158 research outputs found

    Avaliação do efeito do corte horizontal da copa, com máquina de podar de discos, em pomares de pera “Rocha

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    Current pear pruning making use of pneumatic shears still is a very labour intensive operation. The Proder project “Avaliação da poda mecânica em pomares de pera” was designed to contribute to solutions that would reduce the present dependence in labour and therefore to promote a reduction in pruning costs. This paper shows the results of a trial made to evaluate the influence of mechanical topping in manual pruning complement field work and pear yield. Topping was performed using a Reynolds 6DT 3.0m cutting bar with six hydraulic-driven circular disc-saws mounted in the three point tractor linkage system. The field trial was performed in a commercial orchard with 20 years, planted in an array of 4m x 2m with tree lines oriented in North-South direction. Trees were trained as the central leader system. In this trial, in a randomised complete block design with four replications, two treatments are being compared leading to 8 plots with one line of 14 trees per plot. The treatments tests were: T1 - manual pruning performed by workers using pneumatic shears, in each year; T2 - Topping the canopy parallel to the ground, using a discs-saw pruning machine mounted in a front loader of an agricultural tractor, followed by manual pruning complement performed by workers with pneumatic shears. Tree height and width was measured, before and after pruning. Work was timed and pear yields evaluated. Mechanical topping seems to be effective in the control of tree height, which can contribute to increase 14% of work rates on manual pruning complement. No significant differences in pear yield were found between treatments

    Modeling topologically systemic-functional profiling of handbooks in the grammar space.

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    Embasado nos pressupostos da Lingu?stica Sist?mico-Funcional e da Lingu?stica de Corpus, o presente artigo investiga o modo pelo qual os sistemas gramaticais da ora??o contribuem para a produ??o de significados do texto. Mais especificamente, objetiva construir um modelo din?mico da gram?tica que descreva a produ??o textual no manual de instru??o em portugu?s brasileiro. Uma vez que a l?ngua ? constitu?da de probabilidades de ocorr?ncia de fun??es que comp?em subconjuntos, aos quais se denominam aqui, ? poss?vel descrev?-los ? medida que as fun??es lingu?sticas s?o descritas. Para a modelagem, foi compilado um corpus de manuais de instru??o e analisado segundo os sistemas principais da ora??o. Os resultados mostram como foi poss?vel produzir um modelo, o qual aponta que as fun??es que realizam o manual prototipicamente s?o processo material, relacional e verbal, modo declarativo e jussivo e tema default e perspectiva. Al?m disso, configura-se como uma das formas de generaliza??o das probabilidades maiores de escolhas dos sistemas gramaticais para esse g?nero textual.This paper adopts Systemic Functional Linguistics and Corpus Linguistics to investigate clause grammar systems and their contributions to text meaning-making. More specifically, it aims at building a dynamic model of grammar describing text production in handbooks in Brazilian Portuguese. Language is a probabilistic system of functions and these probabilities form subsets of textual genres. As the language functions are described, genres can be described and modelled in order to understand how functions build their meaning-making. A handbook corpus was compiled and profiled for the main clause grammar functions. The model shows that the prototypical handbook functions are material, relational and verbal process, declarative and jussive mood, and default and perspective theme. Accordingly, it generalizes the most frequent probabilities for choices in grammar systems for the handbook

    Modeling topologically systemic-functional profiling of handbooks in the grammar space.

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    Embasado nos pressupostos da Lingu?stica Sist?mico-Funcional e da Lingu?stica de Corpus, o presente artigo investiga o modo pelo qual os sistemas gramaticais da ora??o contribuem para a produ??o de significados do texto. Mais especificamente, objetiva construir um modelo din?mico da gram?tica que descreva a produ??o textual no manual de instru??o em portugu?s brasileiro. Uma vez que a l?ngua ? constitu?da de probabilidades de ocorr?ncia de fun??es que comp?em subconjuntos, aos quais se denominam aqui, ? poss?vel descrev?-los ? medida que as fun??es lingu?sticas s?o descritas. Para a modelagem, foi compilado um corpus de manuais de instru??o e analisado segundo os sistemas principais da ora??o. Os resultados mostram como foi poss?vel produzir um modelo, o qual aponta que as fun??es que realizam o manual prototipicamente s?o processo material, relacional e verbal, modo declarativo e jussivo e tema default e perspectiva. Al?m disso, configura-se como uma das formas de generaliza??o das probabilidades maiores de escolhas dos sistemas gramaticais para esse g?nero textual.This paper adopts Systemic Functional Linguistics and Corpus Linguistics to investigate clause grammar systems and their contributions to text meaning-making. More specifically, it aims at building a dynamic model of grammar describing text production in handbooks in Brazilian Portuguese. Language is a probabilistic system of functions and these probabilities form subsets of textual genres. As the language functions are described, genres can be described and modelled in order to understand how functions build their meaning-making. A handbook corpus was compiled and profiled for the main clause grammar functions. The model shows that the prototypical handbook functions are material, relational and verbal process, declarative and jussive mood, and default and perspective theme. Accordingly, it generalizes the most frequent probabilities for choices in grammar systems for the handbook

    Fundamentos teóricos-práticos e protocolos de extração e de amplificação de DNA por meio da técnica de reação em cadeia de polimerase.

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    Caracterização molecular dos ácidos nucléicos; Obtenção de amostras para extração de dna; Cuidados durante e após a extração de dna; Material necessário para extração de dna; Extração de dna de amostras de tecidos de mamíferos; Material; Digestão da amostra; Extração do dna com fenol; Purificação do dna por meio de precipitação com etanol; Protocolos empregados na rotina de extração de dna de amostras de sangue; Extração de dna de amostras de sangue com a utilização de colunas de extração; Protocolo de extração de dna de sangue mediante precipitação com sal; Extração de dna de amostras congeladas de sangue; Protocolos empregados na extração de dna de amostras de artrópodes com utilização de colunas de purificação; Protocolo para extração de dna de amostras de carrapatos com colunas de purificação 11; Protocolo de extração de dna de ovos de carrapatos com a utilização de colunas de purificação; Extração de dna de amostras de sêmen; Extração de dna de plantas; Leitura da concentração de dna nas amostras Introdução à tecnica de pcr; Escolha dos primers ou iniciadores; Pcr "multiplex" ; Nested-pcr; Pcr quantitativa; Eletroforese de ácidos nucléicos; Eletroforese em gel de agarose; Variáveis que afetam a migração do dna através do gel de agarose; Protocolo para análise de produtos de amplificação e fragmentos de digestão em gel de agarose; Eletroforese em sistema capilar; Protocolo para análise de produtos de amplificação em sistema capilar; Protocolos de amplificação de dna parasitário; Pcr para babesia bigemina; Nested-pcr para babesia bigemina; Eletroforese em gel de agarose para visualização dos produtos amplificados

    A Case Study of available methodology for the identification of Vulnerable Ecosystems/Habitats in bottom deep-sea fisheries: Possibilities to apply this method in the NAFO Regulatory Area in order to select Marine Protected Areas

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    Information is critical to Ecosystem Approach and to research about Vulnerable Marine Ecosystems/Habitats (VME/Hs), fishing impacts on habitats and ad-hoc management measures are high-priority. Therefore, this paper presents the ECOVUL/ARPA Interdisciplinary Approach, a case study of methodology for the identification of VME/Hs in order to advise on conservation measures such as marine protected areas (MPAs). By means of an interactive process involving Conventional Fisheries Science, Geomorphology, Sedimentology and Benthic Ecology, the methodology developed under the ECOVUL/ARPA project, has been useful in order to contribute to define practical criteria to the identification of VME/Hs, to improve the knowledge about VME/Hs distribution and the adverse impacts of bottom trawl fisheries and to produce high quality advice on habitat protection. Applying an interdisciplinary approach, the project identified the deep-water bottom trawl fishery footprint on the Hatton Bank Western slope (NEAFC Regulatory Area), mapped the main fishing grounds and related seabed habitats and studied the interactions between fishing and cold-water corals. This approach was used to suggest, with high level of precision, the spatial limits of an area closed to bottom fishing, as an essential conservation measure to protect the cold-water corals in the framework of the Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries management. We present here the methods used, the main results obtained and discuss on the utility of this approach and the possibilities to apply it in the NAFO Regulatory Area, with the aim to advise on measures for reducing the interactions of bottom fishing with sensitive high-seas habitats and to contribute to implement the UNGA recommendations about habitat conservation

    'Immunising' physicians against availability bias in diagnostic reasoning: A randomised controlled experiment

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    Background: Diagnostic errors have often been attributed to biases in physicians' reasoning. Interventions to 'immunise' physicians against bias have focused on improving reasoning processes and have largely failed. Objective: To investigate the effect of increasing physicians' relevant knowledge on their susceptibility to availability bias. Design, settings and participants: Three-phase multicentre randomised experiment with second-year internal medicine residents from eight teaching hospitals in Brazil. Interventions: Immunisation: Physicians diagnosed one of two sets of vignettes (either diseases associated with chronic diarrhoea or with jaundice) and compared/contrasted alternative diagnoses with feedback. Biasing phase (1 week later): Physicians were biased towards either inflammatory bowel disease or viral hepatitis. Diagnostic performance test: All physicians diagnosed three vignettes resembling inflammatory bowel disease, three resembling hepatitis (however, all with different diagnoses). Physicians who increased their knowledge of either chronic diarrhoea or jaundice 1 week earlier were expected to resist the bias attempt. Main outcome measurements: Diagnostic accuracy, measured by test score (range 0-1), computed for subjected-to-bias and not-subjected-to-bias vignettes diagnosed by immunised and not-immunised physicians. Results: Ninety-one residents participated in the experiment. Diagnostic accuracy differed on subjected-to-bias vignettes, with immunised physicians performing better than non-immunised physicians (0.40 vs 0.24; difference in accuracy 0.16 (95% CI 0.05 to 0.27); p=0.004), but not on not-subjected-to-bias vignettes (0.36 vs 0.41; difference -0.05 (95% CI -0.17 to 0.08); p=0.45). Bias only hampered non-immunised physicians, who performed worse on subjected-to-bias than not-subjected-to-bias vignettes (difference -0.17 (95% CI -0.28 to -0.05); p=0.005); immunised physicians' accuracy did not differ (p=0.56). Conclusions: An intervention directed at increasing knowledge of clinical findings that discriminate between similar-looking diseases decreased physicians' susceptibility to availability bias, reducing diagnostic errors, in a simulated setting. Future research needs to examine the degree to which the intervention benefits other disease clusters and performance in clinical practice. Trial registration number: 68745917.1.1001.0068