340 research outputs found

    Distribution of phytobenthos along the coast of Lebanon

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    A phytosociological study of the phytobenthos was carried out along the coast of Lebanon during 1996-97. Samples were collected seasonally at six sites, some of which showed distinct pollution signature. Quadrates of 0.04 m-2 were taken at selected stations fixed on transects perpendicular to the rocky shore and covering the supralittoral, the mediolittoral and infralittoral zones. The taxonomic composition, the abundance and species diversity of algal community were analysed in relation to environmental factors. A total of 230 taxa were identified during the period of survey. Several sources of pollution, resulted in the reduction of macroalgae biomass and of the taxonomic diversity. Several Indo-Pacific species were found within the different phytocoenoses of the area; most of them were introduced into the Levantine Basin through the Suez Canal. These species, that were introduced into the Eastern Mediterranean, formed permanent populations; some of them were highly spread and dominated over other endemic species or even they replaced them

    The Effect of School Head Competency and Motivation on Teacher Performance (Study on Elementary School Sub District Wenang, Manado City, Indonesia)

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    This research aimed to describe and analyze: 1) the effect of school principals' competencies on teacher performance, 2) the effect of motivation on teacher performance, and 3) the effect of the principal competence and motivation simultaneously on the performance of State Primary School Teachers in Wenang District, Manado City. Survey method was implemented with qualitative approach. Population unit were 162 teachers. Research sample were 62 teachers which randomly selected from 162. Questionnaire with Likert scale was the technique used to collect the data. Testing the hypothesis were using simple and multiple correlation analysis.The result of data analysis showed that: 1) there was effect of school principals' competencies on teacher performance, 2) there was effect of motivation on teacher performance, and 3) there was effect of the principal competence and motivation on the performance of State Primary School Teachers in Wenang District, Manado City.Based on these conclusion, it could be recommended that: 1) hopely, this research can be useful as a contribution of thought in the effort to develop the science of education management, especially in relation to the competence of principals and motivation with teacher performance, 2) hopely, this research can be used as input to other educators in Wenang Subdistrict, Manado City in the context of developing and fostering teacher performance in the future. Keywords: principal competence, motivation, teacher performance. DOI: 10.7176/JEP/10-14-01 Publication date:May 31st 201

    Strengthening of Wood-like Materials via Densification and Nanoparticle Intercalation

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    Recently, several chemical and physical treatments were developed to improve different properties of wood. Such treatments are applicable to many types of cellulose-based materials. Densification leads the group in terms of mechanical results and comprises a chemical treatment followed by a thermo-compression stage. First, chemicals selectively etch the matrix of lignin and hemicellulose. Then, thermo-compression increases the packing density of cellulose microfibrils boosting mechanical performance. In this paper, in comparison with the state-of-the-art for wood treatments we introduce an additional nano-reinforcemeent on densified giant reed to further improve the mechanical performance. The modified nanocomposite materials are stiffer, stronger, tougher and show higher fire resistance. After the addition of nanoparticles, no relevant structural modification is induced as they are located in the gaps between cellulose microfibrils. Their peculiar positioning could increase the interfacial adhesion energy and improve the stress transfer between cellulose microfibrils. The presented process stands as a viable solution to introduce nanoparticles as new functionalities into cellulose-based natural materials

    Sempadan dan pertikaian pemilikan tanah adat di Sarawak

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    Pertikaian pemilikan tanah adat secara jelasnya berpunca daripada tiga faktor utama iaitu status, kesahihan pemilikan dan keluasan sebenar tanah yang dimiliki. Konflik masyarakat berhubung dengan perkara tersebut boleh dikaitkan dengan cara informasi tanah diperoleh. Kebanyakan pemilik tanah adat mendapatkan informasi tanah milik mereka secara lisan iaitu melalui informasi mulut ke mulut. Hal ini akhirnya menjadi satu cabaran yang besar kepada masyarakat apabila timbul pelbagai anggapan dan intepretasi yang berbeza berkait dengan status dan kesahihan tanah adat yang dimiliki. Justeru kajian ini menelit i maklumbalas pemilik tanah adat berhubung dengan cara penentuan sempadan tanah dalam kalangan masyarakat Bidayuh di daerah Serian Sarawak. Selain itu kajian juga memberikan perhatian terhadap pertikaian persempadanan tanah adat serta impilkasinya dalam kalangan pemilik tanah adat. Maklumat yang berkait dengan tujuan kajian telah diperoleh melalui FGD serta temuselidik mendalam dengan pemilik tanah adat di kawasan kajian. Hasil kajian mendapati wujud beberapa cara penentuan sempadan dalam kalangan pemilik tanah. Sehubungan itu, dapat dirumuskan bahawa pertikaian tanah di kawasan kajian banyak didorong oleh isu status dan kesahihan pemilikan tanah yang dimiliki oleh pemilik tanah adat. Bagi mengurangkan konflik maka dicadangkan agar tanah-tanah yang ada dibuat sukatan oleh juruukur bertauliah. Apabila tanah telah disukat, pemilik tanah akan memperoleh surat hakmilik tanah yang lebih jelas dari segi status dan kesasihan pemilikan


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    ABSTRACTIntersection of capture fisheries activities and offshore oil and gas exploitation occurs because they use same areas. Restricted zone at 500 meters radius from oil and gas platform has both positive and negative impacts to ecological, social as well as economic. This condition triggers negative perception and social conflict from fishers community. This paper aims to describe coexistence impact and benefit of both capture fisheries and oil & gas platform, identify stakeholders involved and determine management recommendation. Northern coast of West Java-Indonesia is selected as case study location. The qualitative descriptive, stakeholders identification and gap analysis from Focus Group Discussion (FGD) are undertaken as the method of this study. The qualitative descriptive method is used to describe the positive and negative impact of coexistence between capture fisheries and oil and gas platform. Method for identifying stakeholders is used a continuum of stakeholders from the macro to the micro level. Determination of management recommendation is arranged with gap analysis. Restricted zone at 500 meters radius from oil and gas platform plays as a conservation zone for fishes, and increases productivity of fishers, but it is still triggered negative perception from fishers. Thirteen stakeholders are identified. They have the role and function to manage coexistence of both activities. Management approach should focus on regulation, ecology, social and economic aspects. Role and function played by 13 stakeholders will make both activities go with harmony.Keywords: coexistence, oil & gas platform, capture fisheries, stakeholders-------ABSTRAKKegiatan pertambangan migas di lepas pantai (offshore) seringkali bersinggungan dengan kegiatan penangkapan ikan, karena menggunakan perairan yang sama. Larangan bagi nelayan memasuki zona terlarang hingga radius 500 meter dari bagian terluar anjungan migas menimbulkan dampak positif dan negatif baik secara ekologi, sosial maupun ekonomi. Kondisi ini seringkali memunculkan persepsi negatif dan dapat meningkat menjadi konflik sosial. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengelaborasi manfaat keberadaan masing-masing kegiatan (ko-eksistensi), menentukan stakeholders terkait dalam pengelolaan dan menentukan rekomendasi pengelolaan ko-eksistensi kedua kegiatan. Makalah ini mengangkat studi kasus di perairan pantura (pantai utara) Jawa Barat. Metode yang digunakan yaitu deskriptif kualitatif, stakeholder analysis dan gap analysis yang bersumber dari Focus Group Discussion (FGD). Deskriptif kualitatif untuk memaparkan manfaat positif-negatif kedua kegiatan serta persepsi nelayan terhadap keberadaan anjungan migas di laut. Stakeholders diidentifikasi berdasarkan tingkatan kesatuannya dari level makro hingga mikro, serta gap analysis untuk merumuskan rekomendasi pengelolaan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa keberadaan anjungan dan zona terlarang dapat menjadi kawasan konservasi sumber daya ikan, namun memunculkan persepsi negatif dari nelayan dan berpengaruh positif terhadap produktivitas penangkapan. Kajian terhadap stakeholders menunjukkan bahwa terdapat 13 stakeholders yang memiliki peran dan fungsi dalam mengelola kondisi ko-eksistensi antara kegiatan penangkapan ikan dengan keberadaan anjungan migas ini. Pendekatan pengelolaan dengan fokus pengelolaan pada aspek regulasi, ekologi, sosial dan ekonomi dengan pelaksanaan peran dan fungsi masing-masing stakeholders dapat menjadikan kegiatan perikanan tangkap dan keberadaan anjungan dapat berjalan secara selaras dan bermanfaat secara ekologi, sosial dan ekonomi.Kata kunci: ko-eksistensi, anjungan migas, penangkapan ikan, stakeholder


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    ABSTRACTIntersection of capture fisheries activities and offshore oil and gas exploitation occurs because they use same areas. Restricted zone at 500 meters radius from oil and gas platform has both positive and negative impacts to ecological, social as well as economic. This condition triggers negative perception and social conflict from fishers community. This paper aims to describe coexistence impact and benefit of both capture fisheries and oil & gas platform, identify stakeholders involved and determine management recommendation. Northern coast of West Java-Indonesia is selected as case study location. The qualitative descriptive, stakeholders identification and gap analysis from Focus Group Discussion (FGD) are undertaken as the method of this study. The qualitative descriptive method is used to describe the positive and negative impact of coexistence between capture fisheries and oil and gas platform. Method for identifying stakeholders is used a continuum of stakeholders from the macro to the micro level. Determination of management recommendation is arranged with gap analysis. Restricted zone at 500 meters radius from oil and gas platform plays as a conservation zone for fishes, and increases productivity of fishers, but it is still triggered negative perception from fishers. Thirteen stakeholders are identified. They have the role and function to manage coexistence of both activities. Management approach should focus on regulation, ecology, social and economic aspects. Role and function played by 13 stakeholders will make both activities go with harmony.Keywords: coexistence, oil & gas platform, capture fisheries, stakeholders-------ABSTRAKKegiatan pertambangan migas di lepas pantai (offshore) seringkali bersinggungan dengan kegiatan penangkapan ikan, karena menggunakan perairan yang sama. Larangan bagi nelayan memasuki zona terlarang hingga radius 500 meter dari bagian terluar anjungan migas menimbulkan dampak positif dan negatif baik secara ekologi, sosial maupun ekonomi. Kondisi ini seringkali memunculkan persepsi negatif dan dapat meningkat menjadi konflik sosial. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengelaborasi manfaat keberadaan masing-masing kegiatan (ko-eksistensi), menentukan stakeholders terkait dalam pengelolaan dan menentukan rekomendasi pengelolaan ko-eksistensi kedua kegiatan. Makalah ini mengangkat studi kasus di perairan pantura (pantai utara) Jawa Barat. Metode yang digunakan yaitu deskriptif kualitatif, stakeholder analysis dan gap analysis yang bersumber dari Focus Group Discussion (FGD). Deskriptif kualitatif untuk memaparkan manfaat positif-negatif kedua kegiatan serta persepsi nelayan terhadap keberadaan anjungan migas di laut. Stakeholders diidentifikasi berdasarkan tingkatan kesatuannya dari level makro hingga mikro, serta gap analysis untuk merumuskan rekomendasi pengelolaan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa keberadaan anjungan dan zona terlarang dapat menjadi kawasan konservasi sumber daya ikan, namun memunculkan persepsi negatif dari nelayan dan berpengaruh positif terhadap produktivitas penangkapan. Kajian terhadap stakeholders menunjukkan bahwa terdapat 13 stakeholders yang memiliki peran dan fungsi dalam mengelola kondisi ko-eksistensi antara kegiatan penangkapan ikan dengan keberadaan anjungan migas ini. Pendekatan pengelolaan dengan fokus pengelolaan pada aspek regulasi, ekologi, sosial dan ekonomi dengan pelaksanaan peran dan fungsi masing-masing stakeholders dapat menjadikan kegiatan perikanan tangkap dan keberadaan anjungan dapat berjalan secara selaras dan bermanfaat secara ekologi, sosial dan ekonomi.Kata kunci: ko-eksistensi, anjungan migas, penangkapan ikan, stakeholder

    Task Division amongst the Iban Farming Community within Men and Women in Kuala Tatau, Sarawak, Malaysia

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    Gender issues have always been the centre of attention when it comes to the study of farming activities in rural areas.This article aims to study the task division amongst the Iban men and women farmers in the dry rice paddy fields by the coast of Kuala Tatau, Sarawak. The method chosen in the course of this study was the qualitative research method by interviewing and discussing amongst focus groups and also observing the farmers in Sungai Semanok and Kuala Serupai. The outcome of this study was that most women worked full time in the paddy fields, whereas men work part time as contract workers to support the family’s household expenses. The men would only help the women when performing physical demanding tasks such as spraying pesticides in large quantity, transporting large amount of paddy, performing the manggul1ritual and paddy harvesting. For married farmers who works full time in the paddy fields, the men would seek for extra income by fishing or working as a contract worker as soon as they have completed work in the paddy fields, especially during waiting period for the burning, seedling and paddy harvesting and also when the harvest seasons end. This task division also was practice at home, especially for threshing and cleaning of the paddy from its dregs and processing it into rice. In conclusion, the task division amongst gender has always been divided according to the difficulty of the task, distance and private-public domains
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