53,859 research outputs found

    Gas ion laser construction for electrically isolating the pressure gauge thereof

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    The valve and the pressure gauge of a gas ion laser were electrically insulated from the laser discharge path by connecting them in series with the cathode of the laser. The laser cathode can be grounded and preferably is a cold cathode although a hot cathode may be used instead. The cold cathode was provided with a central aperture to which was connected both the pressure gauge and the gas pressure reservoir through the valve. This will effectively prevent electric discharges from passing either to the pressure gauge or the valve which would otherwise destroy the pressure gauge

    On the general position subset selection problem

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    Let f(n,ℓ)f(n,\ell) be the maximum integer such that every set of nn points in the plane with at most ℓ\ell collinear contains a subset of f(n,ℓ)f(n,\ell) points with no three collinear. First we prove that if ℓ≀O(n)\ell \leq O(\sqrt{n}) then f(n,ℓ)≄Ω(nln⁡ℓ)f(n,\ell)\geq \Omega(\sqrt{\frac{n}{\ln \ell}}). Second we prove that if ℓ≀O(n(1−ϔ)/2)\ell \leq O(n^{(1-\epsilon)/2}) then f(n,ℓ)≄Ω(nlog⁡ℓn)f(n,\ell) \geq \Omega(\sqrt{n\log_\ell n}), which implies all previously known lower bounds on f(n,ℓ)f(n,\ell) and improves them when ℓ\ell is not fixed. A more general problem is to consider subsets with at most kk collinear points in a point set with at most ℓ\ell collinear. We also prove analogous results in this setting

    Experimental investigation of leading-edge thrust at supersonic speeds

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    Wings, designed for leading edge thrust at supersonic speeds, were investigated in the Unitary Plan Wind Tunnel at Mach numbers of 1.60, 1.80, 2.00, 2.16, and 2.36. Experimental data were obtained on a uncambered wing which had three interchangeable leading edges that varied from sharp to blunt. The leading edge thrust concept was evaluated. Results from the investigation showed that leading edge flow separation characteristics of all wings tested agree well with theoretical predictions. The experimental data showed that significant changes in wing leading edge bluntness did not affect the zero lift drag of the uncambered wings

    Changes in invertebrate assemblage composition in benthic and hyporheic zones during a severe supraseasonal drought

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    Droughts are unpredictable disturbances characterized in streams by declining flow, reduced habitat availability, and deteriorating abiotic conditions. Such events typically reduce benthic invertebrate taxon richness and modify assemblage composition, but little is known about how hyporheic invertebrate assemblages respond to drought or how these responses relate to changes in benthic assemblages. We hypothesized that taxon richness (diversity) and variability (as within-site diversity) in benthic assemblage composition would decline as drought proceeded, whereas concurrent changes in hyporheic assemblages would be lower in this more stable environment. We predicted that benthic assemblage composition between sites would converge as epigean taxa were selectively eliminated, whereas between-site hyporheic diversity would change little. We sampled benthic and hyporheic invertebrates concurrently from 4 sites along a groundwater-fed stream during the final stages of a severe supraseasonal drought punctuated by a record heat wave. Abiotic conditions in benthic habitats deteriorated as flow declined, but changes were less pronounced in the hyporheic zone. Benthic diversity declined during drought, whereas hyporheic diversity changed little. However, benthic within-site diversity increased as the drought progressed because of localized variation in the abundance of common taxa. Temporal trends in hyporheic diversity were less consistent. Benthic assemblages at individual sites became more similar, especially during the heat wave, reflecting low diversity and abundance. Hyporheic assemblages changed markedly because of temporary increases in abundances of epigean and hypogean amphipods. These contrasting responses of benthic and hyporheic assemblages to drought should be recognized when developing management strategies for drought-impacted streams

    Apollo 16 mission report. Supplement 2: Service Propulsion system final flight evaluation

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    The Apollo 16 Mission was the sixteenth in a series of flights using Apollo flight hardware and included the fifth lunar landing of the Apollo Program. The Apollo 16 Mission utilized CSM 113 which was equipped with SPS Engine S/N 66 (Injector S/N 137). The engine configuration and expected performance characteristics are presented. Since previous flight results of the SPS have consistently shown the existence of a negative mixture ratio shift, SPS Engine S/N 66 was reorificed to increase the mixture ratio for this mission. The propellant unbalance for the two major engine firings is compared with the predicted unbalance. Although the unbalance at the end of the TEI burn is significantly different than the predicted unbalance, the propellant mixture ratio was well within limits. The SPS performed six burns during the mission, with a total burn duration of 575.3 seconds. The ignition time, burn duration and velocity gain for each of the six SPS burns are reported

    A Blockchain-based Approach for Data Accountability and Provenance Tracking

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    The recent approval of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) imposes new data protection requirements on data controllers and processors with respect to the processing of European Union (EU) residents' data. These requirements consist of a single set of rules that have binding legal status and should be enforced in all EU member states. In light of these requirements, we propose in this paper the use of a blockchain-based approach to support data accountability and provenance tracking. Our approach relies on the use of publicly auditable contracts deployed in a blockchain that increase the transparency with respect to the access and usage of data. We identify and discuss three different models for our approach with different granularity and scalability requirements where contracts can be used to encode data usage policies and provenance tracking information in a privacy-friendly way. From these three models we designed, implemented, and evaluated a model where contracts are deployed by data subjects for each data controller, and a model where subjects join contracts deployed by data controllers in case they accept the data handling conditions. Our implementations show in practice the feasibility and limitations of contracts for the purposes identified in this paper

    Which point sets admit a k-angulation?

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    For k >= 3, a k-angulation is a 2-connected plane graph in which every internal face is a k-gon. We say that a point set P admits a plane graph G if there is a straight-line drawing of G that maps V(G) onto P and has the same facial cycles and outer face as G. We investigate the conditions under which a point set P admits a k-angulation and find that, for sets containing at least 2k^2 points, the only obstructions are those that follow from Euler's formula.Comment: 13 pages, 7 figure

    Theoretical and experimental investigation of supersonic aerodynamic characteristics of a twin-fuselage concept

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    A theoretical and experimental investigation has been conducted to evaluate the fundamental supersonic aerodynamic characteristics of a generic twin-body model at a Mach number of 2.70. Results show that existing aerodynamic prediction methods are adequate for making preliminary aerodynamic estimates

    Photometric Properties of Long-period Variables in the Large Magellanic Cloud

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    Approximately four thousand light curves of red variable stars in the LMC were selected from the 2.3-years duration MOA database by a period analysis using the Phase Dispersion Minimization method. Their optical features (amplitudes, periodicities, position in CMD) were investigated. Stars with large amplitues and high periodicities were distributed on the only one strip amongst multiple structure on the LMC period-luminosity relation. In the CMD, the five strips were located in the order of the period. The stars with characterized light curves were also discussed.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figures, Proceeding of WS on Mass-Losing Pulsating Stars and Their Circumstellar Matter, Sendai, Japa
