29 research outputs found

    The Indonesian Values Scale: an Empirical Assessment of the Short-Form Scale

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    Culture is an important variable that influences people's behavior. Culture involves several elements, such as language, myth, ritual, custom, artifact, law, and values. However, values are known as the most important elements in describing culture. In 2011, a survey was conducted in Jakarta, Bandung, Semarang, and Surabaya with 2,000 respondents to identify current Indonesian values. The results showed that Indonesian values could be operationalized with 35 items and seven dimensions of mutual assistance: democracy, religion, harmony, hospitality, religious fanaticism, and individualism. On the other hand, the extensive number of Indonesian values items (i.e., 35 items) may have several practical problems, such as longer questionnaires and sample requirements. Therefore, a short-form scale of Indonesian values is needed to enhance the understanding of Indonesian culture through its values. This research aimed to provide a short-form instrument for understanding Indonesian values. Specifically, this research explores psychometric assessments, including the dimensionality, reliability, and validity of the original and short-form scales of Indonesian values. In 2013, a survey with more than 1,000 questionnaires was distributed in Jakarta, Tangerang, Bandung, Semarang, and Surabaya. This research produced a short-form scale of Indonesian values that involves 13 items and the three dimensions of religion, democracy, and harmony. This paper provides an analysis of the data, a discussion of the findings, research limitations, and directions for future research

    Prediksi Penggunaan Aktual E-Toll Card Dengan Pendekatan Persamaan Model Struktural

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    . The purpose of this study is to examine the relationships between variables in predicting the actual use of innovation services. The variables in this study include resistance to change, perceived value, attitude towards innovation services, the intention to use the innovation services, and innovative personality. Data collection techniques in this study conducted by questionnaire with non-probability sampling method. The number of respondents was 212 respondents. Data was then analyzed by Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). Results showed that three out of five hypotheses are supported. Those hypotheses include the intention of a significant predictor of the use of innovation services. Intention itself is also influenced by the attitude towards innovation services. The perceived value is a significant predictor of the attitude towards innovation services. However, the results showed that the resistance to change and innovative personality is not a significant predictor of the intention to use the innovation services. This study also provides research limitations and suggestions for further research

    Pengaruh Model Problem Based Learning (PBL) terhadap Kemampuan Pemecahan Masalah Matematis Siswa pada Materi Sistem Persamaan Linier Tiga Variabel di Kelas X

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    In the learning process students often do not understand the math problem being worked on, so the steps for solving it are not appropriate. This is caused by the students' mathematical problem solving abilities which are still low and the learning model used by the teacher is still not appropriate for students' mathematical problem solving abilities. This study aims to determine the effect of the Problem Based Learning (PBL) model on students' mathematical problem solving abilities on the material system of three variable linear equations in class X. This study used a quantitative method with a quasi-experimental research type and used a Pre-test Post-test Control Group Design. The population of this study were all students of class X and the sample was taken by Cluster Random Sampling with 2 classes, namely the experimental class (X-1) and the control class (X-2). The instrument used is a description test of 5 questions and observation. This data analysis uses prerequisite test and hypothesis test with t-test. From the results of the study, the average Post-Test value of the experimental class was 78.68 and the average Post-Test value of the control class was 70.74. Judging from the average value of students' mathematical problem solving abilities between the experimental class and the control class, it can be concluded that the Problem Based Learning (PBL) model has a higher influence than conventional learning. Based on the hypothesis test using the t-test, the result is that tcount>ttable=2.123>2.016 with a significant level of 5%, then H0 is rejected and Ha is accepted. So that it can be concluded that there is an influence of the Problem Based Learning (PBL) model on students' mathematical problem solving abilities in the three-variable linear equation system material in class X

    Peranan Ekolabel Dalam Niat Pembelian: Suatu Studi Empiris Pada Merek the Body Shop

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    This research aims to assess the relationship between behavioral variables on the environment: ecolabel awareness, trust, ecolabel knowledge, ecolabel availability, and environmental concerns of intention to buy. Data was collected through questionnaires with non-probability sampling method which included a total sample of 230 respondents. Hypothesis testing was conducted by applying Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). The results shows that there are six out of ten supported hypotheses and four unsupported hypotheses. The six hypotheses supported are (1) there is positive relationship between attitude and trust in buying environmentally friendly product, (2) there is positive relationship between ecolabel awareness and ecolabel attention, (3) there is positive relationship between ecolabel awareness and intention to buy, (4) there is positive relationship between trust in buying environmentally product and ecolabel attention, (5) there is positive relationship between trust in buying environmentally product and intention to buy, and (6) there is positive relationship between ecolabel availability and ecolabel attention. This research also contributes theoretical contributions, managerial implications, and recommendations for further researc

    Mengurangi Atau Menghilangkan Zat Toksik Dari Biji Saga Dengan Cara Sangan, Goreng, Atau Pressure Cooking

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    Based on previous rat feeding experiments it was concluded that the saga bean contains a toxic principle in the oil fraction which cannot be destroyed by the simple process of household boiling in water. Three kinds of heat treatments with temperatures higher than that of boiling water, were applied to the sagabeans, viz. roasting, deep frying and pressure-cooking. The so-treated sagabeans were incorporated into experimental rat diets for a Protein Efficiency Ratio study, with and without supplementation with methionine and threonine. Comparing the results obtained with boiled, completaly defatted sagabeans, the present experiments by heat treatments reduce or very probably eliminate the toxic principle

    An Unknown Toxic (or Anti-nutritive) Substance in the Saga-bean

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    Biji saga (Adenanthera pavonina Linn), tergolong Leguminosae, dilaporkan dimakan oleh sego­longan penduduk antara lain di daerah Pati (Jawa Tengah), sebagai makanan selingan "snack ". Penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kadar protein dan kwalita* protein biji saga terkupas hampir sama dengan protein biji kedelai. Kulit luar dan dalam biji saga merupakan kira-kira 55 % dari berat kotor, berbeda dengan kacang kedelai dengan angka antara 20 - 25 %. Percobaan dengan anak tikus putih muda yang diberikan makanan mengandung biji saga menun­jukkan adanya suatu "toxic factor". Berbeda dengan "toxic factor" yang juga ada pada kacang-kacangan lain, seperti kacang kedelai, "toxic factor" biji saga tidak dapat dihilangkan dengan perebusan dalam air selama l\u27/> jam. Keterangan lebih banyak mengenai sifat toxin ini belum diperoleh. Perlu diadakan penelitian lebih lanjut untuk mendapatkan cara sederhana untuk menghilangkan zat toksik tersebut bila biji saga akan dipertimbangkan sebagai makanan manusia di pedesaan

    Pencegahan Risiko Jatuh Pada Lanjut Usia Melalui Latihan Rentang Gerak

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    Jatuh merupakan penyebab terjadinya injury sehingga penderita harus masuk ke rumah sakit. Penurunan fungsi system muskuloskeletal pada lanjut usia merupakan bagian dari faktor risiko intrinsic yang menyebabkan lanjut usia mudah untuk jatuh. Latihan rentang gerak akan meningkatkan flexibilitas sendi dan kontraksi otot. Tujuan kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini adalah sebagai upaya pencegahan risiko jatuh pada lanjut usia melalui demonstrasi latihan rentang gerak . Sasaran khalayak dari pengabdian masyarakat ini adalah para lanjut usia di panti werdha taman bodhi asri Medan. Pelaksanaan pengabdian masyarakat ini dilakukan pada bulan juni 2023 dengan kegiatan latihan rentang gerak pada persendian leher, bahu, siku, pergelangan tangan, jari tangan, dan pergelangan kaki. Hasil: Penilaian yang di dapat dari latihan rentang gerak ini pada setiap lanjut usia sangatlah bervariasi. Kesimpulan: Kegiatan ini  mendapatkan respon positive, dimana para lansia terlibat dalam latihan  ini. Latihan yang dilakukan secara berulang-ulang dan terus menerus akan meningkatkan flexibilitas sendi dan kekuatan otot sehingga menurunkan faktor risiko intrisik terjadinya jatuh pada lanjut usia. Disarankan agar sebelum dan setelah melakukan latihan rentang gerak perlu di monitor tanda-tanda vitalnya oleh karena aktivitas dapat berdampak kepada perubahan tanda-tanda vital lanjut usia

    Predicting Intention to Purchase Counterfeit Products: Extending the Theory of Planned Behavior

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    This research was designed to test the ability of an extended theory of planned behavior (TPB) to predict purchase intention of counterfeit products. Value consciousness and past behavior are variables that added into the TPB. Three hundred and fifty respondents completed the research questionnaires. Questionnaires were distributed to respondents by email and drop-off/pick-up method. The data then analyzed using structural equation modeling (SEM). All Hypothesis were supported. This research also provides the managerial implication and suggestion for future research