27 research outputs found
Comportement de principaux bioagresseurs et maladies du cotonnier sur les variĂ©tĂ©s Ă©prouvĂ©es de cotonnier (Gossypium hirsutum) sous diffĂ©rentes doses dâengrais Ă AngaradĂ©bou au BĂ©nin
Au BĂ©nin, la filiĂšre coton participe activement Ă lâĂ©conomie   nationale.Quatre nouvelles variĂ©tĂ©s issues du Centre de Recherches Agricoles Coton et Fibres ont Ă©tĂ© testĂ©es au Nord BĂ©nin dans l'optique d'identifier la variĂ©tĂ© la mieux adaptĂ©e. Ces variĂ©tĂ©s ont Ă©tĂ© comparĂ©es Ă la variĂ©tĂ© H 279-1en vulgarisation. Lâobjectif est dâĂ©valuer les  comportements des variĂ©tĂ©s vis-Ă -vis des bioagresseurs et des maladies dans la zone. Le dispositif expĂ©rimental est un split plot Ă six rĂ©pĂ©titions, composĂ© dâun facteur principal reprĂ©sentĂ© par trois doses dâengrais chimique Ă savoir D1 (tĂ©moin) = 150 kg de NPKSB + 50 kg dâUrĂ©e Ă Â lâhectare, D2=200 kg de NPKSB + 50 kg dâUrĂ©e Ă lâhectare et D3= 250 kg de NPKSB + 50 kg dâUrĂ©e Ă lâhectare. Le facteur secondaire est composĂ© de cinq variĂ©tĂ©s : H 279-1, I875-3, E956-2, H769-5 et H782-3. Il a Ă©tĂ© rĂ©vĂ©lĂ© que la pression parasitaire a Ă©tĂ© la mĂȘme au niveau de toutes les variĂ©tĂ©s et ne dĂ©pend pas des doses dâengrais appliquĂ©es. Les variĂ©tĂ©s E956-2 et H782-3 sont moins sensibles Ă la bactĂ©riose que les variĂ©tĂ©s H 279-1, I875-3 et H 769-5 avec des valeurs respectivement de 0,37;0,29; 0,67; 0,68 et 0,59 plants attaquĂ©s sur 10 observĂ©s.Mots clĂ©s: Comportement, variĂ©tĂ©s, engrais chimique, pression parasitaire, ravageurs, bactĂ©riose
Diversité et évaluation participative des cultivars du manioc (Manihot esculenta Crantz) au Centre Bénin
Le manioc est une plante alimentaire qui contribue fortement Ă la sĂ©curitĂ© alimentaire au BĂ©nin. Pour Ă©valuer sa diversitĂ© variĂ©tale, les performances agronomiques, technologiques et culinaires de ses cultivars dans la rĂ©gion centrale du BĂ©nin, 41 villages ont Ă©tĂ© prospectĂ©s. Sous rĂ©serve de synonymie, 107 cultivars de manioc ont Ă©tĂ© recensĂ©s dont 59 Ă©lites. Lâindice de diversitĂ© de Shannon est de 3,78 et traduit une importante diversitĂ© variĂ©tale. Le nombre de cultivars recensĂ©s varie de 3 Ă 26 par village (10 en moyenne). Dans les villages oĂč une perte de diversitĂ© variĂ©tale est notĂ©e, son taux a variĂ© de 6,25 Ă 80% avec un taux moyen de 42,22% par village. Les cultivars Ă produire sont choisis sur la base de 21 critĂšres dont les plus importants sont la forte productivitĂ© (16,37% de reponses), la qualitĂ© et le rendement en gari (15,52% de reponses) et la prĂ©cocitĂ© (13,27% de reponses). Les contraintes de production (9 au total) perçues par les producteurs peuvent etre levĂ©es par lâutilisation des cultivars performants. LâĂ©valuation participative a rĂ©vĂ©lĂ© lâexistence de trĂšs peu de cultivars performants par rapport aux paramĂštres biotiques et abiotiques. La mise en place dâun programme dâamĂ©lioration et de crĂ©ation variĂ©tale est fortement recommandĂ©e pour la relance de la production du manioc au BĂ©nin.Mots clĂ©s : BĂ©nin, critĂšre de prĂ©fĂ©rence, cultivar Ă©lite, diversitĂ© variĂ©tale, Ă©valuation participative, manioc
Perceived nutrition benefits and socio-demographic factors affecting consumption of forest foods in eastern and southern Cameroon
African forests act as sources of both plant and animal foods that
provide significant amounts of nutrients and healthy boosting bioactive
compounds. This study investigated the relationship between knowledge,
perceptions and socio-demographic attributes towards consumption of
forest foods. A total of 279 females in charge of decision making with
respect to food preparation, were randomly selected from 12 villages in
southern and eastern Cameroon, and interviewed using researcher
administered questionnaires. Multivariate logistic regression analysis
was used to identify the socio demographic factors and perceptions
affecting consumption of forest foods. Baillonella toxisperma
(African pearwood) (98%), Irvingia gabonesis (bush mango) (81%) and
Trichoscypha abut (Mvout) (70%) were identified as the most
nutritious foods. Among the animal forest foods, bush meat (11%) and
Imbrasia spp. (edible caterpillars) (10%) were identified as the most
nutritious. Consumption of forest foods was higher among polygamous
families and also positively related to length of stay in the forest
area, as well as age of female respondents. Education had an inverse
relationship with use of forest foods. Perception towards the
nutritional value of forest foods were also found to positively
influence consumption of forest foods. Since negative perceptions were
found to influence consumption, there is need to invest in awareness
campaigns to strengthen the current knowledge levels among the study
population.Les for\ueats africaines sont des r\ue9servoirs d\u2019aliments
v\ue9g\ue9taux et animaux fournissant des quantit\ue9s
importantes de nutriments et compos\ue9s bioactifs stimulants
naturels. La pr\ue9sente \ue9tude analyse la relation entre les
connaissances, les perceptions et les caract\ue9ristiques
sociod\ue9mographiques de la consommation des aliments issus des
for\ueats. Un total de 279 femmes responsables du choix et de la
pr\ue9paration des aliments familiaux ont \ue9t\ue9 choisis au
hasard dans 12 villages du Sud et de l\u2019Est du Cameroun, et
interview\ue9 \ue0 l\u2019aide de questionnaires administr\ue9s
par des chercheurs. L\u2019analyse de r\ue9gression
multi-vari\ue9e a \ue9t\ue9 utilis\ue9e pour identifier les
facteurs sociod\ue9mographiques et les perceptions qui affectent la
consommation desdits aliments. Baillonella toxisperma (Moabi) (98%),
Irvingia gabonesis (mangue sauvage) (81%) et Trichoscypha abut
(Mvout) (70%) ont \ue9t\ue9 identifi\ue9s comme les aliments
v\ue9g\ue9taux les plus nutritifs. Pour ce qui est des aliments
forestiers d\u2019origine animale, la viande de brousse (11%) et
Imbrasia spp. (chenilles comestibles) (10%) ont \ue9t\ue9
identifi\ue9s comme \ue9tant les plus nutritifs. La consommation
des aliments issus des for\ueats \ue9tait plus \ue9lev\ue9e
parmi les familles polygames et positivement corr\ue9l\ue9e \ue0
la dur\ue9e de s\ue9jour dans la zone foresti\ue8re, ainsi
qu\u2019\ue0 l\u2019\ue2ge des femmes interrog\ue9es. Le niveau
d\u2019\ue9ducation avait une relation inverse avec
l\u2019utilisation des aliments forestiers. La perception de leurs
valeur nutritives avait \ue9galement une influence positive sur leur
consommation. \uc9tant donn\ue9 que les pr\ue9jug\ue9s qui ont
longtemps marqu\ue9s ces aliments influencent n\ue9gativement leur
consommation, il est n\ue9cessaire de sensibiliser et de renforcer le
niveau de connaissance des populations \ue9tudi\ue9e sur la valeur
nutritive de ces produits
Perceived nutrition benefits and socio-demographic factors affecting consumption of forest foods in eastern and southern Cameroon
African forests act as sources of both plant and animal foods that
provide significant amounts of nutrients and healthy boosting bioactive
compounds. This study investigated the relationship between knowledge,
perceptions and socio-demographic attributes towards consumption of
forest foods. A total of 279 females in charge of decision making with
respect to food preparation, were randomly selected from 12 villages in
southern and eastern Cameroon, and interviewed using researcher
administered questionnaires. Multivariate logistic regression analysis
was used to identify the socio demographic factors and perceptions
affecting consumption of forest foods. Baillonella toxisperma
(African pearwood) (98%), Irvingia gabonesis (bush mango) (81%) and
Trichoscypha abut (Mvout) (70%) were identified as the most
nutritious foods. Among the animal forest foods, bush meat (11%) and
Imbrasia spp. (edible caterpillars) (10%) were identified as the most
nutritious. Consumption of forest foods was higher among polygamous
families and also positively related to length of stay in the forest
area, as well as age of female respondents. Education had an inverse
relationship with use of forest foods. Perception towards the
nutritional value of forest foods were also found to positively
influence consumption of forest foods. Since negative perceptions were
found to influence consumption, there is need to invest in awareness
campaigns to strengthen the current knowledge levels among the study
population.Les for\ueats africaines sont des r\ue9servoirs d\u2019aliments
v\ue9g\ue9taux et animaux fournissant des quantit\ue9s
importantes de nutriments et compos\ue9s bioactifs stimulants
naturels. La pr\ue9sente \ue9tude analyse la relation entre les
connaissances, les perceptions et les caract\ue9ristiques
sociod\ue9mographiques de la consommation des aliments issus des
for\ueats. Un total de 279 femmes responsables du choix et de la
pr\ue9paration des aliments familiaux ont \ue9t\ue9 choisis au
hasard dans 12 villages du Sud et de l\u2019Est du Cameroun, et
interview\ue9 \ue0 l\u2019aide de questionnaires administr\ue9s
par des chercheurs. L\u2019analyse de r\ue9gression
multi-vari\ue9e a \ue9t\ue9 utilis\ue9e pour identifier les
facteurs sociod\ue9mographiques et les perceptions qui affectent la
consommation desdits aliments. Baillonella toxisperma (Moabi) (98%),
Irvingia gabonesis (mangue sauvage) (81%) et Trichoscypha abut
(Mvout) (70%) ont \ue9t\ue9 identifi\ue9s comme les aliments
v\ue9g\ue9taux les plus nutritifs. Pour ce qui est des aliments
forestiers d\u2019origine animale, la viande de brousse (11%) et
Imbrasia spp. (chenilles comestibles) (10%) ont \ue9t\ue9
identifi\ue9s comme \ue9tant les plus nutritifs. La consommation
des aliments issus des for\ueats \ue9tait plus \ue9lev\ue9e
parmi les familles polygames et positivement corr\ue9l\ue9e \ue0
la dur\ue9e de s\ue9jour dans la zone foresti\ue8re, ainsi
qu\u2019\ue0 l\u2019\ue2ge des femmes interrog\ue9es. Le niveau
d\u2019\ue9ducation avait une relation inverse avec
l\u2019utilisation des aliments forestiers. La perception de leurs
valeur nutritives avait \ue9galement une influence positive sur leur
consommation. \uc9tant donn\ue9 que les pr\ue9jug\ue9s qui ont
longtemps marqu\ue9s ces aliments influencent n\ue9gativement leur
consommation, il est n\ue9cessaire de sensibiliser et de renforcer le
niveau de connaissance des populations \ue9tudi\ue9e sur la valeur
nutritive de ces produits
Physico-chemical characteristics and fatty acid profile of Baillonella toxisperma Pierre traditionally extracted edible oil from Cameroon forests
Baillonella toxisperma Pierre oil is an edible oil obtained from the seeds of wildly growing timber producing B. toxisperma tree species in Cameroon and the rest of the Congo Basin forests of West and Central Africa. This oil can be an important source of fat that can be used as a source of food to humans and/or a source of raw materials in the cosmetics, pharmaceutical and nutraceutical industries, to produce important commercial products. In the present study, samples of the seeds of B. toxisperma were harvested from three representative villages, each from the site in South and East of Cameroon. Seed oil was extracted using the traditional extraction method of B. toxisperma oils in rural Cameroon. Physico-chemical characteristics including colour, refractive index, viscosity, oil yield, acid value, peroxide value, saponification value, iodine value and α-tocopherols and fatty acid composition of crude oil of B. toxisperma nuts were all investigated. The oil yields from these seeds ranged from 38.2% to 45.6%. The peroxide, saponification and iodine values ranged from 2.13 to 2.69mEq/kg, 182.13 to 188.30 mg KOH/g and 54.41 to 57.98 I2g/100g, respectively. The highest acid value and α- tocopherols were 14.87 mg KOH/g and 24.3 mg/100g, respectively. The main fatty acids of Baillonella toxisperma Pierre oils were oleic, stearic and palmitic acids. Linoleic acid contents varied between 58.6% and 56.97%. The ratio of unsaturated to saturated fatty acids content in these oils was 2:1. The fact that the physico-chemical characteristics and fatty acid profile are comparable to common vegetable oils shows that the B. toxisperma oil of the researched species from Cameroon is a potential source of valuable oil which might be used for edible, cosmetic, pharmaceutical and other industrial applications. This characterization is a bench mark for monitoring the quality of Baillonella toxisperma Pierre oil, from Cameroon and can be used to enhance its local and international trade
Is K-O Tab 1-2-3((R)) long lasting on non-polyester mosquito nets?
Many societies use locally sourced mosquito nets made from a variety of materials. For protecting against malaria these require regular re-treatment with insecticide. K-O Tab 1-2-3 is a 'dip-it-yourself' long-lasting formulation with time-limited interim recommendation from WHO for treatment of washed white and coloured polyester nets for up to 15 washes. To determine wash-resistance on different fabrics, nets made of polyester, polyethylene, cotton or nylon were treated with K-O Tab 1-2-3 and washed up to 20 times using standard WHO washing procedures. Efficacy was assessed using cone and cylinder bioassays and tunnel tests, and deltamethrin content using high-pressure liquid chromatography. Polyethylene and cotton nets treated with K-O Tab 1-2-3 and washed 20 times achieved the WHO threshold of >80% mortality in tunnel tests. Polyethylene matched the performance of polyester in all bioassays in contrast to cotton and nylon which produced low mortality and knock-down in cone and cylinder bioassays. After 20 washes 16.5% of the loading dose of deltamethrin remained on the polyester nets compared with 28.7% on polyethylene, 38.9% on cotton and 2.2% on nylon. Cotton nets retained a high concentration of insecticide but the relatively poor performance in terms of knock-down and mortality suggest most insecticide is bound within the cotton fibres rather than on the surface. K-O Tab 1-2-3 renders insecticide wash fast on polyethylene nets, less so on cotton and nylon. Nets made from polyethylene can be treated in the home to render the insecticide long lasting
Evaluation of indoor residual spraying with the pyrrole insecticide chlorfenapyr against pyrethroid-susceptible Anopheles arabiensis and pyrethroid-resistant Culex quinquefasciatus mosquitoes.
Chlorfenapyr is a pyrrole insecticide with a unique non-neurological mode of action. Laboratory bioassays of chlorfenapyr comparing the mortality of pyrethroid-susceptible and -resistant Anopheles gambiae s.s. and Culex quinquefasciatus mosquitoes indicated that operational cross-resistance is unlikely to occur (resistance ratio ranged between 0 and 2.1). Three trials of chlorfenapyr indoor residual spraying were undertaken in experimental huts in an area of rice irrigation in northern Tanzania that supports breeding of A. arabiensis. Daily mosquito collections were undertaken to assess product performance primarily in terms of mortality. In the second trial, 250mg/m(2) and 500mg/m(2) chlorfenapyr were tested for residual efficacy over 6 months. Both dosages killed 54% of C. quinquefasciatus, whilst for A. arabiensis 250mg/m(2) killed 48% compared with 41% for 500mg/m(2); mortality was as high at the end of the trial as at the beginning. In the third trial, 250mg/m(2) chlorfenapyr was compared with the pyrethroid alpha-cypermethrin dosed at 30mg/m(2). Chlorfenapyr performance was equivalent to the pyrethroid against A. arabiensis, with both insecticides killing 50% of mosquitoes. Chlorfenapyr killed a significantly higher proportion of pyrethroid-resistant C. quinquefasciatus (56%) compared with alpha-cypermethrin (17%). Chlorfenapyr has the potential to be an important addition to the limited arsenal of public health insecticides for indoor residual control of A. arabiensis and pyrethroid-resistant species of mosquito
Caractérisation du séchage de certains produits agro-alimentaires
No Abstract Available
j. Rech. Sci. Univ. Lomé (Togo) 2002, 6(1) : 143-14
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Public agriculture investment and food security and nutrition in ECOWAS
Public agriculture expenditure is a significant growth catalyst. However, evaluating the impact of public agriculture expenditure on food security remains scanty. This paper assessed the impact of public expenditure on food security in nine ECOWAS countries using four indicators of food security, one in each dimension (availability, access, utilization and stability). Using a fixed-effect generalized least squares model the study found that public agricultural expenditure has improved. However, this has not translated to an automatic improvement in food security. The levels of stunting and undernourishment were still high in the nine ECOWAS countries. A one-unit increase in public agriculture expenditure was associated with a 0.2% reduction in undernourishment andan improved average dietary energy supply adequacy between 2000 and 2016. The paper concluded that the nine ECOWAS countries have made considerable progress in improving food availability, that public agriculture expenditure by share has increased in the nine ECOWAS countries since the inception of CAADP, with several countries meeting the 10% target of spending on agriculture for several years and that public agricultural expenditure had a positive impact on food accessibility and availability. The analysis could be replicated in the design of national food security investment plans and help identify strategies to accelerate food security and nutrition improvements in African countries