41 research outputs found

    The significance of p53 codon 72 polymorphism for the development of cervical adenocarcinomas

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    Infection with the human papillomavirus is an important co-factor in the development of cervical carcinomas. Accordingly, HPV DNA is recognised in most of these tumours. Polymorphism of the p53 gene, codon 72, is also considered a risk factor in the development of cervical carcinoma. However, this finding is contradicted by several observers. In the present investigation, 111 cases of adenocarcinoma of the cervix collected through the Swedish Cancer Registry and 188 controls (females with normal cytology at organised gynaecological screening) were analysed with regard to p53, codon 72, polymorphism using a PCR- and SSCP-based technique. In the controls, 9% showed pro/pro, 44% pro/arg and 47% arg/arg, whereas in the invasive adenocarcinomas, the corresponding figures were 0%, 29% and 71%, respectively. The difference was statistically significant (P = 0.001). HPV DNA was identified in 86 tumours (HPV 18 in 48, HPV 16 in 31 and HPV of unknown type in 7 cases) and 25 tumours were HPV negative. The p53, codon 72, genotypes observed in HPV-positive and HPV-negative cervical adenocarcinomas were not statistically different (P = 0.690). The results indicate that women homozygotic for arg/arg in codon 72 of the p53 gene are at an increased risk for the development of cervical adenocarcinomas. However, this genetic disposition seems to be unrelated to the HPV infection. © 2001 Cancer Research Campaign  http://www.bjcancer.co

    Uneven distribution of HPV 16 E6 prototype and variant (L83V) oncoprotein in cervical neoplastic lesions

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    A previous Swedish study revealed that both prototype and variant HPV16 E6 oncoprotein, occur in about equal numbers in high-grade cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (HCIN), whereas variant HPV16 predominates in invasive cervical squamous carcinoma. Most of the malignant HPV16 variants contain a common mutation, L83V, in the E6 oncoprotein. In the present investigation, 28 HPV16 positive, invasive cervical adenocarcinomas were collected from a total number of 131 adenocarcinomas. These HPV16-positive cases were evaluated with analysis of the E6 gene, using a recently described PCR-SSCP method for identification of the specific mutation (L83V) in the E6 gene. The results obtained were correlated to findings in 103 preinvasive, HCIN, and 31 invasive cervical squamous carcinomas also infected with HPV16. The HPV16 E6 variant L83V was present in 40% of the HCIN lesions, in 54% of the invasive adenocarcinomas, in comparison to 81% of the invasive squamous carcinomas. The difference between HCIN and squamous carcinomas was statistically significant, P< 0.001, whereas the difference between HCIN and invasive adenocarcinomas was not statistically significant, P = 0.604. Prototype HPV16 and its E6 variant L83V are both prevalent in preinvasive and invasive cervical lesions in Swedish women. However, the obvious predominance of HPV16 variant in squamous carcinomas was not seen in adenocarcinomas. A single amino-acid shift in the HPV16 E6 gene appears to result in a different transforming potential in squamous and glandular cervical lesions. © 2000 Cancer Research Campaig

    A multicenter study on transfer, walking and stair climbing in persons with stroke admitted to specialized rehabilitation

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    Background: Walking on even surface and stair walking capacity are prerequisites for independence, and these capacities are often referred to as primary goals in rehabilitation after stroke

    Specialized stroke rehabilitation services in seven countries

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    Background There is a lack of defined levels of rehabilitation, indicating possibly random content and access to specialized services. Aims and/or hypothesis The aim of the study was to perform a multinational descriptive study of specialized rehabilitation in persons with stroke, to elucidate what the different centers define as prerequisites for specialized rehabilitation, and to analyze whether these descriptions map to currently applied standards or constructs of specialized rehabilitation. A secondary aim was to look for similarities and differences between therapies and services for persons with stroke in the sub-acute stage in the different institutions. Methods Descriptive data of the collaborating centers regarding structure and processes of services were recorded and compared with the British Society of Rehabilitation Medicine and Specialized Services National Definitions sets. Results Comparisons of the definitions

    A Flexible Nonlinear Feedback System That Captures Diverse Patterns of Adaptation and Rebound

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    An important approach to modeling tolerance and adaptation employs feedback mechanisms in which the response to the drug generates a counter-regulating action which affects the response. In this paper we analyze a family of nonlinear feedback models which has recently proved effective in modeling tolerance phenomena such as have been observed with SSRI’s. We use dynamical systems methods to exhibit typical properties of the response-time course of these nonlinear models, such as overshoot and rebound, establish quantitive bounds and explore how these properties depend on the system and drug parameters. Our analysis is anchored in three specific in vivo data sets which involve different levels of pharmacokinetic complexity. Initial estimates for system (kin, kout, ktol ) and drug (EC50/IC50, Emax/Imax, n ) parameters are obtained on the basis of specific properties of the response-time course, identified in the context of exploratory (graphical) data analysis. Our analysis and the application of its results to the three concrete examples demonstrates the flexibility and potential of this family of feedback models

    Loss of Genetic Redundancy in Reductive Genome Evolution

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    Biological systems evolved to be functionally robust in uncertain environments, but also highly adaptable. Such robustness is partly achieved by genetic redundancy, where the failure of a specific component through mutation or environmental challenge can be compensated by duplicate components capable of performing, to a limited extent, the same function. Highly variable environments require very robust systems. Conversely, predictable environments should not place a high selective value on robustness. Here we test this hypothesis by investigating the evolutionary dynamics of genetic redundancy in extremely reduced genomes, found mostly in intracellular parasites and endosymbionts. By combining data analysis with simulations of genome evolution we show that in the extensive gene loss suffered by reduced genomes there is a selective drive to keep the diversity of protein families while sacrificing paralogy. We show that this is not a by-product of the known drivers of genome reduction and that there is very limited convergence to a common core of families, indicating that the repertoire of protein families in reduced genomes is the result of historical contingency and niche-specific adaptations. We propose that our observations reflect a loss of genetic redundancy due to a decreased selection for robustness in a predictable environment

    Busulphan-Cyclophosphamide Cause Endothelial Injury, Remodeling of Resistance Arteries and Enhanced Expression of Endothelial Nitric Oxide Synthase

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    Stem cell transplantation (SCT) is a curative treatment for malignant and non malignant diseases. However, transplantation-related complications including cardiovascular disease deteriorate the clinical outcome and quality of life. We have investigated the acute effects of conditioning regimen on the pharmacology, physiology and structure of large elastic arteries and small resistance-sized arteries in a SCT mouse model. Mesenteric resistance arteries and aorta were dissected from Balb/c mice conditioned with busulphan (Bu) and cyclophosphamide (Cy). In vitro isometric force development and pharmacology, in combination with RT-PCR, Western blotting and electron microscopy were used to study vascular properties. Compared with controls, mesenteric resistance arteries from the Bu-Cy group had larger internal circumference, showed enhanced endothelium mediated relaxation and increased expression of endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS). Bu-Cy treated animals had lower mean blood pressure and signs of endothelial injury. Aortas of treated animals had a higher reactivity to noradrenaline. We conclude that short-term consequences of Bu-Cy treatment divergently affect large and small arteries of the cardiovascular system. The increased noradrenaline reactivity of large elastic arteries was not associated with increased blood pressure at rest. Instead, Bu-Cy treatment lowered blood pressure via augmented microvascular endothelial dependent relaxation, increased expression of vascular eNOS and remodeling toward a larger lumen. The changes in the properties of resistance arteries can be associated with direct effects of the compounds on vascular wall or possibly indirectly induced via altered translational activity associated with the reduced hematocrit and shear stress. This study contributes to understanding the mechanisms that underlie the early effects of conditioning regimen on resistance arteries and may help in designing further investigations to understand the late effects on vascular system

    Caring and Uncaring Encounters between Assistant Nurses and Immigrants with Dementia Symptoms in Two Group Homes in Sweden-an Observational Study

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    Background: The total number of people with dementia symptoms is expected to double every 20 years and there will also be an increase in the number of older immigrants in several countries. There are considerable deficiencies in the present knowledge of how to conduct well-functioning health care for immigrants with dementia symptoms. The aim of this study was to explore caring and uncaring encounters between assistant nurses and immigrants in two group homes for persons with dementia symptoms in Sweden: a Finnish-speaking as well as a Swedish-speaking context. In addition, this study aims to describe how caring and uncaring encounters are manifested in these two contexts according to Halldórsdóttir’s theory of “Caring and Uncaring encounters”. Method: Descriptive field notes from 30 separate observations were analyzed using qualitative deductive content analysis. Results: The main category “caring encounters” focused on reaching out to initiate connection through communication, removing masks of anonymity by acknowledging the unique person, acknowledgment of connection by being personal. Reaching a level of truthfulness by being present and showing respect, raising the level of solidarity by equality and true negotiation of care, based on the residents’ needs. The main category, uncaring encounters, focused on disinterest in and insensitivity towards the other, coldness in the connection and lack of humanity in care situations. The observations showed that caring encounters occurred more in the Finnish-speaking context and uncaring encounters more often in the Swedish context. Conclusion: Encounters could be caring, uncaring, and carried out using a person-centered approach. Communication and relationships could be facilitated using the same language but also through learning to interpret residents’ needs and desires