13 research outputs found

    Dual mechanism of brain injury and novel treatment strategy in maple syrup urine disease

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    Maple syrup urine disease (MSUD) is an inherited disorder of branched-chain amino acid metabolism presenting with lifethreatening cerebral oedema and dysmyelination in affected individuals. Treatment requires life-long dietary restriction and monitoring of branched-chain amino acids to avoid brain injury. Despite careful management, children commonly suffer metabolic decompensation in the context of catabolic stress associated with non-specific illness. The mechanisms underlying this decompensation and brain injury are poorly understood. Using recently developed mouse models of classic and intermediate maple syrup urine disease, we assessed biochemical, behavioural and neuropathological changes that occurred during encephalopathy in these mice. Here, we show that rapid brain leucine accumulation displaces other essential amino acids resulting in neurotransmitter depletion and disruption of normal brain growth and development. A novel approach of administering norleucine to heterozygous mothers of classic maple syrup urine disease pups reduced branched-chain amino acid accumulation in milk as well as blood and brain of these pups to enhance survival. Similarly, norleucine substantially delayed encephalopathy in intermediate maple syrup urine disease mice placed on a high protein diet that mimics the catabolic stress shown to cause encephalopathy in human maple syrup urine disease. Current findings suggest two converging mechanisms of brain injury in maple syrup urine disease including: (i) neurotransmitter deficiencies and growth restriction associated with branchedchain amino acid accumulation and (ii) energy deprivation through Krebs cycle disruption associated with branched-chain ketoacid accumulation. Both classic and intermediate models appear to be useful to study the mechanism of brain injury and potential treatment strategies for maple syrup urine disease. Norleucine should be further tested as a potential treatment to prevent encephalopathy in children with maple syrup urine disease during catabolic stress

    Restoration of cognitive and motor functions by ciliary neurotrophic factor in a primate model of Huntington's disease

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    Huntington's disease (HD) is an inherited disorder characterized by cognitive impairments, motor deficits, and progressive dementia, These symptoms result from progressive neurodegenerative changes mainly affecting the neostriatum, This pathology is fatal in 10 to 20 years and there is currently no treatment for HD, Early in the course of the disease, initial clinical manifestations are due to striatal neuronal dysfunction, which is later followed by massive neuronal death. A major therapeutic objective is therefore to reverse striatal dysfunction prior to cell death. Using a primate model reproducing the clinical features and the progressive neuronal degeneration typical of HD, we tested the therapeutic effects of direct intrastriatal infusion of ciliary neurotrophic factor (CNTF). To achieve a continuous delivery of CNTF over the full period of evaluation, we took advantage of the macroencapsulation technique. Baby hamster kidney (BHK) cells previously engineered to produce human CNTF mere encapsulated into semipermeable membranes and implanted bilaterally into striata. We show here that intracerebral delivery of low doses of CNTF at the onset of symptoms not only protects neurons from degeneration but also restores neostriatal functions. CNTF-treated primates recovered, in particular, cognitive and motor functions dependent on the anatomofunctional integrity of frontostriatal pathways that mere distinctively altered in this HD model. These results support the hypothesis that CNTF infusion into the striatum of HD patients not only could block the degeneration of neurons but also alleviated motor and cognitive symptoms associated with persistent neuronal dysfunction