1,318 research outputs found

    Use of Electronic Media among Rural Students: A Case Study

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    The revolution of communication in India over the last decade is astonishing. New communication technologies, i.e. the ‘Electronic Media’ (EM), such as satellites, radio (FM), television, cell phone (mobile), computers, laptops and palmtops with internet are bringing noticeable changes leading to a huge impact on socio- cultural understandings and achieving success in its popularity among the youth of urban as well as rural area. Data for the study is collected from Kanavi Karuvina (KK) Koppa village of Belgaum district, Karnataka state. 165 respondents were selected by random sampling belonging to the age of 17 to 23 years, studying in Pre-University Course, Bachelor’s and Master’s Course. The paper relies information and statistics from primary and secondary sources. The paper reveals in the rise of cell phone activities. Particularly, the generation ‘Y’ is mobile savvy. This empirical research clearly stated that at present day situation the respondents- the youths are active and vibrant participators in using EM for their development

    A Case Study on the Ayurvedic Management of Vicharchika (Eczema)

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    Vicharchika has been described under Kshudra Kushthas with Laxanas like Kandu, Shyavapidika and Bahusrava. Eczema is a skin disorder, also called as dermatitis. it clinically manifests by pruritus, erythema, oedema, papules and vesicles and oozing in acute stage whereas itching, scaling, dryness and lichenification occur in chronic stage. The prevalence of atopic eczema in 56 countries had been found to vary between 3 and 20.5%. In our study the point prevalence of AD was 6.75%. In contrast to children in north India, only 0.01% (3 out of 2100) children in a south Indian study had AD. Even in our study, the prevalence in South India was only 2.8%. Virechana and Jaloukavacharana are the treatments adopted for the management of Vicharchika

    Redundancy in Face Image Recognition

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    Many researchers paid attention to formulate different algorithms to faces and its classes for accurate classification but, did not paid attention to the fact that redundancy may exists even though faces with different classes are effectively classified. Researchers working on SVD and its extended algorithm versions which were based on face matrix decomposition for face recognition concluded that they are the best algorithms for classification of occluded faces. The problem with these designed algorithms is that there is every likely hood of having more than one value of amplification factor along with classified faces. It is pointed out by researchers that every face will be having one and only one amplification factor and its classified face. This factor will definitely add to the already existing facial recognition problems and challenges. Here is a paper which shows the redundancy in recognition which will be treated as an added problem and challenge for facial recognition

    Trajectory Tracking and Control of Differential Drive Robot for Predefined Regular Geometrical Path

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    AbstractTrajectories made by concatenating straight motion and in place turning primitive are one that can be easily followed by a differential drive robot. This paper presents trajectory tracking and control of differential drive robots along a predefined regular geometrical path made up of these primitives. A control algorithm was developed to control the robot along different trajectories. The algorithm takes user input from a user interface through which one can select the type of trajectory, dimensions of the trajectory and tracking velocity. Simulations were carried out to obtain the trajectory tracked by the robot using commercial available software MATLAB, Release 2010. Experiments were conducted for tracking regular trajectories such as Triangular, Rectangular and Square and these experimental results were found to be in good agreement with the simulation results


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    Ardhavabhedaka is one among the 11 types of Shirorogas described in Ayurvedic classical texts. It is a type of headache where pain is localized to one half of the head. It can be correlated with migraine based on the similarity in etiology, pathology, symptoms and treatment principles. This study is conducted with the aim to compare the effect of ‘Sharkara Mishrita Dugdha Nasya’ and ‘Murchita Gritha Nasya’ in the management of Ardhavabhedaka. Two groups of 15 patients each were administered these two types of Nasya drugs for seven days. Patients were assessed on the basis of clinical parameters. Results show good effect on all symptoms of Ardhavabhedaka in both groups but Murchita Ghrita Nasya show better effect than Sharkara Mishrita Dugdha Nasya.Among 15 patients in Group-A, 7 patients (36%) showed good response and among 20 patients in Group-B, 3 patients (16 %) showed good response after the treatment. The response obtained after 28 days of treatment and the study reveals that in Group – B Murchita Ghrita Nasya shows very good response in treating the Ardhavabhedaka. Sharkara acts as Vatapitta hara, Dugdha & Murchita Ghrita acts as Tridoshaghna


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    We develop a currency mismatch index and examine the causes of currency mismatches in emerging market economies. This study is based on a unique dataset on 22 economies from 2008 to 2017. We also construct the original sin index using granular data on international debt securities. We find Latin American countries, followed by Central European countries, suffer from the original sin and currency mismatch problems. The panel regression estimates show that country size, trade openness, and the level of economic and financial development explain cross-country variations in currency mismatches. Our empirical results suggest that unstable monetary and fiscal policies are the primary causes of currency mismatches. The results indicate that a better institutional environment reduces currency mismatches. These findings call for monetary independence, stable fiscal policy, and macroprudential policy measures tominimize currency mismatches.We develop a currency mismatch index and examine the causes of currency mismatches in emerging market economies. This study is based on a unique dataset on 22 economies from 2008 to 2017. We also construct the original sin index using granular data on international debt securities. We find Latin American countries, followed by Central European countries, suffer from the original sin and currency mismatch problems. The panel regression estimates show that country size, trade openness, and the level of economic and financial development explain cross-country variations in currency mismatches. Our empirical results suggest that unstable monetary and fiscal policies are the primary causes of currency mismatches. The results indicate that a better institutional environment reduces currency mismatches. These findings call for monetary independence, stable fiscal policy, and macroprudential policy measures tominimize currency mismatches

    Chromosome Studies and Karyotype Analysis of some Triploid Banana (Musa Species) Cultivars of AAA Genomic Group

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    Bananas are the highly evolved, oldest fruits known to mankind. The Cavendish group cultivars are popular commercial varieties. AAA genomic group cultivars are said to have evolved from the wild AA Musa acuminata species by natural hybridization and polyploidization and these vigorous triploids were selected by man for cultivation. Basic cytological studies on banana are comparatively few due to the plant's complex nature. In this report, karyo-morphological studies on five AAA Cavendish group cultivars i.e. Robusta, Dwarf Cavendish, Grand Naine, Gros Michel and Red banana are reported. All the five cultivars had similar karyotype, except cv. Robusta. Total chromosome length was highest in Red banana and lowest in cv. Gros Michel

    Preservation of Indian oil sardine (Sardinella longiceps) in iced and chilled seawater. Part 2 - Changes during storage with particular reference to salt penetration and lipid deterioration during CSW holding

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    Oil sardines in prime condition were chilled on board. Two lots were chilled in CSW (samples C & CI), one lot ice (sample I) and a fourth lot was left un-iced on deck (sample AI). Sample AI was iced after landing and sample CI was taken out of the chilled seawater and. iced. All the four samples were kept in a chilled room for storage studies. Sample C, chilled and stored in CSW, recorded a gradual gain in weight and an increase in salt content of the muscle. Presence of salt did not seem to cause any excessive protein denaturation. Salt extractability decreased at a gradual rate in all cases. Presence of salt seemed to wield no noticeable influence on lipid hydrolysis and subsequent peroxidation. Results of chemical and sensory evaluations highlight this. Holding sardines in CSW gave a product of excellent quality for the first four to five days of storage. Beyond the fifth day of storage quality deteriorated rapidly and there was no noticeable superiority for this sample (sample C) over the on board iced fish. This was evident in the sensory evaluation as well. However, a storage life of five days in a readily acceptable state is sufficient for the fish to be disposed in the market at a premium sale price over other landings of the same species
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