157 research outputs found

    Optimizing the Potential Tourist Attraction Culture in the Puppet Museum Jakarta

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    Attraction of cultural tourism in Indonesia is quite diverse. One of them is the existence of the Puppet Museum Jakarta (PMJ). The PMJ has important tasks related to the preservation and development of Indonesian cultural puppets, especially when the culture of Indonesian puppets were defined as a heritage to the world by UNESCO on November 7, 2003. The PMJ also has the potential to be developed as a cultural tourist attraction. However, the various programs/collections in PMJ are not optimum enough to its potential as cultural site. This study aims to assess the optimization potential of cultural attractions of PMJ. The study uses a method of qualitative research approach with descriptive analysis. Stages in this study are the observation, description and interpretation through approach to the concepts of cultural tourism and concepts of the museum (museology). The results showed that PMJ has the potential and advantages including attractiveness, accessibility, amenities, society and the environment—institutional, marketing. The potential and advantages are both interlinked to one another, making PMJ useful to the society and at the same time a popular cultural destination for tourists.     Keywords: tourism, cultural tourism, puppet museu

    Integrated Transport System Toward Sustainable Travel Behavior for Work Commuting Travel From Bekasi to Jakarta

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    Due to the inadequacy of public transport and high critical level of congestion in Jakarta Metropolitan Area, implementing sustainable transport for urban future transport improvement is necessary. Critical transport situation in Jakarta Metropolitan Area has pointed the importance of implementation integrated transport system to increase people accessibility. This study is conducted to identify strategic issues in integrated transport system at operational and policy levels toward sustainable mobility, transport equity, and door to door service. According to research aim, explanatory case study is used to build an understanding the current situation. The results indicate that integrated transport system is not fully implemented yet and it found a lot of missing links and barriers in integrated transport system attributes. Moreover, transportation planning at national to local levels is not synchronous which have impacted to the implementation of integrated transport


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    The Supply Chain Management is a new philosophy encouraging internal and external integration which encompass all the aspects, from the supplier until down to the customers. Transportation plays a major role in achieving efficiency and effectiveness because the role of transportation in the Supply Chain is as the intermediary help to distribute the physical goods from one entity to another entity.  For this reason, the objective of this research is to analyse and measure the effectiveness and efficiency of inbound and outbound logistics in the furniture industry in Bantul, Yogyakarta. Firstly, the author will try to draw the supply chain mapping in order to gain more understanding about the entities in the supply chain.  Secondly, performance of the transportation modes that will be used to move the furniture will be assessed through questionnaire. Thirdly, the author will try to analyse the response if rail transportation is proposed as an alternative transportation mode to move the goods. Lastly, conclusion and recommendation regarding the issue will be derived as implied in the result from data analysis. Keywords: Supply chain management, transportation, performance, furniture industry

    The Use of ICT in English Practice at Mechanical Engineering Classes

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    This study evaluates the use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) tools as supporting features in teaching learning progress for student of mechanical engineering. Related to the sufficient of physical instrument provided by the staff management, Information and Communication Technology (ICT) tools are now available and ready to be used and applied in teaching and learning progress in the Department of Mechanical Engineering, State University of Jakarta. But still several obstacles are emerged due to the access to the internet. This paper focuses on the availability to use ICT tools in teaching English in the department of mechanical engineering to develop student achievement in Basic Technical English course. This research article argues that the physical equipment and facility are not the main factor in maintaining the use of ICT while the lack of access to the internet may embrace the progress in teaching learning activity. This study discusses the methods and techniques in teaching and learning progress that can be used to cope with the poor access to the internet. As a conclusion, using ICT tools in teaching and learning activity through off-lined activities can help students in acquiring effective communicative competence in English lesson. The method of investigation used to collect the data was observation sheets supported by some interviews conducted in department of mechanical engineering, State University of Jakarta. The participants of research were the students who had taken the course.     Keywords: information and communication technology (ICT) tools, effective communicative competence, off-lined activities, internet acces

    Analisis Dampak Implementasi Reduced Vertical Separation Minimum (Rvsm) Di Indonesia Terhadap Distribusi Lalu Lintas Udara Dan Penghematan Bahan Bakar Pesawat

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    Reduced Vertical Separation Minimum (RVSM) merupakan rekomendasi dari ICAO, organisasi penerbangan sipil dunia, untuk mengatasi kepadatan lalu lintas udara secara global dengan meningkatkan kapasitas ruang udara melalui pengurangan jarak pisah vertikal antar pesawat dari 2.000 kaki menjadi 1.000 kaki pada ketinggian 29.000–41.000 kaki (FL290-FL410). Indonesia mengimplementasikan prosedur ini secara bertahap dan bersifat exclusive, sehingga pesawat yang non RVSM tidak diperkenankan untuk terbang pada ruang udara RVSM. Salah satu manfaat dari penerapan prosedur ini adalah penghematan bahan bakar pesawat terbang karena lebih memungkinkan untuk terbang pada ketinggian yang optimum (economic flight level). Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk menganalisis dampak penerapan RVSM terhadap distribusi lalu lintas udara dan penghematan bahan bakar pesawat. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada rute penerbangan W-45 dan W-32 dari Air Traffic Services (ATS) Route Indonesia dan di PT. Garuda Indonesia pada tipe pesawat Boeing 737-400. Data-data sekunder yang ada dianalisis dengan metode statistika melalui program aplikasi SPSS for Windows untuk melihat Perubahan distribusi lalu lintas udara dan mengetahui penghematan bahan bakar pesawat sesudah implementasi RVSM. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa implementasi RVSM berdampak terhadap Perubahan kondisi distribusi lalu lintas udara. Peningkatan proporsi penggunaan ketinggian terjadi pada FL310, FL350 dan FL390, sedangkan pada flight level lainnya mengalami penurunan dengan rata-rata penurunan sebesar 3,14%. FL290 merupakan ketinggian terbang yang paling banyak digunakan oleh pesawat non RVSM dengan proporsi penggunaan sebesar 24,46%, FL330 paling banyak digunakan oleh pesawat RVSM yang terbang pada rute jarak dekat dan menengah dengan proporsi sebesar 28,88%. Rata-rata penghematan bahan bakar pesawat sesudah implementasi RVSM untuk penerbangan jarak dekat (Jakarta-Surabaya) adalah sebesar 0,8% atau sebanyak 25,37 kg (senilai Rp215.607,00) untuk setiap penerbangan dan sebesar 1,1% atau sebanyak 64,5 kg (senilai Rp548.217,00) untuk setiap penerbangan jarak menengah (Jakarta-Makassar).Kata

    Pengaruh Debt to Asset Ratio (Dar), Debt to Equity Ratio (Der), Long Term Debt to Asset Ratio (Ldar) Dan Long Term Debt to Equity Ratio (Lder) Terhadap Profitability (Roe) Pada Perusahaan Manufaktur Di Bursa Efek Indonesia Periode 2012-2014

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    Every company in running their business has the goal to maximize the profit to enrich the owner or stock holder one of them is trough financing (modal structure). The decision in financing (modal structure) is an important aspect in getting maximal profit. This research aims to find out the effect of modal structure consisting : Debt To Asset Ratio (DAR), Debt To Equity Ratio (DER), Long Term Debt To Asset Ratio (LDAR), Long Term Debt To Equity Ratio (LDER) on Profitability (ROE) of the manufacture companies listed in Indonesia stock exchange (BEI) in the period of 2012-2014. This is a quantitative research. The population of this research is 141 manufacture companies listed in Indonesia Stock exchange. The sampling method was by purposive sampling. Based on determined criteria, there were 97 companies in a year therefore the total sample in 3 years was 291 samples. The research methodology was descriptive statistic analysis; statistic analysis was trough multiple linear regression and classical assumption test. The hypothesis test was by seeing the value of F count and t count in regression test. The result of the research showed that the coefficient of t test regression (partial) of DAR variable and LDER affected positively towards ROE, DER variable and LDAR negatively towards ROE. F test (simultaneously) of DAR, DER, LDAR & LDER affected positively towards ROE. Key words : Debt To Asset Ratio (DAR), Debt To Equity Ratio (DER), Long Term Debt To Asset Ratio (LDAR), Long Term Debt To Equity Ratio (LDER) and Profitability (ROE)

    Factors influencing Marketing Margin Behavior of Sheep Trade in West Java

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    ABSTRACT Marketing margin is the difference between the price received by producers and that paid by consumers. Both, producers and consumers are concerned about the size of marketing margins, changes in marketing margins and the incidence of thange,s in margins. A study was carried out in order to identify and qualify factors that influence the marketing margin behavior for sheep trade in West Java. The data were gathered from a survey that was conducted in Karawang and Subang during the period of October 1993. A total of 40 farmers were questioned in this study using a structural questionnaires. The ardmary least squares method from .sirtazam 6.2 is used to isolate factors that determine the marketing margin for sheep trade. The results of the study indicate that per unit marketing services/transfer cost, location of trade, s body weight and age of the animals are factors that influence per unit marketing margin (

    Physiological Response of Reared Bali Cattle Based on Different Peat Land Characteristics

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    This study aimed to investigate the effect of microclimate conditions within cattle houses at wet peatlands and dry peatlands on Bali cow's physiological responses.  The study was carried out from November 2017 to February 2018 in Pulang Pisau Regency, Central Kalimantan Province. There were 58 heads of Bali cows used in this study, comprising 38 cattle at wet peatland in Jabiren Raya sub-district and 20 animals at a dry bog in Maliku sub-district. The observed parameters included microclimate conditions. It was air temperature, humidity, and temperature-humidity index, THI and wind speed, physiological responses (respiratory rate, pulse, and rectal temperature) and leucocyte (neutrophils, lymphocytes, and neutrophils/lymphocytes ratio). The results indicated that the morning microclimate at wet peatland showed significantly (p0.05) lower humidity, higher THI, and wind speed than that at dry land. The marked difference of microclimate between the two locations in the afternoon occurred only on wind speed.  There were differences between dry and wet peatlands in Bali cow's physiological responses, including respiration rate in the morning, the pulse at noon, rectal temperature in the afternoon, and leucocyte.  However, the local cattle' physiological responses kept in wet and dry peatland were still under normal conditions

    Komitmen Organisasi, Locus Of Control, dan Kompleksitas Tugas terhadap Kinerja Audit Internal

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    This research aim to: (1) to knowing organizational influence komitmen to internal auditor performance at office BAWASDA in Karisidenan Kedu. (2) knowing influence of locus of control to internal auditor performance at office BAWASDA in Karisidenan Kedu. (3) knowing influence of duty complexity make an audit of to internal auditor performance at office BAWASDA in Karisidenan Kedu. (3) knowing influence of duty complexity make an audit of to internal auditor performance [at] office BAWASDA in Karisidenan Kedu. (4) knowing organizational influence komitmen, locus of control, and duty complexity make an audit of to internal auditor performance at office BAWASDA in Karisidenan Kedu. this Research population is entire laboring responder as internal auditor ( Functional Functionary of Auditor) at office BAWASDA in Karisidenan Kedu, with the amount 110 internal auditor. Sampel used in this research 79 internal auditor or Functional Functionary of Auditor in 4 office BAWASDA. technique of sampel by convinance sample. Data collecting use the kuesioner. Test the validity use the technique of product moment, and test the reliabilitas use the Alpha Cronbach>0.60. this Hipotesisi Research use the doubled linear analysis regresi. doubled Linear result of organizational komitmen, locus of control, and duty complexity make an audit of by together have an effect on the signifikan to internal auditor performance by R Square of equal to 55,5%. Keywords: Organizational Komitmen, Locus Of Control, Duty Complexity Make an audit of the, internal Auditor Performance
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