1,695 research outputs found

    Growth Responses of \u3ci\u3eAcacia angustissima\u3c/i\u3e to Vesicular-Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Inoculation

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    The response of Acacia angustissima to VAM species (Acaulospora laevis, A. muricata, Entrophosphora colombiana, Glomus mosseae, G. fasciculatum, G. macrocarpum, G. etunicatum, Gigaspora margarita, G. gigantea and Scutellospora heterogama) was evaluated under greenhouse conditions, in a P-deficient clayey Oxisol of pH 5.5. The soil was sterilized at 110oC for one hour each day for three days and reinoculated with a soil microbial suspension free of mycorrhizal fungi spores. The several VAM fungi were effective in increasing DM yield, nodulation, and N and P uptake of A. angustissima plants. The most efficient species were E. colombiana, A. muricata, and S. heterogama

    Characterizing the use of interactive technologies for cognitive rehabilitation in portuguese healthcare institutions

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    The increasing predominance of cognitive deficits following neurological conditions such as dementia and stroke is a major concern in Portugal. Cognitive rehabilitation has been shown to be fundamental to alleviate some of the deficits, but it is not always customized to the specific profile of each patient. More critically, patients typically do not have rehabilitation while they are in the waiting list or after discharge. One way to address these limitations is using interactive technologies specifically designed for cognitive rehabilitation. Their digital nature allows the customization of parameters enabling personalization and adaptation to each patient’s profile, as well as the possibility of quantification of performance. In addition, these tools have the potential to be used at home, allowing patients to continue their rehabilitation and being monitored remotely, alleviating the burden of institutionalization for both patients and healthcare systems. However, before proposing novel technologies, it is imperative to understand current practices, needs, preferences and expectations of health professionals in this domain. For this purpose, we developed an online questionnaire that was distributed among health professionals in Portugal. 116 participants have responded, with 35% reporting having experience in the use of interactive technologies for cognitive rehabilitation. Our results show that health professionals that use these technologies mainly value ease of interaction, diversity of activities, task personalization to the patient’s cognitive profile, and adaptation based on performance. These and other insights will be used to inform the development of novel tools for cognitive rehabilitation in clinical and home settings.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    SDSSJ143244.91+301435.3 at VLBI: a compact radio galaxy in a narrow-line Seyfert 1

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    We present VLBI observations, carried out with the European Very Long Baseline Interferometry Network (EVN), of SDSSJ143244.91+301435.3, a radio-loud narrow-line Seyfert 1 (RLNLS1) characterized by a steep radio spectrum. The source, compact at Very Large Array (VLA) resolution, is resolved on the milliarcsec scale, showing a central region plus two extended structures. The relatively high brightness temperature of all components (5x10^6-1.3x10^8 K) supports the hypothesis that the radio emission is non-thermal and likely produced by a relativistic jet and/or small radio lobes. The observed radio morphology, the lack of a significant core and the presence of a low frequency (230 MHz) spectral turnover are reminiscent of the Compact Steep Spectrum sources (CSS). However, the linear size of the source (~0.5kpc) measured from the EVN map is lower than the value predicted using the turnover/size relation valid for CSS sources (~6kpc). This discrepancy can be explained by an additional component not detected in our observations, accounting for about a quarter of the total source flux density, combined to projection effects. The low core-dominance of the source (CD<0.29) confirms that SDSSJ143244.91+301435.3 is not a blazar, i.e. the relativistic jet is not pointing towards the observer. This supports the idea that SDSSJ143244.91+301435.3 may belong to the "parent population" of flat-spectrum RLNLS1 and favours the hypothesis of a direct link between RLNLS1 and compact, possibly young, radio galaxies.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    Impactos ambientais na agricultura: um método de avaliação de programas tecnológicos.

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    Os métodos de avaliação de impactos de programas tecnológicos revelam-se como ferramenta para a orientação de atividades de pesquisa e participação no processo de inovação. Nesse artigo são apresentados os resultados obtidos no escopo da elaboração e da aplicação do método ESAC para a avaliação integrada de impactos de programas tecnológicos na agricultura. O método procura captar distintas dimensões de impactos (econômica, social, ambiental e formação de competências) e trata de integrá-los numa abordagem multidisciplinar, não linear e essencialmente dinâmica do processo de inovação. São focalizados os resultados obtidos para a dimensão ambiental, a partir da consideração de programas tecnológicos nas áreas de cana-de-açúcar e citros: o Programa de Melhoramento Genético da Cana-de-Açúcar (Procana), que visa ao desenvolvimento de variedades de cana-deaçúcar, e o Programa de Produção de Borbulhas e Mudas Sadias de Citros. Esses resultados foram analisados nos diferentes níveis da estrutura de impactos, verificando as diversas contribuições dos mesmos para o valor final de impacto obtido. A observação não se dá, entretanto, em termos absolutos, mas avaliando uma tendência de impacto ambiental positivo ou negativo dentro de diferentes óticas. Palavras-chave: Os métodos de avaliação de impactos de programas tecnológicos revelam-se como ferramenta para a orientação de atividades de pesquisa e participação no processo de inovação. Nesse artigo são apresentados os resultados obtidos no escopo da elaboração e da aplicação do método ESAC para a avaliação integrada de impactos de programas tecnológicos na agricultura. O método procura captar distintas dimensões de impactos (econômica, social, ambiental e formação de competências) e trata de integrá-los numa abordagem multidisciplinar, não linear e essencialmente dinâmica do processo de inovação. São focalizados os resultados obtidos para a dimensão ambiental, a partir da consideração de programas tecnológicos nas áreas de cana-de-açúcar e citros: o Programa de Melhoramento Genético da Cana-de-Açúcar (Procana), que visa ao desenvolvimento de variedades de cana-deaçúcar, e o Programa de Produção de Borbulhas e Mudas Sadias de Citros. Esses resultados foram analisados nos diferentes níveis da estrutura de impactos, verificando as diversas contribuições dos mesmos para o valor final de impacto obtido. A observação não se dá, entretanto, em termos absolutos, mas avaliando uma tendência de impacto ambiental positivo ou negativo dentro de diferentes óticas

    Public Service Innovation And Evaluation Indicators

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    This paper analyzes innovation in public services with emphasis on the application of evaluation indicators. It considers the clean development mechanism (CDM) projects developed in the Bandeirantes and São João landfills, both located in the city of São Paulo, Brazil. There are two methodological procedures. First, the analysis is based on a multi-agent innovation approach. Second, there is an adaptation of the social carbon methodology (SCM) constructing indicators to assess the social and environmental outcome of landfill CDM projects in order to identify opportunities for innovations in services related to the solid waste sector. The application of the multi-agent model for innovation in public services in the solid waste sector makes it possible to bring together the political actors, service organizations and consumers / users. Equally pertinent is the adaptation of the application of SCM, defining indicators to understand the particularities of the service in the context researched, with regard to seeking opportunities for building new ways to solve specific problems through new institutional and organizational arrangements, involving municipal governments, utility companies, communities surrounding the landfills, collectors of recyclable materials, organized bodies of civil society; and with regard to establishing parameters to guide the objectives of innovation in the public sector. © Universidad Alberto Hurtado, Facultad de Economía y Negocios.8SPL.ISS.2285297Bhatta, G., Don't just do something, stand there!-Revisiting the issue of risks in innovation in the public sector (2003) The Innovation Journal: The Public Sector Innovation Journal, 8 (2), p. 12Bellen, H.M.V., (2006) Indicadores de Sustentabilidade: Uma análise comparativa, , Rio de Janeiro: 1a. ed. Editora FGV(2003) Comissão Interministerial de Mudanças Globais do Clima-CIMGC, , BRAZIL., Resolução n.1 de 11 de setembro de 2003(2011) Comissão Interministerial de Mudanças Globais do Clima-CIMGC, , http://www.mct.gov.br/upd_blob/0215/215186.pdf, BRAZIL, Status atual das atividades de projeto no âmbito do Mecanismo de Desenvolvimento Limpo (MDL) no Brasil e no mundo: Última compilação do site da CQNUMC 31 de janeiro de 2011, [Accessed March 14, 2013](1997) Protocolo de Kyoto à Convenção sobre Mudança do Clima, , http://www.mct.gov.br/upd_blob/0012/12425.pdf, BRAZIL, Editado e traduzido pelo Ministério da Ciência e Tecnologia-MCT com o apoio do Ministério das Relações Exteriores, [Accessed March 14, 2013](2010) Política Nacional de Resíduos Sólidos, , BRAZIL. Lei no 12.305, de 2 de agosto de 2010Bugge, M., Bloch, C., Hauknes, J., Slipersaeter, S., (2010) The public sector in innovation systems, , Module 1-Conceptual Framework, MEPIN projectKoch, P., Hauknes, J., (2005) Innovation in the public sector, , Report no D20. Publin project under the EU 5th Framework Programme. Oslo: NIFU STEPMulgan, G., Albury, D., (2003) Innovation in the Public Sector, Strategy Unit, , London: Cabinet Office Strategy Unit, UK Cabinet Office, October(1993) Organization for economic cooperation and development: Core set of indicators for environmental performance reviewsa synthesis report by the group on the state of the environment, , OCDE, Paris: OCDEPoots, J., The innovation deficit in public services: The curious problem of too much efficiency and not enough waste and failure (2009) Innovation: Management, policy & Practice, 11 (1), pp. 34-43. , AprilPotts, J., Kastelle, T., Public sector innovation research: What's next? 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Instituto EcologicaRodrigues, G.S., Campanhola, C., Kitamura, P.C., An environmental impact assessment system for agricultural R & D (2003) Environmental Impact Assessment Review, 23 (1), pp. 219-244Scoones, I., (1998) Sustainable rural livelihoods: A framework for analysis, (72), pp. 1-22. , IDS working paper, Brighton (UK)(2003) Indicators for Forest Projects, , http://www.socialcarbon.org/documents/, Version 2.1, SOCIALCARBON, [Accessed March 14, 2013](2007) Indicators for Landfill, , http://www.socialcarbon.org/documents/, Version 1.1, SOCIALCARBON, [Accessed March 14, 2013](2008) Industries of the Ceramic Sector, , http://www.socialcarbon.org/documents/, Version 8.2, SOCIALCARBON, [Accessed March 14, 2013](2008) Indicators for Hydropower Plants, , http://www.socialcarbon.org/documents/, Version 4.1, SOCIALCARBON, [Accessed March 14, 2013](2010) Indicators for Micro and Small Scale Hydropower Grouped Project, , http://www.socialcarbon.org/documents/, Version 1.1, SOCIALCARBON, [Accessed March 14, 2013](2010) Indicators adapted for Cakit Hydropower Plant Project, Turkey, , http://www.socialcarbon.org/documents/, SOCIALCARBON, [Accessed March 14, 2013](2010) Indicators adapted for Darica-1 99 MW Hydro Power Plant Project, Turkey, , http://www.socialcarbon.org/documents/, SOCIALCARBON, [Accessed March 14, 2013](2010) Indicators for Fuel Switching Projects, , http://www.socialcarbon.org/documents/, Brazil, version 1, SOCIALCARBON, [Accessed March 14, 2013](2010) Methane avoidance through composting in small and medium sized swine farms, Brazil, , http://www.socialcarbon.org/documents/, SOCIALCARBON, [Accessed March 14, 2013](2011) Indicators for Indicators for Efficient Lighting PoA and Bundled Projects, , http://www.socialcarbon.org/documents/, SOCIALCARBON, Version 1.0 [Accessed March 14, 2013]Stoker, G., Translating experiments into policy (2010) Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 268, pp. 47-58Sundbo, J., (2010) Public-Private innovative networks in services: Does entrepreneurship matter?, , Centre of services studies, Roskilde University, Denmark(2013) Capacity Development for the CDM, CDM projects in the pipeline Analysis and Database, March 2013, , http://www.cd4cdm.org/, UNEP RISOe, [Accessed March 14, 2013](2005) United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, , http://cdm.unfccc.int/, UNFCCC, Project Design Document: Bandeirantes Landfill Gas Project, [Accessed January 15, 2013](2005) United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, CDM Executive Board, , http://cdm.unfccc.int/, UNFCCC, Project Design Document: São João Landfill Gas Project, [Accessed January 15, 2013]Windrum, P., García-Goñi, M., (2008) A neo-Schumpeterian model of health services innovation, pp. 649-672. , Manchester Metropolitan University Business School, Center for International Business & Innovation, Manchester, UK, Research Polic

    Estoque de carbono na serapilheira de cultivos de palma de óleo em sistemas agroflorestais na Amazônia Oriental.

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    O objetivo do trabalho foi avaliar o estoque de carbono na serapilheira em cultivo de palma de óleo em sistemas agroflorestais. O estudo foi realizado no município de Tomé-Açu (PA), em área de agricultor familiar. Dois sistemas de cultivo de palma de óleo foram avaliados, sendo um mais diversificado (Biodiverso) e outro menos (Adubadeiras); estes sistemas foram comparados com uma área de referência representada por uma floresta secundária de aproximadamente 16 anos de idade. As amostras foram coletadas usando-se uma grade metálica cortante com área interna de 0,25 m² em 10 pontos em cada parcela, representados por área de influencia do dendê (D), na entre linhas do dendê ou carreador (C), no enleiramento de resíduos da cultura (E), nas linhas e entrelinhas das outras espécies do SAF (S). As amostras foram processadas e separadas nas seguintes frações: folhas, lenhoso &#8805; 2 mm, lenhoso < 2 mm, miscelânea. Comparando os sistemas o estoque de carbono foi máximo na fração folha com maior média total (1,8625 Mg C ha-1) para floresta sucessional; as frações lenhosa &#8805; 2 mm e miscelânea foram as que apresentaram maior estoque de carbono nos três tratamento