489 research outputs found

    Climate Change TimeLine: an ontology to tell the story so far

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    Fabrication and test of a space power boiler feed electromagnetic pump. Part 1: Design and manufacture of pump

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    A three-phase helical induction electromagnetic (EM) pump has been designed and built. This pump was designed for use as the boiler-feed pump of a potassium Rankine-cycle space electric power system. The pump is constructed of high temperature materials including a T-111 duct, Hiperco 27 magnetic material, nickel clad silver conductor wire, and a completely inorganic insulation system. The pump is designed to deliver 3.25 lb/sec potassium at 1000 F with a developed head of 240 psi while being cooled by 800 F NaK. At these conditions, the overall pump efficiency is expected to be 18%

    Selection of microorganisms degrading S-Metolachlor herbicide.

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    The aim of this work was to study herbicide degradation through selected microorganisms from humus and soil subjected to different plantation systems. The following bacterial species were identified: Klebsiella pneumoniae pneumoniae GC s.B strain 1, Pseudomonas alcaligenes, Enterobacter aerogenes GC s.A and Klebsiella pneumoniae pneumoniae GC s.B strain 2. Growth studies yet suggested the possibility of a very long lag phase. Although, culture with the herbicide presented biofilm formation and there were color changes in the herbicide that could have interfered with the espectrophotometry readings. After 5 days of incubation at 35ºC, the difference in the concentration of herbicide was 14.42% on average and after 10 days, 35.01%

    Does Petrolisthes armatus (Anomura, Porcellanidae) form a Species Complex or Are We Dealing with Just One Widely Distributed Species?

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    Fernando L. Mantelatto, Leonardo G. Pileggi, Ivana Miranda, and Ingo S. Wehrtmann (2011) Does Petrolisthes armatus (Anomura, Porcellanidae) form a species complex or are we dealing with just one widely distributed species? Zoological Studies 50(3): 372-384. Petrolisthes armatus has the widest distribution known among members of the family Porcellanidae and is one of the most ubiquitous and locally abundant intertidal decapods along the Atlantic coast of the Americas. Considering its geographical distribution and morphological plasticity, several authors postulated the existence of a P. armatus species complex. In the present study we used genetic data from the mitochondrial 16S ribosomal gene to determine the genetic variability of P. armatus from selected locations within its eastern tropical Pacific and western Atlantic distributions. Our phylogenic analysis included 49 specimens represented by 26 species of the genus Petrolisthes and 16 specimens from 10 species and 4 related genera. Genetic distances estimated among the analyzed Petrolisthes species ranged from 2.6%-22.0%; varied between 0%-5.7% for 16S. Additionally, the revision of P. armatus specimens from Pacific Costa Rica and Brazilian Waters showed no geographically significant morphological variations among the analyzed specimens. Therefore, our morphological and genetic data do not support the hypothesis of a P. armatus complex within the specimens studied herein from the Americas, but convincingly confirm the monophyly and non-separateness of the members assigned as P. armatus. http://zoolstud.sinica.edu.tw/Journals/50.3/372.pdfCNPq-Brazil[Proc. 491490/2004-6]CNPq-Brazil[490353/2007-0]CONICIT-Costa Rica[CII-001-08]Univ. de Costa Rica[808-A8-209]CNPq[PQ 301261/04-0]CNPq[301359/07-5]CNPq[140677/08-9]FAPESP[2010/15588-8]FAPESP[05/50651-1]CAPES-Sandwich[1467/09-3]CAPES[02630/09-5]Universidade de São Paulo - FFCLRP/USPUniversidade de São Paulo - Centro de Biologia Marinha (CEBIMar/USP

    Implant-Prosthetic rehabilitation in bilateral agenesis of maxillary lateral incisors with a mini split crest

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    The reported clinical case describes the surgical procedure of ridge augmentation by using a "split crest" technique with a partial thickness flap and a subsequent implant-prosthetic rehabilitation aimed at treating a bilateral agenesis of the upper lateral incisors. In such cases with vestibule-palatal and mesial-distal scarce bone thicknesses associated with the need of a proper functional and aesthetic rehabilitation, the split crest technique is particularly suitable. In the case we reported, because of the poor bone thicknesses, we performed a minimally invasive split crest which allowed a correct insertion of the fixtures. This technique allowed us to achieve an optimal functional and aesthetic rehabilitation; moreover, we obtained a good emergency profile, ensuring the vitality of the close teeth and ensuring a good primary stability and the following osseointegration of dental implants

    Neonatal Near Miss: A Systematic Review.

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    The concept of neonatal near miss has been proposed as a tool for assessment of quality of care in neonates who suffered any life-threatening condition. However, there are no internationally agreed concepts or criteria for defining or identifying neonatal near miss. The purpose of this study was to perform a systematic review of studies and markers that are able to identify neonatal near miss cases and predict neonatal mortality. Electronic searches were performed in the Medline, Embase and Scielo databases, with no time or language restriction, until December 2014. The term neonatal near miss was used alone or in combination with terms related to neonatal morbidity/mortality and neonatal severity scores. Study selection criteria involved three steps: title, abstract and full text of the articles. Two researchers performed study selection and data extraction independently. Heterogeneity of study results did not permit the performance of meta-analysis. Following the inclusion and exclusion criteria adopted, only four articles were selected. Preterm and perinatal asphyxia were used as near miss markers in all studies. Health indicators on neonatal morbidity and mortality were extracted or estimated. The neonatal near miss rate was 2.6 to 8 times higher than the neonatal mortality rate. Pragmatic and management criteria are used to help develop the neonatal near miss concept. The most severe cases are identified and mortality is predicted with these criteria. Furthermore, the near miss concept can be used as a tool for evaluating neonatal care. It is the first step in building management strategies to reduce mortality and long-term sequelae.1532

    postoperative mr imaging of spontaneous transdural spinal cord herniation expected findings and complications

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    BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: Spontaneous transdural spinal cord herniation is no longer a rare cause of myelopathy. The high frequency of diagnoses has led to an increase in the number of surgical procedures. The purpose of this study was to describe the spectrum of postoperative MR imaging findings concerning spontaneous transdural spinal cord herniation and to provide a practical imaging approach for differentiating expected changes and complications after an operation. MATERIALS AND METHODS: We retrospectively reviewed MR images from 12 patients surgically treated for spontaneous transdural spinal cord herniation. Surgery comprised either dural defect enlargement or duraplasty procedures. Postoperative follow-ups included at least 3 (early, intermediate, late) MR imaging studies. MR images were analyzed with respect to 3 spinal compartments: intradural intramedullary, intradural extramedullary, and extradural. The meaning and reliability of changes detected on MR images were related to their radiologic and clinical evolution with time. RESULTS: Spinal cord realignment has been stable since the early study, whereas spinal cord signal and thickness evolved during the following scans. Most extramedullary and extradural changes gradually reduced in later MR images. Three patients treated with dural defect enlargements experienced the onset of new neurologic symptoms. In those patients, late MR images showed extradural fluid collection and the development of pial siderosis. CONCLUSIONS: Our findings demonstrate the spectrum of postoperative imaging findings in spontaneous transdural spinal cord herniation. Spinal cord thickness and signal intensity continued to evolve with time; most extramedullary postsurgical changes became stable. Changes observed in later images may be suggestive of complications

    Avaliação dos camarões atiídeos (Decapoda: Atyidae).

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    Introdução. Distribuição geográfica. Habitat e ecologia. Biologia geral. Ameaças. Ações de conservação. Pesquisas necessárias. Bibliografia. Espécies avaliadas no processo conduzido pelo ICMBio.bitstream/item/165868/1/CNPASA-2016-cap5.pd

    Proteomic analysis of Rhizobium freirei PRF 81 responses to low pH.

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    Rhizobium freirei PRF 81 is employed in common bean commercial inoculants in Brazil, due to its outstanding efficiency in fixing nitrogen, competitiveness and tolerance to abiotic stresses. Among the environmental conditions faced by rhizobia in soils, acidity is perhaps the encountered most, especially in Brazil. So, we used proteomics based approaches to study the responses of PRF 81 to a low pH condition. R. freirei PRF 81 was grown in TY medium until exponential phase in two treatments: pH 6,8 and pH 4,8. Whole-cell proteins were extracted and separated by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis, using IPG-strips with pH range 4-7 and 12% polyacrilamide gels. The experiment was performed in triplicate. Protein spots were detected in the high-resolution digitized gel images and analyzed by Image Master 2D Platinum v 5.0 software. Relative volumes (%vol) of compared between the two conditions tested and were statistically evaluated (p ≤ 0.05). Even knowing that R. freirei PRF 81 can still grow in more acid conditions, pH 4.8 was chosen because didn´t affect significantly the bacterial growth kinetics, a factor that could compromise the analysis. Using a narrow pH range, the gel profiles displayed a better resolution and reprodutibility than using broader pH range. Spots were mostly concentrated between pH 5-7 and molecular masses between 17-95 kDa. From the six hundred well-defined spots analyzed, one hundred and sixty-three spots presented a significant change in % vol, indicating that the pH led to expressive changes in the proteome of R. freirei PRF 81. Of these, sixty-one were up-regulated and one hundred two was downregulated in pH 4.8 condition. Also, fourteen spots were only identified in the acid condition, while seven spots was exclusively detected in pH 6.8. Ninety-five differentially expressed spots and two exclusively detected in pH 4,8 were selected for Maldi-Tof identification. Together with the genome sequencing and the proteome analysis of heat stress, we will search for molecular determinants of PRF 81 related to capacity to adapt to stressful tropical conditions.Res. 1407-2
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