies pathog\ue9niques lorsque cultiv\ue9s ensemble. Sur plateaux agar, des isolats anatagonistiques ont caus\ue9 plus de 6 mm de lysis des mycelium pathog\ue9niques. Les anatagonistes ont significativement r\ue9duit de 24.5 \ue0 0.8 mm la croissance des pathog\ue8nes. L\u2019efficacit\ue9 des isoltas de Trichoderma variait entre 47.6 et 98% et celle d\u2019autres isolats fongiques variait entre 13.1 et 34.5%. Sur des feuilles d\ue9tach\ue9es, les isolats 6-1T, 18-3T et 87T de T. ovalisporum et 52-BT, 108-1T et 108-4T de T. longibrachiatum \ue9taient trouv\ue9es susceptibles de r\ue9duire le d\ue9veloppement de la t\ue2che du chocolat sur quatre g\ue9notypes du haricot faba. Le r\ue9sultat indique que des agents biocont\uf4les, particuli\ue8rement des esp\ue8ces Trichoderma sont pr\ue9valants sur des feuilles de haricot faba et peuvent \ueatre examin\ue9s et d\ue9velopp\ue9s en mycofungicides efficaces pour la gestion de la maladie de t\ue2che du chocolat du haricot faba

    Plant–Rhizobium symbiosis, seed nutraceuticals, and waste quality for energy production of Vicia faba L. as affected by crop management

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    Background: Broad bean fits sustainable agriculture model due to symbiosis with Rhizobium, the seeds being a good source of energy, proteins, polyphenols, and fiber. The large amount of broad bean biomass residues can be employed for biofuel production, thus valorizing the overall production process. This research was aimed to investigate on the effects of farming management, such as greenhouse cultivation and appropriate planting time on the qualities of broad bean seeds and residual biomass for conversion into biofuel. The related balances of energy gain associated to both ethanol yield and nitrogen fertilizer saving due to Rhizobium nitrogen fixation were assessed. Methods: Research was carried out on broad bean in Portici, province of Naples, southern Italy, based on the factorial combination of two farming systems (open field, greenhouse) and five planting times: 27 September and 11 October, to obtain early production; 25 October, which fell in the usual period for broad bean planting in the province area; and 8 November and 22 November, for late production. For each of these cultivation conditions, the quality of seeds, in terms of protein, fiber and antioxidant concentrations, and of crop residual biomass were determined. In addition, the energy yield as ethanol production from residual biomass and nitrogen fertilizer saving due to Rhizobium atmospheric fixation were assessed. Results and discussion: The highest plant nitrogen uptake was recorded under the fourth planting time in open field and the third in greenhouse, the average accumulation attaining 87% in residual biomass, 7.4% in pods, and 5.6% in seeds. Seed protein content was 12.6% higher in greenhouse than in open field and 16.2% higher under the latest planting time compared to the earliest one. Seed polyphenol concentration was higher in open field than in greenhouse and with the two earliest planting times. Greenhouse grown biomass showed higher values of lignin, hemicellulose and pectin, compared to open field, whereas the opposite trend was for cellulose. Lignin showed a decrease from the first to the last crop cycle, opposite to cellulose, and glucose was the most represented monosaccharide. Both the highest theoretical ethanol and overall energy production were highest with the fourth planting time. Conclusions: Greenhouse management enabled broad bean plants to accumulate higher proteins in seeds, but open field conditions resulted in better residual biomass quality for ethanol and Rhizobium-depending energy production

    Ten golden rules for optimal antibiotic use in hospital settings: the WARNING call to action

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    Antibiotics are recognized widely for their benefits when used appropriately. However, they are often used inappropriately despite the importance of responsible use within good clinical practice. Effective antibiotic treatment is an essential component of universal healthcare, and it is a global responsibility to ensure appropriate use. Currently, pharmaceutical companies have little incentive to develop new antibiotics due to scientific, regulatory, and financial barriers, further emphasizing the importance of appropriate antibiotic use. To address this issue, the Global Alliance for Infections in Surgery established an international multidisciplinary task force of 295 experts from 115 countries with different backgrounds. The task force developed a position statement called WARNING (Worldwide Antimicrobial Resistance National/International Network Group) aimed at raising awareness of antimicrobial resistance and improving antibiotic prescribing practices worldwide. The statement outlined is 10 axioms, or “golden rules,” for the appropriate use of antibiotics that all healthcare workers should consistently adhere in clinical practice

    Evaluation of pathogenic isolates in Ethiopia for the control of chocolate spot in Faba bean

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    Faba bean (Vicia faba L.) is one of the earliest domesticated food legumes in Ethiopia and is now cultivated on large areas in many countries. Production of the crop is, however, constrained by several disease infections including fungal diseases. The objectives of this work was to find out natural prevalence of Bacillus isolates on faba bean leaves in Amhara Regional state of Ethiopia; and to identify potential biocontrol agents for the management of chocolate spot (Botrytis fabae). Thirty eight distinct groups of isolates of Bacillus species out ofa total 110 isolates obtained from 12 districts of north-west Ethiopia were found to occur on faba bean leaves. They differed in morphological and cultural characteristics. Thirty isolates of Bacillus spp. were tested for their effects on Botrytis fabae pathogen by dual culture technique on potato dextrose agar. Sixteen isolates produced 5 mm or higher inhibition zone and out of these isolate 43y and 56y were the most effective having inhibition zone of 8 and 7 mm, respectively. Isolates reduced the growth of the pathogen colony in dual culture by 23- 64%. The highest reduction was caused by isolate 115y (64%), followed by 114-3y (52%) and 29y and 67y (50% each). Isolates of Bacillus were placed on actively growing colonies of B. fabae and were found to cause lysis of B. fabae mycelium. Eleven isolates caused 8 mm or higher lytic area of mycelium. Maximum lysis of mycelium was caused by isolates 111-1y (16.8 mm) and 116y (11.3 mm), and they were confirmed from CABI Global Plant Clinic as Bacillus and not pathogenic to plants and animals. Further evaluation of promising antagonistic isolates by thedetached leaf technique showed that most of them reduced the disease development on leaves. However, the degree of disease reduction varied with cultivar. Isolates 108-2y, 20-2y, 47-2y and 36-1y proved most effective in retarding disease development on two susceptible and one tolerant cultivar and can be further explored for commercial use for management of chocolate spot disease of faba bean

    Potential antagonistic fungal species from Ethiopia for biological control of chocolate spot disease of faba bean

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    Chocolate spot disease ( Botrytis fabae Sard) is one of most yield limiting constraints of faba bean ( Vicia faba ). There is promise in using biological control agents to control chocolate spot diseases, nevertheless, this strategy has not been fully exploited. The objective of this study was to assess the prevalence of different antagonistic fungi on phyloplane of faba bean in Ethiopia and to evaluate their antagonistic potential against the pathogen. A total of 110 isolates of Trichoderma species were obtained from faba bean leaves from 12 districts, which were grouped into 18 distinct groups differing in colony and other characters. Similarly, 26 distinct isolates belonging to species of Penicillium , Aspergillus , Fusarium and Phioalophora were identified from leaves of faba bean. In vitro and in vivo studies revealed strong antagonistic potential of many isolates. Thirteen isolates of Trichoderma produced 4 mm or more inhibition zone and reduced growth of pathogen colony, when grown in dual culture with it. Antagonistic isolates caused lysis of pathogen mycelium more than 6 mm on agar plates. The antagonists significantly reduced pathogen growth in a range of 24.5 to 0.8 mm. The efficacy of the Trichoderma isolates ranged from 47.6 to 98% and that of the other fungal isolates ranged from 13.1 to 34.5%. On detached leaves, isolates 6-1T, 18-3T and 87T of T. ovalisporum and 52-BT, 108-1T and 108-4T of T. longibrachiatum were found to reduce development of chocolate spot on four genotypes of faba bean. The outcome indicates that biocontrol agents, particularly of species Trichoderma are prevalent on faba bean leaves and can be further explored and developed into effective mycofungicides for management of chocolate spot disease of faba bean.La maladie de tâche du chocolat ( Botrytis fabae Sard) est une des contraintes limitatives du rendement du haricot faba ( Vicia faba ). L’utilisation des agents biologiques de contrôle serait promettant, par ailleurs, cette stratégie n’a jamais été amplement exploitée. L’objectif de cette étude était d’évaluer la prévalence de différents champignons anatagonistiques sur la phylloplane du haricot faba en Ethiopie et d’évaluer leur potentiel antagonistique contre le pathogène. Un total de 110 isolats d’espèces de Trichoderma était obtenu des feuilles du haricot faba dans 12 districts, et groupées en 18 groupes différents en colonie et autres caractères. Similairement, 26 différents isolats appartenant aux espèces de Penicillium , Aspergillus , Fusarium et Phioalophora étaient identifiées des feuilles de haricot faba. Des études in vitro et in vivo ont révélé un fort potentiel anatagonistique de beaucoup d’isolats.Treize isolats de Trichoderma ont produit 4 mm ou plus de zones d’inhiition et ont réduit la croissance de colonies pathogéniques lorsque cultivés ensemble. Sur plateaux agar, des isolats anatagonistiques ont causé plus de 6 mm de lysis des mycelium pathogéniques. Les anatagonistes ont significativement réduit de 24.5 à 0.8 mm la croissance des pathogènes. L’efficacité des isoltas de Trichoderma variait entre 47.6 et 98% et celle d’autres isolats fongiques variait entre 13.1 et 34.5%. Sur des feuilles détachées, les isolats 6-1T, 18-3T et 87T de T. ovalisporum et 52-BT, 108-1T et 108-4T de T. longibrachiatum étaient trouvées susceptibles de réduire le développement de la tâche du chocolat sur quatre génotypes du haricot faba. Le résultat indique que des agents biocontôles, particulièrement des espèces Trichoderma sont prévalants sur des feuilles de haricot faba et peuvent être examinés et développés en mycofungicides efficaces pour la gestion de la maladie de tâche du chocolat du haricot faba