385 research outputs found

    Nutritivna vrednost kukuruznog stočnog brašna u ishrani pilića u tovu

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    One of the by-products of corn processing which can successfully be used in poultry nutrition is livestock meal. In this trial corn meal was investigated, meal in two form: non-extruded (T1 and T2) and extruded (T3 and T4) as a replacement of cracked corn (K) in the amount of 100% (T1 and T3) and 50% (T2 and T4). Investigation was carried out in 4 repetitions, 75 chickens of Arbor Acres x Ross 308 hybrid in each group. Trial lasted 42 days. Chickens were fed three standard mixtures (starter, grower and finisher). Investigation demonstrated that group of chickens of treatment T3 realized the best final body masses (2254g), followed by chickens in treatment T4 (2173g), chickens of group T2 (2112g), K group (2106 g), and the worst results were established in chickens of group T1 (2103g). It was established that differences in final body mass of chickens from group T3 in relation to chickens from groups T1, T2, T4 and were statistically highly significant (P (lt) 0,001). Statistically significant differences (P (lt) 0,05) were established between body masses of chickens from group T4 in relation to T1, T2 and K group. Mortality of chickens was as followes: K-3,64%, T1- 2,50%, and T2-5,00%, T3-6,39%, and T4-3,33%. Feed conversion in all investigated groups was almost identical (K-1,91; T2-,93; T3-1,93; T4-1,94) with the exception of T1 with 1,97. In regard to production index (PI), the best results were realized by group of chickens T3 (261), followed by chickens T4 (258), K (253), and the worst results were established in chickens of groups T1 (248) and T2 (248).U radu je dat efekat primene neekstrudiranog (T1 i T2) i ekstrudiranog (T3 i T4) kukuruznog stočnog brašna u ishrani brojlerskih pilića. U smešama kukuruz (K) je zamenjen kukuruznim stočnim brašnom u iznosu 50% (T2 i T4) i 100% (T1 i T3). Ogled je trajao 42 dana po sistemu 5 x 4 (5 tretmana x 4 ponavljanja). U svakom tretmanu je bilo po 300 pilića. Ishrana je bila ad libitum sa tri smeše: starter sa 23,30% SP i 12,78 MJ/kg ME, grover sa 20,30% SP i 13,10 MJ/kg ME, i finišer 17,70% SP i 13,25 MJ/kg ME. Rezultati ispitivanja su bili sledeći: telesne mase K-2106g, T1-2103g, T2-2112g, T3-2254g, i T4-2173g; dnevni prirast K-50,13g, T1-50,08g, T2- 50,29g, T3-53,66g, i T4-51,73g; mortalitet pilića K-3,64%, T1-2,50%, T2- 5,00%, T3-6,39%, i T4-3,33%; Konverzija hrane K-1,91 kg/kg, T1-1,97 kg/kg, T2-1,93 kg/kg, T3-1,93 kg/kg, i T4-1,94 kg/kg. Pokazalo se da su razlike u završnoj telesnoj masi pilića iz T3, u odnosu na T1, T2, T4 i K grupe, bile statistički visoko značajne (P (lt) 0,001). Utvrđene su statistički značajne razlike (P (lt) 0,05) između telesnih masa grupe pilića T4 u odnosu na T1, T2 i K grupe. Randmani su bili ujednačeni po grupama, a razlike u sadržaju abdominalne masti u trupovima su bile minimalne ali nešto niže kod petlića i kojica grupe T1 i petlića T2. Razlike su bile su statistički značajne


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    Primarily referring to Bakhtinʼs concept of chronotope, in this paper we scrutinize the idea of “women’s” chronotope as womenʼs space-time in film texts “Snow” (“Snijeg”) directed by Aida Begić and “Tears for Sale” (“Čarlston za Ognjenku”) directed by Uroš Stojanović, both narrating the lives of women on the margins of war. We juxtapose the traditional concept of “women’s” time (Julia Kristeva) as cyclic and non-linear, and “menʼs” linear time, positioning the female subject outside the progression of “menʼs” time, the time of history. Further, we identify two women’s chronotopes (fictional topoi – villages Pokrp in Serbia and Slavno in Bosnia) as places of mourning, following Freudʼs concept of the mourning process which terminates in overcoming the trauma caused by the loss of beloved object (men killed in wartime). In those film texts we distinguish narrating the loss through ritual and symbolic acts of invoking the missing male subject, and on the other hand, we identify the strategy of overcoming the trauma through gender roles inversion and adoption of masculinity (the woman assumes the active principle and she becomes the bearer of the gaze [Laura Mulvey]). We further differentiate Bakhtinʼs chronotope meeting motif in the aforementioned film texts within the framework of the regeneration chronotope (suggesting a happy ending in “Snow” in a certain way) and the degradation chronotope, in “Tears for Sale” (Bemon and Borghart).Najpre referišući na pojam Bahtinovog hronotopa, u radu se bavimo analizom pojma „ženskog“ hronotopa kao ženskog prostorvremena u filmskim tekstovima „Snijeg“ Aide Begić i „Čarlston za Ognjenku“ Uroša Stojanovića, koji tematizuju život žena na marginama rata. Donosimo poređenje tradicionalno shvaćenog pojma „ženskog“ vremena (Julija Kristeva) kao cikličnog i nelinearnog, i „muškog“, linearnog vremena, pozicionirajući ženski subjekt van tokova „muškog“ vremena, vremena istorije. Lociramo dva ženska hronotopa (fiktivne topose sela Pokrp u Srbiji i Slavno u Bosni) kao mesta žaljenja, kroz Frojdov pojam procesa tuge/tugovanja/žaljenja, koji ishodište ima u prevladavanju traume usled gubitka voljenih (muškaraca nastradalih u ratu). Narativizovanje gubitka u ovim filmskim tekstovima prepoznajemo kroz ritualne i simboličke radnje kojima se odsutni muškarci prizivaju, a, s druge strane, pronalazimo strategiju prevladavanja traume kroz inverziju rodnih uloga i preuzimanje maskuliniteta (žena postaje aktivni princip i nosilac pogleda [Lora Malvi]). Bahtinov motiv hronotopa susreta u slučaju dva filmska teksta diferenciramo u okviru hronotopa regeneracije (koji predstavlja jedan oblik sugerisanog happy enda u „Snijegu“) odnosno hronotopa degradacije, u „Čarlstonu...“ (Bemon i Borghart)

    The role of urban planning in the process of brownfield regeneration

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    Резиме Теза се бави истраживањем улоге урбанистичког планирања у процесу регенерације браунфилд локација као једном од најсложенијих механизама одрживе употребе земљишта. Специфичност регенерације браунфилд локација се огледа у посебном начину финансирања тог процеса. Наиме, дати процес захтева средства јавног сектора, али и приватног капитала, при чему приватни сектор често није заинтересован за улагање у браунфилд локације. Ипак, када се поменути актер одлучи да учествује у процесу браунфилд регенерације, тешко је успоставити контролу над приватним интересом, тј. балансирање јавног и приватног интереса постаје кључна вештина у датом процесу. Поред успостављања сарадње јавног и приватног сектора, успеху браунфилд регенерације доприноси и интеграција секторских политика из различитих домена (саообраћаја, животне средине, локалног и регионалног развоја, итд.). С обзиром да се планирање може разумети као један од облика интервенције државе на тржишту, фокус овог истраживања је на испитивању планског приступа процесу регенерације браунфилд локација. Основна истраживачка хипотеза се односила на предност одвијања процеса браунфилд регенерације у колаборативном моделу планирања у односу на остале планске моделе (нпр. рационални). Претпоставка је заснована на ставу да ефикасан и ефективан процес доношења одлука о браунфилд регенерацији захтева усаглашеност интереса, као и синергију знања и вештина чији су носиоци заинтересоване стране које учествују у датом процесу. Одавде је директно произашла следећа хипотеза која се односила на позицију планерске експертизе у процесу браунфилд регенерације. Дакле, претпостављено је да је успешна реализација процеса браунфилд регенерације директна последица синтезе експертских знања (као доминантне одлике рационалног планског модела), али и вештина преговарања, фасилитације и медијације, које су иманентне колаборативном моделу планирања. С обзиром да је планерска активност неодвојива од конкретног контекста у којем је смештена, важно је преиспитивање трансформације и прилагођавања институционалног оквира колаборативном моделу планирања, одакле је произашла последња VI хипотеза. Стога је претпостављено да ефективан процес браунфилд регенерације захтева формални институционални оквир који омогућава колаборацију и то: колаборацију сектора, дисциплина и институција на хоризонталном нивоу, али и на вертикалним нивоима планирања, као и функционисање јавно-приватних партнерстава. Поред тога, институционална трансформација подразумева подстицање неформалних планских приступа, односно иновативних процедура, којима се регулишу начини учешћа читавог спектра различитих стејкходлера у планском процесу.Abstract The thesis aims at researching the role of urban planning in the process of brownfield regeneration, as one of the most complex sustainable land-use mechanisms. The peculiarity of brownfield regeneration is best seen in the specific way of financing of that process. Namely, the mentioned process requires the funding of public sector and also private capital, but not always does private sector show interest in investing in brownfield land. Nevertheless, whenever this actor decides to take part in the process of brownfield regeneration, private interest becomes difficult to control i.e. the crucial skill in this process is seen as sole balancing between public and private interests. In addition to establishing the cooperation between public and private sector, what also contributes to success of brownfield regeneration is the integration of sector policies focusing on different domains (traffic, environment, local and regional development, etc.). Since planning can be understood as a form of state intervention in the market, this research focuses on the assessment of planning reproach to the process of brownfield regeneration. The basic research hypothesis referred to the advantage of this process being realized through the means of collaborative planning model, comparing to other models (e.g. rational planning model). This assumption was based on a view that an efficient and effective decision-making process about brownfield regeneration needed harmonised interests, as well as synergy of knowledge and skills, and is carried out by interested parties which are involved in a given process. This leads to the next hypothesis which referred to the position of planning expertise in the process of brownfield regeneration. Hence, it was assumed that a successful realisation of brownfield regeneration process was a direct consequence of the synthesis of experts' knowledge (as the main feature of rational planning model), but also the skills of negotiation, facilitation and meditation ingrained in collaborative planning model. Considering the fact that planners' activity is inseparable from the specific context in which it takes place, it is important to review transformation and adaptation of the institutional framework to collaborative planning model, which leads to the next hypothesis. Therefore, it was presumed that an effective process of brownfield regeneration required a formal institutional framework which enables collaboration, as X follows: collaboration of sectors, disciplines and institutions at the horizontal level, but also at the vertical planning levels, as well as the functioning of public-private partnerships. Besides, institutional transformation means incentive to informal planning approach and innovative procedures to regulate the participation of a range of different stakeholders in the planning process


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    Najpre referišući na pojam Bahtinovog hronotopa, u radu se bavimo analizom pojma „ženskog“ hronotopa kao ženskog prostorvremena u filmskim tekstovima „Snijeg“ Aide Begić i „Čarlston za Ognjenku“ Uroša Stojanovića, koji tematizuju život žena na marginama rata. Donosimo poređenje tradicionalno shvaćenog pojma „ženskog“ vremena (Julija Kristeva) kao cikličnog i nelinearnog, i „muškog“, linearnog vremena, pozicionirajući ženski subjekt van tokova „muškog“ vremena, vremena istorije. Lociramo dva ženska hronotopa (fiktivne topose sela Pokrp u Srbiji i Slavno u Bosni) kao mesta žaljenja, kroz Frojdov pojam procesa tuge/tugovanja/žaljenja, koji ishodište ima u prevladavanju traume usled gubitka voljenih (muškaraca nastradalih u ratu). Narativizovanje gubitka u ovim filmskim tekstovima prepoznajemo kroz ritualne i simboličke radnje kojima se odsutni muškarci prizivaju, a, s druge strane, pronalazimo strategiju prevladavanja traume kroz inverziju rodnih uloga i preuzimanje maskuliniteta (žena postaje aktivni princip i nosilac pogleda [Lora Malvi]). Bahtinov motiv hronotopa susreta u slučaju dva filmska teksta diferenciramo u okviru hronotopa regeneracije (koji predstavlja jedan oblik sugerisanog happy enda u „Snijegu“) odnosno hronotopa degradacije, u „Čarlstonu...“ (Bemon i Borghart)

    Investigation of age-hardening of alloy systems Au-Ag-Cu for jewelry production

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    Proizvesti nakit od komada čistog zlata, iziskuje znanja iz različitih oblasti nauke, počev od metalurgije, fizičke hemije, mašinstva, preko medicine, pa do nauke o dizajnu i estetskim zahtevima, pri tome uvek uključujući i istoriju umetnosti. Sa stanovišta metalurgije, u disertaciji su razmotreni i eksperimentalno istraženi neki od veoma značajnih, ali nedovoljno izučenih aspekata, vezanih za pojedine faze proizvodnje nakita od legura na bazi zlata i srebra. Predmet ovog rada usmeren je na izučavanje, definisanje i optimizaciju najznačajnijih uticajnih parametara na finalna svojstva i kvalitet višekomponentnih legura sistema Au- Ag-Cu, u okviru istraživanja relacije: hemijski sastav – termička obrada – mikrostruktura – tvrdoća – električna provodljivost. Sve ovo zahteva multidisciplinaran pristup problemima proizvodnje nakita, posebno što nakit ispunjava potrebe čoveka za lepim. Proučavane su tri grupe legura, shodno zakonskoj regulativi u Republici Srbiji, i potrebama tržišta. Legura ,,žute“ boje je Au585Ag90Cu264Zn61, legura ,,bele“ boje je Au585Ag65Cu277Zn16Pd57, kao i legura srebra Ag925Cu75. Dodatno legiranje osnovnog trojnog Au-Ag-Cu sistema, urađeno je u cilju poboljšanja fizičko – mehaničkih osobina, kao što su čvrstoća legure, obradivost, sposobnost legure za razne oblike plastične deformacije, sposobnost za lemljenje i zavarivanje, itd. Kako u raznim stadijumima proizvodnje nakita, posebno u toku termičke i/ili mehaničke obrade dolazi do značajnih i višestrukih strukturnih promena, koje utiču i na boju materijala, a koje još uvek nisu dovoljno istražene, deo istraživačke pažnje posvećen je i usklađivanju istraživanih procesnih parametara sa očekivanom bojom ispitivanih legura. Posebna pažnja, u eksperimentalnom delu rada, usmerena je na istraživanje režima termičke obrade u procesu starenja, na temperaturama koje su niže od temperature rekristalizacije, u cilju utvrđivanja uticaja temperature i vremena, u odabranom ispitnom intervalu, na mikrostrukturu i fazne promene, koje su u direktnoj vezi sa ojačavanjem istraživanih sistema legura. Pojava strukturnih promena u kristalnoj rešetki legura, na granici faznih promena u čvrstom stanju (α(Au,Ag,Cu)↔α`(Ag,Au) + α“(Cu,Au)), fenomen ,,uređeno-neuređeno“ (formiranje uređenih rešetki: AuCuI, AuCuII, Au3Cu i AuCu3), pojava dvojnika žarenja, kao i drugih mikrostrukturnih promena, dovodi do toga da se značajno poveća čvrstoća u ovim legurama. Pored navedenih promena, takođe dolazi i do povećanja tvrdoće žarenjem na temperaturi starenja, usled pojave precipitacije, kako po granicama zrna, tako i u samom zrnu, zajedno sa nagomilavanjem i kočenjem dislokacija, koje su nastale hladnom deformacijom, i koje pokušavaju da se oslobode, dovođenjem spoljne energije. Ojačavanje istraživanih legura u procesu starenja praćeno je sistematskim ispitivanjem promene vrednosti tvrdoće, u odnosu na početno stanje, kao i na stanje nakon izvršene rekristalizacije...It takes knowledge of different parts of science to produce jewelery out of one piece of pure gold, starting from metallurgy, physical chemistry, mechanical engineering, through medicine, all to science of design and esthetical demands, always including the history of art. From the point of view of metallurgy, in this paper some of very important, but not enough examined aspects, that are connected to single phases of production of jewelry of gold and silver alloys, were considered and experimentally investigated. The subject of this paper was directed to research, define and optimization of the most important parameters that inflect on final properties and quality of multicomponent aloys of Au-Ag-Cu system, in terms of investigation of relation: chemical composition – thermal – processing – hardness – electrical conductivity. All of this demands multidisciplinary approach to the problem of production of jewelry, especially, because the jewelry fulfills the needs of a man of beautiful. Three types of alloys were studied, according to law norms of the Republic of Serbia, and needs of the market. Alloy of ,,yellow“ color is Au585Ag90Cu264Zn61, alloy of ,,white“ color is Au585Ag65Cu277Zn16Pd57, and silver alloy is Ag925Cu75. An additional alloying of basic ternary system was performed in order to improve physical – mechanical properties, such as strength of alloy, workability, ability of alloy to different kinds of plastic deformation, ability to soldering and welding, etc. As in different stages of jewelry production, especially during thermal and/or mechanic processing significant and multiple structural changes occur, changes that inflect on color of the material, and are not investigated enough; a part of this research was dedicated to coordination of investigated processing parameters with expected color of investigated alloys. Special attention, during the experimental part of the paper, was directed on investigation of regime thermal treatment in process of ageing, on temperatures below the temperature of recristallization, in order to establish the inflection of temperature and time, i chosen investigation interval, on microstructure and phase changes, that are directly connected to age-hardening of investidated alloy`s systems. Occurrence of structural changes in crystal lattice of alloys, on borders of phase changes in solid state (α(Au,Ag,Cu) ↔ α`(Ag,Au) + α”(Cu,Au)), phenomena of ,,ordered – disordered“ (forming of ordered lattices: AuCu I, AuCu II, Au3Cu and AuCu3), occurence of twining of annealing as well as other micro structural changes, bring to significant increasement in strength of this alloys. Beside these changes, there is also increasement in hardness by annealing on temperature of ageing, due to phenomena of precipitation both on borders of grains, and inside the grains, and also due to inhibition of dislocations, that now tend to release by bringing in the external energy. Hardening of investigated alloys during the process of ageing was followed by systematic examination of change of hardness value, related to initial state, and also to the state after the recristallization..

    Улога урбанистичког планирања у процесу регенерације браунфилд локација

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    The thesis aims at researching the role of urban planning in the process of brownfield regeneration, as one of the most complex sustainable land-use mechanisms. The peculiarity of brownfield regeneration is best seen in the specific way of financing of that process. Namely, the mentioned process requires the funding of public sector and also private capital, but not always does private sector show interest in investing in brownfield land. Nevertheless, whenever this actor decides to take part in the process of brownfield regeneration, private interest becomes difficult to control i.e. the crucial skill in this process is seen as sole balancing between public and private interests. In addition to establishing the cooperation between public and private sector, what also contributes to success of brownfield regeneration is the integration of sector policies focusing on different domains (traffic, environment, local and regional development, etc.). Since planning can be understood as a form of state intervention in the market, this research focuses on the assessment of planning reproach to the process of brownfield regeneration. The basic research hypothesis referred to the advantage of this process being realized through the means of collaborative planning model, comparing to other models (e.g. rational planning model). This assumption was based on a view that an efficient and effective decision-making process about brownfield regeneration needed harmonised interests, as well as synergy of knowledge and skills, and is carried out by interested parties which are involved in a given process. This leads to the next hypothesis which referred to the position of planning expertise in the process of brownfield regeneration. Hence, it was assumed that a successful realisation of brownfield regeneration process was a direct consequence of the synthesis of experts' knowledge (as the main feature of rational planning model), but also the skills of negotiation, facilitation and meditation ingrained in collaborative planning model. Considering the fact that planners' activity is inseparable from the specific context in which it takes place, it is important to review transformation and adaptation of the institutional framework to collaborative planning model, which leads to the next hypothesis. Therefore, it was presumed that an effective process of brownfield regeneration required a formal institutional framework which enables collaboration, as X follows: collaboration of sectors, disciplines and institutions at the horizontal level, but also at the vertical planning levels, as well as the functioning of public-private partnerships. Besides, institutional transformation means incentive to informal planning approach and innovative procedures to regulate the participation of a range of different stakeholders in the planning process.Теза се бави истраживањем улоге урбанистичког планирања у процесу регенерације браунфилд локација као једном од најсложенијих механизама одрживе употребе земљишта. Специфичност регенерације браунфилд локација се огледа у посебном начину финансирања тог процеса. Наиме, дати процес захтева средства јавног сектора, али и приватног капитала, при чему приватни сектор често није заинтересован за улагање у браунфилд локације. Ипак, када се поменути актер одлучи да учествује у процесу браунфилд регенерације, тешко је успоставити контролу над приватним интересом, тј. балансирање јавног и приватног интереса постаје кључна вештина у датом процесу. Поред успостављања сарадње јавног и приватног сектора, успеху браунфилд регенерације доприноси и интеграција секторских политика из различитих домена (саообраћаја, животне средине, локалног и регионалног развоја, итд.). С обзиром да се планирање може разумети као један од облика интервенције државе на тржишту, фокус овог истраживања је на испитивању планског приступа процесу регенерације браунфилд локација. Основна истраживачка хипотеза се односила на предност одвијања процеса браунфилд регенерације у колаборативном моделу планирања у односу на остале планске моделе (нпр. рационални). Претпоставка је заснована на ставу да ефикасан и ефективан процес доношења одлука о браунфилд регенерацији захтева усаглашеност интереса, као и синергију знања и вештина чији су носиоци заинтересоване стране које учествују у датом процесу. Одавде је директно произашла следећа хипотеза која се односила на позицију планерске експертизе у процесу браунфилд регенерације. Дакле, претпостављено је да је успешна реализација процеса браунфилд регенерације директна последица синтезе експертских знања (као доминантне одлике рационалног планског модела), али и вештина преговарања, фасилитације и медијације, које су иманентне колаборативном моделу планирања. С обзиром да је планерска активност неодвојива од конкретног контекста у којем је смештена, важно је преиспитивање трансформације и прилагођавања институционалног оквира колаборативном моделу планирања, одакле је произашла последња VI хипотеза. Стога је претпостављено да ефективан процес браунфилд регенерације захтева формални институционални оквир који омогућава колаборацију и то: колаборацију сектора, дисциплина и институција на хоризонталном нивоу, али и на вертикалним нивоима планирања, као и функционисање јавно-приватних партнерстава. Поред тога, институционална трансформација подразумева подстицање неформалних планских приступа, односно иновативних процедура, којима се регулишу начини учешћа читавог спектра различитих стејкходлера у планском процесу

    On the Role of Renewable Energy Policies and Electric Vehicle Deployment Incentives for a Greener Sector Coupling

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    Various incentives are introduced for the expansion of electric vehicle fleets and electricity generation from renewable energy resources. Although many researchers studied the effect of these policies on the related sector, there is no study investigating the indirect effect of renewable energy incentives on the deployment of electric vehicles or the indirect effect of electric vehicle adoption policies on the long-term integration of renewable energy resources. The main contribution of this paper is to analyze the impact of the specific incentives on both deployment of electric vehicles in the transportation system and investment in capacity generation in the electricity market. For this purpose, a new framework was designed to analyze the effect of policies on the electric vehicle deployment and development of DC charging stations based on the system dynamics approach. Then, this framework was combined with the existing dynamic models of the electricity market to study the interaction and behavior of both coupled systems from the policymakers' perspective. The effect of policies implementation was interpreted in a mathematical framework and the Net Present Value method was used for assessing the investment in charging infrastructures. Simulation results of a case study in the United States and sensitivity analysis illustrate that increasing the wind capacity incentives accelerated the electrification of the transportation system and increasing the incentives for electrification of transportation system influences wind capacity positively. Moreover, the sensitivity of the electric vehicle adoption to gas price is more than the sensitivity of the wind capacity penetration to gas price

    Characterisation of AMS H35 HV-CMOS monolithic active pixel sensor prototypes for HEP applications

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    Monolithic active pixel sensors produced in High Voltage CMOS (HV-CMOS) technology are being considered for High Energy Physics applications due to the ease of production and the reduced costs. Such technology is especially appealing when large areas to be covered and material budget are concerned. This is the case of the outermost pixel layers of the future ATLAS tracking detector for the HL-LHC. For experiments at hadron colliders, radiation hardness is a key requirement which is not fulfilled by standard CMOS sensor designs that collect charge by diffusion. This issue has been addressed by depleted active pixel sensors in which electronics are embedded into a large deep implantation ensuring uniform charge collection by drift. Very first small prototypes of hybrid depleted active pixel sensors have already shown a radiation hardness compatible with the ATLAS requirements. Nevertheless, to compete with the present hybrid solutions a further reduction in costs achievable by a fully monolithic design is desirable. The H35DEMO is a large electrode full reticle demonstrator chip produced in AMS 350 nm HV-CMOS technology by the collaboration of Karlsruher Institut f\"ur Technologie (KIT), Institut de F\'isica d'Altes Energies (IFAE), University of Liverpool and University of Geneva. It includes two large monolithic pixel matrices which can be operated standalone. One of these two matrices has been characterised at beam test before and after irradiation with protons and neutrons. Results demonstrated the feasibility of producing radiation hard large area fully monolithic pixel sensors in HV-CMOS technology. H35DEMO chips with a substrate resistivity of 200Ω\Omega cm irradiated with neutrons showed a radiation hardness up to a fluence of 101510^{15}neq_{eq}cm2^{-2} with a hit efficiency of about 99% and a noise occupancy lower than 10610^{-6} hits in a LHC bunch crossing of 25ns at 150V